
Planned their funerals

"I miss your chocolate milkshake Shireen." Olivia pouted.

"Me too, as well as your tuna sandwich." Rain made puppy faces.

"God, you guys just came here to eat!! " Crystal groaned at her friends antics.

"What... Shireen is the best chef, sorry to crush your ego she is better than you." Rain stuck her tongue out.

"Oh well, next time don't ask me to cook for you! Both of you!!! " she then pointed her finger towards Olivia who was busy giggling along with Shireen.

"No worries children, I'll just go and make it right away. Andrew, honey.... " she gazed at her husband who was watching baseball game.

"Yes darling... " his eyes were still fixed on the television screen.

Shireen narrowed her eyes, "I think it's better if you come inside the kitchen and join me."

Andrew rubbed his neck and groaned, "Oh C'mon... I'm so tired, let me... "

"Sleep in the guest room... Oh right then.. " Shireen completed his sentence making Andrew's eyes go wide, before he hurries and follows his wife like a sick puppy in love.

"Gosh! Aren't they just adorable!!! " Olivia watches the old couple with aww.

"Can't believe Andrew still got active hormones... " Rain makes faces.

"I heard that..... " Andrew's voice rang out from the kitchen.

"Hahahaha. It was meant to be heard.... " Rain grins evilly.

"Leave my poor grandpa out of this... " Crystal chided.

"Love you darling... " Andrew said loudly from the kitchen.

"Now, don't eavesdrop on their conversation, get me the milk from the fridge." Shireen orders her husband.

The girls laugh and make their way towards Crystals room.

"So... how was it? " Olivia asked carefully, reading Crystals expression.

"Better than I expected. " she said biting her lips.

"No, you are lying.. " Rain said.

"How do you... "

"Because you are biting your lips.. " Olivia said.

"We know you very well, Crystal." Rain smiled softly.

"That you both do... " Crystal smiled at her best friends.

"Okay, so we know what happened inside the conference room. We both saw it."

"Hmm... How did you feel to see Orlando." Crystal asked curiously.

"Now dear, don't change the topic. We want to know what happened after the conference... "

"We saw Watson following you out... What happened then?" Olivia asked.

Crystal pursed her lips, feeling her heart beating faster than usual.

"He wanted one more chance. He said he won't give up fighting for me."

"And you believe him...?" Oliva asked carefully, they know she got her asthma attack followed by her conversation with Watson.

"I don't know." Crystal gazed outside the window

"and I don't want to know."

"You know, you can't stay much away from him now that you have taken over the company." Rain reasoned with her.

"Can't I guess. But I'll not let him affect me." Crystal crossed her arms around her chest in confidence.

Olivia and Rain both shared worried looks.

"You got asthma attack again, Crystal. He is definitely affecting you."

"That's because I ran fast into the elevator, just after drinking a glass full of water."

"Don't give us that excuse, Kiki. We know you... " Rain patted her shoulder.

"And now they know it too... The boys saw, when Will... " Olivia voice trailed when Crystal cried out in frustration.

"Oh god! why!! Now they'll start digging more.... I was hugging Will, I didn't notice them. What if Watson destroys Will... What will... "

"Calm down, Crystal!" Olivia made her sit on her bed.

Rain got her a class of water, "Please relax. Take deep breaths"

Crystal take few deep breathes and closes her eyes.

"You are still afraid of Watson's words.... It still haunts you." realization hits Olivia.

Rain looked worriedly over Crystal who sighed and looked away.

"You know Crystal, don't let that words haunt you. You have moved past it. And I promise you, he'll never hurt Will."

"And besides Will can protect himself. The boys can't take him down." Olivia assures her.

"I was being stupid. I don't know but seeing him again after all these years. I have a bad feeling....

I just can't... " Crystal gazes at her wrecked tattoo, which was marred with scars.

"These scars are proof that you can withstand any obstacle in life. Just believe in yourself." Olivia holds Crystals hand.

They stay in comfortable silence, after sometime Rain clears her throat and moves towards the important topic.

"You have to stay here with your grandparents. Many people will have eyes on you now. Even the boys... We cannot risk them seeing our quarters.

Right now, Olivia and I will only be staying in the quarters, you'll be here." Rain states.

Crystal groaned, "But I'll miss you both... "

"Don't worry, Olivia will come out soon... and besides we'll keep visiting you. It's just you can't come back to quarters now."

"Wait!? I'll come out soon...? " Olivia was confused.

"Yes. On Saturday!! "

Both the girls groan, Rain has already planned their funeral...


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