
Chapter 4( Realization)

What is happening here, Lady laughs and goes to the mirror and shows her.

Rachel was shocked to see in the mirror as she can see a small 10 years old girl and nice fluffy cat with her but the strange think was something weird creature was sitting on her back and weird cat was seating on the Fluffy cat, but when Rachel was looking at her, she was crooked woman and a crooked Cat. Rachel is crying and asking her, what do you want from me and lady reply "nothing, I already took what I wanted from you" Rachel asked ' What! What! What you have taken from me and suddenly she can see that crooked woman is turning in to a girl and the cat is looking fluffy and when Rachel sees the Mirror, she saw that creature is sitting on her back and when she starts feeling herself, now she became a crooked Rachel and crooked cat. Rachel asked her, what you have done to me. And she replied, don't worry once new guest will come here in this house with cat, you have to give her the soup and show her in the mirror than you will be free from him. Rachel asked her. When new guest will come. Girl replied. I don't know I am still leaving in the 3.09 time. I will come to know once I will go out of the house. Soup recipe is mentioned in the kitchen mirror; Make sure you have all the ingredient.

little girl -I am Sorry.

When she opened the door, She became old lady at least 80 Years old.

Rachel understood that she is trapped and now she will never go back home