

LOCATION: CELESTIAL COUNCIL   Timeline: A year after the main events of TRIALS OF AN AUTHOR A large empty conference like room could be seen as it emitted gold mystical energies from its golden walls. A large gold round table appeared with four gold chairs around it. Suddenly, an entity appeared on a chair. One after the other, the twin, red and blue entities appeared on the chairs. An elevated platform also appeared with a bigger chair endowed with both silver and gold. Different colour of energies began seeping out of the walls of the room to form a humanoid being who sat on the chair which levitated up. “We have all seen what has happened in the first verse and I am very pleased with our progress. Now, we need a different approach, a science based powerhouse I suppose,” the Supreme Emmanuel said as the other entities nodded. “Magic has a weakness, it consumes too much energy and is logic defying, but a science based powerhouse that can go toe to toe with a magic user is highly improbable without some kind of tragedy or a massive driving force,” the blue entity reasoned and everyone nodded in agreement. “Adrenaline can act as a driving force for the powerhouse,” the red entity spoke but the twin entities looked lost in thought. “Then the powerhouse would be a villain to its range but a hero in the long run?” the twin entities said concurrently. “Yes, we must procure change. Not everyone is a hero at the beginning and not everyone is a hero forever. So, do we agree on a villain as the powerhouse of the Particle Verse?” the Supreme Emmanuel asked but everywhere remained silent. “It would be more fitting for our reputation as a strong verse if a hero is our powerhouse but we can bring a villain as a powerhouse for now,” the blue entity reasoned and the other entities agreed this time. “So it is agreed, a villain will feature in our next event/story and this time it will be limited to 3 episodes in contrast to the fifteen episodes of TOAA. And the powerhouse shall be called, Crocodilo,” the Supreme Emmanuel said and one of the twin entities opened a portal which showed a 40 year old man walking on the road when he fell down with no explanation. “Sickness in the Particle verse increases the brains IQ but reduces life span. Now we watch as this story takes its course. Merry Christmas,” Supreme Emmanuel spoke as darkness encompassed the realm.

Emmy_Spark · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Crocodilo Chapter 1: Unrestricted Mutation











The Christmas song played on the background as it was Christmas Eve and everyone was setting Christmas ornaments or decorations within and outside their houses.

A 40 year old man wearing a black tuxedo with crutches strapped to his arm pits was walking through an alley when a group of teenage thugs surrounded him.

"Merry Christmas old man, what do you got for us today," one of the teenagers said.

"I'm sorry but I didn't bring any money with me," the man pleaded with them but they only got angrier.

One of the teenagers yanked one of the crutches away which made the man lose balance and fall with a heavy thud.

"If you've got nothing for us, we've got something for you," another boy said and they picked sticks from the floor and began to hit him with it.

"Ow,"the man screamed as the sticks kept hammering his weak body painfully.

Two identical twin 15 year old boys were passing past the alley when they heard screams.

"Ray, Isn't that Professor Donut's voice?"One of the boys asked while looking around trying to depict where the screams were coming from.

"Yeah Seth, it sounds exactly like him and he sounds like his in trouble," Ray replied and he and Seth dashed to the alleyway only to find Professor Donatus (Donut) still getting beaten by the thugs.

"Hey leave the professor alone," Ray shouted and the thugs turned to them.

"Take care of him," one of the teenage thugs said and one of the thugs dashed to Seth and Ray.

Seth immediately gave space between him and Ray as the thug foolishly ran in their middle and the twins sent a punch at each side of his head instantly knocking him out.

"Who's next?"Ray asked as the thugs scurried away leaving Professor Donatus on the floor.

"Professor, we're sorry we didn't come sooner," Seth said as he and Ray raised Professor Donatus up.

"That isn't a problem. I'm glad you came just in time," Professor Donatus said as Seth and Ray supported him on their shoulders.

"Where are we going?"Ray asked as they went out of the alley.

"My house," Professor Donatus replied as they flagged a cab for him.



Professor Donatus sat on a chair with a green serum in a vial placed on his hands.

A camera was positioned facing him as it began to video the Professor.

"After a year of suffering a mutated strain of leukemia, I have finally created a chemical which generates its own unique blood forming tissues and cells and also increases the regenerative speed of cells. The serum, which I named the Crolex serum's regenerative abilities was gotten mainly from the genes of a crocodile. It can hypothetically increase the speed at which humans replicate their cells by more than 50 folds. But it's still in its experimental stage and I will perform the experiment, on myself. If successful, my leukemia would be cured and I would heal faster than anything the world has ever seen," Professor Donatus said as he collected the serum into a syringe and kept on the table.

"To avoid any mishap, I will be restrained for 20mins which is the time the restraining chains will automatically release me," he said and chained his two hands with two silver chains connected to the wall. A robot with one eye, two hands and tires as its leg picked the syringe and slowly pierced it into the Professor's skin.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh," Professor Donatus shouted as the serum was transferred into his body. The serum swam its way into his heart as visible green travelling lines could be seen clearly on his body.

His once weak legs began straightening up as the serum continued its work. His eyes suddenly started enlarging as his body began turning pale green.

"What's happening to me?"The Professor shouted in extreme pain as his once delicate skin began turning hard. His neatly trimmed fingers began growing into sharp talons.

The professor kept shouting as his eyes started to have a shade of green while his flowing hair began to fall off his head and scaly green tail began coming out of his back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh," Professor Donatus screamed as talons also crept out of his toes.


Only heavy breathing could be heard in the room as a heavily built creature with hard green scales, sharp talons and a big green scaly tail lay on the floor with its hands still chained. He yanked the chains off his hands and they shattered.

"Rrrrrrrrr," the creature roared and jumped so high its head pass through the ceiling and went out of the house.

"O my god, look at that," a man said pointing at the creature. People began running away as the creature roared loudly. It began running on all fours really fast as the sound of sirens could be heard.

News reporters began gathering as they began to video it the incident.

"Breaking news on paranormals, a big humanoid crocodile beast has been spotted in New York wrecking havoc on properties," a reporter said as the creature leapt from one building to the other until it reached the roof of a high skyscraper.

A helicopter arrived at the scene as the cops on the ground took the civilians away from the vicinity.

"Put our hands.... Or talons in the air or we will open fire," the pilot said but the creature only roared back.

The helicopter then opened fire at the creature but the bullets had no effect as its scales were very thick and strong. The creature roared and leapt to the helicopter. It ripped the rotating fan out of its place causing the helicopter to crash into the skyscraper which in turn caused an explosion which threw the creature away. It could have fallen off the skyscraper but help onto the side of the building. It looked at its image reflected in the glass building and its eyes widened in shock.

"Crocodilo," it said and subconsciously released its hold on the building as it fell freely towards the ground.

"Crash," Crocodilo landed on the hard road as its body buried into the ground, making a large hole on the ground.

Crocodilo leapt out of the hole and landed on the ground. A cop fired some bullets at it but the bullets bounced off. Crocodilo walked towards the cop and grabbed him.


Cop:*shouting*Please don't eat me ahhhh

He shouted as Crocodilo chopped his head off with his mouth and swallowed it. Crocodilo ripped the man's body to shreds when a rocket hit him with great force.

BOOM! Crocodilo was sent crashing into a building. An 18 year old guy wearing a metallic armour with a rocket launcher on his shoulders jumped from a damaged car while throwing the launcher away

Two AK 47 guns were strapped to his side while two samurai swords were strapped to his back. He had a vest which held high grade weapons and grenades. Two RPG's were on his hands as he walked towards the building.

Slash: Hey dude, come out come out.

Slash the mercenary said as he kept moving towards the building, stopping at the entrance.

Crocodilo: Its Croc, Crocodilo

Crocodilo said with its deep voice as it growled. Slash paused as he waited for Crocodilo to show up.

Crocodilo burst out of the building unannounced and collided with Slash, flinging him away as he crashed on a brick wall, shattering it.

Slash: Target looks like a crocodile but calls itself Crocodilo. Main abilities are super human strength and very durable skin.

Slash groaned as he picked the RPG's and stood up. He pointed it at Crocodilo who was looking at him with its green eyes.

He fired the first shot but Crocodilo tanked it as usual. It began charging towards him as Slash kept firing with no effect. Crocodilo tried to slash Slash with its talons but he was faster to dive away. Slash threw the RPG's away and began firing Crocodilo with the AK 47's. This had more effect as the beast was pushed by the force. Crocodilo shrugged the force of the guns off and bull dozed Slash with so much force he was sent flying hundreds of meters away.

Slash: backup needed urgently.

He gnashed his teeth in pain as his left arm was bent to the other side while his left leg was completely dislocated. He heard a growl and raised his head to see Crocodilo running on all fours with full force. Just as it was about to bounce on him, a rocket exploded on its face and it crashed some distance away. A black van pulled over close to them and different people wearing black tuxedos trooped out with laser guns in their hands.

Agent: Take him to the van.

Some agents carried Slash into the van while others went to the direction which Crocodilo was.

Crocodilo was a little stunned by the rocket and stood on his feet weakly. The agents pointed their lasers at him as Crocodilo roared loudly.

Agent: Fire!

All agents fired at Crocodilo as the lasers affected him more than the bullets and penetrated his thick scales a little. Crocodilo roared and used his tail to hit some agents away and slashed the rest with its talons. It was about to eat an agent alive but Slash weakly held a machine gun at the roof of the Van and fired bullet shaped lasers at Crocodilo which surprisingly penetrated his thick scales but not too deep. Crocodilo's eyes widened in shock as it roared painfully. Crocodilo leapt onto a building and continued jumping from one building to the other when another helicopter intercepted it and began firing more lasers at it.

Crocodilo: roarrrrrrr

Crocodilo uprooted a dish from a building and threw it at the helicopter, shattering it in mid air. Smoke began to seep out of its injured leg as it ran away from the scene with one last roar.