
Crazy Billionaire Couples

Rose Mangan,a lady that could make any man crave for a taste of her. She got everything a man could ever dream of in a lady. Because they are all after one thing in her and that is her body not her love. An incident happened at the steakhouse she work at which almost got her rape.

DivinePeace · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Ryan suddenly fell down and Olivier burst into laughter.

"Ryan"Rose called.

"Who is weak now,baby face?"Olivier laughed.

"How could you shoot him?"Rose yelled.

"I only shot him once and he's down"Olivier smiled.

"B@*tard,how could you do that?"Rose yelled as tears rushed down from her eyes.

"Take her to the car, tonight is gonna be hot"Olivier said, going close to Ryan's body.

"What did you want to do to him again?"Rose struggled with the guy holding her.

"I just want to kill him dear"Olivier smiled.

"Bastard stay away from him"Rose yelled,she stepped on the guy's foot very hard, which made the guy let go of her.

"Argggg!"He screamed, holding his foot.

Rose pushed the guy away and ran toward Olivier,she jumped on his back and they both went down.Rose started hitting Olivier's head till the guy came to carry her away from Olivier.

Olivier stood up in anger.

"B**ch are you out of your mind"Olivier slapped her twice.

"I think you're dying first"He pointed the gun at her and Rose smiled.

"Why are you smiling?"Olivier asked.

"Boss your back!"The guy screamed, frightened.

Olivier turned back and saw the standing Ryan in his front.

"Don't you ever think of hurting her"Ryan punched him and his lips burst.

"Youuuu"Olivier point the gun at Ryan

"Do you really wanna die?"Ryan kicked the gun away from his hand and grabbed his neck.

"I don't want to kill you"Ryan said and placed a knife on Olivier's neck.

"Tell your dog to let go of her,if you don't want your blood to be shed all over this place"Ryan said.

"Never"Olivier yelled.

Ryan placed the knife closer on his neck, cutting it a bit.

"I will really kill you"Ryan said.

"Let go of her"Olivier sighs.

"Are you sure boss?"The guy said.

"Are you deaf,I said let her go"Olivier yelled.

"Okay boss"The guy let go of Rose.

She quickly ran toward Ryan and stayed beside him.

"The next time you try this,I won't mind killing you"Ryan said and pushed him away.

"Damn You, remember this the next time I see you again I will be killing you that day"Olivier said.

"And you, don't think you have escape from me,I will find you, kidnapped you, rape you and kill you"Olivier pointed at Rose.

"Just lay a finger on her,and your family will be mourning about your death"Ryan said and Rose held Ryan's hand closely.

"I don't have a family,let go"Olivier said and left with his last boy.

"Rose, are you hurt?"Ryan asked, staring at her.

"No"She let go of his arms.

"What about you"

"I'm fine"

"But your leg is still bleeding from the shot earlier"Rose cried.

"Hey don't cry,I'm going to be fine once we go to the hospital"Ryan said.


"Have you seen your friend?"He asked.

"Yes"Rose nodded.

Ryan sat down on the ground and took off his shirt.

"What are you doing,why did you take it off?"Rose sat beside him.

"I want to stop the bleeding a bit"Ryan tied his shirt around his bleeding leg and stood up.

"Done,let's go to the hospital"Ryan said.

"Okay"Rose stands up and they both walk toward the car.

They got in and drove off.


The doctor came out of the ward and Rose ran toward him.

"How is he doing, doctor?"Rose said.

"We successfully removed the bullet for his leg,he is fine now"The doctor said and Rose signed in relief.

"You can go and check on him,he is currently asking for you"The doctor left.

Rose quickly entered the ward and met Ryan receiving a call, immediately he saw her and he hung up.

"You are here"Ryan smiled.

"Yeah,who are you speaking with?"Rose asked.

"The cops"He replied.

"Ohh! Why"

"I asked them to arrest those guys I beat up earlier and check the steakhouse if anybody is injured"Ryan said.

"Okay,there is a dead body in the steakhouse,Mary is just a worker there,that bastard killed her and he also did this to you"Rose folded her fist.

"There is no need to get angry,we will find him soon with the information we are going to get from his boys"

"Okay"Rose smiled and dragged a chair close to Ryan's bed.

"Get better soon, stubborn Ryan"Rose sat on the chair.

"I'm fine,I will be getting discharged tomorrow morning"

"And I'm not stubborn"Ryan said.

"You are stubborn"Rose said.

"No I'm not "

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"You are stubborn, assuming you have followed me to the steakhouse you won't have landed in the hospital"Rose said.

"It would have been worse if I followed you, because that guy would have shot me immediately he set his eyes on me"Ryan said.

"But why did he want to kill you so badly,he is actually after me"Rose said.

"Didn't you heard what one of his boys said to him earlier,the guy said boss he is the guy that punched you the other day,so I'm sure he want to get revenge for stopping him for raping you that night"Ryan said.

"Yes, you're right"Rose hit Ryan's bandaged leg.

"Rosee"Ryan screamed.

"My leg"

"I'm sorry,I'm so sorry"Rose apologized.

"Wait a minute,why am I apologizing,I thought you said you are fine"Rose hit his bandaged leg again.

"Stop it Rose"Ryan screamed.

"I'm in pain,"Ryan said.

"Should I call the doctor?"Rose said.

"No, I'm fine"Ryan asked.

"Are you sure you're fine?"Rose hit his leg again.

"No"He screamed.

"Let me quickly call the doctor"Rose said.

"No,Rose, stop torturing me"Ryan said and she smiled.


"I think it's time for us to start our plan"Elena said.

"Yeah,who do you want to kill first?"Simon asked.

"That b*tch Rose"Elena smiled putting Simon's d**k into her mouth.

"Suck it faster Elena,Faster"Simon slapped her @*s.


"She is supposed to be here by now"Daniella fumes in anger.

"Calm down, she is going to be here soon"Andrew said.

"Andrew don't you understand what my sister is trying to do"

"I don't"Andrew said.

"She is trying to come home late so she won't be able to eat dinner"Daniella said.

"I'm sure of it"

"They might have a lot of customers at the steakhouse tonight, maybe that is the reason why she hasn't come home yet"Andrew said.

"Okay and why are you not eating?"Daniella asked.

"Ohh! That"

"Hmm,I'm waiting for Daisy to come home so we can all eat together"Andrew smiled.

"Are you lying"

"No"Andrew replied.

"But it gonna get cold"

"I know"

"Are you trying not to eat the food I cooked?"Daniella said.


"Then you better start eating"Daniella said.

"I will when Daisy gets back from work"Andrew said,the door opened slowly and Daisy walked in.

" Perfect timing"Daniella smiled.

"Bad timing"Andrew said sadly.

"Sis,are you trying to come home late,so you won't be able to eat the food I prepared?"Daniella said.

"Daniella not this time I'm tired"Daisy sat on the couch.

"What happened to you Daisy,your face looked red"Andrew said.

"Andrew"Daisy called and burst into tears.
