

When Li Yu saw that she looked fine, he decided to stop being a light bulb and walked out. He hoped the boss the best of luck. When he reached outside, a fight took place.

However, Wang Wei and Ying Yue were still  unaware that WW3 just took place outside in the hallways between Di Yu and Li Yu.


Since Ying Yue was injured, Wang Wei took the medicine that was on the counter and began to feed it to the girl in his arms. At first she struggled, but she began to accept his closeness overtime. She obediently drank the medicine that Wang Wei spooned up. When she finished, she began to feel drowsy.

Wang Wei, seeing that the girl in his arms getting sleepy, he patted her head.

When Ying Yue felt the gentle pats on her head and arms hugging her protectively, she felt secure and went off to dreamland.

Seeing that Ying Yue fell asleep, Wang Wei felt relieved. It seemed like she had begun to trust him.

Wang Wei himself was just as exhausted as Ying Yue. Every since his Angel appeared, he had not gotten a wink of sleep. Although he did not believe in God, he kept praying that his Angel wakes up. He vowed to himself that he will find and destroy everyone who had once hurt her.

He looked at the girl in his embrace one last time before kissing her forehead tenderly and sweetly. "I will be here for you Angel. Since the day you intruded in my life, you have belonged to me."

Wang Wei leaned his body on the hospital bed's headboard and adjusted the sleeping Angel's position so she is more comfortable. He glanced at her lips before lowering his head and tendering placing his thin lips on her plump ones. It lasted for a few seconds. He finally released her lips and stared at her once again.

Wang Wei: "Angel, you are mine now! No one will take you away from me!"

After he made this declaration, he closed his weary eyes and drifted to sleep for the first time in many nights.


The two figures sleeping had no idea that their closeness caused a sensation. Outside the hospital bed, Di Yu had contacted Wang Wei's parents and told them the situation. Mother Mo immediately rushed to the hospital in a hurry. Father Mo just shook his head while looking at his wife leave him for gossip.


When Mother Mo arrived at the hospital, Di Yu was already waiting outside for her. Li Yu had long escaped, fearing to be dragged along with their gossip. When Mother Mo was directed to the hospital room, she looked through the small window on the door and almost squealed like a child.

Her emotionless soon was hugging a girl. She wanted to do her happy dance at the thought of a daughter-in-law. She just couldn't wait for little buns to hug. In her mind, she was already telling Wang Wei to get the girl pregnant quickly.

Father Mo looked on as his wife was overly excited. Sigh. His son finally grew up and found his true love. At least now he knew that his son wasn't a gay. He also wanted little buns, and he only had this one son, so all hopes were pinned on him.

Ying Yue, unknowingly, had already been accepted by Wang Wei's parents.

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