

We are sitting for breakfast and today he decided to sit next to me.

“I see your date went very well. The feedback from the press is great.” Mr. Manroe senior says.

“That is good news father we tried very hard even though it was difficult.” Mr. Manroe says, and I feel a slight feeling of hurt. It was hard for him.

“Yeah, it was extremely difficult, but we did it” I add hoping to spite him, but I was just being silly because he feels nothing for me.

“That is what family is all about, sacrifices. Henry, Liam, and Kai, I hope you are learning from your brother.”

Jordan’s POV

Even though I should be focusing on the fact that I am back on my parent’s good graces I was focusing on the words ‘extremely difficult.’ Am I that bad? Can she not stand me?

I think she sees me as some kind of monster and that has never bothered me before with anyone, but it is really bothering me that she thinks I am extremely difficult to be with. I just said difficult, but she made it seem like she was babysitting a wayward toddler.

“So, when are you going to confess your feelings to her?” My brother Liam asks. We are sitting away from everyone in the garden, so I do not get defensive when he asks me that.

“What feelings? That I strongly dislike her I do not think she wants to hear that” I say hoping to fool him, but I know I failed.

“You can act with anyone Jordan even her but not me I know you like her. You will not admit it but let me just say this one day you will have to let her go so will you bear seeing her with another if you can do that, I leave you alone, but I know you can’t”

He is right I cannot bear to see her with another I had a fit of jealousy when I saw her for a second with another man.

Noe’s POV

Mrs. Manroe called me to the garden, and it is the garden on the other side because Mr. Manroe and his brother are at the one close by. I am not used to walking this far I am used to my grubby little apartment. Life here definitely takes getting used to. The world-class chefs and mixologists, the huge rooms, bathtubs, gigantic gardens, and fancy décor. It is not my first time brushing against such luxury and last time it did not end well.

“Welcome to my favourite part of the house well next to the spa but still my favourite, the rose garden.”

“It is incredibly beautiful”

“I know darling. Now to why I called you here, I want you to know that you are a friend of the Manroe’s and there are benefits to staying on our good side I noticed we have been going on and on about the consequences of crossing us. Today I am going to show you what it is like to live on the good side of life.”

“What are we doing?”

“Go get dressed and come to the front okay”

“Okay, I will be there.”

I wonder what we are doing or where she is taking me. I get to my room, and I find a champagne-coloured cocktail dress on my bed. It is a fancy shimmery dress, and I cannot wait to wear it.

I get to the parking lot, and it looks like a luxury car dealership. I am waiting for

Mrs. Manroe and I am shocked by what I see when she comes. She usually wears a two-piece skirt and blazer from what I have seen and today she is wearing a red cocktail dress which shows off a lot of cleavage by the way and to be honest she looks smoking hot. She even has her hair down which I do not think is usual for her. We get into the car which she is driving.

“So where are we going” I ask, and she looks at me with a smirk.

“My favorite place in the world.”

“Where is that?”

“You’ll see.”

We get to the place, and it is a huge, gold with multiple fountains. I read the sign and it turns out it is a casino.

“Ready? And don’t worry it is all on me you don’t have to worry about money. Just have fun.”

We get inside and I am overwhelmed by the amount of gold and white. There were all kinds of slot machines and card games. It looked like a scene out of an action, heist movie.

“The aim here is to get drunk out of our minds and waste money.” Mrs. Manroe says.

“So, shots?” I say and she grabs my hand, leads us to the bar and orders eight shots; four for each.”

“Tell me who exactly is Elizabeth?” Mrs. Manroe asks as we drink cocktails after taking down four shots

“In what way? There are way too many things about me to say.”

“I mean your personality, hopes, dreams and aspirations. I only know you from your file which can tell me everything about you, but I want to hear it from you”

“What does my file say about me?”

“Well, all about your birth, chaotic childhood and general information and more but as I said I want to hear it from you”

“My chaotic childhood huh. I do not think any file could efficiently cover that.”

“I also had a not-so-great childhood. People think I had it easy, Elaine Winfred Manroe the spoiled b*tch but for everything I had when I was younger, I paid for it emotionally. My mother was an alcoholic and my dad a sex addict so that was stellar.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that must’ve been hard.”

“Yes, it was, and it also explains my protective attitude towards family I would do anything to protect my family. I apologize for being so hard on you earlier but when it comes to my family

I have no friends.”

“It is okay I understand.”

“I guess you are not really protective over your family considering how they have treated you.”