
Chapter 1

"I hate it when I am being looked down on," I said. "Coming from someone who does what she hates best" Amanda chipped in. "Sometimes, I do wonder if you are my friend or my foe" I glared at her piercingly. I left with my books to the other side of the tree to have my private time devoid of my friend's presence. It was a harmattan period. The period people's lips get chapped by a harmattan kiss and Their faces become ashy, but only when they do not apply a body balm that I came to know as "Vaseline." The heavy breeze blew some leaves on the ground, which swept beneath my legs. "Here you are." That was the least of the voice I wanted to hear now. "Louis, don't you have eyes? Can't you see I am reading for crying out loud? Gush! No manners at all. You lack manners" "But, I just wanted to read with you and...." I couldn't wait for him to finish his words, I stood up abruptly, took my books forcefully from the seat and glared at him meancingly, before stomping my feet on the ground out of the school garden. "Today is indeed a terrible day" I soliloquized in bitterness. I walked towards the hall that paves way for students to meet the principal's office. The principal office has a neat polish of light brown colour and well-arranged furniture that complements the interior decoration of light brown and a stride of grey as the decoration. The room exudes an aura of elegance and beauty Then, to my classroom which is already filled with nuisances and noise from the bullies. I opened the door to my classroom and moved towards the seat that specially belongs to me. "This is the class that has no teacher in it," I said mildly. "My dear friend" Amanda stretched her hand towards me and gave me tight hug that I am already used to. "I heard there will be a party at Jane's house tonight, will you be coming, miss?" That has always been the Amanda I knew. Hugging you first, before disposing her request on you. I felt a little obliged to concede to her indirect demands. "I will seek a permission from my parent before I take any action, you of all people know that" I interjected. She adjusted her self closer to me, and whispered "l know that you obey your rules more than anyone else, including your dear mum." She responded nonchalantly, and laid a coarse emphasis on "your-dear-mum." I instantly stared maliciously at her. "Let me get a cup of coffee at the coffee shop near the school canteen, I will be right back" she said hastily, attempting to avoid my cold gaze on her. She hurriedly left my side at a blink of an eye. I stretched my hands to get my book, that was at the edge of the desk but made a halt when l heard a voice from behind. "Rhoda, can I seat close to you?" I immediately formed a fist, then dropped it on my desk. The sound that echoed from the collision of my fist and the desk left some of my classmate in shock and awe. "Can you please let me be?" I slowly placed my hand on my head, intending to control the fury building itself gradually in me. "The girl retraced her steps a little away from me, but she was still in shock of the reaction I gave to her words. " And by the way, I don't mingle with low lives like you. Just take note!" I yelled. It was then I noticed the attention given to me by my classmates present. "I could really command attention with my words" l proudly mumbled.

I left for my home, after the dismissal bell was rung. Amanda dragged my hands from nowhere and said "I will like to see you at the party." She stepped backwards waving at me expecting a reciprocal wave from me, which never came. I reached home after few hours of boarding a vehicle home. "The home-driver said you left school without giving him a prior notice. Is that true?" My mum's voice startled me. "Oh my goodness! Mum must you startle me like that? I am home already, and that is what is important!" I ran towards the steps, without giving a second look to my mum. I reached my room, with rage fuming in me. I reached for the door knob, shuffled it a little bit, and the next second the door opened. My room Is dominantly purplish in colour. I used purple colour because that is my best colour, but sternly despise yellow, which is my worst colour ever. My curtain is a slanted and thick one made from a silk and of course purple in colour. My room is adored in a magnificent way, but arranged in a simple way. I slumped on my bed. I opened my eyes only to discover that I have been sleeping all these while. I stretched my hands to get my phone under my pillow. "The time is incorrect." I stretched my head to the other side of the bed, I saw a plate kept neatly at my mini dining table. Just immediately, my stomach made noise. I made way for the food that has been waiting for me, for sometime. I devoured the food in the space of one hour. The sweetness of the food left me hungry for more. I took the plate with me to get more food. On reaching the door, l made a halt. "I will rather stay hungry than ask for more plates. That will make me look like a pauper" immediately I said this, I slammed my plate on the floor. "Rhoda is everything alright? Should I come honey?" My mum's voice sounded from the living room. "I can take care of my self, don't act like you care." I went on to my reading table, expecting a maid to come clean the mess, but none came. My door creaked a little, and it opened, revealing a dark skinned woman in her mid thirties in a bubu dress, with a hair-tie to match. She has an oval face, a little lips that is well- chiseled with a natural pink colouration. That is my mum. She packed the pieces on the floor to the waste bin that was inside my room."Is there anything wrong dear. You can tell me anything." She said calmly. "I will rather paint my room yellow, than seek succour from you!" I retorted. She stood up and left the room. I collapsed on my bed. Then my stomach made a rumbling sound. "Must you voice out" I said angrily.