
Further Manipulating Ichinose Honami

A shadow of caution flickered across Ayanokoji's face. "However, Ichinose-san," he said, his voice flat, "this plan hinges on several factors. We need Ryuen's loyalists to be receptive, and we need to ensure they can secure the points before the new leader acts."


Ichinose deflated slightly. The weight of the gamble settled back on her shoulders. "I understand," she murmured. "It's a calculated risk."


Ayanokoji nodded curtly. "Indeed. But if this fails…" He paused, his gaze drifting outwards towards the darkened window.


"There's another option," he continued, his voice low. "A backup plan, so to speak."


He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "Fortunately, Class C possesses a significant number of students with a surplus of private points. If we pool their resources, acquiring the required amount wouldn't be entirely impossible."


Ichinose's eyes widened in surprise. The idea of Class C, known for its apathy and individualism, contributing such a hefty sum seemed outlandish.


"But… but wouldn't that jeopardize your own class?" she stammered, a flicker of concern coloring her voice. "What about the 20 million point requirement for Class C? Wouldn't helping us hinder your ability to save your own students?"


He shook his head dismissively. "Class C is… different," he said, a hint of something melancholic flickering in his eyes. "There are… individuals who contribute little to the class's overall progress. They might even be considered… liabilities."


Ichinose fell silent, absorbing his words. Each class, she realized, had its own internal struggles, its own unique set of challenges. "I see," she whispered, a newfound understanding dawning on her. "I understand that each class has its own priorities and issues."


Ayanokoji nodded curtly, then met her gaze with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "Besides," he murmured, his voice a low rumble, "there's a… personal incentive at play here."


His hand reached out, his fingers brushing against hers before gently cupping her cheek. Ichinose felt a jolt go through her, her breath hitching in her throat. His touch was light, almost teasing, yet it sent a wave of heat through her body.


"I want you to owe me, Ichinose-san," he continued, his voice barely a whisper. "I want you to be… grateful. Perhaps even… like me a little more."


His words sent a blush creeping up Ichinose's neck. His gaze, unwavering and intense, held her captive. Her heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat echoing in the silence of the room.


His other hand slipped under her school uniform shirt, gently caressing the soft skin of her waist. A gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of surprise and a blossoming awareness of desire deep within her.


"Helping you," he murmured, his voice husky, "achieves that goal. It creates a bond, a debt you owe to me."


Ichinose blushed furiously, a soft moan escaping her lips as his touch intensified. The plan, the intimacy, it was all happening so fast, yet a strange sense of surrender washed over her. "I… I believe you, Ayanokoji-kun," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "I… I will forever be your ally, someone who listens and acts on your words."


Ayanokoji's eyes had a hint of satisfaction evident in them. His hand moved lower, caressing the gentle swell of her chest. A moan escaped Ichinose's lips, her entire body trembling under his touch.


"But still…I can't help but wonder… wouldn't the students of Class C be… wouldn't they be angry?" Ichinose stammered, her voice barely audible. "Wouldn't they object to helping Class B?"


Ayanokoji shook his head calmly. "Don't worry about that, Ichinose-san. Fortunately, Class C students generally hold a neutral, if not positive, view of Class B. Persuading them wouldn't be too difficult."


He explained his plan further, detailing the various incentives he could offer his classmates to motivate them to contribute. The prospect of acquiring favors would likely sway many of them.


Ayanokoji released his hold on her waist, his expression unreadable. He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers, a contemplative look in his eyes.


"However," his voice broke the silence, flat and devoid of emotion, "there's a question I need you to answer honestly, Ichinose-san."


Ichinose straightened in her chair, a flicker of apprehension crossing her features. "A question?" she echoed, her voice barely a whisper.


"Indeed," Ayanokoji continued. "Don't you feel… manipulated? Used, even? This entire situation – me offering help in exchange for your loyalty."


He held her gaze, his eyes devoid of warmth, searching for any sign of resentment beneath the flush on her cheeks. "Don't you see me no better than Nagumo, exploiting this crisis for personal gain?"


Ichinose hesitated, her blush deepening. But then, to Ayanokoji's surprise, a smile bloomed on her face.


"Actually," she stammered, her voice barely audible, "I… I don't mind."


Ayanokoji's sharp eyes narrowed slightly. He hadn't anticipated this response. "Don't mind?" he echoed, his voice devoid of inflection. "Explain yourself."


Ichinose bit her lip, her fingers nervously twirling a stray strand of hair. "Well," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "it's because… I like you, Ayanokoji-kun. A lot."


A flicker of amusement, perhaps, crossed Ayanokoji's features. "You like me," he repeated, his voice neutral. "And because of that, you're… content with being manipulated?"


Ichinose blushed even further, her voice laced with a barely suppressed moan. "N-not exactly manipulated," she stammered. "I… I wouldn't mind it if you used this situation a little bit more to your advantage. To be… bolder with me."


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity flickering in his eyes. "Bolder?" he repeated, his voice low and deliberate. "How bold exactly?"


Ichinose's cheeks burned a crimson red. "M-much bolder," she mumbled, burying her face in her hands, a muffled moan escaping her lips.


The unexpected confession, tinged with a hint of desperation, piqued Ayanokoji's interest. He leaned forward in his chair, his gaze locking onto hers.


"Very well," he murmured, his voice a husky whisper.


Ayanokoji's hand moved with surprising swiftness. His fingers replaced the gentle caress with a firm pinch on the soft swell of her breast. A gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of shock and a burgeoning arousal that she couldn't deny.


His touch became bolder, his hands roaming freely over her exposed waist and back. The cool air on her skin heightened the sensitivity of his touch, sending shivers down her spine.


Ichinose moaned softly, her earlier words suddenly taking on a new meaning. This wasn't about manipulation anymore. This was about a raw, primal desire awakened in her by Ayanokoji's unexpected aggression.


With a trembling hand, she reached for the buttons on her school uniform shirt. One by one, she unfastened them, the fabric falling away to reveal the lacy white bra beneath.


Her breath hitched as Ayanokoji's eyes flickered down to her chest. In a move that surprised even her, she flung the unbuttoned shirt aside and pressed her body against him.


Ayanokoji grunted in surprise as he stumbled back slightly, landing on the edge of his bed. Ichinose, fueled by a sudden surge of boldness, pushed him down, her body willingly molding itself against his.


His hands, calloused but surprisingly gentle, continued to explore her exposed body. He cupped her face, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her. His lips hovered tantalizingly close to hers, his breath warm against her skin.


In that moment, the weight of the exam, the future of Class B, and even Ayanokoji's true motives faded into the background. All that remained was the intoxicating intensity of the moment, the heat of her own desire, and the enigmatic boy who had ignited it within her.


Ayanokoji's hand lingered on Ichinose's heated skin, his fingers tracing idle circles against the lace of her bra. Her boldness, a stark contrast to her usual demeanor, surprised him, yet a hint of something akin to amusement flickered in his eyes.


"However," he began, his voice devoid of emotion, shattering the passionate moment, "there's a practical concern."


Ichinose pulled back slightly, her breath ragged. "A concern?" she echoed, a flicker of worry crossing her features.


"Indeed," Ayanokoji continued, his voice flat. "Your… popularity."


He leaned back, his gaze sweeping across the room, seemingly detached. "Imagine," he murmured, "if the student body, particularly the male population, discovered our… intimacy."


A blush, a vibrant crimson, crept up Ichinose's cheeks. The image of jealous stares and angry whispers sent a shiver down her spine. After all, Ayanokoji was right. Her popularity transcended class boundaries. It wasn't just her stunning looks, but her genuine kindness that made her beloved by all.


"It… wouldn't be good," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.


"Precisely," he said, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "Your admirers wouldn't be happy to see you… entangled with someone like me."


Ichinose's heart skipped a beat. Was he implying… he cared about what others thought? Yet, his usual emotionless expression betrayed nothing.


"I… I wouldn't mind," she mumbled, her voice barely audible. "In fact, I wouldn't mind having a public relationship with you, Ayanokoji-kun."


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, a flicker of genuine surprise crossing his features. "Wouldn't mind?" he echoed.


"Well," she confessed, her voice gaining confidence, "sometimes it's frustrating. Everyone likes me, but no one truly… sees me."


Ayanokoji's gaze remained steady. "And I?"


"You…" Ichinose stammered, her cheeks burning hotter. "You… do see me, don't you?"


He leaned closer, his lips brushing against her ear. His voice, a low whisper, sent shivers down her spine. "Perhaps your popularity is precisely what drew me in."


The revelation stunned her. Was he… attracted to her fame? A surge of anger, playful and unexpected, bubbled within her.


With a playful punch to his chest, she pouted. "That's mean, Ayanokoji-kun!" she exclaimed.


He responded with a playful swat on her buttocks, the sound echoing softly in the room.


"Don't get angry over the truth, Ichinose-san," he teased, his voice a low rumble.


Ichinose pouted further, but before she could retaliate, Ayanokoji silenced her complaints with a kiss. This one was different from their previous encounters, more forceful, more passionate. It spoke of a possessiveness that sent shivers down her spine.


They clung to each other, their bodies pressed together, lost in the heat of the moment. The weight of the exam, the future of Class B, all faded into insignificance. All that remained was the intoxicating feeling of desire, of belonging, and the ever-present enigma that was Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.


As the kiss deepened, Ayanokoji pulled away slightly, his eyes searching hers. A flicker of something, perhaps vulnerability, crossed his features before he quickly masked it with his usual stoic expression.


"This," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, "changes things, Ichinose-san. Don't forget that."


Ichinose, her heart pounding in her chest, simply nodded. She didn't fully understand what he meant, but the intensity of his gaze, the possessiveness in his touch, spoke volumes.

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