
Class Vote Exam Concludes

The tension in the classroom was thick enough to cut with a knife. As the clock ticked down to the official start of the Class Vote, whispers crackled through the air like static electricity. Ayanokoji sat at his desk, his face an impassive mask, betraying none of the emotions that might be churning within.


The instructions were brief and blunt - three praise votes and three censure votes for classmates, and a single praise vote for a student from another class. The weighted silence intensified as the ballots were distributed, a tangible sense of unease hanging heavy in the air.


Ayanokoji meticulously filled out his ballot, his movements precise and efficient. While others might be swayed by emotions or personal vendettas, he approached the task with cold logic, his votes strategically placed to achieve the desired outcome.


The clatter of ballots being deposited in the collection boxes signaled the end of the vote. A tense silence followed, broken only by the nervous fidgeting of his classmates. Then, with a jarring clang, the projector screen flickered to life.


From Class A, the news came like a bombshell. Yahiko Totsuka, a student rumored to be an ally of Katsuragi, the lone challenger to Sakayanagi's authority, had received the most censure votes and faced expulsion. A collective gasp rippled through the classes, a testament to the ruthlessness displayed by Class A.


Then, came the announcement of the praise votes. Sakayanagi, unsurprisingly, emerged the victor in Class A, securing the coveted Protection Point.


As for Class B, it was announced that Ichinose Honami had successfully used her private points to prevent any expulsions. This came as no surprise, everyone aware of her unwavering dedication to her class. Additionally, Ichinose herself emerged as the student with the highest number of praise votes in her class, earning a precious Protection Point.


Next came Class C. When Yamauchi Haruki's name was called as the most censured student, a cheer erupted from a small group of students. Ayanokoji, however, remained stoic. Yamauchi's expulsion, while tragic, was a necessary sacrifice in his calculations. As predicted, Ayanokoji himself garnered the highest praise votes, earning a protection point.


The news from Class D was the most unexpected. Against all odds, it wasn't Ryuen who received the most censure votes. Shiho Manabe, a seemingly unremarkable student, was expelled. The entire school, including Ryuen's own classmates, watched in stunned silence as she was escorted out of the classroom. The identity of the mastermind behind this twist remained a mystery.


The final announcement revealed the student with the highest praise votes across all classes – Satoru Kaneda from Class D. His unexpected victory was overshadowed by the drama that had unfolded in his own class.


As the final echoes of the announcement faded, a strange calmness settled over Class C. The students looked at Ayanokoji, their gazes filled with curiosity.


Ayanokoji, however, remained impassive. His expression gave away no hint of satisfaction or relief. He had achieved his objective, but the war was far from over. The Class Vote was just a skirmish in a much larger battle.


As the students began to file out of the classroom, a small group gathered around Ayanokoji.


Suzune Horikita, her gaze sharp, approached him.


"It seems your little plan worked," she said, her voice laced with a hint of begrudging respect.


Ayanokoji simply nodded. "Indeed," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion. "Now, let's discuss the next phase."


The dismissal bell echoed once more, a signal to move forward. Ayanokoji stepped out of the classroom, his expression blank.


"Our focus should shift to the final special exam of the year."


Horikita frowned. "The final exam? There haven't been any details released yet."


"True," Ayanokoji acknowledged, "but preparation begins with anticipation. We should solidify our class's foundation before the format even arrives."


Horikita nodded in agreement. "Then study sessions are a must. We need to improve everyone's academic performance as a whole."


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow. "Indeed. But academics are only half the battle. Consider incorporating a level of physical training into the regimen as well."


Horikita's brow furrowed. "Physical training? That wouldn't be well-received. Most students wouldn't take it seriously."


Ayanokoji rolled his eyes, a gesture so rare it held a weight of its own. "Horikita-san," he began, pronouncing her name with a hint of amusement, "simply mention it publicly tomorrow during class. Leave the rest to me."


Horikita's surprise flickered across her face before solidifying into a determined nod. "Alright, I'll do that." There was a flicker of trust in her eyes, a testament to the shared victory they had just achieved.


She shifted her focus, a more wary expression settling on her face. "Does this incident affect Kouenji's future behavior? Will he participate more actively in class activities now, fearing expulsion?"


Ayanokoji shook his head, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. "Don't be overly optimistic, Horikita-san. Kouenji won't suddenly become a valuable asset during regular school activities. He'll still prioritize his lavish lifestyle and avoid exerting himself unnecessarily."


"But," he continued, his voice turning serious, "he understands the consequences now. If he slacks off too much during major exams like the Class Vote, he'll be the first one targeted."


A look of understanding dawned on Horikita's face. "So, he'll still be useless most of the time, but he'll contribute during important special exams. That's something, I suppose."


With a satisfied nod, Ayanokoji excused himself and made his way back to his dorm room. The day's activities had been draining, both mentally and emotionally. He needed a release, a distraction from the ongoing battles within Class C.


A mischievous glint entered his eyes as he checked the time on his phone – still early evening. After changing into fresh and casual clothes, Ayanokoji moved out of his room with a determined stride as he headed towards the familiar halls leading to Sakura Airi's dorm room.


It had been a while since they'd indulged in their secret affair, and Ayanokoji felt a familiar yearning stir within him.


Airi had proven herself useful in the Class Vote, subtly manipulating the boys who fawned over her to focus their censure votes on Yamauchi instead of Kouenji.


Reaching Airi's door, he knocked twice, a prearranged signal. He didn't have to wait long. The door swung open, revealing Airi in a casual outfit, a sly smile playing on her lips.


"Kiyotaka," she greeted, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Come in. I was just about to make some tea. Care to join?"


Ayanokoji stepped into Airi's room, the door clicking shut behind him with a satisfying finality. He locked it with a practiced flick of his wrist, the sound barely registering in the quiet hallway.


Ayanokoji moved towards the bed, his expression neutral as he settled onto its plush surface. Airi disappeared into the kitchenette, the gentle clinking of cups and the hiss of the kettle the only sounds breaking the comfortable silence.


His gaze followed her every move. Even in casual attire, Airi's undeniable beauty was on full display. Her curves – the gentle sway of her hips, the swell of her breasts – were accentuated by the soft fabric of her clothes. It was no wonder half the boys in the school were infatuated with her.


But Airi wasn't interested in them. Her eyes held only one person – the enigmatic Ayanokoji who, despite his impassive exterior, sent a delicious shiver down her spine whenever he was near.


A moment later, Airi reappeared, a tray laden with two steaming cups of tea balanced precariously in her hands. She navigated her way back to the bed, placing the tray on the nightstand beside Ayanokoji.


"Thanks," he murmured, reaching for a cup and taking a slow sip. Airi mirrored his action, the warmth of the tea chasing away the evening chill.


A comfortable silence settled between them, broken only by the gentle clinking of their cups. Finally, Airi spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Kiyotaka… would you like to watch a movie?"


He met her gaze, his eyes devoid of any particular emotion. "Perhaps," he replied, his voice flat. "But under one condition."


Airi's heart skipped a beat. Conditions weren't unusual for their clandestine meetings, but a flicker of anticipation danced in her eyes. "What condition?" she asked, her voice husky.


Ayanokoji leaned back against the headboard, his expression unreadable. "Only if you watch it in…" he paused, letting the silence build before continuing, "your two-piece bikini."


A blush flooded Airi's cheeks, a crimson bloom spreading across her face and neck. Heat crept up her body, a mixture of shyness and a thrill of excitement. "K-Kiyotaka," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.


"You did say you were comfortable with anything," he countered, a hint of amusement flickering in his otherwise emotionless eyes.


Airi bit her lip, torn between embarrassment and a surge of desire to please him. But the image of him watching her, his gaze fixed on her body, was undeniably appealing. Finally, she met his gaze, a determined glint replacing the shyness.


"Alright," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I… I was actually wearing one underneath."


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, a flicker of surprise momentarily breaking his impassive facade. He had to admit, he wasn't expecting that level of boldness from her.


A satisfied smile bloomed on Airi's face, a rare display of defiance. Perhaps, she thought, a little more of this boldness wouldn't hurt. After all, the key to keeping Ayanokoji interested was to keep him on his toes.


They finished their tea in a comfortable silence, the unspoken tension hanging heavy in the air. Airi cleared away the tray, setting it on a nearby table. Then, with a practiced ease, she retrieved a laptop from her desk and positioned it on the bed between them.


The next few minutes were a blur of movement as Airi shed her clothes, revealing a skimpy two-piece bikini that left little to the imagination. The vibrant color accentuated her curves, highlighting the perfect hourglass figure she possessed.

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