
COTE : Bizarre High School .

Wouldn't you like to see as well... As to how JojoXCote would go? Well, you have come at the perfect place then. I won't be dropping this fan fiction by the way. ----------------------------------- The MC is a stand user. He's sent to the Advanced Nurturing High School. He had a poor family background, thus the moment he heard about this school, he immediately applied. “Why does he give me vibes like he will be a troublesome piece in the future?”, Ayanokoji thinks. “Interesting. I will make sure you get in my class! ”, Ryuen smirked. “Hmph. I will see how long you refuse to become my friend Horikita-San! I have him on my side! ”, Kushida says aloud, while Horikita shivers. “Let's see how he fares... Against me. ” Sakayangi says to herself while laughing a little. “Thank you for your help. ” Ichinose thanks while bowing. “This school... it's so Bizzare. ” --------------------------------- Meet Aiden, the 'normal' highschooler. Join him on his journey of getting to Class A for getting in speed-oops, Spoilers.

TheDarkestFragment · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 3 : Stand Awakening!? Part 1.

(3rd POV)

"To be able to figure out so much, not just on his first day, but before his entrance ceremony even concluded. How splendid. His academic and physical score was upper-mid tier. Almost near the elites, yet he without being in Class A showed potential surpassing it. "

The principal spoke, while others just nodded.

The moment Hoshinomiya Chie saw him gone by fooling her, she forcefully calmed herself down, and went to the school authorities to tell them about all of this.

The school may decide to shift him to Class A instead, thinking they made a mistake by putting him in Class B. But, it didn't matter to her much, her end goal was never to have her class promoted to A, after all. There was much better goal already in her mind.

Pondering a little, the principal spoke again.

"What do you think student council president, Horikita Manabu? ", he asked to the president, also the representative from students side.

Shifting up his glasses, Manabu spoke.

"Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to put such prodigy to Class A directly. Two reasons. One, it would be overwhelming for other classes, two if he truly is a prodigy on such level, he can bring his Class to A himself. "

Others nodded, along with the principal. They decided to just reward him extra points individually. 20000 private points that is.

(Aiden POV)

Before going to the Class, I went towards the staff room. Now, why is that you ask?

*Knocking on the door*

The door opened, revealing a janitor, who asked me what do I need? Telling him a fake story, as to how a crow took my favourite pendant which had sentiments of mine, and has his nest over the roof, which he wasn't seem to be buying, so I asked him how many points does he want, in return for giving me the key to the rooftop.

After a while, through some bargaining which this body naturally had, I lowered the price to 2000 points from 8750 points.

"Don't tell anyone about this." I said, and he received 7000 points by me. Nodding to me, he continued his work.

Putting the key in my blazer, I went straight to the class.

Class 1-B.

Opening the door, my hands in my pocket, I entered the classroom, which was surprisingly filled with only around a handful people.

Kanzaki Ryuuji, Honami Ichinose, Shibata Sou, Shiranami Chihiro why was she here though. Anyways, that was it.

"You arrived early Infinity San. " Ichinose said to me.

Taking out my mobile, I checked the GC, it told people to come at around 11:30 AM. And currently it was almost 11.

Sighing, I sat on a nearby desk.

"So, what was it that you called for a meeting? ", I asked with a smile.

"Nothing serious. Just some matters we needed to discuss with each other. But, seeing as to how Infinity San has already come along, with me and few others, I suppose I can start. I will just say it over again when others arrive. " She said with her finger at her cheek.

My finger trembled.

Suppressing myself. I waited for her to start, but Kanzaki spoke instead.

"Infinity San, you have proved to be one of the best in our class if not the best one. The thing we wished to talk about firstly, was the free items we witnessed in the store. It seemed you were correct, points won't be definite in the future. That means, your other insights could be true as well. " He finished, while Shiranami just stared at me until I stared back, with a smile Ofcourse.

She immediately turned her gaze away. Did I look ugly? Was this body not up-to standards? I did find myself admiring it in the mirror though.

"Secondly, if what Infinity San said was true, we would need to get a point manager. Because, Points would be one of the most important things in the future. We had decided to make Honami San, the majority points holder. So we have called the class for that. We only need 50 % points from students who are willing to deposit points. " Kanzaki finished.

Sighing in front of them, I shook my head slowly.

"I apologize if this may come as rude or non participated. But, I can't give my points. I have some things that I need to test out, that's why I can't give my points. I am sorry. " I said with a little bow.

"It's ok! We don't wish to force anyone in this. If they wish to refuse they can! ", Honami said.

While Kanzaki agreed too.

"But, I will contribute to class in some way or other every month. By the way, I have some things to tell you all about."

"What is it Infinity San? "

"There is another way to reach Class A. "


"Really!? What way is it? Please tell us! "

"20 Million Private Points. A student can directly transfer to Class A like that. Actually, he or she can transfer to any class they wish. "

They looked at me again but with admiration and some sadness.

"I wish for the class to ascend to Class A together! Even if I do manage to get 20 million points, I won't transfer to Class A. " Ichinose declared with her hand on the middle of her chest.

"It was just information anyway. "

"Infinity San may I ask how did you find this information?", Kanzaki asked.

"Hm. That's a secret. I will get into trouble if I declare it right now. I apologize. " I responded with a matter of fact. They wouldn't believe me anyway. Like their whole world is fiction, and I am a transmigrator. I saw the anime of their world read the novel and stuff.

Plus, if the thing which got me in this world, knows that, and it's enemies somehow know it too, I would be in trouble. So I didn't exactly lie.

Soon the whole class came, all of them proceeded to give their points, except one of course. Me.






Thus, the meeting came to an end. And I was free to leave, but just before that I got called out again.

"Infinity San, what did you mean by flexible use of points? ", Kanzaki asked.

"It's simple, as sensei mentioned, if you have points you can buy everything. Basically, if you have enough points, you can buy anything in this place. Because, it's a similar concept to money outside the island. Like how rich people use money to do so many things, whether it is to influence the environment, benefit themselves or make their enemies fall. " I finished then exited the classroom.

This time, I went straight to the rooftop, looking around for any signs of arrow, which I couldn't find. So, I went back down, in to the library this time, getting all subject books, issuing them by my name, I told them to put it in my room. That costed me some extra points though.

Getting out of the library, I went to a cafe, there I ordered some coffee, pastries and some mango juice. Some people gave me weird looks but I didn't pay any heed to them.

The cafe was filled with mostly females, making males who wish to come, have the thought discarded after seeing the environment.

But, I don't feel anything different. As, there's no rule prohibiting me to come here. Taking a spoonful of pastry in my mouth, I took out a notepad from my blazer.

1. Good first impression. (✔️)

2. Seed of reliability. (✔️)

3. Compensation. (❓)

4. Extra Points. (✔️)

5. Stand. (❌)

I put my notepad back in, once I ticked the tasks done with the pencil.

Finishing my pastry, I drank mango juice, then finished my coffee.

Points used : 350+1800+500.

Damn. Really need to work on my spending habits. Anyways. (12:23PM)

It still isn't the time yet... Getting up to leave, I found someone whom I could take some 'help' from. It was Kushida Kikyo. I had to find her on the rooftop later at night and record her outburst. But before that, let's go to the technology shop.

Good. She didn't notice me. I exited the pallet cafe just as I entered it. With no sound.

Roaming around the place in search of a shop which worked on technology... I found it after half an hour. It's almost 1 PM now. Wonder if they will be able to do it quickly. But... Should I really try it?

Changing my decision at the last second, I turned to go back to my room.

Why you ask? It's simply a waste of points currently. I can just start recording, when I think of heading out to capture her outburst.

That way the shutter noise will only come in my room, where I live.

Reaching my room with the elevator easily, I took a nap for the while and set an alarm on both the mobile and watch.







Getting noises coming around from my sides, I forcefully woke up, breaking sleep paralysis. Then turned off the alarm, just when I was about to go back to nap, I felt like I was forgetting something.

{System Reminder : The stand arrow will appear on the rooftop of the school at 2:48 to 2:58 PM. }

Immediately got up, freshened up a little, taking in my mouth a brown, soft, creamy bar. Tasty. Chocolate of course, what were you thinking!?

Pushing the negativity aside, I looked at my digital watch.


Good. I am at time. Walking the stairs, I reached the rooftop.


Only 2 minutes left... But, which corner will it be at? It said over the rooftop, at a corner.

But which... I guess you can only wait. I unwrapped the ball on stick, and licked it. It's a damn lollipop you dirty fellows.






{The Stand Arrow has been materialized. It's at the left most corner. }

Yes, Finally!!!

Left most corner huh? I moved towards the left fences, reaching it in half a minute, I looked around the corners, after checking 3 corners perfectly, where I found no sign of the arrow, I returned to my initial position, then turned around, I went near the stairs.


Coming near the glowing arrow which was kept just near the end of stairs, left side, to the rooftop level, I picked it up.

It began glowing, then disappeared.

The hell? I didn't even stab myself with it yet though.



Is this what torture is? Forget it! I will wait patiently.

Going back to my dorms, I immediately fell asleep, waking up at 9, I ate my dinner which was veggies, but cooked.

How infuriating. To think I can't get my stand yet... Gosh. The excitement.

Oh well, time to head out.

Turning on my mobile camera, I went to the vending machines, I had already sensed Ayanokoji there, who went away the moment he sensed me.

As expected. I found Manabu and his sister pinned to the wall by him, he was ready to attack, recording all of it, I stopped the camera.

He looked at me, finally acknowledging my presence, in an instant attacked.

Gosh. If not for the fact that martial arts was a thing in my world too, and that I know what moves he would be using, I would have gotten injured badly.

Dodging to my right, I used his momentum against him, swiping off his feet, I did a judo throw then. Crashing his body over the harsh ground.

Immediately taking out the portable long iron baton which could fold itself, I pinned him on the ground, with the baton just millimeters close to his throat.

"Judo huh? Nice technique you have got there. Then, this Baton, I would pretend I didn't see it. What do you want in return of deleting the video? ", he asked without a falter in his expression, although he was pinned by me, worse even, he was calm.

I admired the characters of Cote due to this a lot.

"How much can you offer? ", I asked to which he gave a stare, then smiled.


Huh? What. Did I go deaf or something? He's really going to offer that much points?

Smirking, I gave a hand after standing up, which he took, and got up as well.

"How about it? ", he asked.

While Suzune was just staring dumbfoundly at the scene.

"Increase it a little. " I demanded, though it was a request.

"Fine, 350000 private points. I won't go above it. "

"You have a deal president. I know you just tried to test me, but I am not in that urgent need of points right now, that I need to extort it from you." He gave a shocked glance, but his stoic face returned.

"400000 points have been received, the sender is ***XXO3 Party. "

Deleting the video in front of him, I went back to the dormitory of mine.

"Suzune, you should learn from him. There's a lot to learn just by being around him. " He said to my surprise.

Entering the room, I locked it, then changing my clothes to pajamas, turned off the lights, and entered the sleep cycle after putting on an alarm.


Hello there! Author here! I am a bit confused about the stand ability I should have Aiden's stand get.

So, can you all comment your suggestions? And even if you don't have a suggestion, still comment, I like reading comments and responding to them!


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