
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
138 Chs

Demon God Eyes (Part 1)

"Eh!" exclaim the young lady as she turned around.

Upon seeing who held her from falling, she quickly fell on her knees with her head bowed in respect, love and admiration.

"Greetings to the Goddess"

Similar to the action of the young lady, the other ladies also fell on their knees with their heads bowed in respect, love and admiration.

"Greetings to the Goddess"

When Tian Nizi heard the greeting from the ladies, she nodded slightly and then took a step forward.

The moment Tian Nizi took a step forward, the pupils of Feng Zhen shook slightly and suddenly relocated its focus to spot few meters away from Feng Zhen's right side.

Feng Zhen who was previously startled by the previous incident that occurred few seconds before the appearance of Tian Nizi, was startled again by the sudden shift of his view.

It wasn't that he couldn't control his eyes, it was just that the sudden movement of his pupils got him by surprise.

However, when happened next, clarified his thoughts on the sudden shift of his view.

Tian Nizi who just took a step forward, suddenly appeared at a certain spot few meters away from Feng Zhen's right side. The spot at which Tian Nizi appeared, was exactly the spot the pupils of Feng Zhen were shifted to.

'What the...' thought Feng Zhen as he gulped a mouthful of saliva.

Of course Feng Zhen wasn't a fool to not understand what just happened, it was just that he wasn't certain at first.

'This... This... Isn't this abnormal, How can the sensitive of my eyes be faster than that of my brain' thought Feng Zhen as he gulped another mouthful of saliva.


{Ding! Responding to the host, No abnormalities found within the host...}

'Screw you, How could that not be called an abnormality'

While Feng Zhen was wondering about the thought of him having an abnormal reaction, Tian Nizi was slightly shocked by Feng Zhen's attitude, she could recall back then, when she appeared before Feng Zhen, Feng Zhen was trembling in fear. However, the reaction Feng Zhen gave her today was totally off her expectation. Infact she even thought that, since she has shown Feng Zhen how powerful she was, he should have been cowering in fear before her, instead he just stood there pondering about something.

After pondering for a while, Tian Nizi suddenly thought that maybe it was because Feng Zhen haven't noticed her, or maybe he was lost in his thoughts, so she decided to snap him out of it and then took a step forward.

Feng Zhen who had been busy arguing with the system, suddenly had his view shifted. However, what surprise him was the spot at which his pupils were fixed on.

Since he already had some hypothesis of what might have occurred and who might be appearing, he smirked and stretched out his hand with the aim of grabbing the person by the shoulder.

Sometimes some things doesn't go as planned.

Meanwhile, Tian Nizi who just took a step forward, suddenly appeared in front of Feng Zhen with a smirk.

The hand which Feng Zhen stretch with the aim of grabbing the shoulder of the person, grabbed another thing.

What he grabbed was perfectly fitting to his hand, not too big and not too small, and it was also very squishy and fluffy. It was so squishy that even a pumped water filled balloon could not be compared to it elasticity and softness. Furthermore, It was so squishy that it felt like it was going to burst at anytime. The most intriguing part was that Feng Zhen was experimenting on whether it would burst, while enjoying it squishiness and fluffiness. To Feng Zhen, it was the softest thing he had ever touch in his entire life in both worlds.

Meanwhile, Tian Nizi who just appeared with the aim of snapping Feng Zhen out of his dazed, suddenly felt a certain part of her body been grabbed.

"Hmm!" slightly moaned Tian Nizi as she felt that certain part being fondled.

With her slight flushed face, she looked down, lo and behold she saw a hand fondling and caressing her left breast.


After saying that word, she raised her head and looked at the face of Feng Zhen to check if it was unintentional, however when she saw satisfactory expression of Feng Zhen, her expression turned cold.

With the change of Tian Nizi's expression, the temperature of the surrounding started to drop at an alarming rate.

Meanwhile, Feng Zhen who had been lost in his own thought suddenly snapped out of his thought, the moment the surrounding temperature changed.

"Wh-" said Feng Zhen, but before he could complete his words, he noticed that his right hand was firmly grabbing the left breast of Tian Nizi.

{Ding! Assisting the host, Tremendous Killing Intent detected within the range of 2 m...}

'Shit, You don't have to tell me' thought Feng Zhen as he gulped another mouthful of saliva.

"S-senior, I-I can explai-" said Feng Zhen, but before he could complete his words he saw fifty swords made of ice already hovering above Tian Nizi, with their tips pointing at him.

"Screw it"

{incinerate - Return to dust}

Immediately he muttered those words, the fifty ice swords that were hovering above Tian Nizi caught fire and melted instantly.

Feeling that her ice swords had been melted, she became both shocked and furious. She was shocked that Feng Zhen, somehow melted her ice swords, and she saw furious that Feng Zhen, A punny human was able to melt her ice sword.

She was so furious that she noticed did not notice the pupils of Feng Zhen.

Meanwhile, Feng Zhen who was pondering of a way to calm Tian Nizi, he suddenly felt his pupils slightly vibrating. Although the slight vibration of his pupils did not affect his view, he still felt the pupils reactions.

Curiously, Feng Zhen gave his pupils permission to change its view. Just as anticipated, his view shifted, however his view shifted it's focus to the shoulder of Tian Nizi, which he never anticipated.

As the view of Feng Zhen shifted to the shoulder of Tian Nizi, A 25 cm black and white striped kitten appeared on the shoulder of Tian Nizi. The kitten is YinYing.

Unlike the pupils of Feng Zhen which spotted the exact location of YinYing, Tian Nizi sensed the distorted space above her shoulder, before the appearance of YinYing.

The moment she noticed the distorted space above her shoulder, her furious expression lessened.

"Pa-" said YinYing, but before she was able to complete her words, she noticed the pupils of Feng Zhen.

Similarly to YinYing, It was at that moment Tian Nizi noticed the vertical slit red pupils.

While they were staring at his pupils, they noticed sometime unusual and strange. They felt their consciousness slowly being sucked into a black spiral hole.

Upon noticing the unusual ability of his pupils, they both tried to retract their gaze from his pupil, but there couldn't retract their gazes. They tried continuously, but they still weren't able to.


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