

"Thank you m'lord." Alice kneels in front of a dark cave as black shadows sorround its very interior.

"Just do your best, my force shall break free soon, and not just the magic academy shall be cloaked in darkness, but the whole Land of Dawn." The lord of the abyss laughs in great joy and excitement.

Alice smiles in accordance to her Lord's.

"Shall I, m'lord?"

"You may." The lord of the abyss allows Alice to leave.

Soon, Alice was already far away, flapping her wings as she rose away from the Abys Canyon.

The Abyss Lord sets out his claws from the shadows that cloak him.

"The orb will be mine. Only mine." He said as he clutched his fists with tremendous power.


Gord decided to offer a one day delay for the next battle to start.

He sat in the library, holding a book open and thinking deeply.

"Valir... what is your purpose for coming back here?" Gord tries to unravel Valir's plans yet ends up thinking about his safety.

"He is cloaked with anger and vengeance against the Valley of the winds. What have I done?"

Gord covers his face with his palm, bowing before the table he is facing.

Soon, the library's doors opened.

A very familiar person sets foot on Gord's favorite room.

"Master." Valir smiled.

Gord was speechless for seconds.

"V...Valir....Welcome back." Gord forced his smile.

Valir hid his anger as he clutched his right fist behind is back. It glowed with immense arcane power, yet, it faded.

"Where can I find the book for secret Arcane Magic?" Valir asked he looked at the bookshelves that brim with lots and lots of books.

Gord thought for a while. "Will I lie, or will I give it."

Finally, Gord stood and gave the book he was holding a while ago.


Valir held the book in his hands and turned it to the last page.

After that he handed it back to Gord.

Gord hesitated to take it and as he was about to hold the book, it bursted into flames.

Soon, it was ashes.

"Oh, sorry." Valir smiled a vengeful smile as he waved Gord goodbye.

"You did not change at all." Gord said as he looked at the remnants of his favorite book, in his favorite library.

The night came and the sky was clear. Thousands of stars shone as they surrounded the moon with their sparkling vibrance.

Lesley sat on the grass field at the Cosmos Garden, a very unusual spot.

Soon a tall man's shadow sprouted from behind.


"Ready for tomorrow?" Gusion asked as he sat beside Lesley.

They held each other's hands gazing at the starry night sky.

"I'll win for you." Lesley smiled as she held back her teary eyes.

"Good." Gusion could see how Lesley tries not to cry in his peripheral view.

Gusion bowed and his tears couldn't stop flowing.

"I'm sorry if, if I left."

Lesley still stares at the sky, but her tears did not fail to fall.

"I know we won't die tomorrow. But still, the war is sure to come."

Gusion stared at Lesley. "How'd you know 'bout that?"

As Lesley met gaze with Gusion, rustling was heard behind them.

Gusion pressed Lesley's hand to signify her.

And after he released Lesley's palm, he disappeared to mid air, in just a flash.

A slight crackling of twigs was heard.

Lesley caught her rifle and held it tightly.

"1..." Lesley counted.


"3..." And upon saying she turned around quickly, aimed her rifle and prepared to pull the lever.

Three silhuoettes was seen. She tried to focus on one yet something keeps telling her it is not the target.

Then, another silhouette moved past behind the three, a series of sounds were heard and in moments, all three silhouettes were down. And the silhouette that was left stood alone.

Lesley held back her rifle, dropping it to the ground.

She ran towards the shadow and hugged it tightly.

"Lesley." 'twas Gusion. Gusion combed her hair and kissed her forehead.


And Lesley was hugging the mist.

Lesley looked back at the three targets.

She knelt and crept closer.

Upon seeing her body srayed calm but her eyes trembled.

"Skeletons?!" She thought.

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