
Chapter 5



       Arriving at her home Asher made her way into the kitchen at lightning speed. Folding her cape she made her way to her room to start packing. She was sure by now her mother had already stated her own bit of packing.

      Over the years they had discovered a pattern. It seemed as if when ever she received a letter for a council meeting they get attacked days later by the very people they where running from. So they had decided to use that as a signal to relocate. But this time she couldn't help but think something off. The letter has arrived to soon, and besides that she kept on getting the strange vibe that something bad was going to happen, and her instincts never fail her. Which is why they were moving immediately.

        No doubt her mother had already made plans for the move. Of course she must have senses something off as well, she always does. Call it hunter insights.

       Although she is still trying to figure out how but hey mother could always tell when she got the letter which made it easier so that, in the event that they were ever separated, hey mother would know to move post haste.

       As soon as Asher was in her room she packed her things, which weren't much, into a bag.

       On the other hand Anne Marie was taking the things she had packed downstairs. They do not always bother to pretty things up so it makes sense that they have fewer things to pack.




Just the essentials.

         Minutes later Asher is coming down the stairs with a big bag strewn over her shoulder like it weighed nothing. "have you packed everything dear?" asks her mother, ever the perfectionist. " yes mother... " she paused, zoomed up to the library and back, a couple of her favorite novels in hand. " ...now I am done" she concluded with a satisfied smile.

    "alright then let's move out." came her mothers respond. Moving stealthily towards the door Asher proceeded to put our all of the candles, seeing as they didn't really need it to see in the late evening glow, even without that they had their some what perfect night vision.

      At the back door asher  proceeded to pick up her mother. It was a necessary precaution so add to enable them exit the house quickly without being seen.

       Out in the woods the last remnants of the day was quickly fading so they knew it was time to get moving. Utilizing the dark they trod on to their next destination.

      'Some thing isn't right' thought Asher to her self. Senses on high alert as she paid close attention to their surroundings.

     As if on cue black shadows leapt out of the bushes and surrounded them. They were cornered.

       It was a rather baffling fact to have not heard them. It was either they had become stealthier or she had not been paying close attention.


That is what Asher heard causing her to be aware of his presence. Even with all this bad luck she remained calm. Even Anne Marie was calm although it's obvious that they were a wreck on the inside.

     The shadowed hunters gave way for the one person they have been running from,  the person that turned their lives topsy turvy. In that moment the only word she could utter was...

" You..."











And there you have it folks!! Another chapter from the novel master!! *just kidding*

Any who tell me what you guys think. Sorry it's a bit short. I just have something big coming up for this book so if you wanna find out keep reading reading reading!!!

And remember to



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