On the continent of Rouß, 6 families reign over their respective biomes. These families all produce the strongest humans who are extremely capable in their respective fields. In this world, humans can train their minds, bodies, and souls to generate heaven shattering power. Ué Almante, a waste son of the exorcist Almante family has always been a weak bodied boy, with a soul akin to a bic-lighter trying to stay alight during a winter storm, and the mental fortitude of a toddler. One day his brother, on a dare, kicks him down the mountainside steps that leads to the pit where his family banished all of the strongest evil spirits and demons they ever faced. He falls into the soul sludge and has his physical body torn up by the sheer chaos the swarming entities produce. The adrenaline spike is enough to give him back his rationality if even for a second, and he feels something new. An emotion he has never felt before... anger. His docile, childlike manner was replaced by a soulless husk who’s every fiber was inflamed with pure, unbridled rage. Try as they might every demon and spirt that was trying to overtake his body for some odd reason....perished, and what rises from the pit that day, was curse incarnate.
On a day like any other Ué Almante wakes up to the screams of his mother. She is being beat by her brother in a fit of rage. Every day she gets blamed for my birth, had she a healthy womb, I wouldn't be such a useless piece of crap. My father wouldn't have abandoned us all and left us clinging onto my uncle for support. Once his anger subsided he quickly leaves to return to the main family palace where he works as a inner sanctum guard.
I try my hardest to get out of bed and slowly make my way towards my crying mother. If I move too much too fast I get a headache and heart palpitations. This is my life, a bed ridden parasite only good for wasting air and my mother's time as she takes care of me. My condition wasn't always this bad, a few months ago I was fairly normal. I could walk and run even though I had piss poor stamina. But one unfortunate Encounter made my condition go into an uncontrollable downwards spiral. Jou Almante the firstborn of the family head ( he was even more of a waste than me) spent all his time partying and drinking and stuff. If it wasn't for the excessive amount of cultivation pills and elixirs they pumped into him, he'd have a lower standing in the family than me. One day I accidentally bumped into him because I tripped over my self. I apologized a bunch but it wasn't enough for him, he wanted me to grovel beneath his feat and beg for forgiveness. I refused, he couldn't beat me because I'd die( im weaker than a leaf ) so he did the next best thing. He used a corrupted cultivation pill that failed to gain an attribute during a high level alchemy session to ruin my body even further. Funny enough, I don't hate him for it, I really do try to, but when I do my head starts hurting. The docs all say it's a type of ptsd. I don't worry about it to much, my days are numbered anyways so soon.... mom will be free.
I reach the kitchen and see my mother hurriedly making breakfast.
" Morning mother."
She turns around and says,
" Ahh, I didn't wake you with all the noise did I honey."
She was holding back tears.
" No, I smelled food so I came here because I was hungry. "
I sit at the dinner table.
" Well I hope you eat lots today, you'll need energy after all. your supposed to have a walk with Walt today right?"
" yes that's correct "
Walt was my sworn by blood brother and one of my only friends in this world. He never once publicly shunned me for being a waste, and has put up with his fair share of harassment for being seen with me. I'm really lucky to know him.
After I finished my eggs and beef breakfast I hear Walt calling for me by the entranceway so I go out to meet him.
" Nice to see you again Walt."
" s-same here Ué"
As I get my cloak on he turns to me and tells me he wants to take a new route today.
" Why would you want to go there."
I ask him with confused eyes.
" I've always wondered if the stories a-are true."
" You mean the one about how that cavern is where the higher ups store tough demons and evil spirits and use their energy to help them with their cultivation?"
" That's the one."
" Well I guess it be cool if we took a look around."
After 46 minutes of walking we finally reached the edge of the slope. There's a badly kept stone stairway that leads down to the cavern.
" See, now that where here it's not li..."
" I'm sorry Ué, it's you or me. You should be happy tho right. I'm freeing you from all this."
I quickly turn back cause of the shock and see him shove me back with both of his arms.
He was smiling... why?
Ah, I see.
This is the path which fate has laid out for me.
Of course it is.
I was always a waste anyways, how dare I expect anyone to come to my rescue.
Ué Almante was currently falling down a long ass flight of stairs and being bashed up on the way down. Once he entered the cavern the floor disappeared from under him and he fell into the dark breathing sludge below him. He's being ripped to shreds by a whirlwind of demonic spirits as he slowly fell to the Bottom of the pit.
The pain was actually enough to kick start his brain again. He had passed out as he was falling down the stairs but was now wide awake as he was being torn into pieces. He cursed those bastards as hard as he could. Every time he did his head would be shocked with pain but he didn't care. He was dying anyway so he might as well get it all off his chest. He kept cursing and yelling as loud as he could. He lost the feeling in his legs, then his arms, it was as if the darkness was slowly consuming him whole. But he didn't stop, it was as if his entire brain was diverting all its resources to curse Jou and Walt. All those who had wronged him and his mother. The pain persisted for so long... he lost track of the time. He kept hearing someone speak to him on repeat, Promise Me.
soft, simple words that were somehow filled to the brim with regrets and every bad feeling one could have. Eventually it stopped, and as he floated there he felt his body be pulled to the top of the sludge and thrown out from the cavern to the bottom of the steps. He opened his eyes to see that it was now.... another season!?!? The trees were so green just a minute ago and now there all brown and dying. Just what in the hell happened, how long was I in there. Without thinking too hard about his current predicament he ran as fast as his legs could take him. He wanted to get home as soon as possible to see if his mother was alright. The wind lashed against his face but he just sped up more. The village was still there and people were in the streets. Which was a good thing.
He zoomed past them and Bee lined home.
" what the hell was that"
" it smelled so foul"
The villagers remarked as a shadow flew past them.
He went past the village and reached his house. It looked abandoned.
" MOM!!!"
I burst through the door and searched the place. There was no one home.
I fall to my knees in panic.
I lose myself.
What happened while I was gone.