
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Investigation continues.

Xi Xi sat inside the office of a small boxing gym. A sweaty overweight middle aged man lumbered into his seat. He stroked his goatee and slicked back his pony tail.

"Miss Lie-ange." She cringed at his pronunciation. He set a crumpled up piece of paper down. "Sorry, wasn't really expecting an meetings today." "I apologize for dropping in unannounced. Thank you for meeting me Coach David."

"That's alright. Who'd you say you were again?" "I'm Zeke's auntie." "Never told me he had an aunt." She giggled. "Well I wasn't around much when he was growing up."

"I heard little guy was doing good for himself nowadays. Started an agency." "Yes, he has. Hasn't had any customers yet, only custom jobs."

He chuckled. "Looks like you know more than me Lie-ange!" "Please, call me Xi Xi." "No problem Cece." She made a fist under her bag.

"He doesn't like to speak of it, but I wanted to know what he was doing here? His resumé simply says

boxer assistant. I was hoping you could expand on that for me."

He stood up closing the blinds to his office and peered outside, before locking the door. He sat down with a concerned and suspicious look. "You're not a cop are you?"

She looked at him askance shaking her head. "Child Services?" She shook her head again. "Hunter civil right cop?" "No...I assure you, just his aunt. His now concerned aunt."

"You're not gonna sue me right?" "Mister David. I promise you. If I came here with any malicious intent. We would not be having such a civil discussion."

"I guess you're right...Look, let's just say what we paid him for wasn't the most legal or socially acceptable thing to do." He said wincing.

"What exactly did he do here?" "Well the kid was...he was unbreakable. When I found those two, I wanted to help them, but you know. I got kids to feed to. I couldn't just give him hand outs."

Xi Xi felt her blood boil as he dawdled around the point. "So I gave him a job as a punching bag." She paused taking a second to process it. "I'm sorry you did what?"

"We...we made him a punching bag." "And..people paid for that?" "A lot of them did. Turns out a lot parents want to beat the shit out of a kid with no consequence."

"So he would come here and..." "We'd tie him to a punching bag and charge people 150 to beat him for an hour. 300 if they wanted to use a weapon, and 500 if they wanted him to act."

"Act?" "Yeah you know. Don't hurt me. Ow. Screaming. You know to sell the experience." She stared at him in disbelief and astonishment. "H...how long did he do that for?" "Like 14-15 hours a day?"

"I...I meant how long did he work-14 to 15 hours?" "Yeah, kid was a real hard worker. Always made sure he made enough money to feed that girlfriend of his."

"Ah huh...and he worked here for how long?" "Um...'bout four years? He left once they got their Hunter licence."

"You must forgive me. I am finding it hard to believe, that he let you all beat him, given his Demonic nature." "Zekey? Demonic nature? Ha! Furthest fucking thing from a Demon. Nicest, caring kid I ever seen. Here I'll prove it."

He stood up rifling through his rusty cabinet. He handed her a photo, of a cooked rib eye steak served with fresh chips and gravy. "What is this? Your dinner?" "No. He made me this the day he left. Said it was to thank me for giving him a job."

He chuckled shaking his head at the photo. "Can you believe that? He made me this delicious expensive dinner as a thank you. For stringing him up as a punching bag." "I see...Thank you for that. I must be going now."

"Oh, hey before you go. Could you say hi to him for me? Never could look him in the eye, after what we did." He said with a wry smile. "I'll let him know."

Walking outside Xi Xi shook her head in disbelief getting inside the car. "Miss Liang, are you alright?" The driver asked. "Yeah...just...processing some new information. Take me to my next appointment." "Yes miss."

Xi Xi stood confused at the sight, of eight stressed interns managing phone calls behind double monitors each. Stacks of paper work scattered around them.

Brianna opened the door. "Miss Liang. She's ready to see you now." Following her inside, Brianna sat beside Edelgard.

Her hair tied into a pristine braid with her crimson suit glistening under the natural light entering. "Thank you for meeting me on such short notice. The Vatican-"

Edelgard hit a button locking the door behind them and changing the clear windows into a matte black. Brianna became on edge readying herself. Edelgard signalled her no.

"May I know the meaning of this?" Xi Xi asked.

"I know who you are. You're not just an investigator for the Order. Now no one in this building is strong enough to stop you, let alone in this country. You're Xi Xi Liang. The number seven World Ranker."

"I see you've done some research on me. I'm flattered." "Not me. Weaver left me his notes, and to be honest. You're the most terrifying one." "Oh? What did the little Spider say about me?"

"Only left me two notes. Do not engage, and dangerous." "Well that's sweet of him. Well, if I don't need to hide who I am. I trust you will not be relaying the information to the involved parties?"

"I'll give you what you want to know, in return I simply don't want any problems for anyone involved." "Good, we're at mutual agreement then."

Xi Xi placed a USB stick onto the table. "Zeke Chen has become a person of interest to the Order. I would like every piece of information off and on the record about him, and any of his associates."

"Anything you want to know. You can ask me. I will not give you that information." "Are you sure, you really want to be difficult with me?"

Edelgard and Brianna felt a shiver run down their spines. Xi Xi let out a sigh. "Ah, you aren't worth the problems. Very well, I won't make you break any protocols."

The two relaxed a little. "I have a few questions I would like answered about his history." "Wait, you already had his history. Why did you need to ask us?" Brianna asked.

"Because I've noticed a very confusing trend about him, and I want to confirm them to either be rumours or fact."

Edelgard and Brianna shared a quick glance. "What exactly would that be?" Edelgard asked. "Is he actually a Demon? All the evidence, I've gathered so far, points to him being a saint."

Edelgard and Brianna chuckled. "Yeah...he has that effect." Edelgard said. "What was your first experience with him like?"

"I met him at the entrance exam, and he made a pretty powerful first impression with me." Edelgard said. "What did he do?"

"What are the three ways of dispelling a Cursed item?" Edelgard asked. Xi Xi was confused. "There's only two ways. Purifying it, or satisfying the grudge attached to it." "Nope. There's three." Brianna said.

Xi Xi sat forward attentively. "You can exhaust it." Edelgard said. "I'm sorry?" "You can exhaust." "I heard her, I want an explanation."

Edelgard turned her monitor. "I recorded the footage. See for yourself."

Zeke stood next to Moon, who was being leered at by the other men for her beauty. At the age of 14, her Hunter physique had peaked and given her the appearance of a full grown woman.

Edelgard walked in with authority her white hair short and cut at her nape. The sight of her made Zeke's meek appearance perk up.

"He seems interested in you and very much out of that girl's league." "Both true. Kid's got a kink for white haired girls." Brianna said. "He's got good taste." Edelgard said winking at Brianna.

Edelgard dragged out a cart of various weapons wafting in a malicious aura. Zeke and Moon both reeled back seeing the aura.

"They seemed surprised to see a cursed item. Did they not go to any school?" "They did, both dropped out and ran away at the age of ten." Edelgard said.

"Both? I was under the impression only Zeke had a disgusting family." The two sucked in their lips shaking their heads. "Nope. She had neglectful gambling addicts, that let her starve." Edelgard said.

"She looks healthy here in this footage." "Thanks to Zeke. Fed her three meals a day, and made sure he never missed a day. Also set some money aside so she could dress nice." Brianna said.

"Again. Are you sure he's a Demon?" The two nodded. "Play the footage."

Edelgard raised her hand pointing at the group. "These are Cursed weapons. To be a Hunter means you have to be more than strong physically. You need to have the mental fortitude to resist these items and temptations."

"What happens if we get Cursed?" A Hunter asked nervously. "Then we cut the Cursed item off of you." They all shuddered taking a step back.

"I'm assuming this was a mock test?" "We had a Healer at the ready to purify them at any stage. We simply had to thin the herd out."

A few Hunters proudly marched up standing before the objects. Reaching out, the aura around the Cursed items flared up reaching for them. They let out girlish screams scurrying away.

"No one? Not one of you is brave enough to hold a-" She stopped seeing Zeke walk up to the items, with his pockets in his hands.

"There's no turning back. If you grab those items you'll be Cursed and-" Zeke didn't hesitate grabbing all the items.

Xi Xi jumped watching Edelgard jump as well. "Did he just grab all of them!?" "It gets better." Brianna said.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Edelgard shouted. Zeke became engulfed in the malicious aura, each weapon latching onto his skin.

Everyone took a step back terrified with a Healer sprinting out. His demeanour dropped instantly. "Oh...He's fucked." The Healer said. "Purify him! Now!"

"I can't do that many! Maybe one or two, but not fucking all of them!" "Then fucking start! He's fucking dying!" "I'm fine." Zeke said.

"You want to purify him! Hire a better Healer!" "You worthless piece of shit!" "I'm okay!" Zeke said raising his voice. "Can't you hear him!? He's...."

Edelgard turned back to Zeke staring at her unfazed. "Ho...how are you alive?" Zeke shrugged. "What now? Do they keep trying to stick to me?"

He threw the weapon on the table with it leaping up and onto his skin. He giggled playing Frisbee with the weapons. Moon laughed with him. "Check it out Moon!"

"Go for a long throw!" "Wait what!? Don't!" Zeke threw the Cursed dagger as hard as he could. It flew across the room sending the other Hunters running away.

"Is that going to come back and-" Xi Xi jumped from her seat as the dagger flew into Zeke's eye.

Edelgard gasped covering her mouth. "Well now he's dead." The Healer said. Zeke sat up pulling the dagger from his eye. "Missed that one."

Moon sauntered over. "Hey can he keep these?" "Wha-why-ho-wha" "Oh we could try and sell these! We can sell these right?" Zeke asked.

Edelgard and the Healer cocked their heads to the side. "They didn't say no." Moon said. "Let's-" "Wait! I have so many damn questions right now. But you can't go anywhere with those items attached to you."

The two paused. "But, it's not doing anything to him." Moon said. "And it doesn't hurt. Besides, they won't leave my-" The weapons hit the ground clattering with the aura disappearing.

"What just happened?" Zeke asked. "I...I think the Curses gave up trying to attach to you..." The Healer said. He hesitantly kicked one of the daggers with no effect.

"I'll be damned. He exhausted the Curse from latching on." Xi Xi said adjusting her glasses. "Why didn't you inform anyone about his ability?"

"I did everyone thought I was lying." Xi Xi leant forward seeing Red enter the frame. "Did he steal a red panda from a Zoo or something?"

"No, that's his familiar." Brianna said casually. Xi Xi threw her hands into the air. "What!? All! ALL! Demon Hunters have a familiar made of fire."

The two shrugged at her. "He doesn't." Xi Xi pinched between her brow. "Is...is there anything else he does that contradicts his Demonic nature or Hunter norms?"

The two shared a look before cracking a smile and cackling. "How long you got?" Brianna said slapping her knee. Edelgard joined in keeling over.

"Quiet." Xi Xi said snapping her fingers. Edelgard and Brianna's mouths sealed shut, they both clawed at their lips unable to open them. They both froze terrified at her.

"When I snap my fingers again, you both will tell me everything and anything that is strange about Zeke." She snapped her fingers.

The two gasped for air reeling back.

"Zeke's familiar doesn't need to retreat to recover Mana." Edelgard said.

"He loves to cook." Brianna said.

"He's deathly afraid of spiders."

"He's a complete white knight and will help anyone and anything in distress."

"He only recently learned how to activate his Demon's Blood."

"He's also the son of Samael the Destroy."

The two took a moment to catch their breaths keeling over and clutching their chests. Xi Xi rubbed her face. "If I needed to know more about him, who would I speak to?"

"Han." They said in sync.

Xi Xi stopped at the door. "Forget about our meeting." She said snapping her fingers, closing the door behind her.

Edelgard and Brianna looked around confused. "What we're we doing?" Edelgard asked. "I...I don't remember..."

Xi Xi slumped into the seat of the car letting out a long exasperated sigh. "Is everything alright Miss Liang?" She reeled back covering her eyes.

"No...this child is a problem." "Should we execute him, before he becomes another problem to the Order?" "No, I don't think he's that kind of problem."

"Take me back to the hotel. I need to make a phone call. This is going to be a long day." She sighed.

Relaxing in her bathtub filled with water nearing a boil. She let out a relaxed and satisfied sigh. She stared at her phone hanging on the side.

"Xi Xi, what have you learnt so far?" His Holiness asked. "Not enough to make a judgement yet. I require a few more days." "Hmmm...if he is too much trouble Xi Xi. You have my permission to kill him. Make it discrete if possible."

"Yes your Holiness." She let out an exasperated sigh sinking under the water. 'Mental abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and the only Demonic thing you've done have been in response to a loved one being harmed...are you even a Demon?'

The next morning Xi Xi arrived at Saint Michael's primary school, sitting in the principal's office, with the vice principal beside her. The principal elderly woman wrinkled like a prune from scowling, with the vice principal being yin to her yang.

"Miss Liang, I am honoured to have your presence here. How may we help you?" "I'm requesting all the information you have on two students that used to attend here. Moon Kim and Zeke Chen."

The principal's face scrunched up. "Those trouble makers again." Xi Xi spotted the vice principal's annoyance at her statement.

"Mrs Jamieson, I am pressed for time. Do you have any records on those students or not?" "Sister Lily, take her to record room. Just hearing that boy's name makes my skin itch."

Lily gave an awkward smile before walking out first. Xi Xi stood up. "What did a five year old boy do to you?" "He defiled my school and it's principles, bringing his unholy presence here." "I see..."

Spotting a pair of nail clippers at the edge of the table, she raised her hand. "When I close this door. Cut your teeth in half with those nail clippers, and drown your screams with ice cream." She snapped her fingers closing the door.

Mrs Jamieson went stiff her arm reaching for the clippers. She tried to scream as her jaw unhinged and she placed the clipper onto her rabbit tooth. She thrashed in her seat, her body unresponsive, feeling the blade press down.

Xi Xi followed Sister Lily down the corridors, looking at the well dressed students. Their uniforms a pristine white shirt and a pair of jet black bottoms.

"They weren't troublemakers..." She said softly. "What were they then?" "She was hungry, and he was in pain." She took out a photo of Moon and Zeke in their school photo.

Moon was gaunt, some of her baby teeth still hanging inside, with her dull and broken hair cut into a bowl cut. Zeke was bright red his skin filled with hives and his hair left covering most of his face.

"When was this photo taken?" "This was their first year here." "You're telling me she's five here?" Sister Lily nodded glumly.

"How did these two become friends?" "They lived closed together, and...he gave her his food, and she showed him a spot here that isn't on hallowed ground."

"Where is this spot?" "It's at the edge of the right gate. Next to the fence. They played together next to the hairy lychee tree." "Thank you Sister Lily. You should call that bitch of a principal an ambulance."

"Huh?" Xi Xi tapped her left pinkie to her thumb. In an instant she disappeared with a blink leaving Sister Lily completely baffled.

Xi Xi appeared at the edge of the school, inspecting the tree hanging over the fence. Plentiful branches hung over, but not low enough for a normal child to reach.

However two children could, or one of them showing their strength at an early age. She called her driver. "You're dismissed for the day." "Miss I-" She hung the phone up and disappeared in a blink.

She appeared outside the Chen and Kim residence. Both their houses a modest double levelled family house. A green lawn with a white picket fence. She scoffed at the sight of the Chen residence.

A cross sat above the front door, with sealing runes etched into the frame of the house. The sprinklers on the lawn used Holy water, pumping it directly from the rain water tank.

The Chens came out in single file with Michael leading them. He stopped at the sight of Xi Xi. "You!" She tapped her left ring finger to her thumb. "Go inside and be quiet."

The four of them went stiff sucking in their lips and waddled back inside like penguins. Xi Xi followed them inside closing the door behind them.

The house was pristine and covered with Consecrated items. "Go stand in the corner and place your head on the wall." They followed her order.

"Sheesh, you really didn't skimp out on the religious paraphernalia. Even the Vatican doesn't have this much representation of Jesus."

She tapped her index finger to her thumb. Snapping her fingers she summoned a pack of ethereal, ghostly wolves. "Find me a room in this house without a fucking cross on it."

The let out a howl sprinting through the house, phasing and emerging through the walls. They came to a stop, whimpering at the entrance of the basement door.

Xi Xi tapped her ring finger. "All of you sit down in front of me!" She snapped her fingers, sitting down in front of them, removing her spectacles scowling at them.

"Did you raise your Demonic son in the basement?" Michael struggled to keep his mouth shut. "Yes!" he blurted out.

"What do you care!? You are from the Vatican. It is our holy mission to exterminate all Demons-"

Xi Xi summoned a fiery sabre ramming it through Michael's shoulder. "Don't scream." She snarled snapping her fingers.

They watched on horrified, smelling his flesh burn and sizzle away. Smoke rising to the ceiling with his tears building in his eyes.

"Do not use our religion as a way to hide your atrocities and insecurities! We are messengers of peace. We seek justice and retributions, for any kind. A Demon who has done nothing wrong, is not a Demon! And a Saint or Angel who has raped a child is a monster!"

She reeled back adjusting her hair and composure. "Fortunately for you all. Your one and only important son, Zeke has become too important to the Vatican, for me to execute you all."


Xi Xi ripped her sword free from his shoulder, wiping the clean fiery blade on the couch before banishing it. "You three, go upstairs and drink the toilet water till you're full." She said snapping her fingers.

The three whimpered and shouted, pleading with their bodies to respond.

She snatched Michael by the collar, taking out her phone. "You will be quiet." She ordered.

"Xi Xi, have you found something?" "No your Holiness." Michael's eyes widened. "I am letting you know that I am excommunicating Michael Chen, the father of Zeke Chen."

He thrashed wildly trying to move in her grip. "Corrupted?" "No, a false believer." "It is done." Michael slumped into his seat defeated.

Xi Xi left feeling sick in her stomach, and her blood boiling. Her phone vibrated with a message. 'Targets ETA two hours.'