
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasia
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79 Chs

Hell Arc, Unwanted Guests

Traversing the desert of Hell. Zeke and Weaver begun to notice the pile of bones starting to pile up, with a mangy musk filling the air. The smell of blood became more pungent as they continued forward. The land started to flourish with grass stained a dark black as if saturated in dried blood. Giant trees with thick barbed husks grew to reach the clouds. "Something's watching us." Zeke said. Weaver pulled his lighter out. Zeke panned around using his peripheral vision only. "Can you sense how many?" Weaver whispered. "Yes, just one." "Let's keep moving, we'll see if they attack." They continued on with the sisters falling asleep in the back. 'There is someone following us.' Iziel said. Moon checked over her shoulder. 'Where?' "You alright weirdo?" 'I do not know, but I can feel the intent to kill us.' "Someone is following us." "What?" Sunny checked her side seeing nothing. "How can you tell." Moon scoffed, giving her a smug grin. "I can sense their killing intent." "And what does that do except give you anxiety?" "I-...." 'Iziel, what do we do with this information?' 'You stay on guard.' "Stay on guard." "Great save."

Continuing further on they came across a field of rotting corpses. Their flesh had been ripped off with sinew and muscle fibres stretched out. "They were Hunters." Zeke said. "Yes, ill prepared ones." Weaver said pointing at the cheap clothing. The Hell Stallions let out a whinny and reeled back on their hind legs. Zeke spotted several large paw prints in the ground. Each one roughly two metres in diameter. "They're spooked." "We've apparently entered into King Cerberus's territory." "Did you just say-" Weaver nodded at Zeke. "As in, there are other-" Weaver nodded. "Huh...that explains those paw prints." Sunny and Moon stood around them. "What's going on?" "Jesus fucking Christ! What happened to them?" Moon exclaimed. "Don't ake the lord's name in vain." "Oh come the fuck on!" Moon groaned. "They're spooked." Zeke said. "How do we move forward, if they won't?" Sunny asked. "Let me get this straight, you're okay seeing a pile of dead bodies, but I can't say Jesus fucking Christ?" "Yes, because you're using his name in vain." "God, just kill me." "Hold still, I'll gladly be his servant."

"We'll scout ahead, and see if there's a path we can clear or get something to reassure the stallions." Weaver said. "Stay here. I'll scout ahead. It's still watching us." 'Zeke has sensed it too.' "Don't go too far. If you aren't back in an hour, I'll go looking for you." "Are you having Weaver baby sit us? You know I can handle myself right?" Moon said. "Yes, because you're a child and need supervision." "You're both being watched." Zeke said firmly, he pointed to Sunny. "You're in Hell and a target, for your very existence. You're a target for the amount of things attached to your soul. So stop fighting, stay alert, and don't cause any trouble for Weaver." The two went quiet, with Weaver looking at Zeke surprisingly impressed. Zeke walked off first summoning his suit and Shadow holding it hand. "He yelled at you first." "Are you serious right now?" Moon shrugged treating it as a valid point. Weaver looked to the sun only having crossed the horizon to begin the day. He rolled his eyes, bracing himself for a long day. They took shelter in the back wagon, hiding from the hot sun.

Zeke followed the paw prints, for nearly an hour, noticing the blood trail with them becoming fresher. In the distance he heard barking and howling. Getting closer he heard the sound of snarling and growling, with the occasion sharp sound of a bone snapping. Zeke leapt up into the trees hiding among the foliage. Peering out into the clearing, he found three giant three headed dogs, that resembled Dobermans, munching down on a giant Night Creature. This one had large bat wings, a coiled mass of serpent heads as an arm, goat legs, the torso of a man, with a lion's head. It's stomach had been torn open, with claw marks riddling its body. They munched and ate away, making the Night Creature resemble nothing but prey. Off to the side was a greatly smaller two headed Cerberus. Only the size of a full grown bear, it paled in comparison to the others. It tried to push its way through to eat, being attacked and forced to retreat with a whimper.

Zeke leapt down, his shoes crunching the dirt beneath caught their attention. "I feel like you could all share." They snarled at him. "We do not share our hunt with weaklings." The one in the centre growled, with blood and guts dripping from its fangs." Zeke stumbled back startled. "Alright, definitely was not expecting for you guys to be able to talk. Look share your meal, and I need you to clear a path for my party to move through." The Cerberus on the left took a step forward, its eyes surged and crackled with violet lightning. "We do not take orders for a Nephilim." It growled. The one on the right lowered itself ready to pounce. Plumes of fire emanated from its jaw with its saliva melting the ground. "A party of Nephilim means more food." The centre one snickered billowing a cold smoke from its snout. "Lead us to your party. We will make sure to pass them." "I am the son of Samael the Destroyer, and you will follow my commands!" Zeke ordered. They paused looking at each other, before turning back to Zeke with a sadistic and sinister grin stretching across their nine heads. "Ah shit, you're gonna try and eat me aren't you?"

They barked and let out feral roars leaping at Zeke. Slashing in front of him with Shadow they leapt back, lowering themselves. Zeke adopted Sovereign stance one, gripping the hilt of Shadow firmly. "Last chance. Give...him?" The two headed dog nodded sitting. "Give him a share, and clear a path for my party to meet the Bone Monarch." "Or what!?" They growled. "Or I'll kill you? Even with three heads you can't figure that out?" They roared being immolated by their element. Zeke let out a roar as well summoning his Spectre. He released a slashing wave. The first wave sliced open the Ice Cerberus's face, with the second splitting it wide open. It yowled in agony reeling back shaking and spraying blood everywhere. The middle skull fell limp with its brain slipping out. Zeke glared at them with the Lightning and Fire Cerberus hesitating. With a roar its two heads reeled back releasing a seismic wave of ice. Zeke smirked standing motionless as the ice spikes barrelled towards him.

The ice smashed against an invisible wall around him swirling around him and turning into thousands of frozen Shadow copies. The other two Cerberuses trembled with their tails tucked between their legs. "Wait, I beg-" The Ice Cerberus and the Fire Cerberus were riddled with frozen swords, eviscerating them into a fine blood mist. Two giant throbbing black husk covered hearts fell to the ground. Shielding itself from the hail of swords, the Lightning Cerberus lunged at Zeke. He leapt high into the air. "You are helpless in the air!" It roared. Reeling its three heads back it released a powerful crackling torrent of lightning. The two headed hound reeled back seeing Zeke become engulfed in the blinding storm of energy. "That all you got?" He emerged from the smoke, with his clothes singed, and his body unaffected. Landing gracefully on the middle snout he placed Shadow on one eye, with his Spectre on the other. "Yo-your-you're really his son...please for-" "Shut up. Go and tell your king, that I want no further problems. Am I clear?" It nodded terrified with the other two heads. "Run along." Zeke said leaping off.

It scampered off whimpering and squealing. Zeke let out a breath returning to normal and banishing Shadow with his suit. He furled and unfurled his fist, still feeling energetic. 'It's not as draining to keep my Demon's Blood active over here.' He heard a distinct sound of saliva hitting the ground. Turning to the two headed hound, it eagerly tapped its toes, licking its lips. Zeke did a small laugh and smiled at it. "You can have them." He said pointing to the heart. It cautiously approached, keeping its heads down and readying itself to attack Zeke. He kept his hands up and gave it room. "Go ahead, it's all yours." It lunged for the Ice heart devouring it greedily. It reeled back letting out a howl releasing a freezing roar. Surging with a new source of Mana it tripled in size, before devouring the other heart. Zeke watched in awe as it grew to a colossal size, with one head engulfed in fire and the other in ice. Leaning down it glared at Zeke baring its razor sharp fangs.

"You're looking a lot healthier. How do you feel?" It licked Zeke with both tongues covering him in a thick viscous saliva. "Augh..." Zeke chuckled, wiping his face. "Take that as a good sign?" It sat down, panting and wagging its tail at him. "You got a name?" It shook its head. "Hmm, I'm terrible with names, but how do you feel about Gemini?" Gemini nodded happily with both heads. "Think you could take me back to my party? It's a bit of a walk." Gemini lowered its head. Zeke hopped on the Ice side and summoned his Spectre to pat both heads at once. Giving a happy bark it took into a sprint, with Zeke clinging on to its tough hide. He laughed feeling the amazing rush and breeze. The thought of riding a two headed Cerberus seemed like a fever dream at this point. Zeke closed his eyes enjoying the ride with Gemini letting out an elated roar.

Bored and tired, Sunny and Moon were nudged by Weaver. "Get up. We've got company." Weaver said pulling his arm out of the sling. Exiting the wagon, the three looked to the horizon seeing a spindly and lanky shadow lumbering towards them. "What is that?" Moon asked. "Looks like walking spaghetti." Sunny said. "That's trouble." Weaver said taking off his blazer and tie. Coming closer, it was a gaunt woman with flowing long black hair that touched her knees. She wore a flowing black dress, that matched her sunken and hollow eyes. She giggled and her hair floated to the air. "Fancy my luck running into you Weaver." "Who the hell are you?" Moon asked aggressively. "I have no business with you Madelyn." "Oh but you do. You stole that rank from me." Sunny looked back to Weaver. "Was she a contender?" "She was." Weaver said taking a fighting stance. He raised his arms making his fingers into claws. Sunny drew her daggers out and summoned her wings. Moon summoned Soul-Taker and flared out her wings. "Kekeke, where's your honour Weaver? Plan to fight me three on one?" Weaver scanned the area, noticing her hair touching the ground. "JUMP!!" He shouted throwing the wagons into the air. The wagons and stallions flew into the air being thrown around by golden threads.

Sunny and Moon leapt into the air with black tendrils shooting high up. She cackled at the sight. Weaver threw the wagons into the tree keeping it suspended in the air. "What the fuck!?" Moon shouted. She summoned Spark hurling it towards Madelyn. The spear turned into a giant fiery Dragon's head. She leapt out of the way her hair retracting up to her protruding shoulders. "That's quite a weapon you have there, little girl." She summoned Soul-Taker. "Then try this one!" She flew in ramming the tip through Madelyn. She went limp on Soul-Taker. "GET AWAY!" Weaver yelled. Madelyn shot up with a sinister smile grabbing Moon. Golden threads wrapped around Moon, yanking her away. She stumbled back into Weaver's arms. "What the fuck...I stabbed her. I felt it connect." Madelyn arched back, her stomach still moulded to outline Soul-Taker. "She can stretch every part of her." Sunny said. Madelyn approached them, her body contorting wildly. The Vampire sisters raised the flaps peeking outside. "Stay inside." Weaver commanded. They nodded ducking inside.

The sun peaked above their heads. "Are you harbouring Vampires? How uncharacteristic of you Weaver." "It wasn't by choice." "If you want his rank, you have to do a proper duel." Sunny said. Madelyn pouted, taping her lips. "I could. Or I could crush your hearts, take your Mana, and let Damien take his place again. Then kill him for an easy promotion." "Don't hope there's any possibility of you doing option one is there?" Weaver asked. Madelyn's eyes shifted to both sides. Two other Hunters arrived. One was a hulking behemoth of a man, covered from head to toe in grey scales. He wielded a giant bow with a warhammer by his side. The other was a slender woman wearing a see through silk white dress leaning on her metal staff. She licked her lips and her hair pulsed snow white. "Oi,oi,oi! Can we fight already Madelyn?" "Pick a target Liz, but Weaver is mine." "Sunny get the Tank! Moon get the Spellcaster!" Weaver ordered pulling himself through the air with webs on the ground.

Sunny flew towards the Tank. He raised his giant bow, and created an arrow from thin air made of pure lightning. Sunny barrel rolled in the air narrowly avoiding the lightning bolt shot at her. Looking up the Tank had already locked on another crackling bolt. Taking to the skies Sunny weaved and rolled through the air, feeling the lightning bolts whizz past her. 'Shit! I can't get close to him at all. How many of those can he fire?' Moon lunged in with a thrust attack with Soul-Taker. Her attack was parried effortlessly by Liz. Stepping to the side she tried to land a haymaker on Moon, only to be blasted away. Tumbling across the ground she recovered with a back flip. "Ah, you're gonna be fun to kill." "Try me bitch!" Moon shouted flying in. Slamming her staff into the ground, Liz released a concussive force knocking Moon back. Holding out her weapon she pointed it at Moon. "I call upon the god of-" Moon flew towards her at max speed. Leaping out of the way, Liz cracked Moon on the back breaking open her pauldron. Iziel cried out with Moon grunting holding her shoulder. Liz reeled back laughing. "Did you really think I was gonna use Magic?"

Weaver swiped furiously at Madelyn who evaded his attacks, her body contorting and stretching inhumanly and grotesquely. Her hair turned into black tendrils shooting at him. Golden webbing encased each tendril. Going taut in a second they were sliced off like thin silk. Madelyn leapt back using her hair to ward off Weaver's golden threads. "I call upon the god of War, accept my offering. Accept me as your vessel. Grant me access to your armoury, let me wield your arsenal, allow me to slaughter my enemies in your name." Weaver lunged forward trying to slice her throat open. "Blade Hail!" Weaver pulled himself back in midair with his threads, dodging the raining weapons. Madelyn stretched and snaked her way through each weapon, using her skin to pick up each handle. Contorting and twisting herself into a spring, she lunged at Weaver turning into a cyclone of razor sharp edges. The weapons sliced through the air severing all of Weaver's loose threads in the air. Retreating he pulled himself towards the Tank, tying a thread around his bow.

The Tank quickly banished his bow and took Weaver's thread, and threw it over his shoulder. Weaver felt the bones in his right becoming disjointed. Sunny flew down with Rend and Tear slicing at the Tank's Achilles tendon. They pinged off his thick armour but knocked him off balance. Attempting to fly back around for another attack, black tendrils caught her ankles. Sunny was dragged down and slammed into the ground. The air was knocked out of her lungs and she curled into a ball gasping and wheezing. Moon did a windmill manoeuvre and raised Soul-Taker behind her head. "SHADOW SLASH!" She shouted. Releasing it on a wide angle. Liz was forced to retreat shocked at the power Moon possessed. Madelyn's hair was trimmed and slithered back to her. Weaver pulled Sunny away from Tank's reach, with Moon shuffling over to them. Sunny and Moon had heavy breathing, with Weaver's right arm shaking in his fighting stance. Madelyn cocked a smirk. "You're injured. Very injured." "How could I not be hurt, when you three decided to not attack me at once. It hurts my pride as a World Ranker."

"I can't cut through that guy's armour. Even the weak spots are tough." "That bitch is using incantations as a distraction." Moon snarled. "Change targets. Sunny you can keep up with Liz's speed. Moon hold Madelyn off, I'll finish off their Tank." "Are ya done strategizing? Or can we keep fighting?" Liz yelled. "LET'S FUCK THEM UP!" Moon roared, flying towards Madelyn. Sunny flew after her, aiming for Liz. Sunny had her attacks parried and evaded by Liz, but kept her on the back foot, struggling to regain her footing. Moon slammed the edge of Soul-Taker against Madelyn's throat, watching it stretch to absorb the shock. "Haven't we done this song and dance before?" "Not like this we haven't. SHADOW-" Seeing Soul-Taker glow black with Mana. Madelyn twisted away and slipped under the slits of Iziel. "Bad move cunt." Iziel immolated herself. Madelyn howled in anguish slithering out covered in smoke. Moon slashed at her with a downward slash. Rolling out of the way, Moon kept a relentless assault, by summoning Spark and blasting it towards her like a rocket launcher. Spark boosted by Moon's concussive blast, made an explosion on impact engulfing Madelyn in flames.

She wailed in the flames, keeling over in the fire. 'Finish her!' Iziel roared. Moon leapt back as Madelyn lunged at her with every limb turned into spiked tendrils. She blasted her away narrowly avoiding being impaled. "Kekekeke, I underestimated you little girl." 'How did you know she was faking?' 'Zeke, said that people who can't feel pain don't know which way to move.' "You're also carry some serious firepower. I'll be taking those." "Come and get it bitch." "Gladly." 'Jump!' Iziel shouted, spotting her hair slithering into the ground. Her hair coiled around Moon's ankles. They seeped in under the greaves piercing into her shins. She cried out falling to the ground and slashed them away. Moon gnashed her teeth together, feeling an excruciating piercing feeling in her legs. "Kekekeke. Do you know there's a big nerve that runs along your shins? Can you imagine what it feels like to have thousands of needles pierce them? Oh wait." Moon did a wide arching swing. "SHADOW SLASH!" Madelyn contorted her body around the attack, her hair became spikes launching into Moon. She ignored slipping them under the cracks and pelted them off Iziel. Raising a barrier it slowed the tendrils down, letting Moon fly into the air. "Come down little girl. We're not done playing."

Sunny and Liz exchanged blows their weapons clashing constantly. The two were in a deadlock unable to bypass each other's defences. Tucking her daggers away, Sunny caught the staff and held it with all her might. "What's your plan now little Ang-" Sunny pulled her in for headbutt cracking Liz's nose. She blasted her with a holy light from her hand. Screeching and howling, Liz was engulfed in a burning white light. As it dissipated Liz stared back Sunny with a twisted grin, her lips and eyelids had been melted off. Stunned, Sunny froze on the spot. Liz responded with her own headbutt, breaking Sunny's nose. She stumbled back her eyes filled with tears, dazed and her eyes blurry. She struck Sunny across the face with her staff. "Don't die on me yet." She said. Liz recited the Healing magic, and kicked Sunny onto her back. "We still have so much time to play." Her wounds started heal and close.

Their Tank summoned his bow again drawing another lightning bolt. Weaver placed his finger tips together and pulled them apart making thick golden ropes between each finger. Quickly coiling them together into a ball, Weaver was dragged into the air by it. The Tank raised his bow aiming at Weaver floating towards him. Firing his bolt, Weaver pulled himself the ground, his parachute was incinerated. Sliding in, Weaver skittered around the Tank, covering him in a thick golden web. He thrashed trying to pull him off. Leaping off Weaver smirked at him. "This is nothing more than a nuisance!" He bellowed. "I know." Weaver said taking out his lighter. With a fluid motion he ignited the lighter. Fire raced down a nearly invisible thread. The Tank was engulfed in flames . He reeled back chortling. "Consecrated flames? Is this meant to hurt me?" He taunted lumbering towards him engulfed in flames. "No. Unlike Zeke, you're not smart enough to know what's happening." "And what wou-wo-tha-" The Tank collapsed face first. "You're being suffocated."Twitching his fingers, golden threads seeped through the slits of his armour and eviscerated from within. Spurts of blood oozed out.

Liz raised her staff over Sunny. "Tsk, you're were boring. That other girl looks like more fun." Weaver sprinted towards Sunny, pulling her out of the way at the last second. "You might be fun." Liz sprinted at Weaver, flourishing her staff and ready to battle him. "I'm borrowing these." He said attached thread to Rend and Tear. Weaver swiped and clawed at her. She evaded each attack smirking at him. "How the fuck are you a World Ranker? You're so damn slow!" She spun her staff and struck him in the stomach, sending him flying. Weaver landed on his feet, grinning back at her. "Because I'm not weak and stupid like you." Clenching his fists. Liz spotted a countless amount of threads hovering arond her. Her eyes bulged in complete dismay. 'He was missing me on purpose!?' "Wai-" Pulling his hands together the threads went taut. Rend and Tear raced along the threads like lightning turning her into a blood mist, with her bones being ground into tiny grains. Slightly out of breath, he checked on Sunny. "You're okay. Broken nose, cracked ribs. You'll live. Stay here." He said placing her daggers back.

Moon evaded in the air with tendrils constantly flying at her. Her legs ached and bled. 'We can't keep doing this. We need to fight back.' "Yeah how exactly!?" Moon asked. "Come down little girl, you can't keep that up forever!" Madelyn leapt out of the way as Weaver came in swiping at her throat. She looked back to her dead party. "Tsk, you always were no fun Petey." "Do not call me that." He snarled clenching his fists. "Ohoho, right. Only she could call you that. Is that why you let her die? Kekekeke." Weaver lunged in with a uncharacteristic roar. Madelyn cackled with her hair shooting up from the ground and pierced Weaver's right arm. "It's this one isn't it!?" ''Shit! She got me.' Moon came swooping down, throwing Spark at her. She leapt back as Moon severed the tendril with Soul-Taker. Landing Moon was overtaken by the piercing pain, losing her focus and tension. Iziel, Soul-Taker and Spark disappeared. She screamed clutching her bleeding legs. Weaver held her with his good arm, his right held together by golden threads and bleeding profusely.

"Kekeke, I didn't think you'd fall for that so easily. A little taunt there. A little taunt here. I thought it would take you at least a few more insults before this." "What can I say? I love to surprise." He said straining to hold Moon still. 'She's lost a lot of blood. Shit, out of all the people to run into today.' Sunny sat up coughing and clearing her eyes. A tendril caught her ankle whipping and dragging her against the ground slamming her into Moon. She softened her fall with a barrier slowing her descent only by a little. Piled high and struggling to breath from their injuries. "There. Now I can kill all three of you in one go." "YOU LOOK LIKE A TWAT!" Ordelia shouted from the wagon. The four of them looked back to the wagon in the trees rustling with the Hell Stallions still flailing in the air. "Why the fuck would you do that? She's gonna kill them, and then us!" Eleanor hissed. "We were gonna die either way!" "I'll gladly kill them next-" The sound of heavy thumping caught their attention. "Alright enough playing around-" Moon and Sunny blasted Madelyn. The Holy light infused with Moon's concussive blast amplified into a raging white flasho f fire. She recoiled screaming in agony and thrashed around. "Grab on." Weaver said pulling them away to the wagon.

Madelyn turned to them with her skin burnt and charred. "I'm going to enjoy killing you three slowly..." She trailed off see Gemini arrive. "Oh you gotta be fucking kidding." Moon groaned. "Watch them." The three looked at each other confused. "Was that Zeke's voice?" Sunny asked. Gemini lowered his heads sniffing the three of them. His pink bristly tongue poked out. "Also don't lick them." He pouted and sulked before giving them a big delighted two headed grin. Zeke leapt off Gemini turning back to Weaver. He scanned them up and down seeing their injuries. "Clara, Ordelia, Eleanor. Wrap and tend their wounds." Weaver released his threads on the wagon slowly letting it down. "Zeke, she's-" He walked off summoning Shadow and his suit. "Oh, a new challenger?" Madelyn activated her Demon's blood, her wounds healed and her hair shot into the covering the sky with white threads. "Ohoho. I know you. I saw you on the Hunter Games at Chiron Academy. Look how you have grown. What do you say about joining me? Us Demons have to stick together after all." "Do you have any loved ones?" Zeke asked softly.

She was taken aback. "What? Like family? Or a spouse?" She chuckled. "Good. Then I won't feel bad about killing you." Zeke did a wide slash. Madelyn stood still wearing a sinister grin. Shadow struck her throat stretching along with its edge. Her snow white tendrils flew into Zeke, barely digging into him. She grunted trying to force her tendrils in deeper. Zeke summoned his Spectre. It snatched Madelyn by the arms. They stretched as far as the Spectre could. "That's not going to work-" The frost on the ground transformed into frozen Shadows. They froze onto her skin. Zeke rammed Shadow through her arm. She cried out, coiling and twisting her arm free. Turning into a spring and leaping away for distance. Madelyn held her left arm tightly. Zeke glared back at her with his Spectre. "Why are you running? Are you scared?" A vein bulged on her forehead, nearly bursting from her seething rage. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME!?" She let out an ear piercing scream. Her hair shot into the air towering over Zeke, they flew towards Weaver and the others. Gemini reeled back ready to defend them.

Moon, Sunny and Weaver watched on as Zeke adopted Sovereign stance one. The frost on the ground started to expand, a cold smoke gently wafted out from each breath. Releasing his first wave with his Spectre following, Zeke slashed wildly in the air creating a barrage of slashing waves. Madelyn's hair was shredded into confetti, falling down like snow. "I thought...I thought could only release one of those at time." Moon said bewildered. Zeke let out a controlled breath, standing up straight, he stared Madelyn down. "Scared and desperate are we?" Zeke remarked with a cocky grin. Madelyn snarled grinding her teeth together. "DON'T GET COCKY FUCKER!" She raised her hand out. "I call upon the god of War, accept my offering. Accept me as your vessel. Grant me access to your armoury, let me wield your arsenal, allow me to slaughter my enemies in your name. BLADE HAIL!" Zeke looked above him seeing the weapons rain on him. 'Constantine's did summon as many weapons. Correlation of Mana to weapon generation.' They pinged off his body, bouncing and falling limp beside him. She twisted herself into a spring, turning into a spear spinning like a cyclone with blades sticking out. Zeke banished Shadow, bracing himself to catch her. "What's he doing?" Moon asked crawling closer.

Madelyn rammed into Zeke's gut. He snatched her shoulders, with his Spectre grabbing two blades, that jutted out. Her head snaked up to his face, with a monstrous grin. Her hair coiling around her face became tiny tendrils ready to enter Zeke's orifices. He smirked sliding his hands up to her throat. Frozen blades struck her from every angle. She gasped uncontrollably. "That's the cold shock response, kicking into effect, and this is what I can do to frozen rubber." Zeke said coldly. The Spectre started to twist and wind her body even further. The blades pinged as they snapped, with her skin and bones crunching under the ice. She tried scream feeling Zeke's hands wrapped around her throat. "And this is for hurting the people I love." He grunted and snapped her neck. She felt all the sensations in her body disappear. Returning to normal, she stared at Zeke terrified, her lips quivering with fear. "Please don't kill me." Zeke dragged her head, with her neck stretching along, towards Gemini and the others. "What are you doing? Where are you taking me?" "To feed my new pet." "NO! I WON'T BE FED TO A-" Zeke threw her head into the ground, with two frozen blades piercing the base of her hair. Summoning Shadow he scalped her frozen skull.

Crying and snivelling, Zeke squatted over Madelyn. Her teeth extended into large fangs and she lunged for his genitals. Thrashing and shaking her head violently, Zeke ripped her free. "Gemini!" He echoed. "Remember to cook your meal." "NOOO!" Zeke hurled her head high into the sky. Gemini reeled back releasing a raging blast of fire scorching Madelyn's extended head. Bouncing off the ground as a long charred kebob. Gemini sniffed his way over and slurped Madelyn's limp body as a long noodle, devouring her with glee. He pulsed with her Mana releasing an excited howl. Gemini wagged his tail sitting in front of Zeke, with his tongue out. "Good boy." Turning to the others they watched him in complete stunned silence. Zeke let out a sigh turning back to normal and banishing his suit with Shadow. Gemini followed along attentively as if trained from a puppy. He took a knee beside them. "Are you three okay?" The three nodded baffled at the sight of Gemini sitting behind him.