
Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a girl named Valentine she always had bad relationships from her past she never wanted anything to do with guys anymore until she met a cold hearted CEO. He needed her to have a contract with him to be a fake wife and the mother of his heir for 5 years and she agreed because her family was so poor and she was the last born out of 5 boys so after the agreement she called him sir and he told her to call him Ace so that was what she did that day she barged into his room and saw his big little buddy and she ran out and he turned all red and ran after her and she apologized to him as valentine said for acting childish and he gave her a job at his company that makes skincare and Ace made Valentine is PA and gave her a working space in his office because he didn't want other girls looking at his woman.

If you want me to continue with the story pls comments. Thank u 🥰