
Chapter 7: Secrets of an Empire

Inside Commander Varon's chamber, Lucius's dark and mysterious aura clashed with the room's battle-hardened aesthetics. The commander's eyes, brimming with both respect and suspicion, met Lucius's chilling gaze.

"What purpose brings you to my quarters? Identify yourself."

"I am Lucius," he replied, his voice dripping with cold authority. "I seek knowledge about Clavis and the vast expanse of its empire."

Varon responded, skepticism evident, "What makes you think I'd share sensitive details with an outsider?"

But Varon's skepticism was short-lived. Utilizing his profound mastery over magic, Lucius subtly controlled the surrounding energies, freezing Varon momentarily. Swiftly, he touched Varon's chest, invoking a forbidden demonic art to seal the commander's magic. With his other hand upon Varon's temple, Lucius unleashed one of his corrupted consciousnesses, overwhelming and replacing Varon's spirit.

Varon's demeanor altered. His once defiant eyes now shadowed. "How may I assist you, my Lord?"

"Begin by explaining the current state of the empire," Lucius commanded.

Varon divulged, "The empire's coffers are drained from a past war with the neighboring Kingdom of Arland. To recuperate, the emperor increased taxes on merchants and the nobility. Inevitably, they shifted this burden onto the masses, leading to economic distress and a spike in crime throughout the empire. Further exacerbating the turmoil, three of our generals revolted, capturing four of our thirteen cities, and now, they rally under the banner of the 'Lysandrian Reformation Council'. Our military strength, once over a million, has waned significantly. Our emperor, at the cusp of becoming a Grand Mage, originally had eight Mage-ranked generals at his behest. Three of them now stand against us."

"And Clavis?" Lucius inquired.

"Geographically fortunate, Clavis is far from the rebellion's epicenter. Nestled near the border, close to the Kingdom of Serathel and away from the main conflict, its defenses remain sparse. The city is protected by 250 guards, 30 initiate-ranked captains, and our city lord, an adept of my standing. Unfortunately, Clavis hasn't been spared from troubles. Six major bandit groups have emerged in its vicinity. And this morning, a report arrived detailing numerous disappearances last night. Citizens, gone without a trace."

Lucius, urged, "Expand on the geopolitical landscape."

Varon obeyed, "Our island is segmented between three kingdoms and our empire. Beyond Arland, with whom we warred, there's Serathel and Veloria. Veloria is particularly unique as it hosts the Mage Covenant—a revered institution where mages refine their craft under the tutelage of a Grand Mage. This covenant's autonomy is well-respected, rendering Veloria practically invincible due to the prestige and protection the covenant bestows."

Nodding, Lucius stated, "Next, I desire an audience with the city lord."

Varon, now but a vessel to Lucius's will, affirmed, "It shall be arranged, my Lord."

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