
Pekoms and Tamago

Izan and Shirahoshi were standing in front of a small grave. Shirahoshi's eyes were teary and tears were streaming down her face without stopping.

It took Shirahoshi well over ten minutes before she managed to calm herself down. In the end, Shirahoshi turned her gaze towards Izan and bowed deeply. "Thank you Izan for making it possible for me in coming here…!" Shirahoshi's voice was hoarse and tears were still running down her face, yet she tried her best in thanking Izan respectfully.

Izan was slightly baffled over how Shirahoshi was showing her feelings this easily. Izan was a person that liked to hide most of his thoughts and feelings inside of himself to other people. But, it also couldn't be denied that Izan was trying his best to show his emotions to his wives, if he was happy, Izan did smile, if he was lustful, he would visit one of his wives at night, and if Izan was slightly annoyed or angry, he would show it and allow himself to be pampered by his wives.

Yet, Izan couldn't help but to feel something when he was seeing Shirahoshi showing these many emotions and feelings straight out to him, ever after they haven't met for so long.

"You don't have to think much of it, Shirahoshi. I am just doing what I want to do." Izan's lips curved upwards as he smiled gently towards Shirahoshi before his body elevated from the ground.

Shirahoshi gazed at Izan in awe as she couldn't help but to think how powerful Izan was. She let herself be lifted from the ground without resisting. Shirahoshi quite liked how caring Izan was and his personality of being kind. Shirahoshi's blush turned into a deeper red as she begun thinking of how handsome Izan was too towards the end.

Izan and Shirahoshi didn't talk much as they were thinking for themselves during the trip towards the Ryugu Castle. When they neared it, Izan was able to sense where his wives were at. He leaned slightly forward, and their speed became much faster.

Shirahoshi yelped in a low voice as she felt the speed turned faster. Shirahoshi was able to see a tower made out of steel, which was her bedroom and living place for the past few years. Yet when she saw that Izan wasn't going towards that direction, she couldn't help but to feel happy that Izan would even allow her to go outside and protect her from danger.

Izan and Shirahoshi entered the castle and rushed towards one of the rooms which had a large table filled with food and drinks. Hancock, Perona, Jiutian, Nojiko and Robin were sitting on one side, whereas Neptune, Fukaboshi, two other fishmen and a large mermaid were on the other side.

"Shirahoshi!" The two fishmen stood up and stared towards Shirahoshi in wonder, they didn't know why Shirahoshi was outside her safe room. Yet they quieted down and sat down after seeing Neptune glaring at them with a sharp gaze.

Izan could easily guess that those two were Shirahoshi's brothers. Izan then gazed at the mermaid who was glaring back at him in awe, surprise, wonder and rage all at once. Izan furrowed his eyebrows for two seconds before he relaxed and walked towards them with Shirahoshi right by his side.

"I don't think I have met you before, I'm Izan." Izan spoke with a smile as he gazed at the mermaid. He could see a black ball in front of her on the table, yet Izan didn't want to conclude things way too fast as of now.

"I am Shyarly…" Shyarly stared directly at Izan, she didn't know why, but after she saw the future, she couldn't help but feel something deep inside of her wanting to tell everyone about it. But, she wasn't allowed to do so…


Shyarly gazed at the black ball as she tried to tell Izan's future.

The black ball was void of any colour, darkness spread everywhere on the world. Islands being corrupted, Sky Islands falling down, and Fishman Island being burned in flames…

Humans died by a large number, the Navy, the Pirates, the Revolutionary Army all fought together, yet they were being defeated…

The Sky Islands had strong protectors, yet they fell in battle without any hope. Millions of inhabitants of the Sky Islands died, and their bodies fell towards the sea…

Fishman Island was set on flames, blazing throughout the whole place. Children crying for their parents and parents screaming out for the loss of their own children…

Shyarly had sweat covering her entire body, she felt shock and started feeling afraid. Her entire body started trembling, yet there was nothing Shyarly could do about it.

But it was at this moment that bright light appeared out of nowhere. The bright light had a hint of blood-red in it, it was strong enough to hold back the darkness which had shrouded the entire world. When the bright light faded away, a lone figure stood there facing the darkness by himself…

Shyarly knew who this man was, as it was this man she was trying to tell the future of. She saw Izan facing the darkness and slowly but surely the darkness had to retreat. First the Fishman Island's flames were put off with a wave of Izan's hands…

The Sky Islands had a lone protector as he faced the darkness, yet before he died, Izan came and rescued him. Izan flickered his hands and the darkness had to retreat without any match.

In the end, Izan had to stand in the front of the darkness incarnated person. The fight lasted for a very long time. No one could stay near them as their clashes turned everything upside down. Water was falling down from the sky, islands were demolished and turned into dust…

Shyarly couldn't watch any longer as she felt a horrible headache, Shyarly closed her eyes and opened them in shock as she saw the black ball was empty of colours. Her body was shivering as she raised her gaze and saw Izan's wives staring back at her with an amused expression.

"… Who is Izan…" Shyarly asked in a hoarse voice as she kept her gaze at Jiutian who had a soft smile on her face.

Present time.

After Izan had sat down, he got to know who Shyarly was. He didn't bother with knowing what the future had for him, he simply didn't care as he was sure of what he and his wives could do.

Shirahoshi was sitting near Neptune. Neptune had kept thanking Izan for taking care of Vander Decken which allowed Shirahoshi in visiting her mother's grave.

When Izan was about to speak, he turned his head and gazed at the entrance. His eyebrows narrowed slightly, he could sense that someone was coming.

Everyone followed Izan's gaze towards the entrance where two males appeared. One of them looked like a lion and the other one as an egg. They were a rather weird combination, yet the fishmen were able to sense that they were strong, meanwhile Nojiko and Perona snorted as they gazed at them in disdain.

"King Neptune, we are here to hear your response!" The lion-like male spoke in a deep voice. Yet when he saw Izan and his crew, he couldn't help but to squint his eyes slightly.

"Heavenly Izan, what a surprise…! I am Pekoms and this is Tamago, and we are from the Big Mom Pirates." Pekoms hoped that Izan would back off when he heard they were from one of the Emperor of the Seas.

Yet, Pekoms was sadly mistaken in one thing. Izan was not afraid of challenging a mere Emperor of the Seas, he knew that it wouldn't be long till he got strong enough to beat them all by himself.

A pressure gushed out of Izan's body as he glared at Pekoms and Tamago. "Why should I care of who you are following? It won't help you as you, the marines, the world government, celestial dragons and the emperors will all go to the same place when you're dead." Izan's voice was deep and cold, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Tamago and Pekoms were barely able to stand at this point, Tamago gritted his teeth as he spoke in a hoarse and weak voice. "The Fishman Island is going to be under Big Mom's protection…! Even if you don't care of who Big Mom is, you shouldn't act reckless and make an enemy of someone you shouldn't!" Tamago tried to speak sense to Izan, but Tamago was feeling the pressure becoming heavier.

Izan chuckled before the pressure vanished, Izan's voice sounded out throughout the whole room. "It is very weird, do tell Big Mom that Fishman Island is under my protection."

At this point, everyone was shocked. No one could have guessed that Izan would say something like this. Even Jiutian was slightly shocked in hearing Izan wanting to protect something other than his own wives.

"Why are you trying this hard…?!" Pekoms gritted his teeth rather hard, Big Mom had told him to guarantee in being able to get Fishman Island under their protection.

"Of course, it is because my bride, lives here…" Izan chuckled yet once again as he saw the baffled expression on everyone's faces.

Shirahoshi could guess who Izan was referring to, she couldn't help but to blush even more. She lowered her head slightly and whispered in a low voice. "...…" No one could hear her whispers, yet somehow Shirahoshi's blushed cheeks turned even redder and her eyes were slightly teary.

Heyo, third chapter of the week (3/5).

Could anyone guess this was going to happen? O.o

I have decided that Shirahoshi will be the last harem member in One Piece world. I was thinking of at least three others, but I decided otherwise after having thought it over.

There might be a 1% chance of Bonny joining in towards the ending, but we will have to wait and see till then.


iMiHcreators' thoughts
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