
Finding out their motives

"Oh..." Izan was not amused at all, from his own perspective, Voldemort was just wasting his time. But Izan was glad that he took his time to come here, if he didn't, he wouldn't know who his enemies are.

Because right now Izan knew that his two enemies would be the Empress and Vaal Van Denio. And for Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort and the other Wizards and Witches? They weren't too much of a threat to Izan unless both Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort could promote their strength and work together to fight against him.

Izan gazed into Voldemort's eyes before a grin appeared on Izan's face. "You are losing control, aren't you?" Izan was able to perceive that the Magical Force and the Dark Eerie Presence of Vaal Van Denio was fighting each other inside of Voldemort's body, fighting for supremacy.

Voldemort was feeling done with being threatened all day long, he slowly leaned forward while speaking in a rather cold voice. "I might not be able to defeat you, but are you sure that you want to threaten me? If I have to, I will submit to a stronger power and sacrifice my own life, but in that time, I will at least be able to kill the ones around you..." Voldemort was having trouble using the Dark Eerie Presence inside of his body, as it would always give him a huge backlash.

The pressure in the room grew stronger and the room became colder. Both Voldemort and Izan were staring into each other's eyes. Izan flickered his right hand and grabbed his scythe, and Voldemort stood up from his chair and pointed his wand at Robin.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort was the first one to act.

Yet nothing happened, Voldemort was only able to stare without any purpose for a brief moment.

Izan's body appeared in front of Voldemort, and as he appeared, Voldemort's outreached hand that was holding the wand was falling to the ground.

Blood was gushing out of Voldemort's severed hand, Voldemort gritted his teeth in pain. Snape had gotten prepared as he held his wand.

Even Sybill had her wand in her hand right now, the only one that didn't bother move was Robin, she was confident that there would be no danger right now.

"I asked you a question, you shall answer it...!" Izan spoke in a very deep voice as he glared into Voldemort's eyes. "What is the goal of your master – Vaal Van Denio?" And as Izan was speaking, he was letting out his Conqueror's Haki, Izan has finished acting gentle now.

Both Snape and Voldemort fell to the ground, Voldemort could feel his bones trembling. Voldemort tried uttering a few words "..." But no sound came out, Voldemort bit his own tongue before he managed to calm down slightly under the pressure of Izan. "He... Master's... Goal, is, to, resurrect...!" Voldemort could barely speak these words, he felt his mind going blank.

Izan's Conqueror's Haki vanished and he turned around, Izan gazed at Robin and Sybill, he had a faint smile on his face right now. "We are done here, let us go."

Izan, Robin and Sybill left Voldemort's house, and the moment they left the entrance, Izan flickered his finger which made their bodies fly up to the air. Izan still had a faint smile on his face, but deep inside of himself he could feel something shaking and trembling. It wasn't out of fear, no, far from it, Izan's wish and goal is to become stronger, strong enough to stand on top of everything. And this situation he was in right now would make him either stronger or he would die.

It didn't take long before they reached the mansion up in the air, and as Izan, Sybill and Robin entered the mansion, Defying made the mansion fly away in high speed, leaving the Dark Kingdom behind.

"Defying, have you found a nice place?" Izan forced himself to push down his thoughts of the future battles and made himself think of the present. Izan honoured his words and his words shouldn't be taken lightly, therefore, Izan would do as he promised, to have a relaxed sightseeing with his wives. 'Heh, it's not something I would do, but I surely can't deny that it would be wonderful to relax and not think of the future for a single day...' Izan was amused by his own inner thoughts, Izan gave a chuckle before a geniune smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, Master, with the help of Jiutian and the maps, we managed to find a beautiful place." Defying's voice sounded out in the room, but her body wasn't around.

Izan was about to walk towards his bedroom, but a voice stopped him from doing so.

"I think it will be the best if you stay here for now, Izan, I don't think they would like it too much if you saw them before they are finished." Jiutian's voice also sounded out in the mansion.

Izan raised his left eyebrow before chuckling once again, he turned his head towards Robin and Sybill before asking. "I suppose that the two of you will also change your clothes before we arrive there?" Even if Izan didn't know where they'll be going, he knew that it should be a decent place as Jiutian and Defying had chosen it.

Sybill was about to say something, but Robin pulled her shirt. Robin then gazed at Izan with a smile on her face. "Of course, we will change too. I think that you shouldn't come inside either, they are most likely trying to surprise you." And then Robin began walking away while pulling Sybill with her.

"Are you also going to try surprising me then?" Izan asked with a playful tone which he rarely used.

Robin didn't answer at all, her lips curved upwards, she smiled playfully. "Who knows?" And as her words fell, she left with Sybill.

And as the two of them left, Defying appeared in front of Izan. She was wearing a black gothic dress that was made out of crimson and black frills. It was apparent that she was using a new dress, but her facial expression wasn't her usual indifferent one, Defying had a weary and tried expression right now, almost like she was sulking for some reason.

"Master..." Defying's expression turned normal after she saw Izan, she felt that all the troublesome experience she had to endure was now finally over.


"Defying, come back, we aren't done yet with changing your clothes!" Perona's voice sounded out loudly.

Defying's face fell, she was wondering if she could just leave or escape somehow.

Izan was standing on his spot, his face was almost frozen, only blinking from time to time. *Sigh* Izan sighed and shook his head for a bit before muttering. "I am glad that most of my clothes are the same..."

O.o Poor Defying...

iMiHcreators' thoughts
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