
Chapter 02: Ryuu and Syr! (W/V)

==Klein's POV==

I woke up and asked Hestia to give her blessing. After that, me and Bell went to the dungeon. We started at the third floor. We fought with the goblins and kobolds first until we decided to go deeper.

Bell: Klein, there are many goblins at your back.

Klein: 'Go mana and stab those who I will.'

I snapped my fingers and all of them fell in the ground with blood gushing at their wounds. Bell was amazed as I did my secret technique, Mana shards control.

Bell: You are amazing, Klein!

Klein: Let's pick the gems then lets go to the fifth floor, Bell.

Bell nodded and we picked all the gems. After that, we went to the fifth floor and defeated some insects, killer ants to be exact.

I formed a sword of mana using my eye and used it to kill the insects. Bell somewhat killed some of the forces. I took one and easily killed it by using Mana Shards. Okay I should rephrase that, it was tiresome.

Klein: 'Good enough. we should go back first and sell these crystals.'

I went to Bell and told him that we will go back now. He nodded and we went up the floors and return to the church.

Klein: 'System, based on the Falna, what level am I?'

[Level 1 host. Killing those monsters that many increased your points and because of the Void Goddess's boost on you, all those points were multiplied.]

Klein: 'I am living cheat am I? But its okay, I am still level 1. At least I have something I call 'My own Level'.'

We arrived at the church and Hestia wasn't there. We saw a note saying that she is going to a meeting. The Denatus meeting that is. I wonder what my alias will be.

Klein: Well, 2 500 valis isn't bad am I right?

Bell: Well, lets save that for now and go to the Hostess of Fertility. I am sure that it can be a good place to eat.

I nodded and sighed. I could really use a breather if my life will be like this. We arrived at the Hostess of Fertility. I looked at Bell and used my eye to check his power. He is still levl 1 huh?


A fight broke out, two of the workers, Syr and Ryuu got into. I shivered in fear as I thought that this place will be in chaos if I don't stop them.

Klein: Okay, all of the ones who are fighting, get the hell out of here and say sorry to the two girls you are fighting for!

They laughed at me and that's when I used my eye. I used my mana to make them fear me. They were frozen on the spot. I walked towards them and smiled.

Klein: I will give you five seconds to get the hell out of here and say sorry to the ones you interrupted!

Man 1: Got it! We are sorry, we will leave for today and go back to drink or eat and don't bother others!

I retracted my newly created suppressing magic and went at Bell's location. I sat on the vacant seat with Bell and we ordered food.

Ryuu: Thank you for saving us from trouble.

I stood up got closer to her and whispered to her ear.

Klein: You held back, am I right?"

She was shocked but held back from asking how I knew that.

I sat again and Bell asked me what it is.

Klein: You will know it in the future.

Syr and Ryuu went to our table and thanked us. Well, Ryuu thanked me for not letting her fight those assholes. Bell, who was eating was praising me too on how I am great at my abilities are and how protective I am towards women and comrades.

Klein: I am protective of them 'cause I am going to make them fall for me.'

I wanted to say that to Bell, but I must not. You know the drill.

We went back and saw Hestia came back home. I looked at her and she seemed excited. Well, I know why though.

Guys, can you think of an alias for Klein? I would really like it if you can think of it. Thank you in advance. Links for thos who doesn't know what Syr and Ryuu look like:



SilentNecromancercreators' thoughts
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