Here I have some short stories that may gonna make you feel happy to read it
In a small house there is small happy family that consist of a father, a mother, a son, and a daughter. Yeah, they are a really happy family with everything they have. There is one thing that is really interesting in this family and it is the son himself, the reason is because he is super stubborn and everything that he wants has to be available or he will use his greatest weapon and it is crying.
Well, one day in a beautiful afternoon, the son was playing with his father’s phone. Well he loved to play game really much, he would do everything as long as he could play game from the phone. Then the mother asked him to stop playing game for a while, because she wanted him to take a bath first. However, the boy didn’t want to take a bath. He kept playing game, so the mother forced him by taking him directly to the bath room and hid the phone. It worked, the boy took a bath just like that.
After taking a bath, the boy asked his mother about his father’s phone
The Boy : “ Mom where is dad’s phone with white color ? “
The Mother : “ I don’t know my son “
The Boy : “ ahhhh, where is it ? “
The Mother : “ I told you, I don’t know. Let’s just eat first then look for it “
The Boy : “ Okay mom”
The boy then ate the food with his mother, yeah the boy didn’t seem to be really happy because he couldn’t play game while eating his food. So, he finished his food and talked to his mother
The Boy : “ Mom, I’ve finished my food “
The Mother : “ Good job “
The Boy : “ But, where is dad’s phone with white color ? “
The Mother : “ Later, anyway where is your father ? “
The Boy : “ I also don’t know mom, but where is dad’s phone with white color ? “
The Mother : “ I said I don’t know and what makes think that I took it from you ? “
The Boy : “ Because usually you hide the phone from me mom “
The Mother : “ Usually, but this time I didn’t hide cause I accompany you to take a bath. Remember ? “
The Boy : “ So, where is dad’s phone ? “
Well, the boy keep asking about his father’s phone till his father came home
The Boy : “ Dad, welcome home “
The Father : “ Hello my boy “
The Boy : “ Dad where is your phone that I usually play with ? “
The Father : “ I don’t know, I’ve just arrived from work “
The Boy : “ ahhhhh, I wanna play game “
The Father : “ Hey, look at this. I have potato chips for you “
The Boy : “ Wow, give it to me please “
The Father : “ Here you go “
The boy : “ Thanks Dad”
Well, his parents thought that the boy would forget about the phone after eating the potato chips from his father. However, thing that happened was the opposite. After eating the chips the boy asked his mom again
The Boy : “ Mom where is dad’s phone ? “
Well, the mother seemed to be really confused with his son who had a really strong memory even if he actually a four-year-old boy also at the same time really stubborn and didn’t believe in his mom. So, in the end of the day the mother gave the phone back to his son and he could play game again.