
Chapter 4 Coffee Date

"I uhh-" Johnny stammered out before composing himself. "I would love to- I mean sure. What time would work best for you?" He asked while awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

'He's kind of… cute.' The silver-haired woman thought noticing his flustered expression. "How does 9 a.m. sound?"

"T-that works. Uhh… see you then!" Johnny said before fleeing back to his apartment.

When he arrived at his safe haven, he laid back on his bed, still not fully believing in the events that just took place.

'A girl just… asked me out!' He thought ecstatically.

[You are so damn pathetic.] Aurora said scornfully. [You can so brazenly ask to see a woman's tits but run away like a coward when they ask for a simple coffee date. Dumbass…]

A bit red in the face Johnny retorted, "I-I just didn't expect such a reaction! If I knew she was going to ask me out, I wouldn't have been so surprised."

[Yeah right dumbass. Unlike you, I'm not stupid enough to believe something like that.]

Frowning and dismissing Aurora's verbal attacks, Johnny began planning what to do for his upcoming date. 'Unfortunately, I don't have enough manipulation points to help me initiate sex, so I'm going to have to place my hopes on kisses.'


The following morning, Johnny stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom. "This is the best I've got." He said out loud.

[Well it looks like shit. Without any kind of manipulation, I'm sure women would run away at the sight of you.] Aurora spoke without regard for Johnny's feelings.

He was currently wearing a purple button-up shirt with cuffed sleeves, and his best pair of jeans. His hair was slicked back in an amateurish attempt at looking nice, and he had just shaved his face clean.

'But… my mom always said I looked nice when I wore this.' He thought discouraged by Aurora's comments.

[Oh cheer up dumbass, you'll bring the mood down. That's why you were given this system in the first place, so you would stop being such a loser.] Aurora said trying to get Johnny's mind out of the dumps.

Upon hearing her words, Johnny put his sad thoughts to the side and walked out of his apartment, making his way downstairs.

When he arrived, his eyes spotted the most gorgeous sight he had ever seen in his life.

The silver-haired woman was waiting by the exit of the complex with her arms crossed, tapping her fingers rhythmically against them. She was wearing a white, unassuming sun dress, her plump bosom producing a mountain on her chest. Her silver hair was tied in a ponytail, leaving her perfect facial features open for the world to see.

'There is no way a woman like that is going on a date with me…' Johnny thought with disbelief.

[Stop gawking and go greet her dumbass.] Aurora reminded.

Building up what little courage he had, Johnny walked into the lobby and up to the stunning young woman.

"Ehhem… Good afternoon." He said awkwardly.

Smiling when she spotted him, the big-breasted beauty moved in to lock lips with the young man.

Closing his eyes to savor their wonderful taste, Johnny almost lost himself to their allure but righted himself as she pulled away.

"Shall we get going?" She asked with a look of arousal. 'Why do I feel so good whenever we kiss?'

Johnny replied with a smile and said, "Absolutely, you had a place in mind right?"

"Yes I did, but before that… I didn't catch your name. I'm Samantha by the way." The silver-haired woman said.

'Samantha…' Johnny thought almost in a trance before shaking his head and saying, "My name's Johnny. Nice to uhh… meet you, Samantha."


About 10 minutes later, Samantha and Johnny arrived at their destination. A local coffee shop situated on a street corner stood in front of them. The walk there wasn't eventful as they mostly walked in silence and made short comments about their surroundings.

[Well don't just stand there dumbass, Open the door for her.] Aurora instructed.

Remembering his manners, Johnny stepped forward and opened the door as he gestured to Samantha. "After you."

"Thank you." Samantha said she she entered the building followed by Johnny.

The coffee shop was mostly empty, as most people were still at work, leaving Samantha and Johnny with a wide selection of available seats.

Johnny quickly rushed to the nearest table and sat down. It was a small table with 2 seats facing each other.

He pulled out a chair and allowed Samantha to sit in it, before sitting down on his own, opposite to her.

While looking through the menu, Samantha suddenly asked a question. "So… what do you do for work Johnny?"

A little started by the question, Johnny took a moment to debate telling the truth and ultimately decided to come clean.

"I was uhh… recently fired. I had a job at a gas station, but my manager and I didn't get along very well, so he ended up firing me. I am currently in search of a new job, hopefully one with a better supervisor." He replied.

"That's too bad." Samantha said with a frown. "I hope it works out for you. I know how hard job searching can be. It took me forever just to get the desk clerk job back at the complex."

After some more small talk and ordering their coffee, Johnny had a question for Samantha. "I'm sorry if this is a little too soon but… why did you ask me out?"

It was Samantha's turn to look a little embarrassed as she thought about the reason she asked him out. 'I can't tell him I get turned on during our greetings, that would just be wrong. I guess…'

Shifting awkwardly, she said, "I found you… cute."

Johnny sat there, struggling to not break into a song and cheering out as loud as he could. A woman just said that she found him attractive! Even if she was influenced by the CSMS, it still marked the turning point in Johnny's miserable virgin life.

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