
Surname Lin

Lilian Mo quickly gave up and decided not to disturb them. Anyway, as long as Mizuki Rei doesn't make Mu Qingqing cry, and treats her very well, Lilian Mo has no objections even if they show some public display of affection.

Fu Yangzhu, on the other hand, did not share the same thoughts. He kicked Mizuki Rei on the leg.

"Little Rei, snap out of it! Boss Ren is missing! We can't just stay here and stare at each other all night!"

Mu Qianmo quickly restrained Fu Yangzhu with his hands. "For now, it's best if we follow the army to the base. It's safer there and we can also take this as an opportunity to look for Jiaojiao's brother."

"Brother Qian! We can't just leave without Boss Ren!" Fu Yangzhu's displeasure was written across his face.

"I know but at the moment, we are at a disadvantage. Everyone has yet to recover from the fight and chase we experienced early this day. Yangzhu, we can't be impulsive. I'm tired. Everyone is tired. We need to get to a safe location first then we can discuss how we're going to split up to look for Boss Ren and Jiaojiao's brother."

Aside from Fu Yangzhu, no one protested against Mu Qianmo's suggestion.

"Lu Jingren isn't a weak person." Lilian Mo said, pausing as she looked at Fu Yangzhu.

"I agree with Brother Qian. Even if you want to find Lu Jingren, you have to consider everyone's current condition. If you keep being persistent, your recklessness might cause casualties." Lilian Mo warned. Her gaze was serious as she relayed her thoughts.

Mizuki Rei, much like Fu Yangzhu was also worried for the Boss but he also understood what Lilian Mo and Mu Qianmo were trying to tell them.

Rest first then we can deal with our problems without worry.

"Yangzhu, let's go with the army first." Mizuki Rei said.

Fu Yangzhu who saw his expression opened his mouth to say something back but at the corner of his eyes, he saw Zhang Youji who was clutching on Lin Jiaojiao's hand and looking very sleepy. The child's eyes were drooping.

Lin Jiaojiao crouched down, she placed her hands around Zhang Youji and decided to carry the small and frail child in her arms, placing his head on her shoulders.

Fu Yangzhu sighed as he saw this. Seeing this, it would make him look heartless if he still insisted.

"Okay... We can go with the army for now. But... I will definitely go look for Boss Ren afterward."

Mu Qianmo breathed a sigh of relief. "Yangzhu, we understand that you're worried. We also feel the same but right now, we should prioritize our health and safety first. We can't find Boss Ren if we're tired and lacking strength."

"I understand, Brother Qian." Fu Yangzhu clenched his fists beside him.

Their group finally decided to board the army truck. Nathan Yang accompanied them inside.

"It's about time you showed up. You kids really took your time arguing over a simple matter. But this is normal when a group doesn't have a leader." Nathan Yang commented, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at them critically.

Nathan Yang was right. It was really a miracle that they were able to last this long without a leader. Perhaps, it was because everyone was capable so they were able to make it this far.

Mu Qianmo looked around and noticed that they were the only ones inside, saved for the driver.

"Miss Yang won't come with us?"

"You don't need to worry about her. Although Nat and I are twins, we work for two different people. She's staying at the hotel to keep guard on the others who are working on the solar generator. My twin is a strong person. Nat will be fine without me." Even though they were twins, they weren't the type who grew up dependent on each other. In fact, they walked very different paths and possessed opposite personalities.

While Nathan Yang was calm and collected, Nathalie Yang was the brave and impulsive twin.

Mu Qianmo nodded. He decided to ask about the status of the base. Lilian Mo also paid attention to this as she also asked questions.

"Do you have a doctor with the surname Lin?" She asked.

Nathan Yang nodded. "From what I remember, the base has two doctors with the surname Lin. But don't worry, it isn't hard to differentiate the two since the other doctor prefers to be called Dr. Fang." Then Nathan Yang paused, looking very grim.

"He is young and has a very eccentric personality but fortunately, his medical skills are not inferior."

Lin Jiaojiao was originally very sleepy but as soon as she heard Nathan Yang talking about a person that might be her brother, her eyes lit up.

"My big brother's surname is Lin and his first name is Fang. His whole name is Lin Fang!" She said excitedly.


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