fate brings mahi and kavya to become a couple but kavya has a rare disorder and mahi accepts her and loves her unconditionally but a sudden attack happens to kavya ...will mahi save her or not...? what hapoens to kavya after that attack.....? will her love lasts for life along or not...? what happens to mahi in the process of saving her....,?
Comedy of love
on winter morning around 11:00 clock suddenly i got acall from my sister. i was ready to attend next class. i came out of the class and picked up my phone. i was ready to answer but my words stucked there
Vidya: hello brother are you there
Mahi : i am in a class vidya dont u have time to talk?
Vidya : brother, my room mate was seriously injured
By hearing those words almost my heart got fallen down in a serious tone
Mahi :what happened to her?
Vidya :brother i cant explain you now . come to our college hospital once please. her voice was so depressive. she feels sad as she fears for her room mate.....
Out side there a young was roaring like a lion he was about to explode he was crying and wanted to tear her apart . All her frds were stopping him but he was not
Doctor came out he was about to explain
doctor: is any body here bombay blood group . yes bombay blood group is rare and it cannot be found every where and hospital lacks it now . young man was carrying his phone and calling his mother to come fast . By then mahi entered the ward and asked about situation. By listening those he was about to give blood because he was a bombay blood group ...
after receiving those news he directly went to blood bank there he asked nurse to draw blood from him
Nurse :do you have any health related issues
mahi :no
Nurse : do you have any phobias
mahi :i am panto phobic and i am allergic to women
Nurse : you are not supposed to give blood
mahi: i know but she is also pantophobic and i am resistant to her and she is resistant to me...
Volume 2 :Dear love
after hearing those words nurse draw blood from him and transfers it to her ward and was supplied by doctor
when doctor touches her he observes skin rash but he thinks that she already had so he longer observes it
outside that man hit vidya ruthlessly while betaing he saw a dollar in her collar region . He was stunned at that moment and was hard to control his emotions . he stopped beating and went out . after giving blood mahi came out and saw his sisters cheeks he was angry but supressed
with in a hour patient parents came and they also under stood the situation . they simply waiting for doctors reply
after half 2 hours observation doctor came out and asked who is mahi ?
all were shocked but realised that he gave blood and allowed him to enter ward . with out word mahi entered the room .there he saw a beautiful girl tied with bandage in her head and it was fully covered she was about to open her eyes. while coming, that young man also came in without mentioning . without observing him mahi was going to speak
mahi :wifey are you ok ?
girl :i am ok mahi dont worry vidya didnt done it wantedly
mahi :kavya you are now supporting her ..?
kavya : hubby she was agitated by mithra and came to me with anger and she did not done it mithra was the real culprit
By knowing that young man called rishi was in a shock . mahi was his brother in law and vidya was not the real culprit but who was mithra . what was the relation between mahi and my sister and why does vidya had that dollar. out of questions he exited out
inside room kavya was about to speak but mahi stopped her
mahi :my dear love do you forgive me ?
VOLUME :3 I love you
kavya hold his hands and allows him to come close and says in a whisper voice : I Love U hubby
suddenly door opens and kavya 's parents came in and asks her about
kavya: mom i am alright and vidya didnot done this indeed she helped me to hospital . thanks for her by saving me
parents were in shock and asked :vidya was not real culprit
by listening those words rishi felt bad and sorry and went outside without notice . inside the room kavya father touched her head . he was not worried about her allergy and he only worried to touch her .Fortunately nothing happened and she is good . her father broke out into tears and expressed his happiness .over 20 years she missed the touch of her father and now it is possible through mahi . she felt thankful to mahi at her heart and she also cried in happiness .
out side rishi felt sorry by seeing her wounded faces . vidya suddenly took straight look to rishi and asked him
Vidya : is kavya ok ?
rishi(inside):i am sorry vidya
vidya : i am so sorry for your sister . i swear i never try to hurt her . please dont give that angry face to me
rishi: she is fine and i am sorry
without a word he left that place . after some time kavya parents came out . again inside mahi and kavya are there
kavya: mahi ,come here . he nodded and came to her
mahi : dont make noise you are patient now
kavya : i only make noise infront of you
mahi : dont stress your self it hurts my heart
kavya :i know my mistake now can you lend me few more years to get back to you
mahi : i will wait for my life time
these words were listened by vidya and she was stunned at that moment and felt she dig gold inside earth and stand there with no moment.....
VOLuME : 4 kavya introduction
kavya was born in a middle class family with happiness around . Her mother radhika, a house wife and her father raja shekhar was a people lawyer at their state and later turned to family lawyer for a minister family .indeed he was famous in that state but he was used to maintain lowkey. kavya was now studying MBBS 1 st year at famous St. George college at their state . Her parents were at distant so they helped her to hostel . Her brother was studying degree in chattered accounts. He was much interested in maths and doing math makes him happy and also a computer specialist he knows how to plays with logistics and computer language . here is the family of kavya . her family is simply of four members .
.... ... ....
Her parents came out and searched for rishi they wanted to refresh so they went out to take some thing for kavya . her parents found rishi at pharmacy and rushed there and called him
parents : rishi ....
rishi:yes mom and dad , is sister okay ?
parents :did you ask sorry to vidya ?
rishi :yes i said to her and felt really guilty for accusing her
her father :now you feel guilty ? she is indeed a niece kid because she didnt blame you for your wild actions
Rishi: sorry dad i over reacted on it
Parents : go and ask her sorry
rishi: ok dad i will . you relax at near by hotel and i already prepared for it
parents : thats good . help your sister by assisting her
rishi :ok mom , he then goes inside the room
By seeing him kavya and mahi departured he turned towards
kavya : hi rishi . when you came
rishi : 5 hours. back while knowing your incident i rushed out here
kavya :i am fine rishi and let me introduce mahi , by turning around he invites mahi to come close and says rishi that he is my room mates brother name mahi, mahidhar varma( famous business tycoon and home minister of that state one and only son ), after hearing that rishi was shocked....
Chapter : 5 mahi intro
Mahi ( mahidhar varma )varma group of companies M.D. and s/o of vikram varma (vice president of that state ) and also a studing doctor aged 21 years ,looks stunning and most attractive face and lovely charm of that college . He used to be rock star at that college . he usually fears to talk with girls . he never touches her sister also and he was most angriest and attitude bird in whole college studying 3rd year MBBS and her sister vidya studying 1 st MBBS because of her brother . she admires her brother and little arrogant . mahi's father vikram varma (vice president ) and he gives job to raja shekhar as a personnal lawyer . where as mahi 's mother manasa is a silent person and a loving mother and also a house wife . from childhood both kids studied faraway from their parents near kavya 's town so they now transported to city because of studies and mahi will still stay at hostel . their family are particular to maintain low key and a happy family
mahi left the room by saying something urgent . so kavya allowed him to go and looked towards rishi . inside rishi and outside vidya has similar doubts
do they know before ....?
outside vidya followed mahi and asked him
vidya :do you know kavya earlier ....?
mahi kept silent and he did not want to answer her question but vidya again asked him hiw do you know kavya ? . By her question felt he wants to tell about their love to not lead her misunderstand. And the story starts now.
Chapter : 6 journey
inside the room rishi also asks same question and she also wants to share her story about past
two and half years back while (kavya 11 th grade and mahi 12 th grade ) going to catch a train journey . we meet there.
kavya ( pov) i took permission from parents went to visit our home town and as you know my best friend swathi also had swimming competition at the same time we both planed to go .....
mahi (pov): during our 12 th grade we had state level swimming champion ship as you know i used to be called as mermaid king in swimming . i used to go there to perform my skills .
kavya (pov) : we both are travelling on same train and used to be seated on opposite . i felt sad by seeing them and really didnot want to talk to them and i simply opened a book to read . Swetha was so happy to see his god infront and wants to talks to him and he avoids her looks and straightly went to window to see nature .
mahi (pov) : as they both seated opposite . i was quite uneasy to hold there and swathi (kavya friend ) was seeing like a fried chicken holding to eat . i really got tierd and walked away . then they three started to discuss . after some time i got there
kavya (pov): as swetha wants her god to hold she used to talk with his friend karthik he also shows some anticipation to talk with swathi while i am reading a book i found it bore and i also joined to speak with them within 5 minutes we made a good friend ship and we are sharing our memories . karthik is a niece guy that his words are so sweet and happy to listen .we chatted happily. while after half an hour mahi came there, he introduced us to mahi....
Chapter :7 moving hug and kiss
after their introductions they seated back and situation is silent and normal . kavya felt uneasy and wants to go through window to see nature . they both love to be a part of nature and after some time swathi found kavya was not there so she was searching for her. kavya by walking she entered in to another compartment so they all searching for her . swathi asks mahi help to find out her . so he also accepts to help her . he gave opposite direction to go and he went to kavya' s direction . while searching he found kavya holding stand of wundow and seeing the beautiful nature of environment . Her hair was roaming like a free bird from her head, her eyes sparks like stars and her smile gives a comfort of happiness and one more important one her eyes she had wide beautiful eye her body fully covered with yellow dress and her skin is so shiny to touch and felt amaze at once she is only 18 years old and she was enjoying the way like princess came out of palace . her cheeks are reddened due to cool weather it seems like fruit was already ripened and in a sudden glimpse mahi came close to her and train stopped with great force by this he was hugged her and their lips are interlocked with shock mahi wants to control by placing his hands towar ds the wall of train but it already ended with a lip lock .....
all the air surrounding stopped at that moment , bodies become close . kavya doesnt feel ackward indeed she loved the hardness of this man , she was attracted indeed loved the way he becomes close to her . same like mahi he loved the expression of her and her perfume makes him to raise his man's desire . kavya does nt feel allergic to him same mahi does nt feel bad to get close to her . they stood there for 1 minute with shock and pleasure
All this was seen by karthik and shocked at that moment ...
Chapter : 8 Disperse
karthik was shocked at that moment and felt like a child while sawing them both. in his mind he only thinks that kavya was the one who can win over mahi . before arrival of swathi, karthik directly went to mahi -kavya to make them disperse . unknowingly they feel shy and mahi asks sorry for her ,she didnt gave response and lefr with no words . after returning to their seats swathi was not seen so she dialed her number and called her . when swathi came , she started continiously blaming kavya for her recklessness . then only mahi and karthik will enter while entering mahi took a deep breathe and saw kavya's face for once . he never feel this way. it is quite good and particularly when he touches her it makes feel like he touches cotton. kavya was in a deep shock because sheis allergic to opposite gender but now she kissed him, she doesnt have any allergies indeed kiss is so pleasent to taste and makes chuckle when she remembers it .
mahi and kavya doesnt see one another upto morning . swathi was about to talk with mahi eagerly . mahi doesnt show any interest to her , so she leaves and talks with karthik. karthik also interested to talk with her . while their conversation goes karthik asks them whether they are staying at allocated hostels or out side . swathi explains that kavya 's grand pa will come and receive us and she explained about kavya and her bio.
while they both were talking kavya and mahi express their facey expression to each other , it was indeed shocky expressions they both had but they find their true persons they feel and this was observed by karthik . he doesnt understand their situation but he only understands that two icy legends were slowly melting inside and warmth can be present if both are together . while this thought arised he wants to ask their phone number . while swathi gave her number kavya doesnt ,karthik also gave her number but not mahi .....
Early morning 6:00 clock train stops at destination point while swathi was .sleepindg kavya got awake and made swathi out from sleep and they both landed on platform while landing they saw mahi and karthik was spooted by their friends and some other people and her grand pa came at that time and they two got dispersed for 1 st time
Chapter 8 missing u badly
after their departure they both went to their destined places . they both feels they lack something even their first moment cause a happy memory and then they feel ackward for that and that moment was really special to both of them
after kavya entering their grand pa's home she forget every thing about mahi but she feels she lost control over herself .she was okay with day and starts missing him badly atleast she wanted to know his mobile number so she snatched swathi's mobile .
Another hand mahi also feels same and starts to miss her . he doesnt know what happened to him but he gradually understands that he fell for her . by then he took karthik phone and started to call her but it doesnt connect . he started to call but it end. upto there .
they both think for a moment that they were over reacting . so they ended in calling .
after a long day their swimming competition was going to happen . kavya wants to come with swathi .she wants to see his prince charming and his grace with beautiful smile . she wants to see him and anticipating to get his number .
while swathi was shocked to listen that kavya wants to come with her so she had no choice but to take with her .swathi feels always kavya as her luck so they start their journey to swimming court