
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
140 Chs

Chapter 123 If there's a god, Elon is a god


  Sure save.

  How can you not save when the rewards can be enhanced?

  While the fire chief was looking for someone to go in and rescue them.

  Elon waved a big hand, "No one's taking it from me."

  "They're all mine!"


  Without looking back, he rushed into the fire.

  The captain looked directly dumbfounded.


  Tried to call out to Elon, but in the blink of an eye, Elon was gone.


  That's one more person to save.

  How come you can't think of going in there to get yourself killed for no good reason?

  Saving lives?

  That's not how you save a life, is it?

  Elon rushes into the fire, rolls in and out.

  However, his physique was very high, and his resistance to the environment was naturally very high, so this amount of heat could still be withstood.

  It's just that ... clothes don't seem to be able to top it.

  It's already rolled up.

  Eyes on the fire.

  Elon immediately took the Ice Sword out.


  The moment the Ice Spirit appeared in the world, the cold air overflowed, and the flames around Elon were all instantly frozen.

  Not out!

  Instead, it's just frozen!

  A flame, sealed in the fussy cold.

  The chill hit Elon and he felt much cooler instantly.

  It's like being in the desert and getting a cold Coke.

  "Open the mini-map."

  Elon said to the system.

  The system immediately helped Elon open the mini-map, which clearly showed three small dots.

  Two yellow dots, one red dot.

  The red dot, among them, was still slowly approaching the two yellow dots.

  The yellow dot is definitely a survivor.

  And the red dot ...

  Elon could only think of one.

  Ghosts who set fires!

  "Not running yet, are you?"

  Elon acted immediately.


  And in the midst of the rolling flames, two middle-aged men sat paralyzed in front of a large door.

  They were sweating, their lips were white, their faces were black, and their hair was curled.

  There was no gleam in the eyes of the two men.

  The eye is going to fail.

  "I didn't think we'd die like this."

  The middle-aged man on the left said feebly, "When I told you to leave quickly, you didn't, so now you're hitched here, right?"

  The middle-aged man on the right smiled hard.

  "It's you who should go, isn't it."

  "Your son is just getting ready for his 100th day, you shouldn't stay here."

  Both laughed a little at the end.

  "What's the use of talking about it now?"

  All trapped inside the fire.

  "Do you think there is a God in the world?" The man on the left suddenly asked.

  "Of course not." His friend replied, "You're burned out, what are you thinking."

  "If there are gods in the world, how can there be demons running rampant?"

  "Not to mention so much human suffering now."


  The man who had asked the question smiled bitterly.

  "I just hope that my wife will find new, caring people."

  "I regret not giving her happiness."

  Hee hee hee hee--

  Suddenly there was laughter, coming from the flames in front of the two.

  The laugh was oozing.

  So much so that it brought some spirit back into the two men who were on the verge of passing out.

  Look ahead.

  There was a flame that actually swam forward against the ground.

  It's like a viper swimming in water.

  The flame, surprisingly, twisted closer.

  And finally stopped a meter in front of the two.

  Then this one flame, slowly stood up.

  The two middle-aged men, instantly widened their eyes.

  Because they clearly saw a human face.

  A woman's face!

  She was cloaked and scowling, and her eyes were full of madness.

  "Hee hee hee."

  It was from her mouth that the laughter drifted.

  "Burns well."

  "Nice burn!"

  "Make the flames a little brighter."

  Her purpose, the nah in the warehouse, just open up this warehouse.

  A violent explosion that would destroy the warehouse and affect all within a hundred meters around it.

  Letting everyone go down in flames is what she's all about.

  "I'm in so much pain in the fire."

  She looked at the two men with a smirk, and eased closer.

  "You guys come stay with me."

  "We'll burn in the fire together."

  The two men looked horrified, what was this?

  How could there be such a horrible presence in the fire?


  "Don't you come any closer!"

  They screamed in desperation.

  "Hee hee hee hee--"

  She was still smiling, not slowing down, still approaching the two men.

  It'll burn two more people in no time.

  That's so nice.

  But it was at this time.

  "Don't touch them."

  Elon's voice, coming from above their heads.



  The ceiling exploded.

  Elon descends from the sky, holding an Icepaw.

  The moment it fell to the ground, snow-white cold air flowed, and the surrounding flames were instantly frozen.

  Even the concrete debris that was falling was frozen in mid-air.

  When the two men saw this scene, their eyes directly rounded.

  The cold air came in.

  The two of them, immediately felt relaxed.

  It's as if the cells in my body have come to life after a long drought.

  What's this?


  Only the gods, have such means, right?

  The pupils of both men trembled.

  One of them, even more so, had his mouth wide open, and he had just said that there were no gods in the world.

  But now.

  And the gods came down from heaven and stood before him.

  With one man and one sword, he froze the flames of the place and blocked the incoming monsters.

  The Ghostbusters had a jolt.

  She realized that this man was not simple.

  If you really fight, it won't do you any good at all.

  "No time to play with you guys."

  She opened her mouth and violently spat a ball of fire towards the two men.

  This flame is very hot.

  Not only would it burn two men, but it would also punch through the warehouse and burn the sodium metal inside.

  Elon was extremely fast and instantly appeared in front of the flames, lifting his hand and slapping the flame.

  And then to the ghostly creature that had just been there.


  There were only dancing flames there!

  Glancing at the mini-map, the red dot disappeared.

  She ran away.

  "Being able to blend into the flames and escape instantly." Elon muttered.

  The speed of this escape is also astonishing.

  It was the fastest thing he'd seen so far to escape.

  Elon ignores the ghosts and goblins, because the whole point of coming in was to save people.

  "I'll show you out."

  Elon said.

  The two men were still staring.

  Can't believe the scene I just saw.

  The flames spat out by the monster's open mouth were actually dispersed by this man, who slapped them away with his hand!

  That's thousands of degrees of heat.

  Just slap it apart with your hands?

  Sure enough, it's a god, right?

  Both of them suddenly wanted to cry a little.

  In this world, there are gods.

  Instead of letting the rampaging monsters loose, they were silently fighting them.

  "I'm sorry."

  The two apologized to Elon in unison.

  This made Elon look puzzled, we just met for the first time, right, you're sorry for what?

  If you have to say it.

  Shouldn't it be "thank you"?

  The two men fainted after those three words.

  The body is at its limit.

  With his sword in his right hand, Elon grabbed both men by their collars with his left and picked them up with one hand.

  It's like catching two hens at once.

  When he came to the door, he put away his Ice Sword and stepped out of the burning door.

  The firefighters, who were just getting ready to move, were outright dumbfounded when they saw Elon walk out carrying two people.

  "I'm super!"

  The captain didn't hold back and blurted out.

  Do you go into a fire to save someone as casually as you go into the market to buy food?