
Change 3 continued

After school

"Are you new?" While Glazze is walking home from school, a pleasant voice softly tickles his ears. A tender, white hand elegantly places itself onto his shoulder. The now curious Glazze turns toward the source of the angelic voice.

"I didn't know you went to our school."

As soon as he met eyes with the girl, his heart dropped. He froze right on the spot. The site which greets him was one he'd never even dreamed of.

"My name's Hannah, nice to meet you."

Even after being spoken to, Glazze remains still.

'Wait, this could actually be a good thing: she doesn't know it's me. How can I use this to my advantage though…'

When Glazze's mind returns from thought, he finds that Hannah has now made her way to his arm and is now lightly hugging it.

'Woah, this feeling… No no no, it's Hannah we are talking about I need to use this for my revenge!'

Hannah is now making Glazze's arm her own. She is rubbing her cheek on his shoulder.

'Oh, that is ni- I got it! If I was a random stranger, I wouldn't just let something like this happen, she is too close! I'll just push her away lightly and walk off.'

Glazze musters up all of his courage and opens his mouth:

"Get off me bitch."

Glazze, now caught up in the moment imitates something he read in a manga perfectly. From the words all the way to the actions.

He pushes her and gets into a stereotypical fighting pose. He aims in between her legs and shoots!

"Lingering Flick Kick!"

The kick was perfectly placed - right on the clitoris, the most sensitive part of the vagina. Hannah's arms drop down to her sides and her legs lose the will to hold her up. The once cheerful and cute girl was now kneeling on the floor with an empty visage. No words came out of her mouth, nor was a movement made.

Glazze turns toward his house and carries on walking. His nonchalant gait made it seem as if nothing had happened.



Glazze's room, morning

'What did I do?! I only wanted to push her lightly! My mind went blank and I started imitating a scene from one of the mangas I read. I went too far, Hannah is definitely going to get Bianca to hit me.'

Glazze is now worried, he kicked her right in the vagina. He is frightened of the punishment he may get from Hannah.

'What am I thinking? I am stronger now, I can definitely stand up to those bullies! I should just read some manga to take my mind off it.'

He adjusts his uncomfortable position until he is satisfied, then, Glazze unlocks his phone to read some ecchi harem manga.

The series he chooses features a main character using various 'techniques' on different girls. One, in particular, caught his eye: three finger spin.

When the main character uses this move on some woman's nipple, she instantly gets wet and her stamina is drained.

'If this was real, I'd be able to get out of some sticky situation pretty easily.'

"Glazze, I forgot to tell you yesterday, the school is holding a history day today; you can choose what you'd like to wear that represents something from the past."

"Alright, thanks mum."

Glazze shouts back to his mum who is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. He then walks over to his closet.

'Something from the past, huh? Why would anyone have those kind of clothes?'

With a sigh, he walks downstairs to tell his mum.

"I have no clothes from the past. Even if I did, I doubt it would fit me now anyway…"

"Then just borrow your father's, he has a Gladiator cosplay."

Glazze immediately regrets not having clothes from the past.

'A gladiator from the olden days? Wouldn't they have most of their skin exposed?'

Why did his father have to buy such things? And why do they fit him perfectly? These weird coincidences baffle Glazze as he is doing up the straps for the Gladiator costume. After successfully putting the costume on, Glazze decides to check how bad he looks with it on.

'With my weak-ass muscles, I'd never pull a look like this o- Wait, the only reason I actually fit in this in the first place is because my muscles have grown. I should look good in this.'

The now confident Glazze strides toward the mirror in the toilet with anticipation. He leaves the toilet door open and takes a look in the mirror, he is surprised, his muscles look even more defined than yesterday. The increasingly curious Glaze raises his arm up and flexes. A long, thin vein that lays along the top of his bicep explodes in size. His arm looks like that of a boxer.

He looks amazing. While he is staring in the mirror, his mum walks past the toilet. She sees him through the open door and comments.

"Seriously, what have you been doing? You look like a professional model."

She steps closer and reaches toward his arm. When her soft hands make contact with Glazze's muscles, she is surprised.

'They are so firm!'

Her grip on his arm loosens and tightens repeatedly, getting more and more curious by the minute, her hands slide toward Glazze's shoulder. After stopping to admire their firmness, her hands move once more.

Glazze doesn't know how to react and decides to pass it off as his mum trying to see if the gladiator costume fits.

However, her hands drift lower and lower; closer to his abs. Her hands stop at each individual ab and gently caresses them.

Glazze thought, no, hoped she would stop there but she didn't.

Her delicate hands reach down deeper but stop when they reach his boxers.

Just as Glazze is about to heave a sigh of relief, her hands grasp the edges and pull his boxers straight off.

His mum kneels down in front of him and takes a good look at his fully erected cock. She raises both arms and slowly moves them closer to her son's dick. Her heart rate is boosted noticeably. However, all this does is bring her back to her senses. Just as she is about to grab his burly cock, she pulls her hands back.

Her head is gradually tilted upward to look at her son's face. Both her regretful eyes and his confused eyes meet.

'What am I doing?! This is my own son, this isn't right.'