

Chapter 976: Shadow Split

Qin Feng was quick in acting.

This was the third time he had come across the behemoth. He promptly erased his presence to hide from the pursuing specter, then probed carefully with his consciousness.

However, when he reached the source of the howl, Qin Feng was disappointed to find that it did not come from the behemoth. Instead, it was an inflated specter.

The specter was at least twenty-meter-high. It did not appear to have a special skill or unmatching speed. Nonetheless, it could constantly release specter minions out of its body. One of the SS-tiers was fighting it while the other S-tiers were diverting the minions. It was apparent that they did not fight in accord with one another. Most of them only gave minimal effort.

'The enlarged specter must have something valuable, like dragon blood, hidden in it. Otherwise, the SS-tier, who is not a dark type, wouldn't have thrown himself to it. He would gain nothing even if he killed the specter with this much effort.'

Even if the item did not suit or could not be used by the SS-tier, it could always be used as a trading chip later on.

Qin Feng had learned that though the energy cube was the default currency in the Human Alliance, items of exceptional tier could be exchanged with another type of currency, which was the sacred stone.

Qin Feng was considered wealthy after he had obtained more than three thousand sacred stones in a previous encounter. However, he did not use any of the stones to purchase anything. After all, very few arts could outperform Asteroid Assimilation.

He reckoned the SS-tiers were here looking for Dark Stones, dragon blood, dragon marrow, or anything of similar value.

It was said that dragon marrow was the most abundant, but Qin Feng had not found any so far.

'Well, it's fate that we meet here. Let me send you guys some gifts.' Qin Feng thought about it. Seeing the stalemate, and that the group could not do anything about the giant specter, Qin Feng retreated and took out the Gorefiend's core again.

Soon, hundreds of specters gathered around him again.

Although there were only three hundred shadows, it was the last straw that could easily run the group over.

Qin Feng dashed toward the giant specter.

"Bai Li, give me a hand later."

"Okay." Bai Li's answer resonated from his soul.

Qin Feng's action came with considerable risk. Nevertheless, after running and exploring inside the valley for more than half an hour, he had largely grasped the topography of this Dragonspine Valley. Places that might be dangerous to others were like his backyard now.

"Rampage Influx."

Qin Feng charged out from the shadow.

Raw! Raw! Raw!

The death aura released by the incoming specters finally caught the attention of the party.

"What the hell?!"

"Where did so many specters come from?"

"Stall them! Don't let them get near!"

"Let's flee immediately! It's doomed either way. I am done with this!"

These S-tiers were not a concerted group, to begin with. Naturally, they were conceited and fled selfishly when tragedy struck.

The giant specter was on the verge of defeat. Qin Feng made no delay and released a powerful ability.

"Cold Whisper of Death!"

Qin Feng pointed his finger and hit the SS-tier fighting the giant specter.

A thin layer of ice was swiftly wrapped around the SS-tier. But the ice melted in an instant like his body was carrying a scorching flame.

More like his burning anger.

"How dare you!"

His prestigious tier had failed to terrorize these unthankful laborers. No wonder he was furious.

Qin Feng did not care about his bellow. He drew out the Verdant Emperor Saber fearlessly.

"Thousand Spirit Chain Rend!"

This was the first time Qin Feng was using this skill after he upgraded the saber. Nine frozen stars gleamed behind him. His internal force filled the blade and the attack perforated right through the twenty-meter specter.

Instantaneously, the specter twitched and started to disintegrate. The dispersion of the dark runes revealed a fist-size Hell Stone at its center.

On the other side, the SS-tier had successfully shaken off the Cold Whisper of Death. He lunged toward the Hell Stone, but the space in front of him suddenly distorted. Silver lights blinked in front of him and created an isolated dimension.

"Spatial Barrier—Cubic Clasp!"

The cube was obviously not used to trap the SS-tier. Instead, it locked the giant specter and Qin Feng in it.


Qin Feng sped up. The whirlpool sucked the dark runes from the giant specter into his conscious realm rapidly.

Immediately, Qin Feng sensed that he had mastered yet another new dark ability.

'Shadow Split?'

Qin Feng could perceive that this skill allowed him to create a loyal servant that was tailored based on his current strength. It was like having another contracted beast. He could order them around and Qin Feng's conscious power allowed him to create seven servants now!

But if he could cast it this easily, then it should be just an S-tier but not an SS-tier ability. It probably would not be a game-changer at this stage.

Qin Feng did not have the time to delve deeper into it. He refocused and pulled the Hell Stone into his consciousness as well.


The SS-tier eventually managed to crack the spatial cube. The frost-stricken SS-tier was infuriated. He could not wait to rip Qin Feng apart.

Both the giant specter and the gem hidden in it had disappeared from his sight now. That only added fuel to the fire.

"You must be tired of living. How dare you hijack me!"

The SS-tier did not wait and lunged at Qin Feng furiously. However, his target suddenly turned into numerous afterimages.

"Phantom Shift!"

The images split and ran in all directions.

"Do you think you can escape me? Die!"

The SS-tier raised his hand, channeled immense energy, then slammed it hard onto the ground.


The ground quaked violently. However, the SS-tier was stunned to find that Qin Feng had disappeared, leaving only vaporizing dark runes behind.

He insanely expanded his probe and was once again perplexed to find that six Qin Fengs were fleeing in six different directions.

The elite's face was as dark as the color of the valley ground.

Qin Feng had escaped right under his nose.

'This new skill is pretty useful, after all!'

Not only could the ability create a servant, but the user could also synchronize his or her aura with it. Besides, dark-type abilities were best in disguises, camouflages, and disappearances. A weaker opponent could not even detect the servant, let alone distinguish the split from the real body.

It was awesome.

'Besides, I can now investigate the valley more freely and efficiently with the servants!'

He made up his mind and resummoned his servants. Again, he released the seven servants and gave them one Gorefiend's core each.

Qin Feng then instructed the seven servants to go in different directions.

This way, he would not even need to run up and down the valley.

Five minutes later, he received feedback from two of them as they had both found the Death Behemoth.

'I now have seven cannon fodders at my disposal!' Qin Feng grinned and headed toward one of the two.

Chapter 977: Valley's Current

This time, Qin Feng did not even need to show himself. Instead, he had his seven shadow splits, along with the four to five hundred specters, crush the battle. Other than the SS-tier who had managed to escape, the rest of the S-tiers from the Dark Coalition died on the spot.

Qin Feng reaped the reward almost effortlessly.

Qin Feng was not at all feeling guilty of exercising such a tactic that had little difference from cheating.


Two hours later, Qin Feng had "cheated" seven groups in total. So far, he had only found Hell Stones in all seven encounters. No sight of either dragon blood or dragon marrow just yet.

Oddly, he realized that everyone had begun to shift toward the exit.

'Perhaps they have intel that I am not aware of?' Qin Feng suspected.

He decided to tail one of the groups. They did not have anything worth ambushing. Thus, Qin Feng followed them quietly and gathered important intel along the way.

The Bahamut continent was definitely not a friendly place. Casualties had piled up to two hundred out of the six hundred who had entered the valley this time. The falling of an S-tier was a common occurrence here. After all, death was a common theme in this unforgiving dimension.

As it was so common, these people were extremely cautious, praying that the scythe of death would not swipe at them next.

Just like the reason they would leave the continent, they were leaving the valley now because the sun was about to set.

Qin Feng took note of the time. They had wasted half an hour hiking. Then, he led the way for another half an hour and wandered by himself for three more hours. If the time when they began the trek was near mid-afternoon, then it was probably close to 4 pm right now. The sunray was going to disappear soon. If they did not leave now, they would be trapped here for at least another month.

If the Dragonspine valley was already this horrible during day time, it was not difficult to imagine how harsh it would become during night time.

The dark runes in here were currently being suppressed by the sunlight. It would be extremely terrifying when the light fades.

'How terrifying will it be? Is it going to be more terrifying than the nights in the mainland?' Qin Feng had no idea. But he had no fear with Bai Li by her side.

'But wouldn't it be better this way? No one would be around so there would be no SS-tier threatening me then!'

'I can even upgrade my conscious power to S-tier here! I am sure of it!'

At that time, Qin Feng's Sovereign Roar would be unstoppable, not even by an SS-tier.

After having these thoughts, Qin Feng made a bold decision—He was staying.

"I wonder if Shao Tai and Voodoo Lord are still alive. If they are not killed, perhaps they would stir up some trouble in the Dark Citadel!"

Qin Feng could not care less about the unimportant Dark Citadel. Even if they had seen his true strength, they would not have guessed his identity as the president of the Fengli Organization.

As time passed, the remaining aptitude users left the Dragonspine Valley one after another.

Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai were indeed still alive. With Qin Feng alleviating most of their burden, Zolls's troop's fighting capacity was well preserved. Thanks to that, Zolls bagged quite a fortune this round. He even generously spared some to Shao Tai and Voodoo Lord.

"Judging by his capability, he has certainly escaped unscathed. You two, find him for me and bring him in next month. If not, I will know where to find you both, no matter which dimension you go to!"

As he spoke, Zolls held his hand up. A conscious force soon struck the two, putting a grimace on their faces.

"Soul Mark."

Zolls tagged them and could now find them no matter where they were hiding.

Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai cursed grudgingly on the inside. They finally understood the cost of collaborating with an SS-tier on an uneven scale. They deeply regretted it, but it was all too late now.

Qin Feng did not know that Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai did not get to return to the Blue Star Realm at all in the following month because Zolls wanted him.

After they left, astounding changes began to take place inside the valley.


There came the sound of water splashing in the dark.

'What is this?'

Qin Feng watched quietly with his consciousness stretched out to the furthest.

This was when he saw a current.

It rippled off from the depths of Dragonspine Valley. Qin Feng reckoned that it resembled a stream.

Something was being carried by it.

Figureless specters were seen hovering above the stream. Suddenly, they swarmed simultaneously toward a specific location.

Their sounds became eerier with urgency in it. The specters pounced onto an object that was flowing along with the current.

It was a Hell Stone.

The first specter swallowed the Hell Stone, while the others tried to tear it apart. But such assault only resulted in them fusing with one another.

This looked like a fusion more than a battle.

Gradually, all the specters merged into a new giant creature.

Unlike a soulless specter, this newborn at least harbored a raw and simplistic consciousness.

Suddenly, Qin Feng realized that this land of death was not completely void of life after all.

This creature in front of him was the new life native to Bahamut.

The specters were much like human cells. If undisturbed, they would naturally come together and breed a new form of life.

Among the intelligent species Qin Feng had encountered before, the Cinderclast Golem was the best example. They too were created from the assembly of fire elements.

However, such an evolution would take a very long time. The visiting plunderer would not care to preserve them. Qin Feng would not either.

He charged forward but was immediately met by a powerful force.

'This is…'

Qin Feng was taken aback. He did not sense anything when probing with his consciousness earlier. But when the current got closer to him, Qin Feng finally sensed it.

The stream itself was liquefied energy. Although it is not as dense as an energy cube and was filled with dark energy, it fit Qin Feng's appetite just right.

Besides, there were ample of them incoming.


Qin Feng no longer cared about the new creature or the Hell Stone.

He gulped the energy flow insanely. Perhaps his opportunity to attain S-tier depended on this.

Even though they were both Immortals, Bahamut was surely more powerful than the Snow Lady. Without proper protection, Qin Feng probably could noy reach the Immortal's core based on his current strength. But taking only a portion of Bahamut's energy was rewarding enough for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng was glad that he had chosen to come here and stayed put.

The whirlpool between his brows had been opened up more than ten times today. He engulfed the vast power gluttonously.

His consciousness responded to the influx and improved rapidly. He believed he could reach S-tier in less than a month at this rate!

Chapter 978: Streamside Rampage

However, a stream that was only ankle deep would not be enough for what Qin Feng needed, so he continued on.

The stream constantly flowed past Qin Feng's ankles, until it reached up to no higher than his thighs, then to his waist. The surrounding energy was packed to the brim, but also constantly pushing against him with extreme force.

The stream was repelling him, trying to push him away.

It was naturally impossible for Qin Feng to give up such a great opportunity for ranking up. His legs were like stone, standing firm.

The surrounding specters, after seeing him, wildly rushed toward him. Even if Qin Feng activated his strongest Dark Shroud, it would not be useful now.

Standing in the darkness, that distinct aura of life was very easy to recognize.


A large specter fell upon him, roaring and swinging out toward Qin Feng as he had invaded its territory.

"Thousand Spirit Chain Rend!"

Qin Feng remained where he had planted his feet, slashing up and toward the specter as the nine frozen stars appeared behind him. That was because he knew that there would not only be just one specter coming for him.

As expected, more specters began to approach one after another.

He stood his ground, killing whatever enemy that got close enough into his range.

As he slayed his way through the specters attacking him, he was also constantly and tirelessly absorbing energy. It would take ten days of this before he would properly reach A9-tier and even then going from A9-tier to S-tier would take some time.

"Looks like I've been taking this for granted!"

Qin Feng put on a wry smile. Although his consciousness was not on the same level as his physical form, the energy it used up was not little.

"Bai Li!" He called out, and from the darkness, Bai Li swept Qin Feng away from where he once was.

After an entire night of his rampage, he was exhausted. The most important thing was that this kind of fighting could not replenish his internal force and restore his physical energy.

That was because the specters he slayed did not contain energy.

He needed to rest.

However, in that realm where time was flowing faster, there was no need to mention how much time had passed in the outside world. When Qin Feng reappeared, he was still in the water and two specters were near him.

Before these specters could attack him, something happened.


The water began to flow backward, going from being waist deep to being thigh deep. Qin Feng could feel the energy rapidly receding.

Those specters seemed to linger along the water, fleeing and leaving him alone.

Qin Feng also started to run.

He used martial arts to move himself, naturally he would be faster than the specters but he later discovered that he could not keep up with the wave as he watched it recede without a trace.

However, after the tide receded, Qin Feng stood in place and stared at the things on the ground in amazement.

"Are… are these all Hell Stones?" He could not believe what he was seeing.

It might have been an exaggeration if said out loud, but Qin Feng's consciousness could detect at least more than a hundred Hell Stones within a one-hundred-meter distance.

These Hell Stones were like pebbles in a creek, lying on the stream bed. Now that all the water was gone, the stones were naturally exposed.

Just when Qin Feng saw this, the specters in the area saw this as well and naturally they all tried to snatch them away.

Another great battle ensued, Qin Feng was not planning on sharing as he grabbed all the Hell Stones he could fit into his arms.

What a fortune!

"Don't know when another wave like this is going to happen!"

That was something he was looking forward to.

As he continued to walk forward, there was no trace of the water other than the Hell Stones that lined the ground.

Up to a certain point, something ahead of him caused him to have chills run down his spine.

Bai Li appeared from her space, sounding a bit panicked, "Don't go any further. There's a terrible creature up ahead and his aura is tampering with spatial manipulation. I can't open up another entrance into the space!"

Without the entrance into her void, Bai Li would be unable to come out from there, nor would she be able to pull Qin Feng out of trouble should he be in a sticky situation.

This might as well have completely countered his ace in the hole.

Qin Feng stared into the darkness. Some unknown monster out there caused his desire to explore to be overcome by reason.

"Let's try another direction!"


Considering that she did not want Qin Feng to be in harm's way, Bai Li naturally agreed.

He tried traveling in other places, but up to a certain point, he would always encounter a terrifying behemoth.

His strength was only until this point.

Although his consciousness was unable to extend across the entire continent, he had Bai Li. She could traverse through the realm and figure out which location they were in, for her it was a simple thing to do.

"We're currently in the center of this landmass!"

Of course, the underground of the center.

He had guessed the origin of the name Dragonspine Valley and that was indeed correct but there was no dragon marrow here. All that was left was dark energy and that was far more valuable than dragon marrow.

"With my strength right now, the best I can do is pace around here. Last time I received the Sovereign Roar, that's already a stroke of good luck. That Behemoth didn't move. Now these ones should not be provoked!"

These behemoths were in the SS-tier in terms of strength.

Qin Feng's internal force was only S-tier, and that being said it was in the deity tier compared to the S-tier powerhouses. He could kill an ancient warrior in the matter of seconds and was only just a little bit weaker than an ability user of the same tier.

When faced with SS-tier aptitude users, he could only defend himself but not contend.

An A4-tier physical body and A8-tier consciousness had become Qin Feng's weakness.

Such a level of strength could be identified by SS-tiers and exploited during an attempt to kill him.

However, the moment Qin Feng had completely reached S-tier, even a strong SS-tier would have trouble facing off against him and those who were considered average would be easily defeated.

"This should be enough. Back to hunting specters to increase my consciousness. Too bad there's no dragon marrow or dragon blood!"

"With a land full of death, of course there's nothing like that. Next time, we should go to a realm full of life!" Bai Li said.

"You're right!"

Bai Li stroked her chin, saying, "Come to think of it, while I've grown up quite a bit, I haven't done any traveling through the realms. That's what spatial beasts are supposed to do, travel between realms. That is what a true spatial beast is."

Qin Feng's gaze softened, he knew that Bai Li had stayed because of him.

"Then, I'll follow you!"

The corners of Bai Li's lips curled into a smile. "Of course."

Chapter 979: Tidal Darkness

After the two had a conversation, Qin Feng once again started another disinteresting rampage. With all the dark energy covering the area, any normal person would quickly become twisted and start falling apart.

Qin Feng had seen a dark ability user in the past, one with a powerful consciousness but also a twisted mind. His belief was that the world should be doused in darkness, that death was the only destination and humanity should perish and rot away until there were nothing but skeletons. In his eyes, that would be the most beautiful thing.

There were many people like that. Darkness was something that corrupted the soul. Fortunately, Qin Feng had Bai Li by his side, as if she was the light that surrounded him and illuminated the dark.

After more than ten hours had passed, he heard the sound of crashing and that familiar stream appeared again.

This lifted Qin Feng's mood, it looked like this was something that happened every day.

"Looks like it's related to night and day, just like the tide!"

After his first time experiencing it, this time Qin Feng had found his momentum. He once again raised his consciousness in one night, and when the tide was low, his spirits were filled with a heightened urgency.

He wanted to know where this tide came from, where it went and whether or not it would directly lead him to the Immortal's crystal core.

Of course, Qin Feng was more careful this time.


The tide of darkness receded and he frantically raced after it, but only after a kilometer, a pair of ultra beasts ahead of him noticed him.

It was actually two SS-tier ultra beasts.


These two ultra beasts were serpentine creatures, the moment they saw Qin Feng their pitch black eyes locked onto him and slithered forward like the wind.

"Rampage Influx!"

Qin Feng's energy immediately burst forth and he started turning back.

However, these two serpents did not want to let him go and actually raced after him.

"Shadow Split!"

His body separated into seven versions of himself and ran in different directions with each of them activating Phantom Shift.

A series of S-tier abilities and moves was unleashed one after another, just so he could escape.

The giant serpents were bewildered by Qin Feng and chased after one of his shadows without bothering him again.

This made him silently thankful, but he was also slightly disappointed. His attempt at investigation was once again foiled.

However, he had begun to form another idea in his mind.

He was not someone who gave up easily. Previously in the Snow Lady's Realm, he accidentally encountered the Immortal's crystal core and this time it made him think, did this dead Immortal not leave behind an inheritance and instead gave it up?

Naturally, he was unwilling to accept that idea.

"Shadow Split can confuse SS-tier Death Behemoths because my entire body transforms into dark runes, but I can't maintain this form for a long time!"

Now, he needed a way to solve this once and for all.

He suddenly had an epiphany in the form of a very bold idea.

"Bai Li, I want to rest for a bit!"

"Come here!"

Bai Li reached out with her hand and Qin Feng entered her realm where time flowed faster.

When he entered, he did not immediately start taking a break. Instead he took out the Magical Tesseract.

In the next moment, the center of his brow began to swirl as Hell Stones appeared out of it one by one.

With two days worth of collecting, he had accumulated up to three hundred Hell Stones. Putting them together in a small bag, he put all of these Hell Stones inside the Magical Tesseract.


Although these Hell Stones were powerful, they were only considered as S-tier materials. While they could be used as they were, it was not uncommon for them to get smelted to make equipment instead.

As such, rune equipment inlaid with these sacred stones was stronger than those created from crystal cores.

Qin Feng only understood the concepts of what was strong in the past, but he never really understood why. Now, he understood that sacred stones were only things powerful people were able to provide.

The Magical Tesseract was refining things very slowly and it was not as quick as before when it was being used to generate S-tier items, but this slowness was naturally acceptable for him.

His consciousness had been manipulating the Magical Tesseract all this time and the process went on for a full day before the contents transformed into what he needed.

A combat uniform more discreet than the Dark Armor.

He swapped into this combat uniform and encased his entire body with Hell Stone. This completely concealed his aura.

More importantly, this item was made by the Magical Tesseract, meaning that it was connected to his consciousness, much like how a finger was connected to an arm. When Qin Feng wanted to hide his aura, this armor would serve as a stronger option than the cloak that he obtained from the Dragon-borne.

The specters would not be able to detect Qin Feng's aura now, nor would they seek to attack him due to being attracted by the Hell Stones.

Once everything was ready, Qin Feng left the realm and stepped back into Dragonspine Valley. After a hundred days of combat, night fell and the familiar tide arrived again.

This time, he chose to conceal his aura, and instead of fighting the specters he started moving upstream.

The tide eventually went past his waist and reached all the way up to his chest. As the resistance against him got more and more powerful, the energy around him got stronger and stronger.

He continued to move forward until it flooded over his head.

This time, when the tide receded, he finally seized the moment.

While this was not completely literal, he let himself get taken by the tide, letting his body get swept away.

"Can't keep going forward, I won't be able to open up my space!" Bai Li became anxious.

"It'll be fine, even if you can't open it we'll be fine! This armor is made out of Hell Stones, the specters wouldn't be able to find me!" Qin Feng said.

Bai Li hesitated for a moment, but decided to trust Qin Feng.

He continued to drift along the tide, ultra beasts with terrifying auras appeared around him from time to time but Qin Feng was not discovered.

After a long while, he came to a stop as the surrounding water disappeared, and he discovered a high slope.

Hundreds of powerful creatures were on this high slope. Their bodies seemed more solid and from the looks of things they had a characteristic of something that existed in a 'living body'. A soul.

What attracted his attention the most was the fact that the ground was filled with Hell Stones.

Fortunately, with his armor being made out of Hell Stones, he was able to blend into his surroundings perfectly. He stayed close to the ground and quickly collected the Hell Stones.

The SS-tier Death Behemoths here were completely different from the specters. Qin Feng lay low on the ground as he continued to collect the stones.

For him, this was a massive harvest.

Not to mention, he had already gained back the amount used to craft the armor, even doubling in amount.

In his moment of joy, the crashing sound came again.

Water washed over the slope and crashed down, gushing toward Qin Feng's body. The unprepared Qin Feng could not brace himself in time and was washed away by the river.

Chapter 980: The Immortal Core

Unable to do anything, Qin Feng was directly washed down the hillside.

No matter how hard he struggled, the stream seemed to be bottomless. It dragged him along and three hours would pass before he could stand firm again.

"It looks like we're back where we were before, here I can open up space again!"

As a spatial beast, Bai Li was very sensitive to spatial shifts so she immediately told Qin Feng where he was.

"Hm, that's fine. We'll continue tomorrow!"

That was the only thing he could do, the water was proving to be putting up too much resistance. He moved forward with difficulty and could only reach until he was submerged up to his neck. After a night of absorbing energy, the tide came again.

This time, when the tide was retreating, he returned to that slope and it allowed him to collect the Hell stones.

Since there were powerful beasts that lingered around that slope, Qin Feng did not dare to try them. He could only continuously collect Hell Stones and manage to get a bit further before he was pushed away. Fortunately, he was able to return to that slope very quickly when the tide was low.

After seven to eight days, Qin Feng drifted through and fro with the stream. The amount that he earned would drive anyone insane.

His current consciousness possessed more than five thousand Hell Stones.

In the stream, with only his head exposed, his consciousness continued to grow and finally reached a critical point.

"Almost, just a little bit more!"

Qin Feng's heart roared, the whirlpool that was his Absorption Ability was swirling faster and faster.

Suddenly the conscious realm made a clicking sound, as if it had entered a new state.


Qin Feng had ranked up again!

At this moment, the stream stopped washing over him and its current began to recede. He followed the current and traveled forward again.

His consciousness had increased and it allowed him better perception of the dangers around him.

One by one, he sailed past powerful Death Behemoths with S-tier auras.

The tide suddenly rose and Qin Feng realised that he did not reach the slope this time. Not only that, while he could sense Bai Li's presence, the two could not communicate with one another.

He was alarmed, his consciousness stretched out and he realized that he had entered a new place.

This was definitely not Dragonspine Valley, instead he had gone over that slope and reappeared on the other side.

Not only that, the flowing stream had turned into a whirlpool that existed in the deep ocean. It swirled around enough to be a significant force but not enough to be too powerful in one direction.

He felt as if he had just entered a vast sea.

The surroundings made him suddenly come to a realization.

"Could it be that I have just entered Bahamut's brain!"

When it came to reaching the level of an Immortal, after death, this was no longer considered as just a 'brain' but instead a limited existence that came from the realm of consciousness and this one was absolutely massive.

However, there was one piece of information Qin Feng found to be very good news, which was that there were no Death Behemoths here.

However, he was not out of the woods yet. He realized that he was unable to move and could only drift along with this vortex at the bottom of the sea!

The scariest thing was that, with his current power, he actually felt very, very weak.

He did not thrash about, maintaining a level of calmness and quietly soaking in the dark sea around him.

The immense energy around him was getting absorbed..

One day, two days…

Three days, four days…

Five days, six days…

Nine days, ten days…

Qin Feng no longer knew where he was drifting to, but his consciousness was constantly growing.

In ten days' time, his consciousness had gotten infinitely closer to S-tier.

The consciousness needed for A9-tier to reach S-tier was ten times of what was needed to go from A8-tier to A9-tier, but after drifting in this sea of energy for ten days, Qin Feng was getting close. It was a testament to just how abundant and powerful the energy was.

At this moment, the drifting Qin Feng suddenly felt something different in his consciousness.

He suddenly opened his eyes and the abundant energy around him could not stop him from viewing the world around him. In the distance, a massive planet entered his line of sight.

"The Immortal's core!"

The Heavens would reward those who tried, he was actually here.

Moreover, this starglobe was a shocking sight.

The Snow Lady's ice starglobe was already huge enough, but maybe with the passage of time, energy dispersed and as time passed the ice starglobe got smaller and smaller.It was a three-hundred-meter in diameter Sacred Ice Stone.

The one in front of him was nine hundred meters in diameter.

Three times that of the ice starglobe.

The waves pushed Qin Feng closer and closer toward the starglobe. His Absorption Ability became more and more frantic, as if he wanted to consume the whole planet.

However, he knew that he could not do so or he would risk implosion.

When he drifted closer, his constantly rising consciousness suddenly burst through a new height.


His consciousness suddenly increased to an innumerable amount, while strange changes happened in his conscious realm.


The Sacred Flame Stone that he had before was the first to explode, turning into flaming magma and falling onto his fire starglobe.

The starglobe's surface began to expand in volume as a flood of magma was added to its mass.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The more than three thousand Sacred Ice Stones contained in his conscious realm also exploded, forming into snow and then frost as it covered the ice starglobe, causing its size to instantly increase tenfold.

The original size of this ice starglobe was about the same size as a fingernail, about one centimeter in diameter, but it had become ten centimeters in diameter!

In an instant, Qin Feng sensed that this starglobe was only truly promoted to S-tier at this time, and he technically had ice abilities that had gone beyond S-tier.

In fact, he had collected a lot of Sacred Ice Stones, when combined it would definitely make the starglobe more than ten centimeters wide. However, the current explosion before the merge was to eliminate repeated runes and condense the extra ones.

The starglobe became almost three times smaller than its initial size, but this was enough to mark Qin Feng as an S-tier ice ability user.

He did not expect that this would be the case.

"No wonder people use Sacred Stones like currency, they are like power credits, you can directly use them to improve yourself!"

"Wait, then, what about my dark crystal core? What would that be like?"

Surrounding the primary dark starglobe were tens of thousands of Hell Stones. They popped up one after another and then merged into the starglobe.

The diameter of this starglobe started to wildly expand.

However, this was not even close to satisfying Qin Feng's needs.

The Absorption Ability surged forth again, as if expressing its will, as if wanting to consume the Immortal's core in front of him!

Chapter 981: Rising into S-Tier

This, of course, was impossible.

Qin Feng was unable to consume such a large starglobe, but under the influence of the Absorption Ability and his consciousness, the Hell Stones that surrounded the Immortal's core started to move and fly in his direction.

It was just like that ice starglobe.

A large piece of Hell Stone reached his body before entering the center of his brow and exploding within his conscious realm, merging with his dark starglobe.

The dark starglobe was increasing layer by layer, growing thicker and thicker.

Qin Feng could not control his body, it seemed like there was some kind of orbit around the Immortal's starglobe. This allowed him to effectively collect all the Hell Stones that were on it.

This time, he was absolutely unrestrained compared to when he was on the ice starglobe, his consciousness was even stronger.

It could be said that at this point Qin Feng's consciousness had completely reached S-tier, but again, the Black Dragon Bahamut was stronger than the Snow Lady, the starglobe far larger.

Qin Feng suddenly shifted, snatching away even the broken Hell Stones on the surface, not planning to let any go.

However, besides the larger Hell Stones, all of these Hell Stones were ones which had been split up over the years and accumulated over time, and they were not inexhaustible.

A bit of time passed and Qin Feng had spent one day around the Immortal's core's orbit.

On that massive core, there were no longer any Hell Stones left.

Still, he was extremely satisfied.

His dark starglobe went from a centimeter in diameter to one whole meter in diameter!

The volume of a sphere with one meter of diameter was one million times the volume of a sphere with one centimeter of diameter. It was unbelievable.

One could only imagine how many Hell Stones Qin Feng had plundered

As for the current, it was something even he could not control and it caused him to gradually leave the area. Then, his promotion into an S-tier ability user was finally completed.

There were levels of strength among S-tier ability users, the weakest ones only had an ability core starglobe of about two centimeters in diameter and it was filled with consciousness instead of Sacred Stones.

Qin Feng suddenly obtained a dark core that was one meter in diameter, one could imagine just how strong that was.

This did not mean he was the strongest. Many resource-rich species or descendants of the Immortals would naturally have obtained such resources and become even stronger than Qin Feng.

"Too bad I won't know when's the next time Hell Stones would be appearing on that dark starglobe!" He felt a pang of regret. He did not know when he would be able to come and excavate again, but he had an inkling that the accumulation of such an amount must have taken tens of thousands of years!

Now, the place that attracted his attention only had energy left. After he had reached S-tier, while the energy from the Immortal was abundant, it no longer gave him that rush in feeling. He estimated that if he stayed here for one year then he would probably reach S1 tier, but that was too slow for him!

Some people think that the ten years it normally took for an S1 tier to reach S2 tier was no time at all. Qin Feng thought that it was far too long.

Perhaps, hunting and slaying ultra beasts was the fastest way to go about it.

With that in mind, Qin Feng had set his mind on a target once more.

The water flowed in a peculiar direction and he orbited the core once again before being moved away. Ten days later, he was finally shunted out of that sea and back onto that high slope.


He once again saw the Death Behemoths.

These creatures did not notice him at all and now he was not as worried about them anymore. If they tried to hinder him, he would not hesitate to fight back and try to kill them all.

He had to follow the stream if he wanted to leave, so he did not do anything.


Floating along the stream, Qin Feng soon reached the middle of Dragonspine Valley and at the same time, he contacted Bai Li.

"So glad you're okay, but this time it was pretty dangerous. You've reached S-tier and you said we'd go on vacation together!" Bai Li said.

Qin Feng was also happy.

"Yes, I remember there are some portals in the Human Alliance that lead to some peaceful realms with pleasant scenery, we can go and see them!"


Just as the two were talking, Qin Feng's consciousness suddenly sensed the auras of a few creatures.

He realized that they were probably participating in the monthly expedition to the Dragonspine Valley.

These people were not like how Qin Feng was, being able to absorb the energy in the water with the Absorption Ability without getting corrupted by dark runes. While the stream was a great energy boost for Qin Feng, for the others, it was considered a terrible disaster.

"I told you to not be so greedy for these things, it'll be dark soon and if the dark tide comes then nobody is going back!"

"Oh, since you've got time to start babbling, how about you start running!"

"Milord, don't leave us behind!"

Two SS-tier aptitude users frantically rushed forward, there were eight S-tiers left behind them, not able to catch up to the SS-tiers in terms of speed.

These two SS-tiers were ones that Qin Feng recognized.

It was the pair that he encountered when he obtained the Sovereign Roar. Drakao of the Dragon-borne and Nuah of the Dopplehanded.

It was possible that the two saw the benefit of working together last time they teamed up and decided to team up again. Unexpectedly, they got too greedy and did not have time to get out.

The dark tide was naturally the stream that Qin Feng encountered. Based on the speed of the S-tiers, they were going to get hit by the water.

Qin Feng rode the stream, it was going to reach these people's backs in a moment's notice. He did not say a single thing nor did the S-tiers notice anything.


The dark tide had reached these people's backs, and while the waters were only ankle deep, they acted as if they had encountered some kind of feral beast.


An S-tier aptitude user was instantly affected by the dark tide's water. His ankle could be seen turning black and his whole person looked as if he had been drained of blood. He quickly lost weight and rapidly aged as his skin developed liver spots before turning into a dried up skeleton, collapsing into the water.

An S-tier had died violently, just like that.

The others were absolutely terrified and ran for their lives.

Qin Feng's consciousness moved and took away the body's spatial rune equipment.

There were only a few things in that equipment and he only found two Hell Stones, which were the only useful things to him.

"This is way too poor!"

He tutted.

Such was the situation. These S-tiers originally came here knowing that they were going to fight for their lives, and they knew that there was going to be possible danger. As a result, they would not have brought much, afraid of being robbed by others.

The other seven S-tiers did not manage to survive either, Qin Feng also took away the equipment left behind among their remains.

He followed behind Drakao and Nuah, very quickly leaving Dragonspine Valley.

For a moment, he stood on the peak of the mountain and could see the greyish sunset in the distance as its light rays tinged the clouds with orange. It was about to be night-time.

However, at this moment, the mountain was actually filled with aptitude users!

Chapter 982: Revenge of the Hasth Tribe

This was not too unexpected.

Compared to the Human Alliance, the Dark Coalition's members were crueler and fought more viciously. Combat had become something ingrained deep in their bones.

Everyone had come out of Dragonspine Valley, the injured left immediately, and that only left behind people who still had their bodies intact. They were waiting for the injured to appear.

These people seemed to know that the dark tide was coming and there were still people who had not escaped.

Unfortunately, to their disappointment, neither Drakao nor Nuah suffered any damage.

These people were planning on leaving, but at this moment, someone else appeared on the top of the mountain.

Before he left the dark tide, Qin Feng put on a set of dark armor and a dark cloak. While the clothes formed from the Hell Stones were indeed very useful in the dark, for everyone else it was a vast amount of fortune he had decided to wear on himself.

An ordinary man was innocent until he got into trouble on account of his wealth. That was the reality that Qin Feng understood.

It just so happened that he obviously forgot one thing. The way he was right now had already been exposed.

"The Black Alps Overlord isn't dead!"

This time, Shao Tai and Voodoo Lord, who had successfully explored the Dragonspine Valley with Zolls, were the first to call out.

The SS-tiers who came here last month also recognized Qin Feng. Last time when there was sunlight, the presence of darkness was muted and his A4-tier prowess was exposed and that drew other people's attention.

Now, this A4-tier ancient warrior appeared behind Drakao and Nuah without so much as a scratch on him. People found that unbelievable.

At the same time, they suspected that Qin Feng must have gotten his hands on some valuable items.

Killing an S-tier was something they would not hold back on, but when it came to an A4-tier aptitude user, for them it would be as simple as crushing an ant.

However, at this moment an even angrier voice came.

"So you are here!"

The consciousness seemed to roar out, and a hulking Orc Lycan came crashing down.

This was not an SS-tier aptitude user, not only that there were five S-tiers beside him and unsurprisingly, they were also Orc Lycans.

Before they appeared, Qin Feng had forgotten that he still had the Blood Vendetta Mark on him left behind by the Orc Lycan that claimed itself to be from the Hasth Tribe.

Of course, that aura did not last very long within his dantian and it was about to lose its effect.

If it were not for these Orc Lycans showing up, Qin Feng would really have just forgotten that the entire scenario even happened.

"And I thought it was some strong being that killed a member of my tribe. You've committed yourself to death. I will tear you apart piece by piece, and let you know that the people of the Hasth Tribe are not something inferior beings like you can kill!"

The Hasth Tribe member's howling consciousness was something that everyone could hear.

Some people did not care, some were a bit envious. They all knew that the Orc Lycan was building up prestige with what he was saying.

There were quite a number of strong members in the Hasth Tribe. Recently, they planned on encroaching onto Bahamut and it was rumored that they would bring in an SSS-tier aptitude user over. What was unexpected was that the tribe members were slayed before their stronger members could even arrive.

If they did not care, it was the same as giving people the impression that they were cowardly and that was absolutely not allowed.

They were brutal people and they had wanted people to fear their name and be wary of them.

The reasoning behind all of this eventually turned into pursuing the murderer, Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked indifferent, and he did not panic because of the arrival of an SS-tier.

If they had appeared more than ten days ago or earlier and immediately attacked Qin Feng before he went up the mountain, then maybe he would be forced to run away in embarrassment or end up paying the price.

However, everything was different now.

"Are you done talking? If you are then you can go and see your tribe then, but this time I'm not getting stained by that putrid blood of yours, it stinks to high heaven!"

Qin Feng taunted with his consciousness and in the next moment a dark aura erupted around his body.

The runic energy made it hard for the S-tiers to breathe and it made the SS-tiers vaguely uneasy.

The Hasth Tribe Orc Lycan saw how arrogant Qin Feng was behaving, and he was seething with rage. His hulking body rushed over and swung out with a large hand as a terrifying force gathered around it.

It was a massive wolf claw, large enough to crush him with no problems at all.

Since they had just arrived at the entrance of the cave, Drakao and Nuah were both also in the range of this massive claw attack. They were victims of circumstance, but they did not dare say anything. This Orc Lycan from the Hasth Tribe was indeed powerful.

The two dodge away instantly, avoiding the attack, but Qin Feng was unable to move away in time.

He did not want to dodge either.

The dark runes in the air were formed into a dragon's head, and in that split second the huge mouth opened up and dark runes burst out like a raging flood.

"Sovereign Roar!"


The dragon's roar rang out and instantly drowned out the SS-tier's claw attack. This claw attack was not particularly powerful, nor was it any martial art. It was just energy that the user had unleashed and was comparably different from the others'.

The Hasth Tribe Orc Lycan did not hold Qin Feng in any regard whatsoever.

When the two's energies collided, the verdict was already set. As the claw strike reached the Sovereign Roar attack, it was like a huge dragon facing off against a puppy.

Just as the energy was knocked aside to who knows where, the roaring tide of darkness flooded toward the SS-tier.


The aptitude user was suddenly sent flying, and he fell off the massive Dragontail Mountain.

As for the other five Orc Lycans, they were originally following after the SS-tier thinking that after Qin Feng had been subdued, they could take their time in torturing him. However, they did not expect reality to give them a slap on the face. It was Qin Feng who would crush them.

"Ah, I don't want to die!"

"Milord, save me!"

"No, my body!"

How could five S-tier Orc Lycans withstand a move left behind by an SS-tier Immortal? They were submerged in that tide, and it was as if they were submerged inside the dark tide in Dragonspine Valley. They rapidly corroded and their life auras were snuffed out.

All of these auras were integrated into Qin Feng's body, making him stronger.

The energy of five S-tier Orc Lycans was like an ancient warrior's internal force. When Asteroid Assimilation was activated, it did not skyrocket his power, but it filled his dantian and made his frozen stars grow slightly.

Everything happened in an instant, but it was shocking enough.

"He's the one who stole my chance!" At this time, Drakao and Nuah had this thought in their heads and they recognized the move that Qin Feng had displayed.

The most important thing was that after leaving Dragonspine Valley last month, they had also come to an agreement due to them liking their cooperation, and they had discussed the ownership of the Death Behemoth.

When they got back, they found out that the Death Behemoth was gone and it was definitely taken by someone who had arrived faster.

Now, the rightful master was found.

Chapter 983: Wraith Devil Spy

Only two options were offered before them.

To kill, or not to kill!

Sovereign Roar had stirred up immense fear within them. But if they were to join forces and not be tangled up with each other, they could still take down the Death Behemoth that appeared before.

Qin Feng had mastered the Sovereign Roar. However, not only were they unafraid of it, they were angered by Qin Feng who had snatched their loot away from them.


Being a part of the eminent Dragon-borne inherited with the dragon bloodline, Drakao could not hold back anymore. For him, Qin Feng was just an insignificant character, how could he behave in such a provoking manner?

Also, Drakao was one of the aptitude users that climbed the mountain with Qin Feng a month before. At that time, Qin Feng only revealed his A4-tier capability before him. He would certainly not be intimidated by such a weak physical capability from an ancient warrior.

"Indeed, the Sovereign Roar is very powerful. But you can only release it once and expose yourself to be slaughtered by others. I will dig out your ability core." Drakao roared in anger and blasted out his dragon breath.

But at that moment, a girl dressed in white appeared beside Qin Feng and instantly broke through space. A disc shaped spatial tunnel was formed, absorbing the dragon breath into it before disappearing.

"Spatial ability!"

Drakao was shocked again.

Fortunately, Nuah had also reacted!

He disappeared into the shadows and moved beside Qin Feng while attacking him with eight different weapons on hand.

"Phantom Shift!"

Qin Feng moved quickly and shifted to multiple locations to dodge the attacks from his opponent.

Meanwhile, observers in the surrounding area were also shocked by Qin Feng's powerful ability. How could he handle the sudden besiege from both SS-tier aptitude users and remain unbothered?

On the other hand, both Shao Tai and Voodoo Lord were jaw-dropped.

Although both of them were members of the Dark Coalition, they were definitely not ignorant nor inexperienced.

"Dark abilities, ancient warrior skills, Phantom Shift, and also a gorgeous lady. This person. He is…" Those were significant evidence.

The qinggong skill that Qin Feng demonstrated earlier was from Rampage Influx, and both of them had not witnessed Phantom Shift themselves.

For the past year, there were only two people that had mastered Phantom Shift. It was a unique qinggong skill that was easily identifiable.

Both were A-tier aptitude users that were capable of going against S-tiers, one was named Guan Jinhao, another was Qin Feng!

"He is Qin Feng! He is from the Human Alliance!" Voodoo Lord immediately shouted.

However, nobody cared whether or not he belonged to the Human Alliance anymore. Actually, the Human Alliance was always welcomed by the Dark Coalition as they knew that they would be slaughtered.

Compared to the Human Alliance, the Dark Coalition was less restrictive and it would allow them to reap more benefits.

"Such a powerful body, I like it!" Zolls looked at Qin Feng affectionately, like he was his beloved one. Qin Feng felt the devilish look and was totally disgusted by it.

Wraith Devils often behaved in such a disgusting manner.

Zolls also felt Qin Feng's response, he then laughed and rushed forward.

He must invade Qin Feng's body before anyone kills him, it was to secure a perfect body condition. Also, if he were to take control of Qin Feng, he would then master Sovereign Roar for himself!

Zolls secretly appeared behind Qin Feng and tapped on his shoulder with one hand.

Countless numbers of shadows were halted and Phantom Shift was interrupted, while both Zolls and Qin Feng stood still on the ground.

Intense dark runes rose from Zolls' body, channelled through his arm and went into Qin Feng's body. A pool of dark mist then covered Qin Feng's skull.

It was clearly visible that a thin opening was cracked open in between Qin Feng's eyebrows.

Zolls' spiritual invasion had pried into Qin Feng's conscious realm.

However, would Qin Feng get caught so easily?

Of course not. It was an intentional mistake made by Qin Feng.

It was the morphed image of the Wraith Devil Zolls.

Before the death of a human, the conscious realm would remain in a minimized state. It was impossible for Zolls, who was a spiritual shadow that was about one meter in height to fit into the consciousness starglobe of an S1-tier aptitude user that was only about ten centimetres in size. One could easily imagine the aftermath such a massive creature would cause.

The destructive fluctuation would be like the arrival of a giant beast on a starglobe.

As soon as Zolls swallowed the entire ability core, the consciousness and soul of the person would then be transferred and entirely incorporated into Zolls.

However, as soon as Zolls entered and arrived there. He was struck dumb by the size of the starglobe that was about the size of his.

"This is impossible!"

Qin Feng's physical capability was only A4-tier, he would require the consciousness of an S-tier to release Sovereign Roar. But unexpectedly, the size of the ability core was appalling and it was about the same size as his.

External appearances of an ancient warrior would demonstrate physical capability, while the internals would represent internal energy performance.

When backed by intense internal energy, one could output more powerful attacks.

Ability users only showcased consciousness to the external view, while their internals would depend on their ability core. The higher the amount of runes possessed, the stronger they would become.

However, it had never been expected that Qin Feng would be so powerful.

"I must thank you for being so generous!" Qin Feng's consciousness wrapped around his dark starglobe. His spiritual form stretched higher and appeared as a three-meter tall giant before Zolls!

Although it was just three meters high in the minimized realm, Zolls's senses still perceived it as thirty thousand meters in height.

"Absorption Ability!"

Ability explosion!

The spiritual form established by Qin Feng opened its mouth like it was about to devour heaven and earth. It then took a bite of Zolls' spiritual form.

"Ah!!!" Zolls's anguished soul let out a miserable shriek. But the shouting was unable to stop Qin Feng's absorption. In a blink of an eye, the soul formed by consciousness was devoured by Qin Feng and his consciousness instantly spiked by one third of his total amount.

It seemed like a prolonged period in the conscious realm. But in the outer realm, it was just a split second.

Everyone thought it would undoubtedly be Qin Feng's death, and Zolls would benefit from it. But in the next moment, a vortex appeared at the centre of Qin Feng's eyebrows, followed by Zolls' miserable shriek and the incision of soul energy.

Zolls was wounded to his core.

Of course, Zolls had yet to reveal his backup plan. Perhaps, he felt that he had already paid enough tribute to attack Qin Feng with half of his consciousness. Unexpectedly, he had lost half of his soul and his combat energy had plunged greatly.

Zolls was wounded, but Qin Feng was energized and he had replenished the consumed consciousness when releasing the Sovereign Roar earlier.

In the next moment, a long sword appeared on Qin Feng's hand and a silver scabbard was instantly drawn out.

"Thousand Spirit Chain Rend!"

After drawing out the scabbard, hundreds and thousands of spirits blasted out and drowned Zolls.

Zolls's body was instantly disseminated by the glowing blade, exposing his soul that had gone into a rampage!

Chapter 984: Slaughtering SS-tiers

In an ordinary world, Wraith Devils were capable of transforming into horrifying consciousness monsters.

The original form of Zolls was at least above a thousand meter in size.

However, when he was expanding at maximum capacity, he was submerged by the horrifying amount of Thousand Spirit Chain Rend that skyrocketed.

The Verdant Emperor Saber and Spirit Chain Rend were both spirit-controlling elements.

Before Zolls could continue with his miserable shrieks, his massive body had already submerged into countless spirits. Smoke blasted up the sky from the peak of the Dragontail Mountain and shocked other SS-tier aptitude users in the area.


SS-tier aptitude user, Wraith Devil Zolls, annihilated!

Qin Feng, annihilating an SS-tier!

Consciousness exposed in the area was absorbed by Qin Feng, fueling another spike to his own consciousness by one third of the total amount.

Nuah was intimidated by Qin Feng's glowing blade, he had to fall back and was afraid to get close. But he definitely did not expect Qin Feng to take Zolls down so easily!

"Hiss!" Nuah took a deep inhale and even thought of giving up.

But Qin Feng continued to fight harder.

"Bai Li, trap them!" Qin Feng commanded.

Bai Li immediately followed the order and released Cubic Clasp to trap Drakao and Nuah within.

Qin Feng's follow up steps were extremely quick.

"Rampage Influx!"

Qin Feng sprinted forward at high speed while an SS-tier aptitude user was fleeing in a crazy speed before him.

It was the SS-tier Orc Lycan.

Despite being besieged by three SS-tier aptitude users, Qin Feng was still able to take down a troublesome Wraith Devil. The Orc Lycan instantly knew that Qin Feng was the wrong target to mess with.

With his current capability, he was even more reluctant to risk his life. As courageous as he was before, he seemed even more panicked now.

Qin Feng's Cold Whisper of Death and other related abilities were already capable of killing an S-tier. Of course, his Sovereign Roar would suffice to kill an SS-tier aptitude user. The Lycan could barely survive anymore as he had already used his life-saving skill during the dark tide earlier.

How could Qin Feng let this opponent get away?

His speed soared to pursue even faster.

The pursuit lasted long enough until both of them had unexpectedly gone down Dragontail Mountain.

Meanwhile, night had fallen and those SS-tiers that wanted to enjoy the bustling scene also followed and went down.


Qin Feng landed a slash.

"Aow!" The Orc Lycan transformed into a giant wolf and dodged the deadly hit from Qin Feng. But it still suffered a life-threatening wound on its back.

He stumbled a little before the Orc Lycan continued to run again.

"Little brat, you are just an S-tier, don't overestimate yourself. Stop your pursuit right now, and I will spare your life and write off all of our previous conflicts!"

"Heh, who are you bluffing? I doubt that anyone would believe that!"

Qin Feng was not a naïve person, nor was he afraid of revenge from anyone.

As long as Bai Li was with him, he could go anywhere he wanted.

"This is just your final struggle!"

Qin Feng raised his other hand that was not holding onto the Verdant Emperor Saber, which was then followed by a frozen blast!

"Cold Whisper of Death!"

The Cold Whisper of Death ability that Qin Feng had used when he was still an A-tier was actually an S-tier ability. Now that he had become an S-tier that was much more powerful than an ordinary S-tier aptitude user, the powerful ability released could even affect SS-tier aptitude users.

All of a sudden, icy snow covered the entire mountain peak that was pitch-black. The SS-tier Lycan that ran in front was instantly frozen still and transformed into an ice sculpture.


The Lycan struggle while being trapped within the ice sculpture, powerful battle skills were released to resist the Cold Whisper of Death. The frozen seal was then instantly broken and he was on the run again.

Indeed, it was not deadly enough for him. But he had to reactivate energy within his body, which had worsened his injuries.

Most importantly, Qin Feng managed to catch up to him during the short pause of his escape.


Without releasing any battle skills, Qin Feng injected his Verdant Emperor Saber with internal energy. A glowing blade then suddenly appeared.

But as soon as the glowing blade was released from Qin Feng's Verdant Emperor Saber, it then disappeared from the sky. It was followed by an instant hit on the Orc Lycan's stomach.


These creatures had metal-like skulls and bone structure, but their waists were exceptionally weak. Regardless of whether they were as capable as SS-tier aptitude users and equipped with formidable physical capability, there would still be some part of them that revealed their weaknesses. Furthermore, he was already badly injured.

The glowing blade pierced through his stomach and directly struck the heart of the Orc Lycan.

As it was merged with spatial beast materials, the Verdant Emperor Saber was embedded with spatial energy that would neutralize most of the defense mechanisms.

All of a sudden, the glowing blade had impaled through the heart of its opponent.


The Orc Lycan instantly collapsed and energy began dissipating. Then, it transformed into the original Orc Lycan form from his giant Lycan shape. However, he was no longer as tall as when he first appeared.

He tumbled on the ground like a battered beggar.

A giant wound was exposed on his stomach, with his crushed internals and impaled heart.

"The Hasthi Tribe, will not…"

The Orc Lycan seemed to have something else to say, but he was silenced by another dark ability released by Qin Feng.

"Finger of Death!"

A finger was pointed toward the middle of the opponent's eyebrows, channelling dark runes onto his body. Then, his body began to decay at a clearly visible speed. Also, Qin Feng gathered the saturated blood for himself.

"Asteroid Assimilation!"

Qin Feng conveniently absorbed energy from the opponent's body, merging into his internal energy to strengthen his frozen starglobe. Qin Feng had set himself a horrifying foundation, his next advancement would require much more than what he had obtained. One or two SS-tier aptitude users would certainly not suffice for his advancement.

However, killing two continuously was somewhat fruitful for him.

Now, not only did Qin Feng not seem to be exhausted at all, he was at an optimum state.

Qin Feng's consciousness shrouded around the entire mountain peak. Meanwhile, Drakao and Nuah managed to break free from the Cubic Clasp on the peak. As soon as they appeared, Qin Feng had already killed two SS-tiers.

All of a sudden, both of them were scared out of their wits.

"Everyone, this is a spy sent by the Human Alliance. Perhaps he is eyeing the Bahamut continent. We must kill him to nip the bud!"

Drakao began to rope in the others for support.

At that moment, all the SS-tier aptitude users took steps back like they did not want to participate in it.

More importantly, it was already night time!

The final stray of light sank into the ground while mist began to form on the Dragontail Mountain. Horrifying giant beasts would begin to roam across the mountains of the Dragonspine Valley, and the aptitude users did not want to encounter them.

"Let's go!" Nuah warned while carefully falling back. He stayed away from Qin Feng's vision and took a different route to retreat from the other side of the hill.

Qin Feng did not pursue him.

He was still incapable of restraining an SS-tier aptitude user that intended to leave.

However, Qin Feng could still restrain the others from leaving.

Qin Feng flashed into the shadows and secretly appeared behind two S-tier aptitude users.

Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai.

Qin Feng had already retrieved his Verdant Emperor Saber and his hands were on both of the shoulders of Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai.

"Both of you, do you think you can still leave after finding out my true identity?"

Qin Feng sneered. Since both of them had witnessed Qin Feng killing SS-tiers, they already had no intention to go against him. But they knew that it would not end well for them as they had already found out about Qin Feng's true identity.

They were hoping that the other SS-tier aptitude users would gang up against him. But surprisingly, they chose to retreat.

Both of them wanted to escape. However, never in a million years could they escape from the Bahamut continent without support from spatial beasts and SS-tier aptitude users.

Now, they ended up in Qin Feng's hands.

Chapter 985: Soul Control

"No, don't kill me, Qin Feng. We won't tell anyone about this!"

"That's right, I will pay you and provide you with resources, whatever you want. Just spare my life!"

Both of them begged for their lives together.

Qin Feng sneered, "Frankly speaking, I do not plan to kill both of you!"

However, before both of them could have their moment of joy, dark runes began to surge from Qin Feng's body.

Horrifying dark runes were channelled along Qin Feng's arm and merged into the bodies of Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai.

It was a familiar scene.

The same method used by the Wraith Devil!

Qin Feng had devoured a Wraith Devil, his consciousness soared to an insane level and he had even mastered the trick from his victim.

"Soul injection!"

Powerful consciousness broke into the spiritual territories of both of the victims.

Located in between the centre of eyebrows of the ability user and the dantian of the ancient warrior.

A majestic figure appeared in the mind of Voodoo Lord; it was Qin Feng at three meters tall. Visualized in the minimized realm, ordinary SS-tier aptitude users were magnified to triple their size. If their true mass were to be considered, it would have already been multiplied to an excessive level.

Voodoo Lord's soul was in the form of a tiny and weak green core. It was exactly like the size of a walnut that could be easily crushed into pieces.

Qin Feng extended his finger and pointed toward the core.

Then, an array of unique imprints was left on it. Voodoo Lord felt that he was no longer who he was, and he had been enslaved by Qin Feng.

Similarly, Shao Tai had the same experience.

Crack marks began to form on the dantian, allowing the invasion of Qin Feng's giant soul. Voodoo Lord's internal energy starglobe that was much smaller had no chance in resisting it, and Qin Feng instantly took control!

Disregarding the seemingly lengthy process, only several seconds had passed in the outer world and Qin Feng's controlling hand had already returned.

In the next moment, both Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai kneeled down before Qin Feng.

"My lord!"

They seemed fearless and extremely sincere, like they were ready to risk everything for Qin Feng.

Both of them were still having their original bodies. But from deep down in their souls, they had been completely controlled. None of them had any means of resistance.

"It is better to address me as the Black Alp Overlord from now on!" Qin Feng commanded.

"Yes, Overlord!"

Both of them revered Qin Feng from the bottom of their hearts. They would certainly address him with his name, but only with an honourable title.

"Overlord, this place is not safe. Although you were courageous enough to kill the powerful figure from the Hasth Tribe. But the Hasth Tribe has their eyes on Bahamut, and they will be sending an SSS-tier over here. It is better for us to take shelter!" Voodoo Lord suggested.

During Qin Feng's battle against the Orc Lycan, he had also received a similar threat from his opponent. Now that he heard it again from the Voodoo Lord, he knew he had to do something about it.

Qin Feng had achieved S-tier in both his internal energy and consciousness, the next requirement would be on his physical capability. Actually, the Bahamut continent was a strategic location to be stationed at as there were monthly expeditions into the internal territory.

However, upon Qin Feng's rebirth, he had been thinking of a perfect way of transforming himself.

Taking on the path of an Immortal was much more horrifying than he had expected. If he was not strict enough, it would be an impossible level to attain.

Hence, upon his successful consciousness advancement to S-tier, Qin Feng's first priority was to increase his physical capability.

Only by achieving an S-tier physical state, would he then be able to minimize the gaps within him and maintain the balance.

After the incident with the Hasth Tribe, Qin Feng had made up his mind.

"Let's go, then!" Qin Feng answered.

Shao Tai seemed a little bothered as he suggested, "Since Zolls is already dead, Overlord, please wait for a moment. Let me see if there are any other SS-tier aptitude users that could bring us along!"

However, the sun had already dipped below the horizon. Shao Tai recovered from the life-threatening moment earlier and he was a bundle of nerves as the feeling of unease struck him.

"No need for that, this is Bai Li, my lady. At all times, serve her like how you should serve me!"

Shao Tai and Voodoo Lord immediately saluted Bai Li.

"It is still unsafe to return to the spatial station, let's return to the original realm directly!" Bai Li suggested.

"Agree!" Qin Feng nodded in agreement.

Previously, the location was unreachable as Bai Li did not have the spatial waymark. From thereon, Bai Li could just open up the spatial passage at Qin Feng's will. Passing through the void would eliminate the involvement of the Dark Coalition.

Then, Bai Li opened up the spatial passage to allow their return to the original realm.

For their exit, Bai Li had selected a location in the Dark Citadel.

It was their initial location when they left.

Upon returning to the Dark Citadel during night time, the corrosive and oppressive dark runes from the surroundings had disappeared. But they also felt the disappearance of energy sources from the air.

As they were used to the abundance of energy sources on the Bahamut continent, the return was like taking fish out of water. Breathing became difficult and their presence was disharmonious with the surroundings.

Qin Feng looked at Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai, and he commanded, "Now, just return to your area and declare your alliance with the Black Alp Overlord. From now on, your organization will be associated with the Dark Citadel, and resources should be submitted here!"

Qin Feng did not even bother to specify his level of authority. They were totally submissive to him, like two puppets.

"Yes, Overlord!" Both of them immediately nodded.

"Go, you may excuse yourselves!"


Both Voodoo Lord and Shao Tai left.

The trip to the Bahamut continent was a fruitful one for Qin Feng. He had attained his identity as an ability user, and even consolidated a massive starglobe that was comparable to an SS-tier aptitude user.

Now, he should get himself a good rest.

As Bai Li suffered a long period of boredom, the return to their original realm was so exciting that she could not help whooping.

"Don't forget about your promise to go on a trip with me!"

"Of course, I have not forgotten about it. Take a short rest, and we will be on the move!"

"Okay!" Bai Li nodded.

Although he said rest, Qin Feng was still busy with something else. He activated his communicator and gave out his chain of commands.

Qin Feng was no longer the same person that he was before. With the massive organization and resources under his control, he was no longer a single entity.

"Elder Xue, any recent incidents in the organization?"

"President, everything is in order. Do you need me to report my recent tasks?"

"No need for that, you may carry on and manage them!" Qin Feng answered.

Then, Qin Feng made another call on his communicator and it was immediately picked up from the other end.

"President, how can I serve you?" Wang Chen appeared on the opposite side.

"How is the progress on Dragon Island? Any unusual incidents there?" The focus was on the fissure and the ship. Now that Qin Feng had achieved S-tier, his next visit would definitely yield more rewards.

"I am monitoring closely. But the appearance of the fissure has reduced, and I haven't seen what you told me to watch out for!"

"Got it, just continue on with your task!"

Then, Qin Feng called Chu Fan and asked about recent issues on the experiments and the restricted realm. He even checked on the status of the spirit awakening potion for Z and other related matters.

Lastly, before ending the call, Qin Feng felt an unusual presence from the outside of the villa.

It was Fire Phoenix and Fateless. Both of them noticed that the lights in the villa were turned on and they knew that it was the return of their master—Black Alp Overlord.

Chapter 986: Omnesflores

"Come in!" Qin Feng said.

Fire Phoenix and Fateless pushed open the door lightly and walked in.

"My Lord!"

"My Lord!"

Both of them were reverent in greeting Qin Feng, with no body language that could be construed as offensive.

"I see. So, the auction is over. Were there any troublemakers?"

He Tianxing was dead, and the news of the change of the master of the Dark Citadel would spread far and wide. As such, it was natural that people would come visit the Dark Citadel to check it out. And with an increase in visitors, there were bound to be troublemakers in the mix.

Fire Phoenix shook her head. "No. The visitors this year have been behaving well on the island."

Fateless responded with some bootlicking, "Indeed. Hell Island and the Dark Citadel are ruled by the great Black Alp Overlord after all! So, obviously, no one dares to come here to stir up trouble!"

Still, he was kind of right. Even Faceless Lord had died trying to bring Qin Feng down. No one dared to cross him now, especially on his turf. Doing so would mean one had a death wish. If one wanted to try taking on the Black Alp Overlord, they would need to consider if they had the ability to handle someone who could slay an S-tier assassin in an instant.

"My Lord. I have received news that Voodoo Lord and Boat King Shao Tai are extending their invitation for collaboration. Should we agree to it?"

"Sure!" Qin Feng was not surprised. In fact, this was something that he had pushed to happen.

"Yes, My Lord! And this is the result from the auction this time." Fire Phoenix handed a document over to Qin Feng.

Of course, the things that were listed on the document did not look much to Qin Feng, who once dwelled in the Dark Coalition.

"From now onward, I want you all to collect Sacred Stones and anything related to that. Spare no expense in getting them. Oh, crystal cores too! Get as many crystal cores as you can—especially dark-type ones!"

It was not difficult to acquire various kinds of crystal cores. With the aid of the Sage Fruit, Qin Feng could cultivate other types of rune abilities this way.

The only type of rune abilities that he could not acquire was the light type. After all, Qin Feng was not compatible with light abilities due to his affinity to dark runes.

Besides, there was a certain event that was about to happen in just a few months. Qin Feng did not want to miss it. After his reincarnation in this lifetime, Qin Feng could finally get his hands on reaping benefits from this opportunity.

Although Fire Phoenix and Fateless did not understand what Qin Feng wanted to do, they still nodded and received his orders obediently.

"Alright. Now, leave me. I'll need to prepare for another journey that's a few days away." Qin Feng said.

"Yes, My Lord!"

Fire Phoenix and Fateless replied meekly. They did not dare to disobey Qin Feng. And there was no need to ask their boss to stay on the island too—the fact that they had a boss this powerful was enough to stop anyone from looking for trouble on their turf.

Qin Feng and Bai Li rested a night on Hell Island, then they left.

Bai Li was quite curious about the Human Alliance herself. As such, she wanted to visit the place. However, on the next day, Qin Feng had one peculiar problem. "Would the Human Alliance allow an ultra beast to enter their lobby though?"

Even though Bai Li looked like a human right now, at the core of her existence she was still an ultra beast. And there were bound to be a lot of strong human champions in the Human Alliance. As such, if she stepped into that place, there was a 100% chance that she would be found out.

"It's alright. I don't really need to go to the Human Alliance. I can lock onto your dimensional coordinate. When you're there, so long as I infuse my being's energy into you, I can still sense your surroundings there." Bai Li raised a hand and summoned a ray of silver beam onto Qin Feng's hand.

Qin Feng did not evade it. In an instant, he saw a silver fox's rune sign appear on his palm.

"This looks like the Blood Vendetta Mark the Hasth Tribe has." Qin Feng said.

"Heh, that? That stupid thing is useless. They can only detect their Blood Vendetta Mark via smell. Mine can be detected by me wherever you go!"

"Yes, yes, our Bai Li is the best indeed!" Qin Feng lightly swiped Bai Li's nose with his finger before taking out the silver card that could teleport him to the Human Alliance's headquarters.

In a fling, the card had morphed into a spatial door. Seeing this, Qin Feng walked through it. Then, an unfamiliar villa appeared in front of him. It was weird. He had been here before and yet this looked so unfamiliar.

"Welcome home, Master." a robotic voice suddenly rang next to him.

Qin Feng could sense that this robot was quite intelligent. Still, when compared to the robo-dog from the Perished Lands, its conscience was still a few notches lower in level. Still, this was enough for it to serve its purpose.

"I want to find a realm. A realm with a good view to call home."

Qin Feng was not going to tell it that he wanted to go for a vacation. "Vacation" was a foreign notion to him. Only civilians could enjoy a vacation—only people who had the free time and mood could do that.

And Qin Feng felt that even though the people here had reached S-tier, they would still want to utilize the resources they had to prepare a good life for their families.

"Browsing. Browsing. There are 2134 realms that match your requirements. The top ten of these realms are the Xanada Planet, Spherica System, Starbulous Lands…"

Qin Feng took a look at the catalogue that the robot had prepared and took in a big breath.

"Xanada Planet? The homeworld of an Immortal?"

This realm was huge and vast. However, there was only one planet that could sustain life. And this planet was the Xanada Planet—the home planet of Xanada Morine.

Humankind had dwelled on this planet for three hundred thousands of years.

Due to having the protection of an Immortal, the planet had an infinite amount of resources with nearly no danger at all. Right now, there were about 60 billion people living there.

The planet was a peaceful, fruitful heaven.

However, Qin Feng did not feel good about dwelling on a planet that had an Immortal. Although he would not do anything to offend the Immortal, there was no guarantee that things would not turn ugly at all.

As such, Qin Feng crossed out the Xanada Planet despite how much of a heaven it was.

Then, as he read on, Qin Feng realized that the top ten were the realms that were protected by Immortals. This was quite understandable too. No other species and ultra beasts would dare to attack these realms. If they tried, they would not even be able to put a dent on these worlds' dimensional fortresses.

Therefore, Qin Feng crossed them all out too.

When he looked at the twenty-third one on the list, Qin Feng felt that this was the place.

"Ah, the Omnesflores!"

This realm did not only have just one planet—the Omnesflores. Instead, this world also had other dimensional cracks linking it to various kinds of realms too. There were other planets that could sustain life, and the planet was just one of the many.

Nonetheless, Omnesflores was a rather unique planet.

The planet was brimming with wood runes and energy, probably acquired from an obscenely powerful wood-type beast that died here. This resulted in a vast quantity of flora and fauna emerging on the planet, giving it a lot of life.

More importantly, this realm had recently stabilized.

A stabilized realm was not like a newly created realm like the Bahamut continent—a realm that could be invaded easily due to not having much defenses. A stabilized realm was also not like a dying realm like Qin Feng's—a realm that other creatures and species could also invade easily due to the realm weakening.

Instead, a stabilized realm was so sturdy that its own natural spatial sturdiness could already prevent other low-tier ability users from getting in. No dimensional cracks could appear on it too.

Thus, it was almost impossible to see any invasion from creatures from other dimensions.

And of course, the most important thing of all—Omnesflores was a rather beautiful planet.

Chapter 987: A Vacation with Bai Li


Qin Feng had decided.

Still, deciding to go was just the beginning. It was not easy to get permission to enter a realm because no realm would want an entity that was too powerful for them to handle to appear on their lands. Doing so would mean destroying the natural balance of their world.

Thankfully, the Omnesflores was a realm that was quite accepting of migrants.

As such, Qin Feng took out his communicator and sent out an application.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Welcome, S-tier ability user Qin Feng! Your application has been processed and approved!"

Qin Feng took a look at the rules that had been sent to him.

It stated that he needed to pay 20,000 power credits to enter the planet. And he could only stay for one month. During his stay, he was forbidden from killing any native settlers on the planet. Of course, he was forbidden from killing the innocent too.

If he were to break the rules, the Human Alliance would issue a bounty on him.

These rules were quite reasonable so there was no problem for Qin Feng to obey them.

Then, Qin Feng keyed in the coordinate into the dimensional door of his villa, and in an instant it was now connected to Omnesflores.

He walked through the door, and in a daze Qin Feng had arrived at a massive lobby. There were doors made of light around him. In fact, there were more of these doors than the ones he found in front of the Human Alliance's headquarters.

Huh. As expected of the planet that had the highest migration rate.

Even though he did not get to see the view outside yet, from the smiles on the people around him, Qin Feng could see that they lived rather happily in this realm.

"Hello. Are you Qin Feng, the S-tier ability user? I'm your receptionist. If you may, please follow me to complete the arrival protocol." A man meekly approached Qin Feng.

Omnesflores was located in the Lan Xang Realm. There were over hundreds of planets that could sustain life; thus, they were all receiving immigrants from other realms all year round. As for Omnesflores, it was a planet that was being handled by an SSS-tier. Despite that, an S-tier was still a rather unique existence in itself. As such, they would usually send these S-tiers their own receptionist to welcome them.


"Mr Qin, if I recall correctly, there is a second visitor mentioned in your application. May I ask where she is?"

"Ah, my apologies. Give it a moment. She'll be here soon."

"It's… It's alright, Sir. There's no rush, Sir."

The receptionist did not expect an S-tier like Qin Feng to speak so courteously to him. As such, there was an anxious tone in his reply.

A few seconds later, a bright door of light emerged from thin air. Then, Bai Li leaped out of it giddily.

When Qin Feng activated the dimensional door earlier, Bai Li had already determined the coordinate the door was leading to. As such, she just blinked straight through the door from where she stood—making it seem like she had walked into the realm through the door on the other side.

It was just a simple, fun trick that a spatial beast could do.

"That's her."

Qin Feng said as the gorgeous Bai Li hopped eagerly to his side and grabbed his arm.

"So, this is the place?"

"Yes, it is. But first we'll need to complete the arrival protocol. Then, we can go out and play. Perhaps we can even get ourselves a tour guide. You know, to visit the place using our five senses instead of consciousness, like proper tourists."

"Sure! Visiting around using conscious scanning is so boring!"

The receptionist did not understand a word they were saying. All he felt right now, however, was a great sting of envy. Qin Feng looked so young but he was already an S-tier. Right now, the receptionist could only ascend to E-tier.

To top that off, Qin Feng even had a girlfriend of goddess-tier beauty! This was so unreal!

"Alright. We're all here. Let's go." Qin Feng said to the receptionist.

"Ah! Of course! This way, Sir."

After completing the paperwork, Bai Li also received a communicator that she could use on this planet. Qin Feng did not need a new communicator because the Human Alliance's communicator could be used in a wide range of realms that were connected to them.

Their communicators also had a translation function—this would allow the locals to understand them when they talk to them—they only needed to fuse their consciousness into the communicator for it to work.

After leaving the lobby, Qin Feng and Bai Li stepped out into the world.

"Mister, is this your first time here? Do you want flowers? If you want, I can also be your tour guide!"

A boy carrying a few bouquets of golden roses approached them.

"I'll buy your flower. You don't have to be my guide though." Qin Feng took out 10 power credits and gave them to him with a smile.

The boy was shocked when he saw this.

The conversion rate of power credits to the currency on Omnesflores was 1 to 40,000.

Basically, Qin Feng had just handed him four hundred thousand in cash in one go! This much money would drastically improve his life!

After hesitating for a moment, the boy shook his head. "Mis… Mister! There's no need for this much money."

"It's alright, boy. In a few more years, your abilities will be awakened too. I'm rooting for you." Qin Feng said.

Although the boy was clad in a piece of clean clothing, Qin Feng could tell that his clothes were old and ragged. The boy would not wear something like that if his family was not struggling financially. And if his family was not struggling financially, the boy would not be selling flowers on the streets.

"Thank…! Thank you! Oh, thank you, Mister!"

Qin Feng was once a member of the slums during his childhood. The boy reminded him of himself. Thus, there was no way he could just stand idly by and not do anything.

"Thank you, Mister!" the boy handed the golden rose to Qin Feng and asked, "May I know your name, Mister? I will repay you in the future when I get the chance!"

"My name is Qin Feng."

Qin Feng did not hide his identity in front of the boy. It would take a great deal of time before this kid would ascend to S-tier. Perhaps he would never venture out of Omnesflores all his life too. As such, Qin Feng did not really expect the boy to repay him at all. Giving him his name was so that the boy would have a life goal to work toward.

"My name is Daybloom. Mr Qin, take this map. If you're touring around, it would be a great help to you." Daybloom handed a map to Qin Feng. It was basically a tour-guide map.

Taking a glance at the map, Qin Feng accepted it and thanked the boy.

Then, he looked around and saw a sea of flowers.

"Let's go there first!" Bai Li said eagerly.


Qin Feng summoned his hover-ride and left the place with Bai Li, leaving Daybloom standing on the ground as he held dearly onto the power credits.

In a few seconds, Qin Feng and Bai Li had reached the sea of flowers. There were various kinds of flowers around, blooming in various kinds of colors. The place was so beautiful and peaceful.

This was a place like no other. They could never find a place like this on Earth because there were already many places being invaded by ultra beasts.

"Oh, look! There are also people here too! Oh, they're taking pictures!"

"Then, I'll take your pictures too!"

Qin Feng took out his communicator and took Bai Li's picture—the picture was badly taken. This was understandable. He had never taken pictures that needed to look good. All the pictures he had taken all this while were just for submitting reports to complete missions.

"Hahahaha! You're so bad at this! I'll do it!" Bai Li laughed at Qin Feng as she called in a drone to take their pictures.

It was a rare, peaceful moment that they both had to let off some steam.

At night, Qin Feng and Bai Li went to a high-end hotel that Qin Feng had booked earlier. The place had outdoor hot springs, where they could enjoy themselves in a hot spring while enjoying the pink-blue flowers scattered in the sky.

Then, after having fun for a whole day, Bai Li lay happily in the bathroom's bathtub, humming to a song.

Qin Feng, too, was lying in the water next to her. He finally relaxed all his nerves and muscles after so long. In fact, now that he thought about it, there was something peculiarly weird. The air felt sweet, relaxing, and excitable. This smell… it came from Bai Li who was next to him.

This was the smell of an essential oil she had used before hopping into the tub—an essential oil that had aphrodisiac properties.

Ah, well… this was a famous hotel for couples after all. And this was one of their best suites.