

Chapter 1000: Appalling Talent

But as Qin Feng was still thinking about it, another gigantic creature had swum over. Despite Qin Feng's skillful dark ability, the best that he could do was just hide his presence but not make the vessel disappear into thin air.

The massive ultra beast was not planning to slow down at all. It was bulldozing forward and was about to ram onto Qin Feng's vessel.

"Bai Li, now!" Qin Feng commanded instantly.

Bai Li flashed into the shadows and appeared outside of the vessel. Three stretches of rifts appeared, a thousand meter length each, spanning across the borderless ocean. They were extended forward, and the massive S-tier ultra beast was left with nowhere to dodge!

Poof poof poof!

The S-tier giant beast was sliced by all three spatial rifts. It was an enormous sea beast from the ocean, but it had also made itself a giant target for the others to aim for. The giant beast had no chance against an S-tier beast deity at all!

The sea beast was sliced horizontally by the whacking moves, spurting fresh blood across the ocean water. Perhaps it would be unnoticeable by the others, but not for Jiao Linhan, he was not just any average person.

Jiao Linhan reacted swiftly as he injected his spear with internal energy and tossed it out. It penetrated the skull of the sea beast and pinned it down under the sea.

"Who is that?"

Jiao Linhan shouted specifically in Bai Li's direction.

Qin Feng controlled his vessel and slowly surfaced above the water.

Fengli's label was easily recognized by Jiao Linhan, but he was not sure who was the one inside.

"Master Jiao, nice to meet you!" Qin Feng walked out from the vessel and Bai Li was standing beside him.

Despite being a haughty person, Jiao Linhan still paid extra attention to new talents around him. He was an ambitious person and would certainly want to rope in more people under him.

Being a redoubtable hero, Qin Feng was definitely under Jiao Linhan's radar.

"I did not expect to see you here Mashal Qin, my pleasure, why are you here all of a sudden?" Jiao Linhan asked with doubt in his mind.

He did not know if it was Tung Yang who had requested that Qin Feng come, or that Qin Feng had come because he was suspicious of Tung Yang who had rented the Glutton.

Regardless of the reason, Jiao Linhan put aside the idea of roping in Qin Feng. Instead, he kept his guard high up against him.

Qin Feng would certainly use Chu Fan as an excuse, it was part of his initial plan after all.

Even from thereon, it would still be a perfect excuse to use.

"I have someone who is doing spatial realm research under me who has detected rapid spatial fluctuations here. Since this place is not too far away, I decided to come and take a look. I am also surprised by this encounter. Since I am already here, I'll just stay and help out for a bit. Let me embellish Regent Tung's advancement!"

While Tung Yang was still putting all his effort in absorbing runes, he still had some energy to spare. He heard Qin Feng and expressed his gratitude.

"I shall thank you then, Brother Qin. After my advancement, I will treat you to a feast! We shall indulge in drinks and great company!"

"That is very gracious of you, Regent Tung!" Qin Feng laughed and answered.

Jiao Linhan heard the conversation and laughed as well, "Great, let's work together and help Tung Yang out. We can have another S-tier in the Huaxia Alliance!"

Qin Feng would certainly not reject that.

Both of them worked together and took care of every sea beast that came forward. Qin Feng did not reveal too much of his capability, and it was Jiao Linhan who outperformed him.

"Mashal Qin, your Fengli Organization is advancing quite well. However, it will be quite difficult to move to the next level. Currently, there are quite a lot of S-tiers in the Huaxia Alliance that have strong market presence and they will not conform so easily!"

"That is very true, Master Jiao!" Qin Feng answered calmly and did not go on further.

"It is fate that led us here to meet each other, you can reach out to me if you need anything. Although it has only been a while since my advancement, I still have lots of years ahead of me. My speed of advancement is not bad too, and if and whenever I can, I will surely help you!"

"Well, I should first thank you for your help, Master!"

Jiao Linhan continued with his persuasion, but Qin Feng remained sitting on the fence with his answer.

Jiao Linhan noticed his reaction and was annoyed by Qin Feng's disdainful attitude.

But Jiao Linhan still had high hopes for Tung Yang. As long as he succeeded in his advancement, he would stand by him and work with him in the future. That would also be useful to him.

Most importantly, Tung Yang was still a new S-tier that could not match his capability with Jiao Linhan. Hence, Jiao Linhan would certainly still hold the decision-making position.

Qin Feng was amused by Jiao Linhan's underlying agenda. Only those who were less capable would employ such immature and desperate measures.

If Jiao Linhan was capable and powerful enough, why would he still employ such methods to secure his benefits?

However, everyone had their own way of living their lives. Qin Feng certainly was not bothered about how others lived their lives; he only needed to mind his own business.

Another wave of attack from S-tier sea beasts was put to an end. Meanwhile, the ocean water that they stood in was already colored by the fresh red blood, and the fishy smell would be channelled far away.

The fresh blood would then trigger two different outcomes. First, there could be countless numbers of ultra beasts rushing forward to fight for the blood of S-tier sea beasts.

Second, sea beasts would sense the presence of powerful S-tier ultra beasts and their deaths. They would then scatter and flee.

A vortex had already formed on the ocean surface, but there were not many sea beasts that came from the surrounding area. Qin Feng assumed that the second expected outcome had taken place.

"Master Jiao, it seems like you can already handle this alone. Coincidently, I am also an ability user, and I would like to begin my absorption. Master Jiao, don't worry about me, my wife will be here for me."

Jiao Linhan rolled his eyes and laughed, "Of course, if Mrs Qin is in danger, I will definitely help."

"Thank you." Qin Feng answered. Actually, there was no need for Jiao Linhan's help when Bai Li was already there.

Jiao Linhan secretly hoped that Bai Li would be overwhelmed by the situation and ask for his help. Qin Feng would not be able to maintain his arrogance then.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng flew up to the sky and arrived at the edge of the countless rifts.

Rifts that formed above the ocean were uniquely shaped. Despite their heights of about the size of a palm, they were stretched to a thousand miles in length. Colorful lights were seen glowing from the rifts, cascading down beautifully.

There was more than one rift that criss-crossed with one another. The variety of runes was sprinkled down in an array of ribbons, just like a waterfall that flowed down from the sky.

"Absorption Ability!"

Qin Feng activated a vortex between his eyebrows. Then, ribbons from the surroundings were all attracted and flew in his direction.

Green, red, blue, yellow, golden, icy white, purple, green, and black colors!

Ribbons of all nine colors flew in together.

However, Qin Feng abandoned blue water runes for the other colors. All of them were absorbed into his conscious realm and merged into his ability cores.

Runes covered around his ability cores gradually dyed the diamond starglobe with their respective colors. Then, followed by more layers of coverage and the growth of its size.

Meanwhile, Tung Yang who was beside was struck dumb. Even Jiao Linhan could not believe his own eyes, and thought that he was seeing things.

They knew that everyone comprehended runes at different paces, and it was also closely related to their capabilities and talents.

But they had never seen Qin Feng's speed before.

It was unheard of and unseen before. Such a shocking talent, could this be the mythical SSS-tier talent?

Chapter 1001: The Poachy Jiao Linhan

In fact, Qin Feng did not actually comprehend any of it—he was actually absorbing them.

Qin Feng did not absorb the water runes because he wanted to be considerate toward Tung Yang and not adversely affect Tung Yang's ascension.

Nonetheless, this had already challenged Tung Yang and Jiao Linhan's existing perception of the world. On the other hand, Qin Feng had also caused a series of chain effects, resulting in the ultra beasts in the ocean to rage around.

It was then, a glare of rainbow beamed up on the ocean surface.

"It's the jellyfish! It's the S-tier beast emperor!"

Jiao Linhan was not afraid of any S-tier beast general. However, if the foe was something much stronger than a beast king, he would not be able to handle them at all.

Jiao Linhan also did not understand just how fearsome the ultra beasts in the ocean were. If they were on the land, S-tier beast emperors were still quite few in number in the red zones.

Now, in the ocean, these things could pop up from under the sea at any moment, from any spot. This had caused Jiao Linhan to be afraid.

Should he flee? Should he not?

Meanwhile, Tung Yang did not have the energy to handle so many things. Right now, the others would have to face the ultra beasts.

"Bai Li, help him." Qin Feng sent a message via consciousness.

Even though he had ascended, the situation right now was still quite perilous to say the least.

Tung Yang had used all his consciousness to comprehend the ascension of his runes. If he were to fail, Tung Yang's consciousness would descend from his current level to around A5-tier. This would irreversibly damage his consciousness.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, was different—his consciousness had already ascended to S-tier. He also had experience in ascending to S-tier. This meant that it was not too stressful for him at all in this process.

"Okay!" Bai Li agreed without protest as she zipped toward the glaring part of the ocean.

At first glance, it looked as though the ocean was beaming up with colorful lights. However, the colors were all venom.

Perhaps due to having sensed Bai Li's arrival, the jellyfish willed in a veil of jelly substance and lunged at Bai Li.

As it leaped out of the water, runes began to rage around it, forming a force shield. If anyone were to be caught by the force shield, there would be no way for them to escape.

"Damn it! What are you doing?! Do you have a death wish!?" Jiao Linhan did not think that Bai Li would strike so fast.

Due to him getting to know Qin Feng, he also knew who Bai Li was. Still, even though he knew that she was a very rare shape-shifting spatial beast, Jiao Linhan thought that she was, at best, an S-tier ultra beast. She was only very proficient in taking on other ultra beasts all thanks to her ability to manipulate space and dimensions.

An S-tier ultra beast taking on an S-tier beast emperor was nothing short of suicide.

However, perhaps due to her being a spatial beast… Bai Li might still have a way to handle this…

"Ms Bai, there's still a way to deal with this! Don't panic! You just need to lead the beast emperor away…"

Before he was able to finish giving his suggestion, Jiao Linhan was startled to see what was happening in front of him.

Countless silver threads burst out of Bai Li's body; each of the threads then ripped open small dimensional cracks.

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh…

Then, the dimensional cracks began to spin around like a hurricane, completely trapping the jellyfish. In an instant, the jellyfish, due to not having sturdy physical properties, was completely crushed to pieces.

Qin Feng was not surprised at all.

Bai Li was already as powerful as an SS-tier beast emperor. As such, it was within his expectation that Bai Li would be able to defeat an entity that was much weaker than herself.

However, Jiao Linhan did not know this at all.

'So, a spatial beast is this powerful?!'

Jiao Linhan took in a deep breath as he had a completely new insight on how powerful Bai Li was.

'Damn. With an ultra beast like this on his side, he would be able to get any resources he wants!'

'He is so lucky!'

A fling of jealousy flared up in Jiao Linhan's eyes as he took a glance at Qin Feng. He was now planning to poach Bai Li to his side.

Bai Li was able to take care of an S-tier beast emperor in under a minute and get Qin Feng an S-tier crystal core. Although the jellyfish was venomous, it was all consciousness based and emitted from the jellyfish itself. The crystal core was thus free of venom; not only that, it also housed a vast conscious energy, making it ripe for Bai Li to absorb.

Therefore, after receiving the crystal core, Bai Li began to chew on the crystal core gleefully.

The jellyfish, on the other hand, had completely melted away and dissolved into the ocean; so, there was no way to collect any material from it.

Nonetheless, due to the venom that it had released onto the ocean surface, no ultra beasts would dare to come near this area for the moment.

Seeing his chance, Jiao Linhan approached Bai Li.

"Ms Bai, I see you like to snack on ultra beasts' crystal cores?" Jiao Linhan asked.

If she liked to eat these for her sustenance, Jiao Linhan could get some crystal cores from his collection to buy out Bai Li from her contract with Qin Feng. Then, he could sign a new contract with her.

As for whether she could snack on the new crystal cores that he promised her, it would all depend on him later.

Bai Li took a glance at Jiao Linhan.

It was then Jiao Linhan realized that Bai Li's eyes were silver in color. This meant that she could see through a person's thoughts.

Bai Li replied coldly, "Yeah, I was able to ascend due to snacking on these. They were not acquired by me though—it was all Qin Feng's doing. He has gathered over thousands of S-tier crystal cores for me. This was how I was able to ascend to SS-tier."

Jiao Linhan's smile was completely frozen on his face. Over thousands of S-tier crystal cores? If he had this many S-tier crystal cores, Jiao Linhan too would have ascended to SS-tier after meditating for a decade or two.

Jiao Linhan ground his teeth, thinking that Bai Li replied this way because she had seen through his thoughts of poaching her.

"Hehe, you jest! To ascend to SS-tier, one would need to spend a lot of resources. Qin Feng isn't so strong that he could hunt so many S-tier ultra beasts for you, is he?"

Jiao Linhan was not giving up yet. He still assumed that Qin Feng and Bai Li's resource were all Bai Li's hard work.

No one was so foolish to acquire so much resource just to ascend a pet.

"I wasn't kidding. It was all his work. Qin Feng's very strong, you know? He can slay anyone by raising a finger. And when he does, we will have resources." Bai Li beamed up a smile.

"Haha, don't worry, my friend! Qin Feng only kills people from the Dark Coalition. So long as you're not his enemy, Qin Feng would not kill anyone from the Human Alliance."

Cold sweat was rolling down on Jiao Linhan's forehead. To him, Bai Li's words were like a threat to him. However, he could not retaliate after recalling just how powerful Bai Li was.

"Hey, there are more ultra beasts over there. I'll head out for a round of patrol."

Bai Li's smile remained as she told Qin Feng telepathically.

"Oh gosh, no one believes it at all."

"Hehe, it's alright. The weak can never understand the strong after all," Qin Feng replied.

Right now, Qin Feng felt that being an ability user was a job that only got easier as he became stronger. When he had reached a certain height of power, the roads were all paved out for him.

This meant that any resource that seemed beyond reach to others, it was a piece of cake for Qin Feng—a cake that he could just reach out, grab it, and eat it!

Chapter 1002: SS-tier from the Dark Coalition

Even though the crack was opened up further, the energy was still pouring out constantly. Thus, Qin Feng and Tung Yang could still absorb them.

Three days later, due to both of them continuously absorbing, the runes were not spread too far out—which was why the other S-tiers did not notice them at all.

After all, not many would have the time and interest to investigate the ocean out of the blue.

After Qin Feng's consciousness had also been showered by the energy for so long, the electric, metal and wood type runes had also been spread out to about two centimeters thick. Right now, Qin Feng should be at the S-tier for all the nine types of runes.

At the same time, Tung Yang's power had also gotten stronger and stronger—inching ever closer to being an S-tier!

Then… finally…

After he absorbed another layer of runes, Tung Yang ascended.


As his consciousness soared up to S-tier, Tung Yang frowned as a sweep of mini whirlpool began to swirl in between his brows. It was a blue starglobe!

This starglobe had a rather sturdy, powerful core—much like a Sacred Stone. It gave out a vibe that would make one mistake it for an ocean!

As he ascended to S-tier, Tung Yang was overwhelmed with power as his presence beamed up brightly to the sky! Everyone in the Huaxia Alliance and other members from other alliances in the nearby regions had taken notice of it.

"Someone has ascended to S-tier!"

"I wonder who that is?"

"This presence… It's coming from the eastern sea. Perhaps it's from the Huaxia Alliance. Or from the Japanese Alliance."

"Who's ascending right now? Is it from the Human Alliance? Perhaps we should go there. If we could kill this schmuck, we could earn a great deal of money."

Thus, with their agenda in place, people from all sides began to move.

At the same time, the runes in the ocean were also affected due to Tung Yang's ascension. The dimensional cracks that were usually not activated were now connected to one another.

In an instant, the dimensional crack that they were at seemed to have its energy clawed out.

Suddenly, a hundred-meter wide dimensional crack appeared in the sky.

Countless runes soared out of the crack, beaming out glittering rainbows in the area. The energy that appeared in the area was so glaring and obvious that the S-tiers had all noticed it. As this was happening, several runes had fused in with the ocean waters, creating an image of wonder and destruction if one were to see this from afar.

Tung Yang did not expect this to happen. These runes did not give off the impression that they were dangerous.

It was then, a flow of fire runes fell down from the sky and were about to hit Tung Yang from above.

"Hydro Tide!"

Not able to evade the fire runes, Tung Yang had to unleash Hydro Tide to push them away. However, the fire runes were rushing down from above endlessly like a running stream. Despite having ascended to S-tier, Tung Yang could not hold it.

Nonetheless, Tung Yang was completely surrounded by runes from all elements—all except for water runes. So, there was no escape for him.

Suddenly, a glare of silver light beamed up around Tung Yang. In the next instant, he was teleported away—he was now thousands of meters away, looking at the residue silver runes from afar.

A lady approached him—it was Bai Li.

"Ms Bai, thank you for the rescue," Tung Yang thanked her gratefully.

"Don't mention it." Bai Li waved her hand as she focused her attention on the dimensional crack.

Tung Yang moved his eyes to the same spot and asked in surprise, "Where's Qin Feng?"

The runes were quite powerful. If Qin Feng were still inside, he would be in great trouble.

"He's still absorbing runes in there." Bai Li said as she willed up her consciousness and began to absorb some spatial runes from the surrounding area.

"He can't! There are just too many runes! If he can't absorb them fast enough, he'd be hurt!"

"He'll be fine."

Then, Tung Yang recalled just how fast Qin Feng could absorb the runes. There was indeed nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, in the sky, several whirlpools were swirling in between Qin Feng's brows as countless runes were sucked into his core.

This was what Qin Feng needed.

Despite the vast amount of runes soaring up in the area, the core's expansion was rather slow.

Still, when compared to how it was a few days ago, it was indeed beginning to speed up.

Regardless, as his core swelled up, he would need more and more runes to expand it. Even though it only expanded by just one or two centimeters in appearance, it had in fact increased by dozens in its mass.

As Qin Feng absorbed the runes like crazy, the sky was now beginning to get clearer.

Due to Tung Yang's ascension earlier and the appearance of the dimensional crack in the sky, many S-tiers had already noticed this from afar—especially the ability users. The bursting soar of runes was something they had been longing for a long time. There were not a lot of resources left on Earth after all; so, when there was something like this happening, there was no way they would give up on absorbing them too.

However, it was quite unrealistic for them to zoom to the scene right away. Due to the vast amount of runes swirling in the area, the whole ocean had begun to act rather weirdly.

There could be various kinds of calamity awaiting them if they travelled this way hastily—blizzards, hurricanes, tsunamis, thunder sears, meteorites, or even fire ball showers!

Due to that, it took three hours for the fastest person amongst the S-tiers to reach the scene. However, the ability users noticed that the soaring runes in the sky had all disappeared—they had all been absorbed by Qin Feng!

Meanwhile, Qin Feng's cores were now about two-centimeter wide. Although they were not as thick as his ice core—which was ten centimeters in width, they were already becoming elite cores.

Nonetheless, even though the runes were all gone, the dimensional crack was still there, pouring out rune ribbons constantly. The first ability user that arrived stared at this in awe.

"Has the Runic Realm connected with ours? This is such a golden opportunity!"

The ability user yelled out excitedly.

Meanwhile, Tung Yang and Jiao Linhan watched on quietly and cautiously.

This newly arrived ability user was an SS-tier. And they knew all the eleven SS-tiers in the Human Alliance. This man was not one of them.

In fact, this man was a member of the Dark Coalition—Endo, the Violent Butcher. This Dark Coalition's SS-tier would probably think of eliminating members of the Human Alliance when he sees them.

Endo, on the other hand, locked his eyes on Qin Feng who was absorbing the runes in the sky.

Chapter 1003: One Out of Nineteen

"Heh, these runes ain't something a weakling like you can absorb. Scram!"

Endo yelled out loudly with his consciousness.

Endo was a powerful electric ability user. He was capable of inflicting the highest damage amongst all the ability users.

His loud consciousness voice alone was like a threatening thunder attack to any S-tier.

However, unfortunately for him, it was Qin Feng he was dealing with here.

Qin Feng stopped absorbing upon hearing him. To Endo, it seemed like Qin Feng was going to flee from him. Tung Yang and Jiao Linhan thought so too.

However, Qin Feng was not afraid of Endo. In fact, Qin Feng had completely drained the runes from the crack.

"No, you scram. And I'll leave your corpse intact." Qin Feng smirked as his consciousness burst out, ready for combat.

"Hahahaha!" Endo burst out in laughter as he thought that this was some kind of a joke.

It could not be helped. He had not met a match for a long, long time. He was at the peak of the pecking order on Earth for quite some time now.

There were only a handful of SS-tiers on Earth—Eleven in the Human Alliance and eight in the Dark Coalition.

This meant that Endo was one of the strongest nineteen people on Earth. He could basically kill any alliance in the Human Alliance if he was in the mood.

No one dared to say this to him. Not even a fellow SS-tier.

"I've never seen anyone having a death wish like you, boy!"

Endo pulled out his weapon—a saber that resembled a butcher knife, one that sparkled with violet electricity.

This was a god weapon too.

"I'll oblige then!"

Endo pushed his weapon forward and shot out a ray of terrifying electricity at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not bother evading. Instead, he lifted a finger and shot out a ray of electricity too.


The two electric rays met and clashed before perishing into nothingness. Endo's attack was stopped rather easily by Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng had used up a lot of his electric runes. If he wanted to defeat Endo with electricity, it would be a daunting task.

However, Endo could not sit idly by when his first attack ended in a draw like this.

His face turned grim as murderous intent soared in his eyes.

He thought he could just wipe Qin Feng off the planet with a thought. Now, Endo was all worked up. He was determined to kill Qin Feng today, no matter what it took.

"Heh! So be it! Myriad Thunder!"

In an instant, the sky was cloaked by dark clouds before tens of thousands of lightning dropped from above and straight toward Qin Feng.

Myriad Thunder was an SS-tier electric ability.

"Retreat!!!" Jiao Linhan yelped out loudly as he fled. There was no way he could handle an attack by an SS-tier. Not only that, he was afraid that Endo would come for him after he had killed Qin Feng.

Jiao Linhan did not want to die yet.

On the other hand, Tung Yang was hesitating—he did not want to abandon Qin Feng. However, he knew he could not take on an SS-tier. In fact, he did not know if he could shield everyone using his abilities from the Myriad Thunder too.

It was then, Bai Li leaped into action.

She formed a spatial zone and shielded Tung Yang and herself within the spatial runes, blocking out everything from outside.

"It's a parallel dimension!" Tung Yang had never seen such an amazing ability before. All he knew was that he had now completely been pulled out of the dimension he was in, and was now in another.

Bai Li did not respond to Tung Yang; instead, she directed her gaze on the battlefield.

However, Bai Li did not look troubled at all—she believed that Endo was no match against Qin Feng.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng raised his hand when he saw the lightning bolts lunging at him.

"Frost God! Arrival!"

As soon as he unleashed the S-tier ability that he acquired from the Aether Realm, Qin Feng grew larger and larger. To be exact, it was not his body that grew bigger—it was the snow and hail around that enveloped him, forming a massive snow giant.

The snow giant was about hundred meters in height, and looked almost like a god had descended from the heavens.

He raised his fist and…


The fist punched the lightning bolts away and tore the dark clouds asunder as the snow giant's body was cracked into pieces by the lightning bolts!

It was another draw!

This time, however, Endo had used up a lot of his energy to strike. He was determined to kill this young man in front of him.

"Huh, is this all you got? If so, I might as well say adios to you!" Qin Feng walked out of the snow giant and smirked.

"Shut up and eat dirt!"

Endo roared furiously as he unleashed his lightning bolts again.

However, no matter how many lightning bolts were hurled at him, Qin Feng was able to crush them completely.

"I see. You want a fast death." Qin Feng said. He did not use his consciousness. Just words from his mouth.

However, as he was about to strike, someone else appeared on the battlefield.

This person's presence was quite familiar to Qin Feng. This meant that he knew this newly arrived ability user. It was not about Endo wanting a fast death—it was because Qin Feng wanted to end this quickly so that there were no casualties.

"Sovereign Roar!"

Countless terrifying dark runes emerged above Qin Feng's head, forming a massive dragon head.

The dragon head widened its jaw and…


A pillar of dark energy burst straight at Endo.

Hubris vanished from the furious Endo's eyes as terror overwhelmed him.

"This… This is an SS-tier power!" His consciousness yelled out loudly, almost deafening everyone in the vicinity. This time, however, his voice trembled in terror as he turned tail, preparing to run.

Unfortunately for him, dark runes had flooded the area, crushing other types of runes around Endo. Without the ability to use his electric runes effectively, Endo's speed was drastically lowered too, hindering his escape.

Then, as the massive tide of dark runes crashed down, Endo was dead.

Endo was one of the strongest nineteen humans on Earth. One of the strongest in the pecking order on Earth.

However, he was not even half as strong as the SS-tier, Hasth.

As such, his death came as naturally as gravity pulled an apple.

The life essence in Endo's body was completely sucked dry, turning him into a set of skeletons as the dark runes swarmed back with a fling of conscious energy to Qin Feng—it was Endo's conscious energy.

Qin Feng's consciousness was at the verge of ascension after absorbing so many runes for days. His consciousness was filled with runes to the brim!

And as Endo's energy got devoured… Qin Feng's consciousness ascended too.

It was now at S1-tier!

However, this was not a massive ascension for Qin Feng. As such, he could easily hide his ascension and level-up using his dark abilities.

"Cast off."

In a simple wave of hand, the dark runes had all been dispersed, and the dragon head was retracted too. Not only that, this fight had won Qin Feng some rune equipment that went into his pocket dimension.

Chapter 1004: Power Showcase

Tung Yang and Jiao Linhan from afar had seen everything Qin Feng did.

When Bai Li retracted the alternate dimension, Tung Yang still felt like he was in a dream.

"Qin Feng, when did you attain S-tier?" Tung Yang was stuttering. He then quickly shook his head. "No, that's not right. You are actually S1-tier now?"

Qin Feng did not expose his true ability before this. Most of the time, it was Bai Li who took care of things.

Besides, since he progressed extraordinarily fast, Qin Feng had always obtained the certification only after he had leaped through several major tiers. It was no different this time. He had yet to get the badge on Earth after evolving into S-tier.

Furthermore, he had passed the strength test before being accepted into the Human Alliance. That made S-tier certification even less significant. Hence, Tung Yang was surprised to find that not only had Qin Feng reached S-tier, but he was in S1 territory now.

More bizarrely, Qin Feng had killed Endo with his own hand.

Endo was not a random nobody but a top-notch SS-tier aptitude user. Yet his life was ended by Qin Feng this easily?

Such news would cause turmoil once it gets out.

"Yeap. By the way, I still haven't congratulated Regent Tung for reaching S-tier!" Qin Feng said.

"Same goes for you!" Tung Yang replied with a bitter smile. No doubt, attaining S-tier was a commendable achievement. But when it was compared to Qin Feng's record, it did not seem that impressive anymore.

"Regent, my hands were tied so I had no choice but to kill Endo. It would have unwanted ramifications if news of his death were to get out. Could you pretend that you didn't see anything and help me to keep it a secret?"

Endo still had a lot of underlings loyal to him. There were at least nine S-tiers under the SS-tier elect. If they knew Endo was killed by Qin Feng, he would be in deep trouble.

Though he was not afraid of any S-tiers, his concern lay in the safety of the Fengli Organization.

He would not be around all the time to protect the organization. At least right now, he planned to enter the Runic Realm.

"That would not be a problem. Nobody would believe me anyway!" Tung Yang promised.

"How about you, Master Jiao?" Qin Feng asked Jiao Linhan through his consciousness.

Jiao Linhan was staggered by the abrupt request. He quickly came near with a flattering smile.

"Who am I to be called master? Please stop calling me that. I know nothing about what happened just now."

Jiao Linhan was not stupid. In fact, he feared Qin Feng more than anyone now.

He tried to convince Qin Feng to work under him earlier. When Qin Feng rejected him, he had not been friendly to him since. What was more, Jiao Linhan had even persuaded Bai Li to leave Qin Feng.

Thinking back on his actions, Jiao Linhan was embarrassed and wished to dig a hole to hide in.

Luckily, Qin Feng did not seem to be offended.

"It's just a title. If someone comes later, please remember to say that Endo has entered the rift."

The ability that Qin Feng had unleashed was formidable. Despite its destructive nature, the ability also came with natural camouflage. No matter how powerful one's consciousness was, he or she could not have detected it from far as their perceptual ability would have been masked by Qin Feng's dark runes.

As Qin Feng had foreseen, an aptitude user arrived not long after. He was none other than Qin Feng's partner, Nangong Zeming.

Nangong Zeming was surprised to find them near the rift too.

"I didn't expect to see you all here!"

Qin Feng and the rest greeted him as well. The arrival of Nangong Zeming caught them by surprise too.

Nangong Zeming sized them up closely. The aura that exploded from here earlier was abnormally vibrant. He immediately found the source.

"Regent Tung, congratulations on your upgrade!" Nangong Zeming said.

"I am not the only one. Qin Feng has reached S-tier too." Tung Yang did not want to be put under the spotlight when someone more brilliant like Qin Feng was around.

Nangong Zeming laughed bigheartedly. "I have worked with him to develop a dimension just recently. It doesn't shock me one bit that he has reached S-tier. He already had that in him when we first met. Besides, he is the only exception I know that was allowed into the Human Alliance before reaching S-tier. Now that you are also an S-tier, you should go and register your name under the alliance. I will lead you there later."


"Haha! Please don't take away my honor! I should be the one who introduces Tung Yang," Jiao Linhan objected laughingly.

"Cool. Save me the trouble. Regent Tung, please don't blame me for not helping you in the future!"

"No, no! Please don't say that."

After the initial small talks, Nangong Zeming finally remembered his purpose of coming here. He measured the large rift with concern. The jubilant atmosphere revolving around Tung Yang's promotion evaporated rapidly.

"This rift is scarier than the spatial beast last time. Is there a powerful beast around here just now? I sensed an unusual aura around earlier."

Tung Yang and Jiao Linhan tried to maintain a poker face. They wanted to keep the secret but were still too astounded to think of any pretense that could prevaricate Nangong's question.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, was comfortable in his own skin. Endo was not the first SS2-tier he had killed, and would not be the last. Thus, his mind was at peace.

"Though the rift has been open for some time now, no beast has emerged from it as far as we know. Not only that, ample runes are oozing out from it. It is rich enough to enhance any ability user near it. As for the aura you mentioned, it belongs to Endo from the Dark Coalition."

"The Violent Butcher? Are you guys alright?"

Qin Feng continued to build on his lie smoothly. He said calmly, "We are fine. He almost had us. Luckily I have a life-saving gem at disposal, which is ruined now. Endo left us after that and chose to enter the rift instead. He mentioned something about the Runic Realm. I guess he knows what hides behind this rift."

"Runic Realm?" Nangong Zeming was shocked. "Could it be…"

"Master Nangong knows where this rift leads to?" Tung Yang quickly changed the topic seeing that Qin Feng had made the lie sound plausible. He did not want to discuss Endo anymore.

Besides, he was eager to know what Runic Realm was. Was this dimension really as good as Endo claimed?

Qin Feng pretended that this was his first time hearing the name as well. In fact, he had little info regarding this in his past life. The only thing he knew was that such a giant rift existed in the ocean, and only an S-tier was allowed to visit.

"The Runic Realm is very different from the dimensions we know about. However, as an ancient warrior, I am not that well-informed either. All I know is that such a dimension is a blessing to ability users."

Endo had said something similar as well.

Chapter 1005: Runic Galaxy Realm

"So, what exactly is this Runic Realm?" Qin Feng asked.

"How should I put this… The realms we know so far are usually formed from an immortal's core billions of years after their deaths. However, couldn't there be a more powerful realm that originated from something else?"

"From the information that we have grasped, the lowest realms are entities like territories or walls, which could be constructed by elects or spatial beasts alone."

"Then, an intermediate realm refers to those housing a single planet or large continent that supports life within it. These are the ones formed after the deaths of Immortals."

"Above that are superior realms, where humans have yet to find a way to detect its boundaries. It encompasses numerous planets or several continents. Some could even exist in the form of multiple overlapping dimensions."

"Finally, there's the most mysterious type of realm being classified as mythical. Amazingly, such a dimension is filled with materialized runes."

"Mythical realms orbit randomly in the void like other dimensions. Due to its unstable energy fluctuation, it would often disrupt the space when colliding with another realm, thus creating a spatial rift. When an ability user enters it, they would for sure benefit enormously from the encounter," Nangong Zeming explained with little excitement. In fact, a sense of disappointment could be felt within his tone.

That was because Nangong Zeming was not an ability user. This Runic Realm had nothing to do with him.

"I never knew such an amazing place existed." Tung Yang was jubilant. From his perspective, this was a blessing given to him by God. He seized the opportunity and attained S-tier immediately. He could probably obtain more if he crossed the rift.

But Nangong Zeming cautioned them.

"I don't know what the hidden dangers are. Besides, you just said that Endo has entered the realm earlier. It would be dangerous if you guys bump into him again inside. We should wait for more aptitude users and enter together. Unfortunately, currently, we don't have any SS-tier users around."

There were currently only two SS-tiers in Huaxia. One was an elder from the Long family, called Long Chen; while another one was Prince Xiao's father, Li Mu.

Like Nangong Zeming, both of them were ancient warriors. They would not gain anything from the Runic Realm. More so, they might be harmed by the overly concentrated runes, like what happened to Tung Yang earlier.

Nangong Zeming's concern was unnecessary because Qin Feng had killed Endo.

Tung Yang was aware of this fact. He had no fear of a dead man and only wanted to explore the realm as soon as possible.

"Judging from what Nangong told us, this realm is definitely much larger than our realm. Though Endo entered before us, chances are slim that we would meet him there. In my opinion, the risk is not as high. More importantly, abandoning such a great opportunity would be a huge blow to their confidence and pride as an ability user." Jiao Linhan chipped in.

He was speaking up for Qin Feng and Tung Yang. After failing to recruit Qin Feng as his underling, Jiao Linhan now tried his best to flatter Qin Feng after witnessing his dominance first hand.

Tung Yang and Qin Feng knew his intention. They gladly accepted his assistance.

"That's right. I am going in no matter what. As one of the leaders of the Human Alliance, I have the responsibility to stop Endo," Tung Yang said righteously.

"I am willing to go with you," Qin Feng resonated. Actually, they both knew that they would never find Endo there. The only thing that was waiting inside would be the treasures of the mythical realm.

"Alright then. Please be wary at all times. Also, please don't go too far from the entrance. Nobody knows how long this rift will persist. Spatial waymarks are useless in such a realm filled with runes. Unless you have a spatial beast… Wait, I forgot that you have Lady Bai Li tagging along." Nangong Zeming grinned. He had given up on stopping them. "Hope the three of you gain aplenty and soar high after this encounter."

"Hope that you are right."

At the same time, they could sense more aptitude users approaching through their conscious probe. Qin Feng and Tung Yang did not want to waste more time. They bid farewell to Nangong Zeming and Jiao Linhan, then stepped into the rift determinedly.

The time they needed to cross the tunnel seemed longer than usual. When their vision and senses came back to them, Qin Feng felt that he was sinking in mud.

He realized that he was on top of a sea of fire runes. Thanks to his superior strength, the strong affinity between his own fire runes and the external ones, and his experience in Geo Heart, Qin Feng did not feel scorched despite being covered in flames.

Bai Li was right next to him and appeared unaffected too. As for Tung Yang, he was about a hundred meters away from them being engulfed by vast emerald runes.

"Argh!" Tung Yang struggled mightily. He was helpless as the rune waves rushed him into a sea a thousand meters away.

The red lava pool, the green woodland, and the blue sea—these were all the geographical edges neighboring the opened rift. Once they plunged into this realm, the lava, trees, and sea immediately dissociated into their rawest forms.

The rift above them was like a funnel. Elements around it from the other side kept falling into this world and disintegrated into runes.

"This place is fascinating. The power is a little too rough, though." Tung Yang's face was pale. He had just attained S-tier. Thus, he was still not strong enough to fully withstand the ferocious aura here.

Qin Feng glanced around and discovered that he could still see the galaxy there. The raging energy from the galaxy was several folds fiercer as compared to that outside Omnesflores.

No wonder Tung Yang was strained. An A-tier would not have survived for a second here. They would probably be torn apart by the rune storm immediately.

Qin Feng spread his consciousness to survey the surrounding area.

His conscious probe expanded as far as it could.

A common S-tier had a detection limit of up to one hundred kilometers. Qin Feng, being a deity-tier elect, could detect ten times further away. After mastering all nine ability types, he could now view up to nineteen times a normal S-tier was capable of.

But his mega vision was heavily impeded here. He could only manage two hundred kilometers, which was formidable considering the circumstances.

He saw multiple planets made by runes hovering around in this realm. They varied in size and some even had runic organisms on them. He could see S-tiers everywhere. It was extremely dangerous but at the same time held a lot of promises.

Qin Feng superimposed the image of the hovering runes to the edge of a star cluster.

'No wonder the S-tiers named this place Runic Galaxy Realm!'

This world was tied with Earth for seven years. The connection would probably last for a long time.

The energy and runes in this place could perhaps help the depleting Earth dimension.

'Is this godsend for our world?'

Chapter 1006: Nine-Element Deity Class Ability User

Qin Feng snapped out of his thoughts. The more important thing to do now was to strengthen himself by absorbing the runes around him.


A stream of lava spurted up and landed on Qin Feng's body. The runes around him began to behave aggressively when the extreme heat did not seem to bother Qin Feng.

The lava began to reject Qin Feng as if it could identify him as a foreign entity. It was like adding a drop of water into a pot of boiling oil.

"Flame Build!"

Qin Feng slowly transformed into a human torch. The transformation allowed him to merge better with the lava around him.

As such, the lava no longer reacted violently. This gave Qin Feng an opening.


The lava was gradually soaked up by Qin Feng. His ability core was strengthened little by little.

"I am going there!" Bai Li said and immediately jumped into a silver stream. It was clearly where the spatial runes were concentrated at.

Bai Li had absorbed some of them earlier. Nevertheless, the number of runes leaked to the Earth's surface was only minimal, which did not help Bai Li much. It was a different story here. The vast runes were precious even to an advanced beast like Bai Li.

Tung Yang faced the same problem as Qin Feng. He struggled in the blue sea and barely sustained the poundings. Through his consciousness, he sensed what Qin Feng had done and emulated the latter's approach. After using Hydro Shift, Tung Yang integrated himself better with the sea of runes and could finally assimilate them.

It was a strenuous effort that squeezed almost all the stamina out of Tung Yang. This was because Tung Yang was also greatly affected by the energy storm from above.

At the center of the lava pool, Qin Feng had almost submerged himself entirely in it. The pulling force of the vortex between his brows grew stronger and stronger. The lava began to spin and whirled into Qin Feng's conscious realm.

Qin Feng dried up the three-hundred-square-meter pool in less than three minutes. His fire ability core had expanded to five centimeters in diameter.

His surroundings turned into a void after the runes were emptied. Qin Feng sensed that the galaxy force had begun to target him.


Qin Feng's skeleton crackled under the pressure of the violent energy storm. Other people's bones might have ruptured under such immense force.

Though the lava pool was dangerous, the force from the galaxy was obviously more threatening.

"Rampage Influx!"

Qin Feng moved swiftly and hid inside the forest.

It was the same forest Tung Yang had fallen into just now. However, Tung Yang was grappled by vines right at the forest's edge and almost could not get free.

Besides the vines, a thick poison fog had also risen within the forest. The toxin was as lethal as an S-tier ability.

"Wood Shift!"

Qin Feng's body immediately turned into a log. He mimicked the form of a tree and began to absorb the wood runes.

Another person came through the rift while he was enjoying the supplement.

A familiar face—Lord of Lightning, Oplan.

Following him, one after another ability user emerged through the rift. Some were caught in an incompatible rune pool, while others were lucky enough to fall right into their dominant rune type.

Fortunately, these were all composed aptitude users. None were killed so far.

Not long later, an ability user arrived at Qin Feng's region.

The user looked at Qin Feng's "tree" in awe.

"Don't make a fuss. Find a place for yourself and meditate quietly!" Qin Feng voiced through his consciousness. The visitor was none other than Voodoo Lord.

"Yes, My Lord!" Voodoo Lord complied obediently. This forest had plenty of runes to support two harvesters.

However, after Voodoo Lord left, more aptitude users came into the forest. They immediately recognized the shapeshifted tree but none of them spoke to him. Instead, they followed suit to absorb the runes.

Qin Feng did not want to expose too much of his true abilities. After all, he counted that at least thirty users had entered this Runic Realm.

If half of them were ability users, then a quarter of the Human Alliance's S-tier ability users were in here at this moment. Of course, some of them probably came from the Dark Coalition.

That was still too much exposure in Qin Feng's opinion.

"Regent Tung, I am going deeper. Do you want to follow me?" He already guessed the answer before he asked the question.

As he had expected, Tung Yang rejected his offer through telepathy, "Go ahead. I am already exhausted here. After a while more, I probably need to return to our realm first. It's safer for me to stay closer to the rift. Good luck to you and please be careful!"


After talking to Tung Yang, Qin Feng then turned to the silver stream Bai Li was in. The spatial runes were almost bottomed out by her. Bai Li's assimilation speed was comparable to that of Qin Feng's.

More precisely speaking, she was not actually assimilating the runes but simply packing them up. Bai Li had a personal dimension that could stock the runes for later use. In that sense, she could even collect the runes slightly faster than Qin Feng's Absorption Ability.

"Bai Li, let's move on."


Bai Li immediately teleported to Qin Feng's side. They headed toward a place with thicker runes following the fluctuation of the clusters.

Qin Feng had mastered nine rune types. In other words, he could absorb anything except the light type. After Qin Feng had picked an ideal spot, Bai Li then searched for the nearest cluster filled by spatial runes. In this place, Bai Li could move more freely with little hindrance in between the spatial regions.

Qin Feng caused an immediate explosion by landing on a region ravaged by a thunderstorm. Similarly, he covered himself in thunder form and opened the whirlpool.

Without reservation, he finished the thunder pool in about three hours this time.

His Absorption Ability became more powerful in parallel to his enhanced ability cores. As such, it became easier and easier for him to absorb these runes.


Qin Feng landed on a metal continent next. Numerous metals molded into the shape of swords and sabers, swinging in Qin Feng's way ferociously.

The metal weapons were useless against Qin Feng. They were all melted and absorbed by him as soon as they touched his body.





All sorts of repulsion effects took place whenever Qin Feng switched to a new region.

The more runes Qin Feng absorbed, the larger his ability cores became.

After doing this repetitively for one day, other than his one meter dark core and ten centimeter ice core, his other cores had reached ten centimeter diameters as well.

This meant that his other abilities had also reached S-tier.

Such a rapid upgrade was awesome!

This was when a curious sound reached his consciousness.

"Why have the runes here become thinner instead?"

The question was raised by an SS-tier aptitude user.

Chapter 1007: Meeting SS-tiers again

The SS-tier was a lady carrying a violent gale. 'One out of nineteen.' Qin Feng quickly grasped her identity.

An SS-tier from the Japanese Alliance, Seinakawa.

Without Seinakawa, the Japanese Alliance would never reach the height it was at now. This woman was touted to be the most powerful deity by aptitude users from the Japanese Alliance. Of course, it was just a boastful claim.

Then again, not every alliance had an SS-tier to boast about.

Another two ability users appeared after her.

Only SS-tiers could have advanced so far. They could be from either the Human Alliance or the Dark Coalition.

Indeed, the first that came into sight was a man coated entirely in a black, deadly aura.

A dark ability user—Singhnar, Grim Diablo.

He had lived for so long that no one knew which faction of the Dark Coalition he actually belonged to.

The one that appeared later had a body coated by metallic paint.

His signature outlook made it simple for Qin Feng to guess his identity.

A metal-type elect from the Meherz Empire—Rick, the Stellar Steel.

The Dead Silent City that Qin Feng had visited before was part of Meherz.

The three SS-tiers simultaneously realized that the runes here were much thinner than the spots they had just passed through.

"Why is there an S-tier here?" Seinakawa raised her voice. After seeing Qin Feng's black hair and black iris, she asked impatiently, "Which alliance do you belong to?"

The Japanese Alliance's status in the Human Alliance was elevated thanks to Seinakawa. However, the number of S-tiers in the alliance was still sparse. Though Seinakawa had no recollection of Qin Feng, she was certain that he did not come from her alliance.


A slight grimace surfaced and faded off quickly from the SS-tier's face.

The territory of the Japanese Alliance was relatively small, and they had been eyeing the lands of Huaxia for quite some time now. However, they could not find any reason to ask Huaxia to give up the territories. The two SS-tiers protecting Huaxia were not someone Seinakawa dared to provoke.

Thus, she held a grudge against anyone coming from Huaxia.

"Huaxia has added another S-tier? Unbelievable." The thought came straight out of Seinakawa's mind. Her emotion was laid bare, and Qin Feng could crisply sense the displeasure in her tone.

She despised the growth of Huaxia despite them being under the same alliance. Seinakawa's narrow-mindedness made her a foe to Huaxia, Qin Feng thought to himself.

Qin Feng ignored Seinakawa while quietly slowing down the speed of rune absorption. He needed to stay extra vigilant in the face of Seinakawa, even more so toward Singhnar.

That was because he was currently immersed in a dark, decaying land. Dark waves of energy pulsed into Qin Feng's body continuously.

Singhnar observed him disgruntledly.

Though Qin Feng had considerably slowed down the absorption speed, it was still too fast from others' perspectives.

At this rate, the dark runes on this land would be emptied in no time.

"Get the hell out!" Singhnar did not want to look for another spot because this place seemed to be safe. He could simply kill the S-tier if he disobeyed his order.

However, at this point, Singhnar did not know yet that he would soon regret his arrogance.

Qin Feng did not want others to see his capability. That did not mean he would run away cowardly when others brought trouble to him.

He had confidence in his current skill level. If anyone wanted trouble with him, they would get what they wished for.

"Come if you dare. Otherwise, get out of my sight," Qin Feng warned coldly.

SS-tiers were a rare breed. Only nineteen were present in their realm.

Qin Feng had put one down earlier. He did not mind killing another.

"What did you say? Did I hear you right? Do you know who I am?" Singhnar mocked Qin Feng. He thought that Qin Feng was being recklessly ignorant in talking to him in this way.

Rick, who had not spoken till now looked at Qin Feng in disbelief.

Seinakawa was glaring at Qin Feng as well. She had no intention to help Qin Feng. In fact, she quietly wished that Singhnar would kill him for her. That way, it would weaken the Huaxia Alliance's general battle strength.

Qin Feng said what he had to say and turned away from Singhnar. He did not want to waste time on them and focused again on absorbing the runes. Though it was just a tiny change, the sensitive SS-tiers immediately noticed that the depth of the rune cloud had lowered by one millimeter.

One millimeter of such a large area was equivalent to countless runes.

Singhnar could no longer hold back his anger. Qin Feng's reluctance to leave as told was a challenge to his authority.


Singhnar charged into the dark land. He was covered by dark runes instantaneously.

"What!?" Singhnar finally experienced first-hand the density of the rune sea. He had to resist the runes and the galaxy force simultaneously with every ounce of his energy. As a result, he could only manage to absorb the dark runes bit by bit.

That was actually the norm.

Previously at Dragonspine Valley, most SS-tiers were scared of the dark waves inside the Immortal's realm as well. The death waves here were even wilder than that. This was not a place where Singhnar could behave atrociously as he pleased.

Qin Feng sneered. "Do you still want to fight me now? Know your place. I can kill you anytime I want."

Singhnar's face reddened out of fury.

'I am going to teach you a lesson once I have absorbed all these runes.' Singhnar vowed quietly. He did not dare to provoke Qin Feng now.

The two other SS-tiers were bewildered to see Singhnar swallow his pride and do nothing despite Qin Feng's humiliation. They did not stay for long and went to their respective compatible rune spots.

A balance was maintained between the four of them. They did not interfere with one another.

However, as compared to Rick and Seinakawa, Singhnar was in the worst shape. His mind was clouded by anger, and his eyes were bloodshot. The dark force crept into his turbulent conscious realm and created a demon.

However, before he lost grip of himself, the dark runes around him thinned rapidly.

It was not easy for an SS-tier to be possessed by the mental demon, to begin with. As soon as the runes were trimmed, the dark energy stopped invading Singhnar's mind. That helped him to regain his sanity.

Upon waking up from his blinding anger, Singhnar realized that there were not many runes left.

'When? How?' Singhnar was petrified. He had only been here for at most three hours.

Singhnar raised his head and looked toward Qin Feng. He saw the vortex between Qin Feng's brow, and the final bits of dark runes were swirling into his conscious realm through it.

Suddenly, Singhnar was wary of Qin Feng.

Chapter 1008: Bribing Qin Feng

Singhnar suddenly hesitated as he turned his back on his previous decision and decided to not attack Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not plan to punish Singhnar and instead traversed through the galaxy. In a matter of moments he had crossed ten thousand meters and landed on another land of runes.

Coincidentally, this was a land of wind runes and it was also where Seinakawa was.

It was a massive tornado that spanned up to tens of thousands of meters wide. There was something else within this tornado, those had to be Sacred Stones floating about in there. There looked to be about hundreds of them, otherwise this land would not have been formed.

Seinakawa was approaching this with caution. When the tornado whizzed over, the blades of wind being tossed out were too powerful. One misstep and the result would be getting cut in half.

At this moment, Qin Feng came into view.

"Why is he here?" Just when Seinakawa was still trying to process that, Qin Feng could be seen plunging into the tornado.

"Does he want to die?" Seinakawa's eyes widened.

Very quickly, she realized she was wrong. She was very wrong.

Wind runes were very flexible and they were even more destructive. A blade generated from the wind element could not be evaded even if the body was transformed into wind runes, so it was more difficult to deal with. As a result, Seinakawa was not very quick in absorbing the runes.

But now, Qin Feng was standing there and instead of using the Wind Form move, he propped up his internal force.

Seinakawa had never seen such a thing before, an S-tier ability user who unexpectedly had the internal force of an SS-tier ancient warrior.

It looked way too dense.

The tornado's area of effect could not do anything against him at all as Qin Feng simply walked inside.

Then, a vortex formed at the center of his brows and a strong amount of power forcibly pulled this land of wind runes into his conscious realm.

This tug of war turned the originally stabilized rotation of the wind runes into an awkward spiral, twisting strangely in an unnatural rotation.

It was like a link in a chain was broken, causing the wind runes that formed the tornado to wildly blow around.

Qin Feng strode forward through this turbulent wind and soon reached the center of the tornado.

The eye of the storm was calm but what Seinakawa found unacceptable was the fact that where Qin Feng stood was where the Sacred Wind Stones were located.

"A good find, looks like the closer you are to the Rune Galaxy Realm's center the more Sacred Stones there are. It's really a waste of time to absorb liquid-like runes!"

With that thought running through Qin Feng's head, his consciousness had already incorporated a hundred and thirty five Sacred Wind Stones of different sizes into it.

Boom boom boom!

The Sacred Stones burst and entered the wind ability core, causing it to expand in size.

From the beginning till the end, it took him only about two hours, and the place where this massive tornado had been was already destroyed as wind runes began to spread out, revealing only the vacuum of space.

Seinakawa had an expression of loss on her face, unsure of what she should make of this. Condemn Qin Feng for snatching away her resources? Or force him to cough up some Sacred Stones?

Neither of which seemed to be right.

The scene of what unfolded was really shocking.

This was not something that an S-tier ability user would be able to do at all.

However, Qin Feng did not bother with Seinakawa and went off to another region. This time he hopped off toward a water one. That kind of rune field did not fit her at all, there was no way she would be able to enter it.

As such, Seinakawa and Singhnar could only stare at Qin Feng in shock as he absorbed another region in the matter of two hours.

'Holy crap, did the Huaxia Alliance really pump out such a monster?!' These two were thinking.

Not only was he a dark ability user, he manipulated the elements of wind, water and even the internal force he exposed was just like an ancient warrior's.

Was there anything he could not do?

Seinakawa gave up the idea of looking for trouble with Qin Feng. In the Runic Galaxy Realm, the things that were the most plentiful were rune fields. Seinakawa and Singhnar flew out dozens of kilometers before they found places with the same runes. Meanwhile, their consciousnesses were keeping track of Qin Feng, seemingly wanting to see what other astonishing things he could do.

Soon, he challenged their understanding again.

He completely leveled all the rune fields and he did not leave a single one behind. He was not picky, moving onto the second, the third, the fourth…

He could go to different kinds of rune fields, nobody could figure out what his ability core was like in his conscious realm and how massive it would be.

Even Rick, who had been absorbing metal runes, was deprived of his resources by Qin Feng and was forced to go somewhere else.

"Things can't go on like this, we need to go talk to him. Someone moving through the galaxy with that violent of a force isn't something we can stop. If the runes here all disappear then we're going to have to go somewhere else!" Seinakawa was the first one to speak.

Although Singhnar was not a member of the Human Alliance, they were still part of the same realm and sometimes, there would come a time where everyone had to work together.

However, he did not want to deal with Qin Feng at all.

"Aren't you one of the strongest ones in the Human Alliance? You go tell him, why do I have to say anything! I've still got S-tiers to fight over territory with!" Singhnar said.

"Okay, I'll go then!" Rick said. The Meherz Empire and the Huaxia Alliance were far away from each other and there was rarely any conflict between them. Besides, Rick did not think Qin Feng would be a difficult person to talk to.

Besides, he was pretty sure that Qin Feng had no problems walking around in the central area if he wished without any harm done to him at all.

"Mister, can we talk for a bit?" Rick's consciousness reached out to Qin Feng's.

"What's up?" In his heart, Qin Feng already knew what Rick was going to say!

During his previous snatch-away, he had already displayed his force to let these three SS-tier aptitude users know that he was not someone they could easily mess with but at the same time he was not an aggressive person. These people were just here to absorb energy from the rune fields and he did not care about them!

"It's like this, while this star cluster has a lot of rune fields and there are only four of us here, how about we share this peacefully and agree to not step into a field if someone is already in it. Alright? Of course, I know this might not be fair for you, but I have something here for you that might be useful."

Rick pulled out a spatial rune equipment and threw it in Qin Feng's direction. Qin Feng used his consciousness to scan its contents and found out that it contained the body of a standard SS-tier ultra beast.

The only SS-tier ultra beast that Qin Feng had ever seen was the Bloodlust Centipede Broodmother. The other ones that he had wanted to hunt down, he had never had the chance to encounter.

The one that Rick had given him was not just any average beast. It was a Titan Turtle. Its blood contained a vigorous aura that could increase one's vitality, it was very useful for ancient warriors.

These were not expensive, but making things convenient for Qin Feng was enough.


He agreed.

Chapter 1009: Violent Force

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

He decided to give up on this metal rune field, there were other places to go and Qin Feng would not be the person to screw someone out of their deal.

Upon seeing his behavior, Seinakawa and Singhnar started to relax but soon found out that after he had absorbed other rune fields, he arrived at where they were.

"Didn't you just agree to not come to our rune field if you see us on it?" Seinakawa hissed through gritted teeth.

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, his expression was that of muted indifference.

"I promised him, I didn't promise you guys!"

"What?" Seinakawa felt only anger piling up in her heart and even had an urge to fight Qin Feng so that she could crush this arrogant boy to death. When she thought about his rampant rune absorption and his dense internal force, she could only suck on her teeth.

"How can I get you to give up some fields?"

"Do what Rick did, take something out. Make it meaningful if you're making me give up such a large amount of resources!"

The way Qin Feng said this made Seinakawa feel as if she was talking to a loan shark.

When she was in other realms, it was not that she had never been forced to be subservient, in fact it was common that she would have to kowtow to someone superior.

However on Earth she was definitely the kind that was one in a million. How would anyone be able to threaten a top-tier aptitude user?

Now, there was Qin Feng constantly absorbing wind runes, causing the original rune fields to gradually disappear. If she missed out on these, then she would have to waste more energy looking around for more fields. She could only grit her teeth and pay the price.

In this particular moment, Seinakawa despised Qin Feng, and judging from his character he would want something equally valuable in return so that she could peacefully absorb runes.

"Take this, that should be enough!" She raised a hand and tossed forward a massive three-meter-long crystal box.

Qin Feng looked at the crystal box and within it was a wooden figure that was almost indistinguishable from the human shape.

"Wood King Ginseng!"

This was an SS-tier king level mutant plant, and at the same time a top quality spirit grass.

When one was at the last of their breath, just one wisp from this ginseng would instantly revitalize them. Lower levels would probably instantly explode due to the sheer amount of power.

This kind of object could not be measured in merely monetary value, but when compared to a vast amount of wind rune fields, it was a small price to pay.

He did not think there would be such a boon. He stowed the item away, feeling very pleased.

"You can cultivate here then!" Qin Feng said before turning around to leave. He crossed over a few rune fields, wanting to sabotage Singhnar along the way.

When Singhnar saw Qin Feng, his first reaction was to just turn and move away.

He did not want to cultivate here anymore and he did not want to be threatened by a lesser being such as Qin Feng. People in the Dark Coalition like him were used to being free and acting without restraint, doing whatever they want, whenever they want.

"Heh!" Qin Feng let out a laugh but he did not chase after Singhnar. Absorbing runes were more important.

After that little incident, everyone truly coexisted in peace, but the other two also saw the terror that was Qin Feng.

With the absorption speed of Seinakawa and Rick, they would take about half a month to absorb a rune field. Qin Feng could absorb one within two to three hours.

In the Runic Galaxy Realm, one could encounter a rune field every few kilometers. Looking around now, there were fewer and fewer rune fields, giving it a very lonely feel. The only ones that were left were Seinakawa's wind rune fields and Rick's metal rune fields.

All the rest had been consumed by Qin Feng.

Until this point, it had only been two days since the rift opened!

Outside of that rift when the Runic Galaxy Realm was named, it ended up attracting the attention of the Human Alliance on Earth as well as those from the Dark Coalition as well.

A large number of aptitude users wanted to come over to hone themselves. Due to the fact that the realm was situated in a dangerous ocean, B-tiers could not set foot on it at all but the A-tiers had already arrived!

"So many runes, this is truly wonderful."

"With so many runes, I'll definitely reach S-tier!"

"It's so rich here, the resources through that rift must be even better!"

Many people thought so and the first batch of A-tiers stepped through the rift.

After traversing through that rift for who knows how long, three A-tiers finally entered the realm.

In the next moment, a violent force squashed down upon their bodies.

"What's going on?"

"Ah!! What is this power? No! Save me, save me!"


The three people cried out and used countless methods but none of their runes were released. The powerful and violent force tore the three people apart.

Pop pop pop!

Those three people exploded like human bombs.

Such a scene surprised even the S-tiers aptitude users. The violent forces here were powerful but they did not expect the impact to be so great!

However, soon these S-tier aptitude users also felt threatened.

That was because the violent force was initially deterred by them but eventually it seeped into them and affected their bodies. Within two days, they felt it burrowing into their bones and it was getting harder and harder to resist it.

Three days seemed to be the limit of the S-tiers.

Therefore, while the Rune Galaxy Realm was an ability user's paradise that did not mean they could stay in paradise every day.

Tung Yang recently became an S-tier but after gritting his teeth and persisting for two days he could no longer endure the oppressiveness of the violent force. Finally, he followed the rift to leave the area.

After passing through the rift, he reached Earth, a realm where the energy in the air was thin. The experience beyond that rift made him feel extremely relieved to be back.

When he checked his body, only then did he realize how bad it was for him.

In his consciousness, his ability core had reached up to the diameter of three centimeters, but physically he was like an old man in his late years. Most of his bodily functions were almost destroyed.

Moreover, that force was still raging within him and he could only use his consciousness to constantly repel this violent force to get it out of his body.

This process was extremely slow and it needed more than ten days before he could successfully expel it all.

In other words, an S-tier could only enter the Rune Galaxy Realm twice a month.

However, for those SS-tier aptitude users, their endurance was greater. After half a month had passed, Seinakawa and Rick were still absorbing the rune field they were on. The growth to their ability core was a delightful surprise to them. However, once the rune fields were smaller the violent force came in and they realized that their bodies were in a terrible condition.

"Can't go on like this, must leave!"

The two quickly retreated. As for Qin Feng, they could on longer find him and did not bother looking for him.

At this time, Qin Feng was still in the Runic Galaxy Realm. The difference between him and everyone else was that he could absorb even the violent force.

This meant that he could stay in this realm for an infinite amount of time.

Chapter 1010: A Thousandfold Gap

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Runic Galaxy Realm went from being lively to lonely, but outside of the realm the uproar caused by the Runic Galaxy Realm was not over yet.

Countless ability users had congregated, trying to stabilize this rift and even form a spatial tunnel as they tried to connect the Runic Galaxy Realm to the Earth Realm.

With such a favorable circumstance, something that was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity was something they did not want to let go.

Qin Feng naturally knew that, in fact, the huge spatial rift would slowly close. However, in the end thanks to the efforts of countless ability users, a spatial tunnel of more than thirty meters in diameter was established. It became a sacred place that S-tiers could enter once every month.

Despite all this, it had nothing to do with Qin Feng at all. When people were trying to figure out how to further deter the interference caused by the violent force, he was still absorbing runes!

As the diameter of his ability cores increased, the more resources were needed, and the time dragged on and on.

"It will take at least half a year before my ability cores reach one meter. In that case, my strength's improvement isn't particularly significant, because generating and mastering abilities also need a lot of time!"

"But, I have the Sovereign Roar and dark ability is my original ability. As long as my dark ability improves then the Absorption Ability will be enhanced too!"

"A bird in hand is worth two in a bush. Now, I should try my best to absorb dark runes!"

Although Qin Feng already had the core of other eight ability element types, the speed of him absorbing dark runes was vastly greater compared to other runes.

Nobody was perfect though, Qin Feng did not have any way of absorbing the light ability, but he believed that if darkness was strong enough then even light would retreat.

As such, he gave up on absorbing every rune field in sight and went off to specifically look for dark rune fields.

Time passed as days went on.

A month later, the ability users joined forces to build a spatial tunnel.

Two months later, another SS-tier aptitude user appeared in the Human Alliance. The alliance was shaken up and the previous status quo would be broken as a result of this SS-tier.

Three months later…

In the Runic Galaxy Realm, who knows how far away in that runic galaxy, two figures appeared on the edge of a large dark rune field.

These two were Qin Feng and Bai Li.

At this time, Bai Li's aura had also changed. She had become an S1-tier beast deity. This was a rare moment for Bai Li as she hardly ever advanced.

Qin Feng followed the surrounding energy and gradually got closer and closer to ranking up. The landmass in front of him was his chance.

On this dark field, there were signs of life. These kinds of lifeforms were called Runic Ones.

Every Runic One was completely made out of runes and its strength would not be lower than SS-tier when it was born and would perhaps be even stronger. The creature in front of him was about ten thousand meters long and approximately in the SSS-tier.

It was just that the behemoth was ignorant, it did not have a very powerful consciousness and was completely unaware of the fact that somewhere in the realm, a human was trying to consume it.

Qin Feng dropped down, the dark aura around him deceiving the weak consciousness of the Runic One. After all, this creature had not grown up yet, it was just an embryo.

"Ability, Absorb!"

His ability began to spread out. Compared to the Runic One, Qin Feng was more like a greedy Behemoth that quietly devoured the rune field.

The Field carried a huge amount of consciousness and runes which entered through Qin Feng's brow and caused his consciousness and ability core to suddenly expand.

A bit of time passed and finally a wave of energy surged through his body.

S2-tier consciousness!

Three months and Qin Feng had ranked up again.

He felt that his consciousness had doubled in terms of expansion and when he used it to look into his conscious realm he saw that his dark starglobe was of immense size.

This starglobe could perhaps be stronger than Earth's core with how large it was.

An ability core that was ten meters in size was a daunting sight.

The initial core of an S-tier was around one centimeters to ten centimeters and there was a distinguishable difference between normal ones and prodigies.

With continuous improvement, when reaching S9-tier, the ordinary person would only have about ten centimeters and a deity-level strong person had an ability core of up to one meter.

The minimum requirement for reaching SS-tier was having an ability core of one meter. That meant if someone were a deity-level S-tier then they could definitely be ranked up to SS-tier, but ordinary S-tiers could not ever successfully rank up in one lifetime.

Now, Qin Feng's ten meter ability core would astonish everyone.

At this point, the ten times difference in size did not mean it was a tenfold difference in strength but a hundredfold difference, even a thousandfold gap.

With his ascension, the Runic One in front of him was completely consumed and a vacuum was formed which resulted in the violent force crashing in to fill the space.

Even though his Absorption Ability was strong, it was not invincible. At this time, Qin Feng felt its pressure.


He called out to have Bai Li draw him back, through a long distance in the Runic Galaxy Realm before they reached a place where the violent force was not so oppressive.

At this time, Qin Feng finally relaxed.

"That violent force was too powerful!" Originally he thought that he had complete free reign, able to go wherever he wanted, but now there was an obstacle and based on his powers, he could only stay for a short time in the location where the Runic Ones resided.

"Should we swap to somewhere else to find rune fields?" Bai Li asked.

Qin Feng thought for a moment before shaking his head.

"If we're going to look at our current position from the starting point, only by moving forward would we find a stronger rune field. However, that force was too strong and the rune fields around us aren't suitable for me to absorb anymore!"

While he could find rune fields, this was like a shift in appetite after consuming an entire cow to now eating bean sprouts. This was something Qin Feng could not bear.

"Instead, we'll do this. We'll come back after I have reached SS-tier!" Qin Feng thought.

That was because, even though his ability core was bigger, if he did not strengthen his consciousness he would not be able to use it. If this went on, would he not become an aptitude user with a partial discipline?

"Let's go, we've been here for three months!" Qin Feng said.


Bai Li responded and followed after him as they traversed through countless rune fields and returned through the spatial rift.

With her strength, they only took three days before they reached the spatial rift. At this time, the area had changed greatly, the rift had shrunk but the spatial tunnel had been established and there were still many S-tiers cultivating on the rune fields.

After Qin Feng and Bai Li appeared, the ability users were surprised.

Chapter 1011: World Famous

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After three months, this was now the sixth time Tung Yang came here and during this period he had gone to the Human Alliance for certification.

He also witnessed the promotion banquet hosted for the twentieth SS-tier aptitude user. Of course, even until now he had not mentioned that one of the SS-tiers was slain by Qin Feng.

"Regent Tung! You're still training!" Qin Feng said.

Tung Yang smiled dryly. "No, I've been here a few times and I've never seen you once!"

"Hm, I was inside and only just came back!"

Tung Yang did not know how to express what he had on his mind. Not even SS-tiers could stay there for a long time but Qin Feng managed to do so.

However, if he could stay in there for so long, what was the reason for him coming out?

Thinking of this, Tung Yang felt stunned and was not sure of what to say.

"Qin Feng, you're planning on entering the Prodigy Tournament again!?"

It was indeed November and the Prodigy Tournament was about to begin again.

If Tung Yang did not say it, Qin Feng would not have remembered. This year was indeed the last year for Qin Feng's age limit but at this point he was not particularly interested in it.

He flattened the Perished Land and turned it upside down. He even took away the dark armored robo-dog, what other reason would he need to go there?

That no longer suited him.

"None of that, I came back to do some renovating and then maybe go to other realms to do some training!" Qin Feng said.

"That's good, that's good!" Tung Yang nodded his head. If Qin Feng went to the Perished Land again, he wondered whether or not the boy would end up swallowing the Perished Land's core.

Tung Yang's cultivation was not complete yet, so he remained where he was as Qin Feng and Bai Li left the Runic Galaxy Realm.

Three months was enough time for people to understand the realm, A-tiers no longer approached the place and once the rift was stabilized it no longer glowed with multiple rune colors. Qin Feng had never come here before his rebirth, and all the peace and quiet of his surroundings strongly overlapped with what he had heard from word of mouth back in the days.

The difference being he had benefited the most out of this.

After Qin Feng came out, he decided to go to the Dragon Capital first to verify his S-tier identity.

Although he had his identity authenticated by the Human Alliance realm, over there, there were as many S-tiers as there were dogs and SS-tiers wandered everywhere. There was no fanfare when he became an S-tier.

However, on the Earth Realm, in the region of the Huaxia Alliance, Qin Feng's rank-up was bound to be like a massive explosion.

This meant that Qin Feng was below nineteen people while standing over tens of thousands.

Although these people were not necessarily Qin Feng's opponents, but from appearances, Qin Feng would truly become the strongest and stand at the top of the Huaxia Alliance's pyramid.


In Dragon Capital, Long Ting's office received Qin Feng's application. Long Ting was not very surprised by this.

Last time Hu San took Qin Feng to meet the Human Alliance, she also knew about it. In addition, his strength had already reached S-tier, what she did not expect was that he would delay until a year later before he decided to reach S-tier.

Now, when the two met, Long Ting realized that there was more about Qin Feng that she did not understand.

"You are probably the only person in the Huaxia Alliance, the entire Earth Alliance even, to be a person who knows both ancient martial arts and abilities to become an S-tier!" Long Ting exclaimed. In fact, she wanted to ask how powerful he was now but that line did not leave her mouth.

Perhaps it was a strength that was incomprehensible!

"Ma'am you're exaggerating!"

"I'm not exaggerating. If you say it like that you're being too humble. You must know, too much humility is also a form of arrogance!" Long Ting joked and then said, "When S-tier aptitude users are promoted, the most important thing is a worldwide announcement. Tung Yang has just completed that and now you're the same. This is very good for the Fengli Organization, before this nobody had any intentions on the organization but now nobody would dare to provoke it!"

S-tier aptitude users also knew that Qin Feng was not someone to provoke. Although they had planned on devouring the Fengli Organization, it was still rising too quickly. In the eyes of these S-tiers, it did not have the qualification to stand on equal footing with their own groups.

In private, there were stumbling blocks and those were all business related. Perhaps it could be the clashes between some E-tiers or D-tiers, but with small skirmishes like these even if Qin Feng knew about them he could not do anything about it.

But, as long as he had reached S-tier, the ones with the guts to become these stumbling blocks would retreat.

"I sure hope so! Oh, right, in that case, give Bai Li an S-tier badge too but you don't need to tell the Human Alliance."

"That can be arranged, but in that case I'll have to ask you to hunt down some troubles that currently can't be solved! This should probably be easy for you but Huaxia currently needs more living space!"


The two agreed to this exchange.

Because of the appearance of the Runic Galaxy Realm, there were many more people who had reached S-tier. While the people below did not know why, the ones in upper management definitely knew what a great opportunity this was.

Then, Qin Feng's award ceremony was also broadcasted.

Three months ago, Tung Yang had just been given the honor and the aptitude users on the battle.net, the Huaxia Alliance and even the civilians knew that Huaxia had gained another patron saint.

Unexpectedly, only three months had passed and the S-tiers that had not appeared since the last ten years had actually appeared again.

And this person was a never before seen S-tier that was below twenty years old.

The civilians thought that this was a mistake.

"Qin Feng? Wasn't he last year's prodigy? He was selected as a prodigy for two years in a row, how is he an S-tier now?"

"Did they broadcast the wrong news?"

"I can't believe it, since when did the S-tier title lose its value? Last time, the S-tier that was announced was some old guy, but now it's some young buck?"

Compared to these people, those of the Fengli Organization, the Northern Region and people of the North Sea State were even more dumbfounded.

"When did this happen? Our governor has actually become an S-tier aptitude user!"

"The president became a S-tier? Last time when he disappeared for three months, what was he doing?"

"Our president is just built differently."

As Qin Feng made a quick decision, he also told Xue Xingfu and the others in advance. However, Xue Xingfu did not have time to blow up the news. Even after he made the announcement, the people of Fengli could not believe it. Only when Dragon Capital officially announced it did these people finally realize it.

Fengli was already different!

That was all because of one person, Fengli's founder.

That being said, Fengli was always getting bigger and bigger because of this person, but they never expected that they would reach this point.

Qin Feng, now an S-tier aptitude user, had become world famous overnight!