
Not what I Expected

I didn't expect much being reborn into a fantasy world, I always thought it would be like one of those novels or fan fics I don't really care, What I didn't expect was being blasted Into the side of a mountain with dust and debris covering my short and skinny body,It was painful to say least waking up before could even dust myself off.

I felt a massive amount of force punch me square in the gut, It hurt like hell i rapidly tried to pulled in my stomach in to make it less painful it just made it even more painful, I felt something metallic in my throat spitting it out quickly a warm red liquid dribbled down my bruised lip, great it really did seem like I got transported into a fanfic, today it seemed destiny hated me.

"Is that it? You're pathetic, I had high expectations for you Riser, I thought because of your birth us of the Phoenix could finally rise but it seems you're just another bastard" A loud obnoxious voice interrupted my thoughts, He sounded egotistical just from the way, he spoke in a novel Slithery way It already made me want to slap him, You ever just want to slap someone because of how idotic they sound? Yes this hasn't happened much in my life, but now I wanted nothing more than to tear this a*shole's mouth off.

A strong and large hand took a fistful of my luscious white hair, And finally I could see who was the one beating my new body, and a the heir of the Phoenix no less.

He was tall, well for me everyone might as well be a giant, He had tanned skin with golden brown Hair and blue eyes, classic Phoenix look I noted, He was built like a swimmer or a athlete he wasn't overly muscular like a body builder but explosive, He had thin lips with narrow eyes and long eyelashes he looked good,just that his voice...would make for horrible dirty talk, I almost gagged from the mental sound of him moaning.

Looking him in the eyes I started feeling something in my heart, I didn't know what it was at first I thought it was annoyance or frustration or anger but that changed as I felt myself trembling...This dirty b*stard actually caused me to be afraid of him, The previous owner of this body was terrified of him.

Clenching my Jaw I forced myself to stop trembling, He seemed to find this amusing with a twisted smile he dropped me from his hand and kicked me while I was still falling, This was the first time in all my lives as I ever been treated as a F**king soccer ball, When I come back I'm going to skin him alive and make CHICKEN SOUP.

I felt dirt on my lip and tongue as I rapidly tried to spit it out, I was literally eating dirt, I moved my pupils to the roof of my eyes, it was a habbit I had picked up in my past live whenever I was insanely angry or something I would do this weird? I know.

Brushing some of my white hair out of my forehead I paused for a second, feeling myself even more surprised I had asked to be reborn as a Phoenix and as riser no less, Shouldn't my hair be blond? I also wasn't necessarily being treated the best judging by The rubber chicken walking towards me, I hadn't registered it at the time but this isn't how I was supposed to be treated, I felt a feeling of dread wash over me, as a mighty rubber chicken stood over me, one hand in his pocket the other charging up a fireball.

Reacting quickly I crossed my arms over my face hoping to block some of the damage, Lady luck wasn't so kind, Hot that was all I could describe it by, Hot scorching hot, it felt horrible I could almost fell and see my skin melting and being burnt never had i been in this much pain before I wanted to die, The blood in my face was evaporating that's how hot it was, It felt bad so so so bad, at that point I would rather die once more.

I screamed bloody murder my throat almost gave out I just wanted it to end, Pain like this was too much I couldn't...I didn't want this I was supposed to live a comfortable and easy going life...Why me? Why? Why?Why? Why?WHY?WHY?WHY?

Darkness overcame me seeing blinding lights even with my eyes closed, my eyelids had been almost burned off at this point, Damnit I just wanted to sleep.

Before that happened I saw the bastard that was the root of all this, From the memories I had gained his name was Izana Phoenix a Japanese name I didn't know what relevance it had but it had something about it, He was my uncle I wouldn't consider him my blood though ugly cockroach, I would rather be skinned alive than consider him family.

I was born with perfect memory, as a Phoenix I had tanned skin and white hair and sliver eyes I was very different from every other Phoenix, I think it was my wishes that changed me so much.

Oddly however I didn't have any talent or the powers of a Phoenix just an abnormally strong physical power, My senses were many many times better than others my age, I was also much better looking than others age, I was way faster way stronger but only physically, my magical power however, In short terms sucked, it barely qualified for a mid tier devil...A shame and a shook to me, the original Riser was born with the strongest magic in his class, I was tens of times stronger than him...so why? am I so weak.

It was weird, though thankfully my parents were fine with it, they assumed my intelligence and physical strength were a trade off for my magic, I didn't want to even imagine how horrible my life would've been if I was born into another family that didn't care as much about family, those fanfics already gave me an idea and I didn't like it.

My life was relatively good and peaceful I had loving parents loving siblings friends in rias and sona, That all changed however when they tested my "talent" bloodline purity, My wishes said I would have ten times the purity and power of a normal Phoenix bloodline, so I should be good for that aswell....right?

My past self didn't know about the wishes and was also not worried...Unfortunately I was tested to be too strong, I had made a dumb mistake in making myself to high key and powerful, To the point where my family didn't even think I was their son anymore, my magic affinity was that of ice something completely contradictory to the flame powers of the Phoenix family, I was given the title of "Cold Phoenix" I hated that title.

I was given so much power I was made a beast my parents tried to train me to control my powers at first I didn't see anything wrong with it, before this bastard came along he trained me to the bone everyday all for his own selfish motivations, He wanted to be the next Lucifer the next king the next emperor all of these ambitions of his were kept at bay, But he saw a chance with my powers.

He tried everything he could to control me physical torture mental torture abuse emotional abuse everything a 7 year old could handle, He dyed my sun kissed hair an agonizing white turning my pools of water into pools of blood making me look like death himself.

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