
The Frozen Hero

It's been over a week since I was frozen in the block of Ice, I had been sleeping since I had gotten hurt and the league wanted to make sure I was ok. Then when I woke up I heard, "I don't know how he has your d.n.a in him but he's not a normal person anymore. " Said Cyborg as I sat up and everyone walked over to me, I felt weird and then I saw I looked a bit paler than normal. I saw the room was cold too, but I couldn't feel it, it felt normal for me. "What happened to me, the last thing I remember was going to find Joker and get my brother back," I said to Cyborg and he held out a chart with my information. It said I developed some side effects from the bomb and I had been given meta powers from the stress.

"What he sees from now is you have the ability to freeze anything to point absolute zero." Cyborg paused then he told me that I had somehow come into contact with Superman's D.N.A, That I've developed some of his powers on a scale the same as him. "All we've seen is you have his invulnerability and super strength, maybe also his flight too. We aren't sure but we need to stay here for a bit so we can clear you." Cyborg was calm about my situation and talked me through it slowly. I wasn't stupid so it was easy for him to help me, till when I asked him about my brother. "We have everyone that we can spare on the case, question and NightWing are leading the case," Batman said watching into the med bay of what I suspect I was in the watchtower.

I looked at him and finally got to see him face person to person, "Ah I thought you were Batman Bruce, the jawline and voice gives you away." Batman looked surprised that I knew his real identity, Cyborg looked at me and I smiled at him when I stood up. "I've been studying every single league member since I was twelve so I know or might know who everyone is. Including Superman and the Flash, those are easy, their eyes give them away, and for the green lanterns, that's not even fair. " I started to ramble on till NightWing came in and he saw I was awake, "Hello Classmate, how are you doing my friend?" He asked me and I smiled at him and shook his hand, "It's been a foggy few minutes but I feel better with every passing minute."

I started to put clothes on when Batman gave me the classic Batman stare, "Why did you go to that warehouse looking for the Joker?" He asked me and I glared at him, "I know I should have told the cops or you but I could use what I knew and get my brother. I can't count on everyone to help me when everyone has other things to do." I put on my shirt then headed to find some kind of window, Night Wing came with me and showed me around. We were in the watchtower and I could see the earth out in space just sitting there.

"You know, now that I've been given this (talking about my new powers.) I can use them to get my brother back. What do you think I should do Dick? should I become a hero or just look for my brother?" I asked Night Wing and he stared at me, which I was looking right at the Earth still. "You can dwell on finding him or let Question find him and help the league with your powers." He told me and I smiled at him, "I hear the Question is a very strange guy but he's the best at finding people." I turn to my newfound friend and agreed to help the league.

Cyborg came behind us and he asked what my code name was going to be, "I like the name Cold Iron, having freezing powers and the man of steels powers this name would make sense." Night Wing laughed a bit, "A name all your own I guess, you should go make a suit then, can't be a hero without one."

Later that week I spent learning about my powers training with Superman and Batman, I learn fighting styles from the Bat and Supes sparred with me. I gained another power on top of the others, I could fly but the other power was I can manipulate and make metal from my body's iron levels. I also discovered that I can repel magic spells and can't be controlled by mind control. Going through the steps of going on my first mission was necessary so I didn't look like a fool. Today was just like the others, train relax and train more. that's what my day was like all the time, I never saw many other heroes and they had no idea I was on the tower. the only ones that knew of me were Supes, the Bat, Dick, and Cyborg.

I was kept in a room and trained in secret, not many of the league members would like having an overpowered meta in their ranks. Or that's what I was thinking when I was told to stay in the room after training. Till the day was when Dick and Cyborg came into my room and had a box for me. " We kept you a secret for a bit because Bruce wanted to make you a member of the league, he had this made for you since you are his and Supes student. It's a battle suit made to look similar to supes and Batman's suit combined. They even gave you a logo to put on it but you can make your own if you want." Dick told me as I pulled out a dark blue suit with a white shield and black boots. It was a strange combo and the logo was theirs combined, I looked at Dick and he shrugged with Cyborg. I took a black paint pen I had on me and put on a C.I on the shield spun it around and both Cyborg and Dick liked it. They stepped out and I put my suit on, I took a step into the mirror and saw how cool I looked.

The cap that came with it reminded me of Superman and it wasn't really me, but I kept for a moment, Dick and Cyborg came back in. "Let's go meet the league officially now Batman and Superman are waiting for you." They said to me and I ran with them to the main part of the tower where people get teleported to Earth. I was right behind Night Wing when we came through the big doors. Everyone in the league was waiting for us and then I saw Batman and the founders of the league. They look like gods and scared me a bit, I looked over and I saw Superboy and his friends as Night wing went over to them.

"Young man, you've been training with superman and Batman since that accident what can you provide for this league?" Said Wonder Woman glaring at me, she didn't look happy I was here and had a mood about her. I looked around me and everyone was waiting for me to answer, "I can only offer my assistance, I maybe new with powers. But I'm not new when it comes to being a good person, I was trying to save my brother and got hurt because of it. You say or ask me what I offer the league?" I said to Wonder woman and she waited for me to continue, "I offer power to keeping this world safe, as long as I can get the assistance to find my brother."

Wonder Woman looked at Batman almost saying, "Do you really think he'll be a good hero?" I looked angry for a moment and the air in the tower got colder. "I have been training for two weeks in this place not being allowed to show myself to all of you. I'm new to this line of work but was going to be a job I was bound to have. I have power, I can keep up with Superman, and be combat trained by the best hand-to-hand combat teacher in the league. That is not a reason to keep me on the roster, I believe everyone is good if you give them the chance to prove it." At this point, I was rambling and talking too much to where the Martian man hunter stopped me.

He put my thought in the mind of the founder's mind, "I don't deserve to be in the league, there are plenty of people you can bring to the league. I'm a kid with new powers and I've dreamed of becoming a hero and all I want to do is that, be a hero for the people and for my brother." Wonder Woman felt my heartache of losing my brother and she had a tear rolling down her face.

"We could give him a test run Diana, see what he can do when he's tested," Superman said to Wonder Woman and she agreed to his purpose. That is when I started my league work in emergency missions.

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