
coiling Dragon Fanfic: Thunder Dominion

I’ve read few coiling dragon fanfics but they never did justice to the wonderful story, I at least wanna come close to it. I’m gonna finish this fic so stay for the ride. Watch how Lucas Draper dominate the four highest planes. Just to clarify my story take place trillions of years before the main story!

Aleksic · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Lucas after flying for hundred and twenty years finally arrived at Redbud continent it was approximately few millions miles away he could see it. While flying an island with a volcano caught his attention. Apparently this volcano was not an ordinary one, this volcano was attracting thunder once in a while.

At the bottom of the volcano he saw a man and a giant white egg. The man sensed Lucas and said " Now that you're here, there's no need to leave you'd be a good sacrifice for this egg" the man took out a hammer and his high god aura flared out and then sent out an attack.

Lucas looked at the man calmly and thought 'hmm his strength is barely at the seven star probably at 6-star peak Lucas turned into an blue lightning blurr and penetrated the man's skull with his hand shaped as a spear. "What a trash, couldn't even recognize mount tai hmpph" Lucas then inspected the egg and see what was so special about it that a six star fiend was guarding it. "Did he say sacrifice?" I think he ment to give blood essence to this egg to consume. I've never seen something that can consume blood essence while still in fetus, so the more blood essence it consumes the stronger it becomes when it hatches hmm? alright then I might as well go on a killing spree I'll start with this corpse of this fella here.

The Egg consumed every bit of drop from the corpse unitil the corpse was nothing but an husk. This really fascinated me, while my lightning clone was guarding the egg my destruction clone went to the main land of Redbud continent to kill and gather bodies.

Few months later the clone was back with tens of thousands of corpses. And Lucas kept feeding the egg with blood essence, he only stopped when he noticed the egg was shining with blue light and runic pattern started to appear in the egg.

Lucas waited for six years for the egg to hatch and when it did Lucas was stunned. Because this was a divine beast. A little divine beast with a body of a dragon and two cute small wings on his back. And this dragon was a bit different from the usual dragons that look like a long snake and with long whiskers on its face.

This dragon looked more like an western type of a dragon. The moment the little dragon hatched it stared at Lucas for a while face full of curiosity and then it started to eat the egg it hatched from.

Lucas looked at the little beast and found it incredibly cute and then said " You can call me big brother Lucas" and then took out big lion of a size approximately hundreds of meters and then started to cook it Lucas then gave the whole cooked lion to the little dragon to eat.

The little dragon was practically drooling it munched on the body and ten minutes later the whole body was gone. The little dragon burped and then fell to sleep. Lucas looked at it silently and thought ' this little dragon just ate an high god meat without any problem but it will probably sleep for a while to digest it.

A month later the little dragon woke up started speak. It was after all a Saint beast. Most divine beasts when born start of as Saints. "big brother Lucas" the little dragon said. Lucas looked at it, the the little dragon then asked "what's my name?" Lucas to thought for a while and then said "Your name is Belion and From now on we're brothers" Lucas said and then they both signed a contract of equals. Both could communicate telepathically because of the contract.

While they were chatting, Lucas told Belion about the world and the power system. Apparently Belion had three talents and they were fire, destruction and thunder. Lucas was quite proficient in Thunder Element and Edict of Destruction so he explained all the mysteries in Thunder elements and everything he understood in Edict of destruction.

Divine beasts are quite lucky actually, because the moment they reach adulthood they automatically become a Demigod, they are basically no bottlenecks there unlike everyone else. So even if Lucas didn't teach Belion about the mysteries he would eventually reach Demigod sooner or later anyway.

But Lucas wanted Belion to be pragmatic in his approach in life and doing everything wholeheartedly and not just laze around like a certain someone. Lucas wanted Belion to reach his full potential.

By the sevent year, the power of heaven and earth descended and enveloped Belion to become a Demigod. A god clone of a short purple haired youth came to view in front of Lucas. The purple haired Belions thunder clone had a big smile on his and said "haha Big brother aren't i a genius, I'm a bit faster than you in reaching demigod right?" Belion said with a smirk on his face.

Looking at the smiling Belion, Lucas was really happy for him "The more of a genius you are the better, you are after all my brother so how can I not be happy for you" Lucas gave Belion a hug and said. Ever since he was born the only people he felt intimate with was his parents not even his grandfather is included in this list. He didn't have any siblings so he never felt the brotherly love even in his past life. So towards Belion he truly felt kinship towards him. Lucas first wanted just a companion to accompany him in his journey but he really grew fond of Belion in the past few years. He could feel Belions feeling through the contract, so he knew Belion wouldn't hesitate to give his life for him.

"I've grown tired to seeing these islands day in day out, let's go and travel big brother" Belion said

"Let's go, i was just waiting for you to reach demigod. Our first target is amethyst mountain I was heading there anyway.

As they were flying through the wilderness, they were attacked of an army of bandits. Lucas had the fiend medallion on him, the thing about the fiend medallions is you can't see how many stars the bearer has, so it's a gamble as a bandit by attacking this person and by attacking the fiend the bandit is either stupid or a powerhouse.

And this bandit attacking Lucas was actually a 7-star. Real powerhouses disdain banditry but every once in a while there exists some shameless people who are mad and these people are the most dangerous ones.

The bandit leader shouted "Brothers tonight we are gonna have a feast, a dead fiend is the best kind of fiend! Let's kill him and his puny demigod" Lucas was really taken aback and said to Belion "In this world there exist some truly shameless people, stay away from them, watch and learn how I slaughter an army"

Lucas then opened his Grandmist domain, the world turned into a world of horror, everybody was instantly killed. The only one left was the 7-star bandit and he was struggling just to breath!

Belion was shocked, he had no idea his big brother was this powerful. Thousands of high gods fell from the sky like rain, only one person remained and he was struggling to remain lucid. Belion suddenly felt that the world was much more bigger and scarier than he initially believed.

After killing the 7-star bandit Lucas looked at Belion's solem face. This is what Lucas wanted to achieve. "Weak people have no say in this world only the strong have that right" Lucas said, Belion just nodded. He was too shaken up at the moment.

Few years later they finally arrived at the outskirts of Amethyst mountain. People usually come here mine for amethyst crystals, but it's hard to find and even if you do you'll only find a minuscule of amount and apparently you have to share three pieces of amethyst that you found with eighteen families in the amethyst mountain region if you don't pay a passage fee, if you pay five thousand ink stones you don't have to share and what you find belongs to you, but to Lucas money was nothing.

Lucas wanted to experience the gravity field in amethyst mountain, so when he arrived at the outskirts all he and Belion saw was fog not a single rock could be seen. Two people flew towards them, the two people was bit taken aback by Lucas aura and his realm, they weren't accustomed to high gods visiting amethyst mountain. Lucas didn't greet them he just went in the mountains, he heard one of them staying "Sir you have to pay…" before he could finish his sentence his lifeless body fell to ground, his partner was scared shitless and ran away Lucas didn't care and went on to the fog,

"Monopolizing a sovereign territory? These eighteen clans sure are bold" Lucas said. Belion was a bit shocked and then asked "A sovereign lives here?"

"Indeed but the high and mighty sovereign don't bother with small fry like us, don't think much about let's go"

When they went in Lucas switched to his Thunder God clone, This gravitational force has some similarities with mine Grandmist domain.

As they went in deeper, Lucas suddenly felt the heaven and earth descend. He looked at Belions Thunder clone who was floating in mid air accepting his God spark.

Lucas had a big smile on his face "You broke through the moment you came here, which mystery did you comprehend?" Lucas asked but had a guess in his heart

"Mystery of Electric magnetism" Belions face beamed with excitement.

"Well now you need to start fuse the mysteries, start with the two mysteries you've comprehended recently" Lucas advised, then they resumed the adventure

Apparently there were many people lost and trapped and couldn't get out from this fog sea. To actually get of from here you got to have at least 6-star fiend of strength.

"big brother will we be able to get out?" Belion asked worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about our exit plan, just focus on your adventure and try to get some amethyst crystals, although they are not as good as the soul beads I gave you they are quite interesting nonetheless"

Belion sighed of relief and his good mood returned. "I'm gonna study this gravitational field and enter seclusion. I'm gonna stay at this cave, my destruction clone will be with you though" Lucas said. He wanted his Thunder to clone to study this gravitational field because he felt that he could further strengthen his own domain.

Unknowingly they stayed at the amethyst mountain for forty six thousand years. Lucas opened his eyes and let out a turbid breath. I've finally fused all of my five mysteries together, it was a lot harder than I expected I guess it's time to breakthrough to became High God.

Lucas comprehended his last and sixth mystery that he was refraining from fully comprehending, it was the mystery of Lightning form, so that he won't accidentally breakthrough but now he let it go and mastered it to perfection.

Booom! The familiar energy of heaven and earth descended once again and Lucas Thunder clone finally broke through to High god, 'by now I should be invincible below Paragon except for a person who has all three sovereign artifacts, attack, defense and soul defense artifacts.This kind of person is basically unkillable, even paragons can barely banish them to the void.

Lucas was incredibly happy. But all of sudden he saw a women with purple robe looking at him smiling. Lucas was shocked 'how, when?' He couldn't sense her at all. No High god could hide from him not even a paragon! There was only one other reason, Sovereign! Indeed she must be the Redbud sovereign.

Lucas stood up and fell on one knee and saluted "Lucas Draper Greets the sovereign"

"Interesting! You knew I was a sovereign right away how?"

"I'm confident that no other high god can go unnoticed without me sensing them Sovereign"

"I've watched how you studied the gravitational field in this mountain and founded it interesting, Lucas Draper are you willing to become my envoy?"

Redbud Sovereign asked, Lucas was a bit taken aback. To be honest Lucas didn't want to become an Envoy to any Sovereign. Yes you will get a sovereign artifact, but at the end of the day you are nothing but a slave for them to order around. But refusing a Sovereigns invitation it's like having a death wish.

"Sovereign this…" before Lucas could reply he heard another voice " Redbud, young Lucas here already belongs to my camp so you shouldn't have any other thoughts about him" Then a man with smile, blue robe and brown hair came to view.

Redbud was a little shocked she didn't know that the Thunder master was watching over Lucas. But nonetheless she bowed slightly and said "I didn't know Lucas belonged to your camp Chief Sovereign if so I'll take my leave then, see you around Lucas Draper" Redbud new Hurlei was much stronger than her, she didn't want anything to do with him so she left.

Lucas was once again shocked, he heard everything that they said, another Sovereign showed up and I belonged to his camp since when? And a Chief Sovereign? Wonder who'

Lucas was once again about to kneel and greet this newly arrived Sovereign, but an invisible power prevented him from kneeling down. Lucas was shocked and looked at the brown haired man

"A junior from my home plane dosen't need to kneel to me, I've watched you for a long time Lucas from your time in starmist sea to here. I'm very happy to see that my home plane produced another powerful person. Ohh and my name his Hurlei Chief Sovereign of Thunder"

Lucas now understood everything, he couldn't believe he was from the same home plane like the Chief sovereign of thunder. He could also feel the genuine care that Hurlei showed, he remembered now his home plane was guarded by god from the Hurlei family, Welkins.

"I didn't know we were from the same home plane Sovereign, but are they just the two of us, are there no other talented people?" Lucas asked

"Sadly yes, the people from our home are very mediocre, so it means a lot that you in just fifty thousand of years have strength of a peak Ashura"

"When I was just a God I choosed to fuse five mysteries together before I breakthrough to High God I know my choice was very hard one, but I didn't wanted to settle for mediocrity" Lucas said

"This is the kind of martial heart you need to have go further in this world, alright Lucas I want you to become my student, you'll be Envoy in name only" Hurlei asked

Lucas didn't hesitate and kowtowed and said solemnly "I greet you master!"

"Haha excellent! I'm just a projection right now so I don't have a sovereign artifact on me, but come to the Thunder plane when you have time we'll chat more then, here's my emblem it shows that you're my Envy now so that no other Sovereign have will have some thoughts about you"

"Yes master I'll leave right away" Lucas responded. After that Hurlei's projection dissipate. Lucas sat down in his cushion and let out a turbid breath "Haha soon I'll have a sovereign artifact and that will elevate my power even more

But first let's temper my body with the fused divine power. Lucas then started to temper his body, approximately seven months later he stopped when felt he couldn't go further, he clenched his fist, he could feel how strong his body was it was comparable to a High God Artifact, now he doesn't have any shortcomings at all

A month later a youth with purple hair flew in the cave, his High God Aura was flaring out constantly and shouted "Big brother I've finally managed to fuse three mysteries together and Broken through to become a High God, it's really hard ahhh!" The youth was non other than Belion who have just broken through. He fought with amethyst beast every now and then and because of it he managed to fuse three mysteries together perfectly then broke through to High God, not everyone was like Lucas who could stay at the God realm for so long, not everyone has that patience at least not Belion

"Alright we gained a lot in our stay here, let's go" Lucas said and stood up, he was planning to visit thunder plane first then become a Mansion master in one of the 108 prefectures in Infernal realm, after that he planned to settle down.