
Coding & Magic

A computer programmer on Earth. An illegitimate princess in another. What happens when she learns the similarities between coding and magic? **I'll be posting daily, If I can.

Hades_Eternal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The Adventures of Cain and Ria (Part 2/10)

{POV: Ria}

~Why is he so darn fast?~

I was huffing and puffing from trying to catch up with him. Yet he was at least 3 meters ahead of me. And I was sure he was holding back. ~Wow am I need to try and get fit. But still, to run that fast without using aether, that's bizarre. Ah! He must have a blessing.~

"Hey, that's cheating!" I shouted out.

"Hah, well, it's not my fault your slow. Hehe."

I pouted, to show the unfairness of things. "Anyway, shh, we're almost there."

"Almost where?" I responded.

I looked up, and an inescapable "Wow" came out of my mouth. I had never explored the castle as I was afraid of getting caught. So I had never been to this area... ~Why did I miss out on such a huge book collection?~ I cried, pouting again.

We were at what I later learned to be the Josertoin Royal Library.

"Stop staring dork, we need a plan to get inside."

Cain's voice snapped me out of my adoration.

"Sorry, this is just incredible."

I listened to what he had to say, and I've got to say I was pleased with it.

It was time, time to start project {Infiltrate the Library}.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also, ways to improve are appreciated. Sorry for the short chapter today. Tomorrow will have over 500 to make up for these two days.

Hades_Eternalcreators' thoughts