1 Prologue:

It's been about 3 years since I've regained my 'lost' memories, now you may be thinking, oh maybe he had amnesia, now he's regained his memories, good for him,...but I wish it was that simple... I really do...


...16 years ago I was born to a Mr. Maximillian Gabriel and Eve Gabriel, the firstborn.., the long-awaited son after a long time of trying on their part..which, of course, as all tragic stories go, began with the death of my mother during childbirth...leaving behind a newborn boy and a broken-hearted husband of 23 years of age who then surreptitiously vowed that the boy would not be left needing for anything and promptly threw himself into his work...His sole focus on attaining a good life for his one and only son, maybe it was a way for him to cope with his grief,maybe he was a workaholic ... I wouldn't know I've only met the man a handful of times before his untimely demise...

I barely remember the man,6 feet tall with a sharp jawline, green eyes that seemed to pierce right through you, and a mane of raven black hair, the stereotypical handsome guy ....at least I was sure that I would at least be a good looking bloke...

Good genes for the win.

He left with me behind with my grandmother to go for a supposed meeting, a fifty-something woman who was the sweetest lady you'd meet until you piss her off...trust me you don't wanna piss her off. The last I ever heard of him, the plane he was traveling in crashed into the middle of the sea leaving behind a son 9 months old and a helluva fortune.


Oh my where are my manners, Let me introduce myself

I am Dante Gabriel, I know the irony is palpable ...named after the son of a devil and an angel of God...

alright .. I admit it, it's quite badass...

(don't be jealous now..)

Well as all reincarnation stories go I was in a completely different universe or is it multiverse?..omniverse?...meh...

Now you may ask how would I know that...

May I present to you, Exhibit A, the big ass tower in the middle of New York with equally big ass letters (seriously compensating much?)printed 'STARK'was a dead giveaway if any...if not then the whole force-fed propaganda in middle school of how Captain America was a pillar of strength, friendship and all that was good in the world, was quite slap in the face...

yep, you guessed it, I was reborn in the marvel cinematic universe...at least hopefully...

I don't want to be in any of the comic universes because let me be honest, I don't know a thing about the comics other than some snippets scrounged from different fanfics and videos, and even if I was in any of the comic book universes I could at least find solace in the fact that I was reincarnated into any dc universes...

that's a can of worms I don't want to open right now.

...at least with the MCU, I have an idea of how things could go down...

Metaknowledge for the win...

When I was 13, I fell Ill, what started as a headache evolved into a fever...and I ended up having all 18 years of my previous life stuffed into my prepubescent brain...leaving me confused as a fish in the middle of the desert..and of course, let's not forget the mother of all migraines...and after a totally normal freakout of epic proportions... I calmed down, I hightailed to the closest place where I could access the internet,

Thankfully Google Exists here

I searched for the big players in MCU and whatever I remember from the comics, Tony Stark..check, Captain America ...check, Spiderman no...or not yet?, Dr.Doom...no.., didn't exactly search for Nick fury or anything remotely related to shield, don't want his paranoid ass showing up on my front lawn...

Charles Xavier...check...wait what?

Fast forward a couple of minutes I was looking at the webpage of Xavier's school for gifted youngsters...huh

superpowered teenagers...yay

What really was interesting was a picture of Captain America and his Howling Commandos, a very familiar man ..now I don't wanna give out any spoilers but let me tell you, it rhymes with plumberine.....yeah...

ok...let's back up a moment and recap shall we...

let's see, alien invasion caused by an intergalactic alien prince with daddy issues and a god complex, a psychic entity with a hardon for redheads, a Murder-bot that fancies itself a human and wants to save humanity by destroying it, a sentient planet that wants to remake all planets in his image, that takes narcissism to a whole new level, by leaving his seeds around, and an intergalactic warlord that has a weird fetish with death...

Mr.Oh I am inevitable, I do this because there are no resources ..so I have to destroy half of all lives in the universe ..I'm sacrificing for you, Worship me,

What make more resources?...I'm sorry can't hear you over the sound of me snapping my fingers...*snap*. Oh look there's dust on my boot

and now imma go and farm now....and, of course, destroy the relics that have been here since the beginning of the universe....don't mind me...

.....Sorry about that, it must have slipped out accidentally...yeah

Anyway,...This is my story...

The Story of Dante Gabriel...

or how a poor shmuck reincarnated in the MCU and stumbles through without getting himself killed???

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