
Code Collector

The balance of the world collapsed when portals opened up to different worlds. Humans were granted systems to hunt the beasts in the Otherworlds. These beasts could give the Hunters their Codes, granting them special abilities and weapons. In this world, Allen was born with an incurable disease that rendered his throat unable to utter words. He could only produce hissing sounds that made the other Hunters to bully him relentlessly. He was the freak without a family. But his world had shifted when he accidentally killed the lost beast and gained its Code. The Code of the Primordial Snake, one of the strongest beasts of the Otherworlds.

Peltivierre · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
218 Chs

Rescue 1

From a distance, Allen and Jack saw a blinding light on top of a building. They didn't hesitate to run towards the light, fully knowing what it was.

"Gary," Jack said. "I've seen that before. It's his specialized weapon that he crafted. He used it once before."

"You practically know everything, don't you?" Allen smirked, making Jack snicker. "I know you're not just an old man, but you're extraordinary."

"I have to," Jack said. "Camp Twyla and all six surrounding camps are part of the main channel for Verta Carta. Our trades and business practically runs through these camps. If an excellent person stands out, I should know."

Allen left the conversation on that note as they arrived at the explosion site. Since they went directly after the explosion, no police officer was present at the scene. It was only them and the destroyed building.