

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Loophole 1

As Heng swallowed the Vitality Pill he started to do the basic movements of the 'Roaring Tiger' technique, and as every time the Vital Qi in his body began to rile up. Heng felt the warm energy start to slowly spread all around his body making him feel comfortable like be was bathing in the sun, but after some time he begun to feel a little stuffy. The Vital Qi in his body for the first  tme begun to feel greater than his ability to absorb it.Heng's brows furrowed as he immediately stopped the movement of the 'Roaring Tiger' technique,  and closed his eyes to better feel the situation of his body.

"This...what...." it didn't take long for Heng to find the origin of his discomfort , it was the Vitality pill he had consumed. 

'What the hell is happening?! Did they give me and expired Vitality pill, or maybe even a different pill?' thought Heng as the Vital energy from the pill coursed through his body,  making him feel bloated. It felt like he had just eaten at a buffet , and couldn't eat even a single more bite, but someone was still feeding him. Panicked Heng did the only thing he thought would help in this situation and forced himself to puke. "Blerghhh...

Heng's eyes watered a little as the breakfast he had eaten just come out of the wrong hole. Along with his breakfast there was also a red pill of about 5mm in width. It looked half digested as it was not  as pristine as it was before Heng had eaten it, but Heng wouldn't let it go to waste as he picked it up from the ground.

"The fuck is going on with my life? Why the hell  am I so unlucky?"


The day was almost over and the soldiers had arrived at the food hall where the ate. There was chatter everywhere mixed with the sound of hurried eating,  but this time Heng wasn't as bothered by it. He was slowly eating his rapidly cooling soup and just playing with his bread.  This of course didn't go unnoticed by the others around him ,especially Cao Qiao.

Someone his size definitely wolfed down his food as quick as je could, so that gave him more time to look at his comrades,  but today he was focused on Heng as he didn't seem happy at all. With a furrowed brow he tapped Heng's shoulder and the later immediately turned his head.

"Qiao...do you need something?"

"Not really...but  wondering what is it with you today. Did anything happened?"


At first Heng hesitated to speak of today's happening, but after seeing Qiao's honest face he couldn't hold it in anymore. 

"Yeah...something happened." said Heng as he finally took a bite of his bread " As I was doing my usual practice of the 'Roaring Tiger' technique,  and course after consuming a Vitality Pill,  I begun to feel stuffed. I didn't know what it was at first, but after feeling my condition,  I found out that the ratey body could absorb the Vital Qi couldn't keep up. I was flustered by that....so I just forcefully puked the pill out."

"That...is indeed strange." said Qiao as he scratched his head with a smile. He smacked Heng of the back almost making his fall face first into his soup,  and just reassured Heng it was nothing to worry about. 

"Yeah,  you're probably right. It's probably nothing to worry about."

"But of course, you should be more worried about our deployment. I know that it's still a week away from today,  but I can't sit still. It's so nerve-wracking."

"That's true....especially if those guys show up again. " said Heng as he looked at something only he could.

"CODM-Lv 2

Perks :Fast Recovery,High Alert 


???? "

His thing\system had leveled up, but nothing seemed to have really changed. His perks were the se , and he couldn't feel any discernible thing about him changing. It made him somewhat frustrated,  but at the same time hesitant as he seemed to level up by killing other people, and he had to remind him this wasn't just a game. 


Several days passed away in a flash and Heng was doing his normal training in the open grounds with many of his comrades. He was training with intervals,  sometimes doing some calisthenics exercises,  and sometimes doing his "Roaring Tiger " technique and activating his Vital Qi.  It was as monotonous as one would expect,  but the euphoria and warm comfort of his Vital Qi cursing around his body was worth it.

He was about to finish up  his exercises for today,  but something or someone blocked his view. He of course wasn't expecting anyone to come to him for small talk so he was a bit taken aback. He finished his pushups  , raised  his head and saw a blonde young man staring at him.

"Do you need something? " questioned Heng as he immediately recognised the young man as the one who he fought beside that night. The young man smiled, and a small laugh escaped him, but he answered the question.

"Indeed,  there is something I need,  but there is also something I have to offer. An exchange of sorts to be precise."

"An exchange?! What does that mean?"

"Ahh, if course I'll explain....but not here, there are to many people around." answered the blonde man, but the later half of the sentence was in a hushed voice which only Heng truly heard. Thi made Heng confused at was going on, many bad things crossed his mind, but neither of them had anything to do with the young man in front of him.