
Coats and Beds

..... short story

Kythira · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

chapter four

There was nothing gentle about the way I was fucking Lisa and she really liked it. She whispered, "Bite my nipple, bite it hard." Lisa pulled my hair at the same time. I bit her nipple until she had bruised bite marks starting to show.

"Slap my ass" She commanded. "Spank me hard."

I began to spank her.

"No, I said hard."

With that I began to slap her ass as hard as I could. The sound of my hand swatting her cheeks reverberated through the small room. She screamed in pain and extasy. After ten minutes of pounding, slapping and biting Lisa began to shake with another orgasm.

As she shook she yelled, "Cum in me. Cum deep in my pussy. Cum!"

I couldn't hold back and I burst again. As my cum pulsed from my dick I buried myself as deep inside her as I could. I felt relieved that I couldn't make her pregnant, but something in me imagined that I was the one who had knocked her up. I felt pleasure pretending I was the one who had changed her body and put her on a path to motherhood.

I fell on top of her sweaty and breathing hard. We laid there together for a while. I fell asleep on top of her for a few minutes. I was woken by a knock on the door. It was a janitor who had found us.

We both scrambled to put on our clothes and run out the door. He wasn't able to stop us as we pushed through the doorway. He followed us down the hall yelling at us to stop. We ran out an emergency exit and escaped down the sidewalk.

After we knew we were safe we stopped to catch our breath.

Once rested she took my hand and we walked back to the school building.

"I know you're wondering," she said. "My ex-boyfriend, a college guy, he fucked me when I was pass out drunk. He didn't wear a condom so here I am knocked up just as I turn 18."

"What are you going to do?"

"I turn 18 in a couple of weeks. I am waiting until then to get an abortion. I scheduled one during our next day off, the next parent teacher conferences. You don't need a parent's consent once you're 18, so I'm waiting. Their religious and don't need to know."

I didn't say anything. I felt for her. I wanted her to be okay and I could tell she was really torn up.

"I just can't become a teen mom like my mom. I have worked too hard to let an asshole tear my life apart. You're the only one who knows, so please don't tell anyone."

"Of course not," I blurted out. "I wouldn't tell anyone, its your business."

We walked in silence back to the school, holding hands the whole way. Once we got back I ran to find Mrs. Nell and Lisa went to her friends.

Lisa was right. Mrs. Nell believed I found the cigarettes and thought I was a good Samaritan making sure none of the other high schoolers smoked them. She even recommended me for a service award.

On the bus ride back Lisa came over and whispered in my ear that she was super turned on having my cum drip from her all afternoon. She wanted to meet that night for another round.

Lisa and I dated until she went off to college. We got along ok and enjoyed talking, but mostly we fucked as much as we could as often as we could. We cut class to have sex in bathrooms. She went down on me during movies while I fingered her. And we tried anything we could think of. Nothing was off limits. It was so uplifting to find a girl who enjoyed my body and let me enjoy her body. It made me more confident in everything I did.

I took her to the abortion. It was a difficult, sad day. I wasn't sure why, but I felt as beat up about it as she did. I waited at the clinic for her all day. We never really talked about it other than discussing that we had to go a few days without sex.

The doctor gave her an IUD the same day, so Lisa and I never used a condom the whole time we were together. And her breasts never really shrank much after.

I was sad when she left for college in the fall, but Lisa, always the good sport, hooked me up with one of her cheerleading friends my senior year. Katie was as kinky as Lisa and really enjoyed my pussy eating skills.

There were more perks beyond the sex. Dating a cheerleader also made me a bit more popular at school. I mean – you couldn't completely erase the nerd in me. But I was more widely accepted.