
Climb: Beyond Ordinary

John is a 27 year old office worker that live an ordinary life until he was summoned to another world along with the chosen heroes . after being identified as a peasant , he was banished from the castle with some gold as a compensation and became laughingstock of the King. Forced to live as a commoner , john decided to embark an adventure to find the mysteries of this world while climbing the ranks of most powerful entity of this world with his commoner skills, hoping comeback on his world and protect the innocent people.

PanDeSall · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 9: War and Betrayal pt 2

As i approached their kevin and both cast our skills and started the second battle in this war.

[OPEN : DIVINE BOWS OF THE HEAVENLY GODS] was casted by Kevin using her archery blessing.

[SWIFT] is the skill i casted to dodge all raining spear like arrows. 

As i approached his troops i pulled out my katana(sword) out of my storage box skills and slice them one by one while the swift is still activated.

Kevin start to shot arrows in pattern and shoots me after in my leg , because of his precision blessing i was hit on my leg im a sudden and all the arrows he intentionally hit in pattern strikes towards me . It almost shredded my legs if i didn't deflected it with my mana infused sword on time. I Healed my legs and continue to approach him again.

I know that archers are vulnerable if you are close to them so i tried to get close to him hiding in his troop's corpses .

"Just let me hit you and die , PEASANT" He said and casted his so called Ultimate skill.


"Strike my enemy"

A thousan arrows fall after me and i struggle to dodge all of the arrows at once.

"ENHANCED: SWIFT" with this skill i manage to dodge all of the arrows and manage to only get bruise and minor slice.

"HEAL" my wound heals and again and i continue to slice all of his troops. 

So close yet so far it feels like i'm still far away i need to finish this off quickly.

"DIVINE-CURSE: Feild Expansion, Circular Swift strike" 

With this skill i manage to wipe all the troops.

"Now there is only you and me" i said while i approached carefully and slowly.

"How dare you MOCK me Peasant!" He said and cast a direct hit to me only to miss due to my enhanced swift.

"you know , with the help of bonds and the villager i acquired this powerful gem , i won't lecture you this much , you frustration might kill you before i sliced you leg off" i said with an mocking smile.

"You!!! DIE you FOOL!!" he shouted

"You don't know about this but with the help of the dragon God i can access the power of it's aura and his shadow ! Thanks the Dragon God i'll finish you my own hand" he said.

He started to cast a curse spell in his bow tainting it's divinity and making it glow with yellow light and a purple mist also he got the aura much awfull than those monster that is infected by it.



Two powerful skills in a single cast? He did that with that awful aura.

"You don't know the consequences of that power!" I shouted but he responded to me with "you may die" after a two bow with different power is fired at me.

"You're finished" he said.

"Hmph , now time to show of the power this village" i said while sliding my two finger on my katana and activating the Gem.


A sheild was casted on my and absorbed the two arrows and converting it as my mana.

"What? You how dare you" he said nervous oj what would i do.

"I once use this spell on slimes , it may work on since you are WEAK" i said


A fireball strike his troops and a straight amount of shadows . Using my quick draw finish of the rest while he is still stunned on his frustration. After finishing up his summon i finally stood and in front of him point my blade on his neck.

"Didn't i say your frustrations might kill you" i said.

"Tch" he replied.

"DIE" is my words to him before i slice his necked only to be interupted by the other heroes more powerful than him. I got kick by that hero so hard almost breaking my defense in an instant

"So it's a reunion now eh? Divine Swordsman David" I said as i see his irritating smile.

"this challenge ends here , we were only ordered to burn the village and retrieve gresella" he said to me with a grin.

"No you won't lea-" i said but notice a multiple wounds in my body , arms and legs . How did he slice me off in an instant.

"How? Ugh" i said while throwing of blood

" I'm the divine swordsman after all AHAHA" he said , " the girls are waiting for me Time to leave if you want something to use your power the king send you a gift, here's a thousand monster , hope you get enough exp to be strong somehow ,but i think it wouldn't happen because this would be you end Peasant" he continues before they leave with a teleportation arc.

"I need to heal" 

The wounds won't heal fast due to the applied debuff of his sword [ BLEED ] and i am about to lose my consciousness because of physical fatigue, 

"Shit , i need too-"

I heard a trumpet from the village and see a troops and a royal armor. 

"Is it for Feudrich?" 

Before i realise it fell to the ground and lost my consciousness.

"Ughh , I heard figthing"

"Am i Dreaming, I'm tired "


"I feel i am carried by someone "

"brother wake up!" A child said 

"That voice , the girl i saved from the dragon henchman"

"Is the village safe?"

"Chief ! Chief! He need to be healed " i heard from a familiar voice



"I want to feel love for once heh..."