
Claiming my alpha mate

Bullied by her family, and desperate for solace, she leaves home but she is taken away on the same night. "Home!"That was what she thought when she woke up to werewolves and a pack full of them. Eventually, she is rejected by her fated mate, the one destined for her by the goddess. She leaves the pack, but does it end there? Five years later, she is no longer the Ava everyone once knew. and she is the only solution to a plague that festers the entire werewolf clan. Can she help? after the rejection. Can she save even with the hurt that engulfs her, leashing at her? It wasn't going to be an easy choice and in a limited amount of time.

Ujunwa_lydia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


I explained to the old man how I came into the woods, about the pack and how they sent me away, I told him how they rejected me and threatened to kill me.

After listening to my story, the old man comforted me and encouraged me to move on, "You don't need to worry, because you will find another family who will love you genuinely and and they will never reject you," he said, his words giving me hope, I will direct you to a pack first thing tomorrow morning, there you will find peace, comfort and family, as for now put yourself together and sleep,"

With tears of joy in my eyes, I asked him the price I would pay.

"The price is you should never forget me," he listed as he looked directly into my eyes.

"Is that all? I asked in amazement,"

"Yes, that is all," he said.

I was very happy and nervous, I felt peace deep inside me, and it was almost as if the day was not going to break, I was very excited, finally am going to get out of loneliness.

The next morning, With the old man's words echoing in my mind, I ventured deeper into the woods, anticipation swirling within me. The path meandered through a dense forest, adorned with vibrant autumn colors. As I walked, the crisp air filled my lungs, invigorating my spirit.

After what felt like hours, the sound of rustling leaves and distant howls grew louder. Excitement coursed through me as I approached a clearing, revealing a congregation of wolves. Their majestic presence commanded respect, but there was a warmth in their eyes that instantly put me at ease.

As I stepped into the clearing, the werewolves turned their attention toward me. A wave of nervousness washed over me, unsure of how they would receive a newcomer. But as they raised their muzzles in recognition, their faces softened into smiles, their tails wagging eagerly.

The alpha of the pack, a majestic grey wolf named Devon, stepped forward. His kind and gentle demeanor instantly put me at ease. Immediately we met each other there was a deep connection, "my mate" He whispered in a confused voice.

As I stood before Devon, the alpha of the pack, I felt an undeniable connection. His eyes locked onto mine, and I could see a mixture of confusion and curiosity flicker through his gaze. I could feel my heart racing, unsure of how to interpret the intensity of his gaze.

Devon took a step closer, his fur bristling slightly as he composed himself. "Are you my mate?" he questioned again, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. His words hung in the air, thick with the weight of the unexpected.

I met his gaze with a soft smile, the warmth of my affection emanating from within. "Perhaps," I replied, my voice steady and filled with reassurance. "I believe fate has brought us together, Devon. Whether as mates or as cherished friends, I am grateful to have found someone like you."

Devon's expression softened, his eyes searching mine for deeper understanding. He mirrored my smile, a glimmer of hope shining through. "Ava I feel a connection too," he admitted, his voice carrying a mixture of awe and wonder. "This pack has taught me the importance of accepting and embracing what the heart desires.But I don't think it will work between us, you are welcome here as one of us but not as my mate," he said.

These words broke my heart, why do they keep on rejecting me? Am I not made to be loved? What wrong have I done? Don't I deserve to be happy? A lot of questions keep swirling through my mind.

"But you are my mate, I can feel it, we both can feel it, Why would you say no," I asked with in a curious voice.

"The ball is in your court, either you stay or you live that is left for you, but my words are final," he said as he walked away.

I was heartbroken both in and out, I couldn't help but cry, but I wasn't going to give up like that, so I decided to stay and try to find out his reasons also to see if I could win his heart.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months as I settled into my newfound home. The pack taught me their ways, guiding me through the intricacies of their communal living. They supported me when I stumbled and celebrated my successes with heartfelt enthusiasm.

Every full moon, we would gather for ceremonial howling, a testament to our unity and bond. It was during these sacred moments that I truly felt a sense of belonging, the powerful chorus of voices merging as a symbol of strength and togetherness.

As time passed, I found my place among the pack, becoming an integral part of their daily lives. Whether it was assisting in hunting, nurturing the pups, or tending to the elders, I embraced my role as a helpful and kind-hearted member of this extraordinary wolf family.

I was wandering through the woods, One faithful day when I saw Devon struggling to stand on his feet wondering what was wrong with him I went closer to see for myself, I didn't want him to notice my presence, so I hid in a distance.

Unfortunately, two werewolves from the pack came and took him back to the pack, I followed them from a distance, and when we reached the pack, I went to meet them to ask them what happening, but I was dismissed by the two werewolves crying to him.

Deep inside me, I knew something was wrong, and I knew I could help if only I was given the chance to, so I went to meet someone who had been friendly in the pack to ask if she knew what was wrong with the Alpha and she told me about his illness, which he has been dealing with for a very long time now.