

Another fic to write whenever im bored

demon_jester · Videojogos
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5 Chs

Chrono Enlightenment

Colt fiddled with the new and improved backpack, now taking the lunky form of the original Chrono shift pack into twin gauntlets both identical and wirelessly connected to his new visor

with the new gear made he finally took a shower after weeks of gruelling work and sweat, wearing a white shirt and black vest along with his belt with small pouches all around with an exception of his bag on the back which he had filled back up with his tools "now to test this baby out"

donning his new visor that looks largely the same as his aviator goggles from before along with the two gauntlets, Colt activates the gloves, the new mini tesla reactors in the gauntlets hummed as they powered the chrono bubble that formed around the man

Colt Pov

"wait this is different, what are these stars..."

the Chron bubble kept forming, but different to a normal one, the normal swirl of lightning and energy was replaced by an etheral cluster of flickering lights, like as if my laboratory housed a small galaxy with the Chrono bubble at its center, my mental commands to abort ignored as the gloves failed to stop.

"time vortex"

the Tesla reactors still churning as the laboratory around me started getting sucked into the glalaxy like portal formed around me, the bubble of safety getting smaller as it satrtes to swirl around the edges

everything not bolted in has been thrown in and everything else stretched or broke as the gravitational pull of the rift pulled them in, i huddled as the bubble shrunk and now was vibrating furiously as it was thrown around what i ca swirling currents of the time vortex.


with the bubble of safety gone its unrestrained energy tore through the very essence of my being, unraveling the threads that wove together my sanity.

Thoughts that were once coherent and ordered became fragmented and scattered. The seamless flow of time, which I had once navigated with ease, transformed into a turbulent river of confusion and disarray. The past, present, and future melded into an indistinguishable continuum within my mind, blurring the boundaries of my perception.

Visions, both vivid and ephemeral, plagued my senses. They danced before my eyes, distorting reality and weaving illusions that further twisted the fragile fabric of my mind. The chaos of the time vortex ensnared me, trapping me within a swirling tempest of fragmented memories and distorted perceptions as it threw me about time and space

??? somewhere someplace

a etheral being floats about alone in space as he mummers different things, the secrets of the universe at his lips as he looked around with a excited and mad glint, but the being underneath still wore the clothes as before but the being himself now was different... changed


dont know how to continue this so uhhh, suggestions?