
Chronicles of Sky Raid

Some say he's the rat's droppings in the cultivation world, disrupting righteousness and order, causing chaos among the Dao sects! Some say he's the biggest scum in Southern Zhanbu Province, colluding with demonic forces, deceiving and committing all sorts of evils! To all the slander, Fang Xing responds: 'That's right, I'm indeed that legendary rat's droppings. Any issues with that?

Vincent_Gu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Cultivation resources

"After being promoted to an outer disciple, what I obtained was the complete version of the Qingyun Qi Refining Manual, which is actually the same as the basic version held by the Dao Children, just more detailed. It not only includes insights into spiritual energy and techniques for channeling it into the meridians but also records some important points to note in cultivation and methods for refining spirit stones to enhance cultivation..."

It was late at night. Du Fang sat cross-legged on his bed in a simple yet clean and peaceful room.

In front of him lay a thin booklet, the cultivation manual he received after becoming an outer disciple.

This cultivation manual, compared to the Qingyun Qi Refining Manual used by Dao Children, was much more detailed and authentic. The manual he used during his time as a Dao Child was simple, barely touching on the principles of cultivation, basic techniques of breath control and energy manipulation, and nothing more.

But it made sense. The manuals given to Dao Children were meant to test their spiritual aptitude, not delve into advanced techniques.

Moreover, Dao Children would be sent away after ten years of service, so giving them advanced techniques risked leaking secrets.

On the other hand, outer disciples could cultivate in Qingyun Sect for three years. If they couldn't reach the second stage of Spirit Movement, they would be sent away. If they reached the second stage, they could continue for another three years. If they couldn't reach the third stage, they would still be sent away. The same applied to further stages. Qingyun Sect wouldn't sustain these disciples indefinitely.

Even those who stayed in the sect received meager resources. To gain more, they either spent a lot of money buying from the sect or completed tasks for rewards with Daoist Orders. Of course, they could also join various divisions in the sect, like Master Pang did, to earn meager resources.


Fang started cultivating, using the Qingyun Sect's techniques, letting out spiritual energy, controlling his breath.

In front of him, a reddish spirit stone floated up and down with his breath, hovering in the air, looking mystical.

Through this technique, he absorbed the spiritual energy from the stone into his body, flowing into his meridians.

After becoming an outer disciple and understanding the benefits of spirit stones, Fang stopped using the method of refining essences and energies from herbs. That method was too damaging to the body. Although he compensated by eating and drinking excessively during the two months of using that method, his body still suffered significant damage.

Once the body was weakened, it couldn't be easily restored just by eating. Only extraordinary elixirs could help.

At only ten years old, Fang already had some gray hairs from those two months of cultivation. If he continued that method, he might not live past twenty.

Unlike those with high aptitude who could cultivate directly through breath control, he had to absorb spiritual energy from external sources. The spirit stone he used was a special ore containing spiritual essence. By controlling his breath and circulating the arcane techniques, he could absorb the essence from the stone into his body.

This method was gentle on the body, promoting health and longevity, but it was slow in cultivating compared to the method of refining essences and energies, like running versus walking. It was unfortunate, but he couldn't risk his life for rapid progress.

"Refining essences and energies is a shortcut, but it's a deadly one!"

Moreover, using spirit stones was expensive!

Now, Fang wasn't very proficient with this method yet. He estimated that the stone would be depleted in about ten days. What would he do then? Cultivation was like sailing against the current; if you didn't advance, you retreated. If he couldn't replenish spiritual energy for fifty days, the progress he made might diminish...

It was like being well-fed one day but starving for several days afterward, weakening the body.

Master Pang had been an outer disciple for seven years but lacked resources. With interruptions in his cultivation, his progress was sporadic. He couldn't break through the second stage of Spirit Movement. He narrowly avoided being sent away twice, relying on connections and gifts to stay. Despite that, he lacked resources, time for cultivation, and thus, his progress stagnated.

"No, cultivation is just like the world outside: the bold thrive, the timid starve. If I continue like this, I'll end up like Senior Pig, running errands in the sect..."

After some cultivation, Fang paused, the spirit stone falling on his leg.

He held the stone, contemplating. "Among the thousands of outer disciples, many are wealthy. Although some have poor aptitude, they can afford resources. They either buy from the sect or complete tasks for rewards. And then there are divisions within the sect like Master Pang's, where one can earn modest resources."

"Time to cultivate. I need to be cautious and explore opportunities..."

Fang resolved to cultivate again.


"Is Junior Fang here?"

After half a month as an outer disciple, Fang's spirit stone had long been depleted. Now, he idly sat in his room, bored. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Peeking through the window, he saw Master Pang carrying a bag and a bottle of wine. Seemingly bored, he came to drink with Fang.

It was a pity for Master Pang. His cultivation was low, and he wasn't bright. He often showed off in front of newbies or Dao Children, as he had no friends among his peers. Despite that, after resolving a conflict with Fang, they became friends. Master Pang often came to drink with Fang, twice in the past half-month.

Others secretly mocked their friendship, seeing a man in his thirties befriending a ten-year-old. But Master Pang didn't mind, and those who needed him still sought him out.

"Junior Pig, come in, come in..."

Fang called warmly but didn't move. Master Pang walked in, grabbed a stool, and revealed a roasted chicken from the bag. He took out two large porcelain bowls from under Fang's table, poured wine, and pushed it toward Fang, then began eating heartily.

"Oh, how many times do I have to tell you? My surname is Yu, not Zhu. Watch my mouth... Yu..."

Master Pang mumbled with a mouthful of food, "But that Ghost Market you mentioned last time among outer disciples, is it real?"

"Yu, not Zhu, look at my mouth... Yu..."

Master Pang opened his mouth wide, speaking unclearly, "Yes, that Ghost Market is real. Among outer disciples, there are wealthy ones with items they don't need but others want. So, they set up Ghost Markets where people exchange what they don't need..."

"The sect prohibits this because disciples should exchange items through the sect. But many find the sect's rules too strict or unfair. Some items are illicit, so they created Ghost Markets. People disguise themselves and go there, agreed to only see items, not ask for identities..."

Master Pang explained, devouring a chicken leg.

Fang nodded, "Keep an eye out for me. Let me know when the Ghost Market appears..."

"Why do you want to know? I know you're broke. I paid your monthly food fee of a hundred and ten taels to the Kitchen Division this month. What treasures do you have to trade?"

Master Pang scoffed, raising his bowl to Fang.

"You asked, so I'm telling you. Don't ask so many questions. It's just money. I'll repay you double another day..."

"A hundred and ten and a half... Ah, why did you pay it back? Anyway, come, let's drink..."