
Chapter twenty

Chapter Twenty

After Liya had dragged Vivia to the cemetery dungeon, she began her searching but all in vain. For two days, she searched and searched.

Queen Krishna, Vivi, Kai, Skyler, Xavier, Sameer, and King Mehendra had been together with Riya in the search for Chen.

Queen Krishna had sent a guard to call for Liya but Liya didn't show up. Everyone had given up for the search Chen but Liya could not find herself to. Rumours were that he might have died or he could not make it but RYA found it hard to believe as she thought of it to be rumours as it is.

She stays up all night thinking about Chen. About the time they had spent together, his laughter, the moment they had spent together, his angry looks, and all the teasing he used to make of her. She missed everything. For the first time in years, she found herself yearning for a man who was different from Lucian.