
Chronicles of Carthol: Becoming Lordess

After many years abroad, Princess Annesha returns to Carthol only to find her beloved Nation on the brink of collapse. With her father ill and dying, she vows to become the Lordess of Carthol and usher in a golden age yet seen throughout Carthol's long history.

Seddissen_Cyntrail · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

The next day, during a clear and bright afternoon, Chillian was brought before the court to answer for the crimes she was accused of. Among the spectators was Dettetcheny, Verreene and even Felklin as they sat midway up the stands looking down over the podium where Chillian testified. Annesha took the center stand to judge upon.

"Chillian Danne," the princess opened. "On this day you stand accused of the murder of Galagon Danne with Verreene Danne standing as the accuser. You're free to testify, confess and deny if you so dare."

"Yes," Chillian stated. "I certainly had Galagon killed. It was well within my right."

Verreene certainly thought she should've been relieved to hear Chillian confess. Yet, she was so brazen about it and sure of her actions that it simply made her blood boil. What right did she truly have? It was all she could do to keep from screaming such a question for her to answer. Though the war of self control and temperance was internally raging within her heart, mind and soul, it must've held some manifestation of it's own for Dettetcheny's eyes were drawn to her figure as he closely examined her waning composure with burning emerald eyes giving away her clearly festering emotions.

Having heard Chillian's answer, Annesha said, "very bold and forefront of you to admit guilt."

Chillian smiled, as though it were simple flattery. "Oh, my princess. It's the honorable thing for a warrior of Roe to own your actions and be forefront in most any confrontation."

"Of course, with the exception of the assassination of Galagon," Annesha asserted. Chillian's smile faded in that moment, as though she were displeased it merely mentioned. "I suppose a fair duel then was beyond you, but fear not for you have a chance to redeem what little reputation you now hold as an 'honorable', 'respectable' and 'mighty' warrior of Roe. Tomorrow at dawn you shall duel Verreene in the Estoc Arena until you both concede to end the fight or, more preferably, death. Should you survive, you'll serve..." Annesha briefly glanced to the lesser lords before continuing with, "twenty years imprisoned and enslavement to start for the murder Galagon? Aye… should suffice finely. And if Verreene is to unfortunately die, Galagon's former estate will be deliberated and delivered to a proper beneficiary. However, should Verreene happen to best your ability and you die, well… that will be the story of you, Chillian Danne."

With the court's judgment passed each party was dismissed for the day until the morning of a new day dawned and they were due to duel within the Estoc Arena. As Chillian and Verreene both readied themselves within the lower holds of the Arena, Annesha was given an opportunity to greet her crew that appeared within the stands at a timely manner.

"I see you've all made it," Annesha commented to Rolland as she glanced down the line to see her men, some looking rather worse for wear. No doubt the days they've spent within the Oar-Inn were beginning to wear upon them. "Some more sober then others."

Nodding, Rolland glanced about the vast arena, only to see nearly completely empty, save it for a small group seated clustered together in the upper nobel seatings. No doubt, the lesser lords come to bear witness to this duel of vengeance.

"The guards nearly didn't believe we were your crew, we were nearly barred from this event."

"Well, to be honest, let's just say I was a little drunk when I invited you. I fear your presence might be a little… inappropriate, yes?"

"Drunk?" he questioned. "I didn't even see you take a drink."

"Drunk on spirits," she then clarified with a grin.

"No matter, I'll ensure they remain… subtle?" Annesha tossed him a dissuasive glare. "Respectful!"

"Aye," she nodded. "That'll do Captain. Crew!" she then called loudly. "Follow me! I've got a duty for you this morning!"

"Aye!" they answered before following into the inner corridors of the arena stands.

As the time of the duel drew nearer, Verreene sat in a chamber gated off from the arena grounds with a heavy iron door. In the meantime, she occupied herself with dragging her sword through a v-shaped blade sharpener honing her edge into the finest cutting tool it could possibly be. Dettetcheny was present, though he stood behind iron bars separated and sealing the chamber from the corridors as two guardsmen stood by.

He was quiet, observing as she sharpened her blade over and over again, his glare drawn to her eyes filled with nothing more than the desire for retribution. It was an intoxicating site, so much so he found it hard to tear his gaze away. However, while the burning passion for revenge was sweet, it was the moment she claimed retribution Dettetcheny hungered for most.

He tempered his desire and stepping from the iron bars, assuring her, "I'll be watching from above. Good luck, Verreene."

As he turned, nodding to the guards to be escorted topside, he paused when Verreene called, "Dutch…" and locking gazes with her hardened and driven eyes, she said, "thank you for sticking with me. It's been a little less lonely with you around, even if I can't properly say your name, Dechuoony…"

"Remember the strategy," he simply instructed. "You know her defensive style and how she fights. It's what you trained for, you can't lose."

"I won't," she insisted.

And with that little assurance, Dettetcheny walked off to spectate from the stands. As if by que, the gate began to rise allowing her entry into the arena. The chamber was rather dim with only a few luminescent stones providing light. Faced with the open veil light, Verreene traversed through the blinding threshold and into the arena floor paved with sand, dirt, blood, teeth and bone.

Staring at the arena floor from the stands was a rather grand sight to behold, yet it was nothing in the face of being upon the arena floor and looking up all around to the expanse that was the estoc arena. The stands towered upward like a steep cliff face which wasn't too far from reality. The floor seemed infinite and vast, with the only markers being the five towers. Four were along the perimeter which served to establish the four cardinal directions with the fifth standing within the middle. There were mounds and hills, chest high walls, ramparts and ruins. The morning sun was kind, not yet having peaked over the ridge with shadows casted high into the stands.

Verreene glazed to the center tower to see several figures gathered around. She made her way there, glancing from left to right, hand upon her blade ready to draw as her stone armaments couldn't have weighed little upon her shoulders. It was the conviction in her soul, the desire to see this through, the choice, decision and initiative to see her aunt slain that lightened their weight upon her back ready to unfurl and deliver devastating blows.

As she approached, she identified the center most figure to be the princess, though the rest were still a mystery. They gazed on with interest, though judging by their attire, they were no typical guards of the citizenry. Could it have been the princess's brigade of sailors? They certainly looked stern and disciplined and though they donned a facade of strict order and hierarchy Verreene couldn't help but sense the comradery in the air.

Verreene came to a stand before the princess just as Chillian crested over the mound the tower sat upon. Verreene's heart may have already been pumping, but at the mere sight of her aunt, it all but raced within her chest. She felt a heat run over her skin as her vision narrowed like a diving fowl moments from snatching up its prey. But Chillian was no helpless vermin, she was a warrior as much as Verreene would insist otherwise, a capable killer if need by and she would kill Verreene if given the chance.

"Stem your urge for blood for a moment until the duel is officially declared," Annesha insisted as she stepped into Verreene's vision, cutting Chillian off from her site. "I, Princess of Carthol, stand as the witness to this duel between Chillian and Verreene. A duel that will stand until the death or both parties involved concede. Before we begin, Verreene," she paused with a pointed tone. "This is your final chance to opt out. If you do, Chillian will still be punished in accordance to the law of Carthol and the estate will be returned to you. You need not risk your life."

Annesha waited patiently for a response, yet Verreene's stalwart silence and steadfastness in the face of such an offer was indication enough to where her desires lay. Annesha whistles once, nodding to her colleague who nodded who then nodded in response, slipping his hand over the string of his bow holding fast. The bow itself didn't seem special at first glance. It was a common war bow, yet upon closer inspection, Verreene noted the notch above the handgrip as rather odd.

It was then this archer unclasped his jacket allowing it to fall at his waist freeing his arms and back. Though he was unimpressive at first glance, Verreene certainly retracted that crude assumption when her eyes gazed upon his very back. It was monstrously muscular to say the least with powerfully sculpted arms following as he withdrew a single glass pointed arrow, for special and ceremonial occasions such as this, and notched it in place.

It was then Verreene noticed an odd glint upon the string he began to draw, as though it weren't some woven cord of organic products, but metallic and resistant. The bow neither was made of wood, though it was crafted to mimic such a look. His fingers took hold, and when he pulled it was clear to see his muscles straining immensely against the weight of the string as he aimed his shot straight into the heavens. His physique seemed as though he could reel a great whale to shore, yet all his might could accomplish was a quarter draw.

That was until a refined ribbon of light engulfed his fingers, hand, arms and back, increasing his strength immensely allowing him to pull the bow to a half draw. The light ribbons then grew in intensity as their refinement faltered as he allowed his soul to channel more light magic through his soul increasing his strength ever more allowing him to draw the bow back three quarters, yet wasn't until the refinement completely shattered enveloping his body in aura of light magic that his soul could channel immense amounts of light magic allowing him to finally draw the bow to its full potential once and for all.

It's release, a word which by itself diminishes the true spectacle of the power unleashed by that bow, was seismic and deafening in one swift, loud and concussive crack that reverberated across the estoc arena and throughout the valley of the twin peaks. Verreene swore she felt her bones rattle within her body and earth tremble beneath such might as the only thought that crossed her mind in that instant he unleashed the power of that bow was, 'what the hell does he kill with that thing.' Surely even the mightiest beast with the strongest hide, plate, and chiten stood no match against its pure destructive power. No doubt even the strongest fortifications of a grand fortress wall could withstand an arrow of sturdy metalwork from that bow. Verreene gazed up to the sky, yet her eyes could not track where the glass tipped arrow had gone.

Satisfied, Annesha nodded saying, "thank you, Taginal. To reiterate," she spoke evenly, turning to Verreene and Chillian as the men turned their backs and began to walk away. "The fight begins the moment the arrow lands. Once it does, be aware there are no rules, no code of honor, chivalry, decency or compassion. Do what is necessary and secure your victory..." She turned and began walking to her corner of the arena ending with one final reminder, "...when the arrow lands."

The princess left Chillian and Verreene to face off on their own as they spectated from the border of the arena floor, ensuring they had proper space to fight a fierce and bloody battle if need be. It was a cruel thing, forcing Verreene to wait in the face of her brother's killer, but she abided the one rule holding fast to her scabbard with hand ready to draw.

Chillian certainly was armed in the manner in which Verreene predicted, with a javelin in each hand and two mighty shields strapped to her stone armaments. They were folded to her back with the shields reaching down to her knees reminiscent of that of a beetle's wings. Verreene visualized her strategy once more as her heart began to race and body tense. Her breathing deepened as the world grew brighter and more clear. She could feel the rage within her begin to take hold, or perhaps it was anxiety. Whatever the case, she couldn't let it obstruct her judgment for one single foul up could easily mean death.

Chillian on the contrary was rather calm and collected reading Verreene like an open book, though that wasn't necessarily saying much. It was clear who had the cooler head here and what warrior of Roe would Chillian be if she didn't exploit that. Annesha herself even said to take any measure necessary so it'd be ignorant to withhold from fanning the flames of rage.

Reaching around her neck, her fingers laced around a silver chain as she said, "Verreene, dear niece of mine, you've read the letter no doubt, it was stolen from my booklet. I thought I had misplaced it but that was a rather foolish assumption I suppose." Verreene didn't respond to her idle talk. She only waited and glared like a crouching tigress ready to pounce. "Say, have you ever pondered upon the meaning of the 'trinket' mentioned in that little letter?" she lightly pulled upon the chain revealing dull crystal encased within a silver clasp. "Take a wild guess, dear."

There was no denying exactly what that crystal was upon first glance. It was a soul crystal with a weak luminescent glow of none other than Galagon Danne. To not only kill him out of jealous envy but to entrap his immortal soul to deny him his eternal afterlife was nothing short of monserterous. Verreene could've taken solace in the idea that at least he was in a better place, that he'd been found by Vrueth, the god of death and the departed, had been guided to Teuse, the guardian of the afterlife, and given such an afterlife. But that concept was shattered in an instant.

She more than loathed her aunt prior to this revelation, but now there simply was no word to properly describe the intense rage and hatred she felt erupting from her body. Her stone armaments unfurled from her back as the fingers grinded into a fist. She withdrew her blade with such speed and force that she flung the scabbard from it's strap, catapulting the leather across the arena floor leaving it to crash into the stands overhead of Annesha's crew.

Sword drawn and pointed, Verreene's stone fists smoldered with an intense heat. It was the touch of blaze, the breath of rage, hatred and anger. It was the favor of the god of flames, Deuth, and he bestowed upon the armaments a potent fire equal in sweltering heat to Verreene's rage. It was fortunate the glass tipped arrow landed then, shattering with an odd harmonious ring, for Verreene certainly would have charged then regardless and she did so with great abandon.

Her rage drove her forward like a moth to an open flame as Chillian readied herself and raised her defense. It was an incredibly simple defense yet immensely effective, proving its worth time and time again during great battles abroad. It relied less on actively attacking and more on the simpletons charging at it to skewer themselves as more and more pile forwards, crushing those in front who blind those behind to the slaughter ahead. Armies twice as large, thrice, four and eight times the force of those in this formation have been felled with ease blinded by nothing more than the battle minded mentality compelling them to lunge face first into a walled formation.

Her javelins were pointed and she expected nothing more or less from Verreene. She would attempt to tackle Chillian's defense and be skewered as a result bleeding out pathetically upon the arena floor without so much as having put up a reputable fight. To see her die in such a fashion before the Princess herself, soon to be lordess, couldn't have been a better final slap in the face to her brother's lineage that would now stand to be extinct and soon forgotten. Chillian would persist, even if she rotted for twenty years, she'd be back to retake what was hers.

Verreene was mere moments away from colliding as Chillian braced herself for impact, yet when she received a jolting force, it wasn't of the nature she expected one shield was batted upward with such force that the straps were ripped from their studs as it flew skywards away from her stone armament's grasp. Chillian reeled in surprise as she stepped back from Verreene's fierce gaze as the girl rotated her blade and readied for a mid-body side slash.

She reeled her weapon so far back, it seemed as though she were batting to fell a tree in one swift strike. The projection was so clear and as blinding as the sun. She was caught winding her weapon that she'd have no time to react if Chillian simply thrusted her javelin at the space where her neck dove between her collar bone. It would be such a tender and effortless blow, like weaving a needle through fine butter.

Yet as Verreene lunged forward into the strike, her blazing stone armament grasped tightly to the shaft of her javelin before pulling it aside making way for Verreene cleaving side swipe to Chillian's body. She raised her shield once more as it was the only recourse she had left. It didn't matter how hard Verreene struck and neither from what angle. At best it would glance harmlessly off the shield's surface, or bite into the side at worst, but even then, Chillian would have ample leverage to yank it from Verreene's grip.

Whatever that first anomaly was, had fled Chillian's mind as the sword struck against the shield's surface. Yet, the blow was neither deflected or caught. It was as if the blade clawed into its side, ripped at it's edge before prying it from Chillian's hand, sending it flying from her grip. She was more than surprised, Chillian was simply speechless, but even if her defense by some miracle had been bested, one undeniable truth was that Verreene over swung and left herself incredibly vulnerable.

With her second javelin she thrust forward, sure to strike a killing blow as Verreene both lacked the center of gravity to properly react as well as proper footing. Yet, like the first, it was harshly gripped by Verreene's second stone armament, yet unlike the first where she wrenched it free, now Verreene pulled inward, yanking Chillian along only to deliver a firmly planted foot to the woman's throat kicking her grip free and sending her landing on her back a fair distance away gasping for air and clinging to her throat.

Though Chillian was winded, she was quick to stand to her feet as her stone armaments curled at her side with fingers balled into a fist, feet apart and ready to fight. Even as Verreene stood with both javelin's in hand as well as a sword Chillian didn't cower, but that wasn't to say she didn't recognise the great disadvantage between them.

"How," she choked briefly. "Cruel… to slay me when I'm so defenseless."

The nerve of this woman, Verreene thought. It was more than fair, she'd simply had been disarmed, but it mattered not as for better or worse, Chillian would be getting what she wanted.

"It's okay," Verreene muttered as she threw the javelins into the dirt. "I wanted to punch you in the face anyways."

It was only when Verreene stepped forward to ground then ground the blade into the earth that she finally understood how her defense had been stripped away so easily. It was in the blade's explicit design, it was the hook bored within the design that allowed the blade to cling to her shield, prying it free of her grasp. Such a utility was unseen by Chillian leaving her to ponder where in the world Galagon could've accrued such a blade for she doubted he had the intellect, cunning or creativity to have a weapon specialty forged. It didn't matter now, all Chillian needed to focus on was delivering a few precise blows while avoiding getting pummeled herself.

When it came to hand to hand combat for a warrior of Roe, having an extra pair of stone fists, certainly ended most encounters. However, given Verreene had an array of her own, it most certainly was a leveled field.

Verreene rushed Chillian as though it were tradition, reeling back to unleash a heavy right handed jab. One which Chillian intercepted with a fist of her own. Yet Verreene wasn't deterred as she lashed out with a left handed which met the same end, before her smoldering right armament lashed out only to once again clash with her mirroring left armament fist. Yet, as she lashed with her smoldering left armament, Chillian was ready to entertain this little clash longer, yet, her right armament never intercepted the blow as she landed a smoldering punch to Chillian's face. It was more than hot enough to sear her skin and though the impact was harsh, Chillian seemed to withstand the blow as it bore into her skin like red hot iron brand.

Verreene flashed a wicked smile at the sight of her handy work, yet in what felt like an instant, Chillian had flicked Verreene's armament away, before latching on to the armament with both hands, turning on her heels, pulling down only to then unleash a crushing uppercut to Verreene's stomach with her only remaining armament. She catapulted Verreene over her shoulder not only pushing with her stone fist against, but throwing her with the grip over her arm as well.

It was in that brief respite Chillian took stock of herself only to notice the hand of her right armament was missing. It was shattered to pieces and useless up to the elbow. She couldn't believe such a blow from Verreene's sword could've caused such damage, but Chillian was done doubting, done toying and done underestimating Verreene. It was time to finish this and finish it quickly.

Verreene crashed through the threshold of the central tower and though she was winded from the guttural punch, she was quick to find her footing turning on her heels only to be met with a large stone fragment of the tower wall. Chillian was quick to advance her attack, weaving two quick series of Xulls, the first to call upon the god of earth Keuth, the second to intensify one's raw influence upon the earth allowing her to shatter and break and send fragments of brickwork flying with a single punch as though the heavy stone debris was nothing more than driftwood.

She weaved her Xull in her left hand, her fingers forming each sign as gracefully, effortlessly and as naturally as one would wave their hand before lashing out with her right fist at the walls of the tower. Verreene tried to resist, tried to dodge, but with each chunk of earth that struck her body so did the strength flee her being.

There was no denying Chillian had Verreene exactly where she wanted. With one final Xull, and one final blow to the tower, it crumbled completely burying Verreene in heavy, crushing stone debris. The weight was immense, and though Verreene could wield her stone armaments, commanding raw and unfamiliar stone was a separate matter.

"You certainly scuffed me up a bit," Chillian muttered as she stood before the rubble. She rubbed her burned face. Her cheek was badly burnt, and no doubt wouldn't heal for months judging by the pain alone. At best it may fade, but she'd certainly be marred for the time being. "I suppose I'll take this as a memento. Though, I very much would've preferred your soul in a stone much like Galagon." She turned her back upon the rubble having already accepted her victory, ending only with, "I'll take care of him, I'm sure he'd love the view of the crushing depths of the Xanthian Sea."

"You… bastard."

The weight was immense, more than anything Verreene had shouldered before. Her body was folded forward, knees to chin as the rubble laid over her body. Her armaments and arms were the only things keeping her head from being crushed. There was no room to move, no room to flex. Her only way out was up, and though it was hard, it was more than necessary.

What did Galagon ever do to Chillian, why did he deserve such baneful treatment? Verreene couldn't condemn his spiritual existence to forever be entrapped within a stone at the bottom of the sea for all eternity. To free herself, to raise up the rubble, to muster the strength to escape, it was necessary. To save to defeat Chillian, to save Galagon's soul, to claim retribution! It was necessary…

Feet planted, shoulders pressed, arms overhead, she fought against the weight of the rubble, against the harsh stone shards that clawed and ripped at her skin. It was as though each muscle in her body burned with exertion unlike anything she felt before, yet she pressed on. It wasn't enough, she needed more strength as a light entwined about her being illuminated a dark crimson, bloody red equal to the hatred burning within Verreene's soul. It elevated her strength beyond normal limits, shattering into an unrefined red aura that plunged Verreene's body into a sea of searing agony, yet such agony was necessary!

Her stone armaments glowed with an intense heat, as the palms of her hand melted the debri overhead. With one final push, she erupted from the rubble like a valkyrie of fire swathed in light unrefined light magic that drove her ability beyond natural means. Chillian hadn't a moment to react before Verreene darted forward faster than comprehension itself before plunging her fists deep into Chillian's abdomen.

The force was so great it swept the woman off her feet as she was flung into one of many stone walls standing upon the arena floor. The initial punch was more than enough to wind Chillian completely as she was plastered entirely to the wall. She only had a single moment to look and see the rage tinted light magic had already subsided from Verreene being as she lept and flung her entire being into Chillian landing both feet first upon her face, kicking the woman through the stone wall in one swift motion. She was catapulted back landing heavily upon the dirt.

Verreene was quick to pick herself up before standing over Chillian who laid there still and unmoving. Kneeling down with legs on either side of her body, Verreene's hand reached down before grasping at the soul crystal necklace before yanking it free. She glared into it with pained eyes, and after a mere moment, there was no denying it in Verreene's eyes.

She could feel his soul, his presence and being. The kindness, the courage, the strength, the comfort and the love he shared for Verreene. It was a feeling she'd long for these many days, a presence she was sorely starved of, and like a starved wolf, she turned savage in the face of opposition. The very one she knelt over, Chillian Danne.

She reeled her fist back further than adequate, and with all the pain in her heart, she let out a savage yet pained cry before unleashing a single blow that crushed Chillian's skull in one single blow. The feeling of her raw skin folding beneath her knuckles as her skull gave in was cathartic to say the least. The blood, the brainmatter upon her fist, a trophy of her might, a testament to her retribution, yet Verreene was far from done, she wanted to eviscerate her body, mutilate her corps, tear her body asunder, rip her limb from limb and carve out her heart with nothing more but the tips of her fingers.

Yet as Verreene raised her fist again to pounder her skull into paste, her body completely seized, refusing to function. It was as though a force came over her being, and with it came burning agony. She fell to her side seething in pain as the muscles throughout her body tensed and locked up entirely. Although it may have seemed supernatural, and in a sense was, it was only the side effect of channeling great quantities of unrefined light magic through her being.

She would endure temporary paralysis and a burning pain comparable to a scorching hot stone throughout her body. Yet as she laid there and endured, Annesha inserted herself into Verreene's vision before kneeling down and tilting her head to match Verreene's canted sight.

"Congratulations Verreene," she spoke in a dissatisfied voice. "You're victorious."

As Verreene glared back weakly, Annesha's men surrounded them before gathering Chillian's body up in their arms.

"N-no," Verreene strained as she fought to regain control over her body only to be refused. "Leave her… I'm… not done yet!"

"You are done," Annesha bluntly asserted. "Your business within the Capital is through. I hope you found precisely what you were looking for, Verreene Danne."

And with that, the Princess and the men walked off leaving Verreene to recover at her own pace upon the grounds of the estoc arena.