
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Ring

"Alex, eight marks!" the teacher exclaimed, causing the majority of the class to burst into laughter.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the short, black-haired student sitting at the back of the classroom. This student was Alex, the one who had received the lowest score on the exam.

"Alex, you should learn from Sam. Despite the exam being challenging, he managed to score 96. How did you end up with just a single-digit score? You're really letting yourself down," the teacher sighed.

The whole class joined in, taunting Alex for his poor performance.

"Ha! He's such a disappointment!"

"Sam truly lives up to his reputation. I don't know how both Alex and Sam got assigned the same class."

"Alex is anything but average. He's become a complete failure!"

The laughter echoed in the classroom until the teacher resumed the lesson.


"That Sam annoys me. He thinks he's superior just because he's good-looking and gets good grades," said Greg, the student sitting next to Alex.

"He's just an immature jerk," Alex replied, with a hint of disdain in his voice.

"Do you want to play volleyball after school?"

"Can't. I have other things to take care of."

"Are you going to visit Mr. Johnson's place again? You're the only one brave enough to go to the old cabin behind the woods. By the way, I have some fantasy novels. Want me to lend one to you?"

"Sure, you can put it in my bag. But you should read fewer novels. It seems like you're addicted," Alex suggested.


After enduring a day filled with monotonous classes, Alex welcomed the sound of the bell signalling the end of the day. He yawned as he gathered his belongings and headed toward the outskirts of the school.

The back of the school was a rarely used entrance that led to a quiet path surrounded by woods.

Mr. Johnson, the school's security guard, was responsible for overseeing this area to ensure the safety of the students and prevent them from wandering off. He had always been a solitary man, with no known relatives or close friends. When he passed away a few days ago, his departure didn't raise many questions, and the school buried him without much ceremony.

Alex and Mr. Johnson had a unique connection. Before his passing, the security guard had entrusted Alex with some items. Today, Alex felt a pang of gratitude and decided to visit the old cabin.

Mr. Johnson used to talk about his ancestry and claimed to possess a rare antique ring that was hundreds of years old.

Alex had seen the ring before. It was a peculiar piece, completely black and far from what one would typically associate with an antique. When Alex took it to an appraiser, he was laughed at and dismissed, told that the ring was nothing more than a cheap trinket. Since then, Alex had stopped believing Mr. Johnson's grand claims.

Yet, he wanted to keep the items left behind by Mr. Johnson as a way to honour his memory.

Mr. Johnson had lived a life of solitude, seemingly unfazed by life and death. Alex hoped that he had found peace in the afterlife. He pondered whether death truly marked the end or if there was a possibility of starting anew somewhere else.

As he opened the box containing Mr. Johnson's belongings, Alex felt a faint, mysterious aura emanating from within. It was an enigmatic sensation, but as a teenager, he found it hard to believe in things like ghosts, destiny and the like.

The ring, with its unassuming appearance, revealed a small detail of interest—the presence of eight minuscule holes, meticulously crafted on its interior.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Alex cautiously slipped the ring onto his finger. Almost immediately, an inexplicable chill crept through his veins, sending shivers down his spine. It was a peculiar sensation, especially considering the summer heat.

"Nah, it's just my imagination," Alex muttered, dismissing any mystical thoughts.

Feeling suddenly overwhelmed by drowsiness, Alex knew he still had work to do that night. Deciding to rest in the old cabin for a while. He arranged his belongings, preparing to rest for a while before heading to the 24/7 supermarket where he worked as a clerk. His shift would start at 10 PM and last until 5 AM.

Lying down on the bamboo mat within the cabin, Alex allowed sleep to claim him. The ring on his finger remained a mysterious presence, yet he couldn't shake off the notion that there was something extraordinary about it.

Hours later, as the sun set below the horizon and darkness took over the place. Little did Alex know that the events set in motion by the enigmatic ring would soon lead him down a path he had never imagined, a sliver of blood-red light seeped through the cracks in the mountains, casting an ethereal glow upon the forest and the quaint thatched cottage nestled within. It resembled a colossal door, slowly closing in the darkness, drawing the radiant light into its depths. With the sun fully disappearing beneath the mountains and dusk settling in, an enigmatic mist of peculiar hues veiled the area beyond, creating an illusion of infinite nothingness.

Unbeknownst to the slumbering youth inside the cottage, a ring adorning his finger emitted an peculair hum, resonating with the reflected mirage that unveiled a new world.

In the city of Evercrest, the renowned Silverbrook Academy which Alex attended stood proudly on the southern side of the mountain. The city itself exuded a vibrant aura, with its bustling streets, charming shops, and majestic buildings adorned with dazzling lights. Evenings in Evercrest were a time of serenity and joy as people concluded their day's work and embraced relaxation. However, if one were to observe closely towards the direction of Silverbrook Academy—on the southern slope of the mountain—one would witness an unusual sight: the campus, which should have been bathed in radiant light, was now enveloped in a mysterious haze.

Within this extraordinary spectacle, a spatial tunnel materialized, spiralling silently as if consuming the very fabric of reality. On one side, the city thrived with its resplendent lights, while on the other, half of the mountain was covered in a peculiar haze. The once tranquil summer evening transformed into a mesmerizing scene, leaving any onlooker who might have seen it awestruck.

Unbeknownst to the youth slumbering peacefully, the epicentre of this spatial phenomenon lay hidden within the thatched cottage behind the mountains. In a cataclysmic surge, the colossal vortex manifested and dissipated, leaving no trace of its existence. Little did the young man realize that he had been transported to a parallel world, forever altering the course of his destiny.

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