
Choruslyne Fate

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What is Choruslyne Fate

Leia o romance Choruslyne Fate escrito pelo autor 01blankspace_1 publicado no WebNovel. In a world ravaged by a catastrophic event 39 years ago, humanity's remnants have clustered into fortified cities and bustling markets behind towering walls, using a mysterious power known as "Force" ...


In a world ravaged by a catastrophic event 39 years ago, humanity's remnants have clustered into fortified cities and bustling markets behind towering walls, using a mysterious power known as "Force" to fend off deadly creatures that emerged from the chaos. Among these survivors is a boy, a resident of a city hidden behind these walls. This boy lives a relatively peaceful life with his best friend until an unknown incident engulfs his city in flames, leaving it in ruins. The boy's best friend perishes in the catastrophe, and he himself suffers grievous injuries, seemingly fatal. Miraculously, despite being burned, crushed, and losing copious amounts of blood, the boy clings to life through sheer willpower and perhaps a deeper connection to the Force than he ever realized. Driven by a burning desire for revenge and answers, he embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the destruction of his city and the forces at play. As he journeys through the dangerous lands outside the walls, he encounters allies and enemies, each with their own stories of survival and loss. The boy's life transforms as he learns to harness the true potential of the Force, facing trials that test his resolve and uncovering secrets that challenge his understanding of the world and the catastrophe that changed it forever. His path of vengeance becomes one of discovery, leading him to confront the creatures and shadowy figures responsible for the devastation, and ultimately, to redefine his purpose in a world on the brink of another upheaval.

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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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