

Third POV:

In this world, races of all kinds lived: humans, demons, elves, goblins, beastmen, and even dragonkin. Dragonkin are especially rare because dragonkin are born from dragons giving their blessing to a human with no magic. All humans in this world have some magic, although their magic is amplified by training. Powerful humans, such as S-Rank magic users, have grimoires. Only the more powerful can create one. Long ago, there lived a powerful man with the last name, Kaguragi. His full name was Kagami Kaguragi. He is the apostle of the saint. Due to his incredible knowledge of magic, he was able to create a grimoire. A saint, Grimoire. Only those with the purest of hearts can open it.

The spirits and a human family raised the apostle of the saint, and he married into the family and created the Kaguragi bloodline. The Kaguragi bloodline is not royalty but has been the royal Magician and scientist for many generations.

It all started with Kagami. Kagami left his Grimoire in the royal castle. The human territory is called Esteria. The king of Esteria watches over the other leaders. In total, there are five leaders in each part of the world. Even though all races are separated, they are welcomed to each land. Even if one person messes with the peace, they are the only one held accountable.

At this moment, Kagami was underneath a tree and enjoying peace. The beginning of the bloodline happened that day.

Suddenly he heard something. He got up and scanned the area with his magic, seeing it as a vampire.

"Who are you," he asked.

The bright-haired vampire collapsed. Kagami walked over to him slowly.

"Mana and blood deficiency, you must be revolting against someone. To refuse what is necessary to survive isn't very bright," Kagami said.

Kagami sat him up; he cut his hand and gave him blood. The vampire opened his eyes. He looked at Kagami and then proceeded to attack him, and Kagami used a restricting spell.

"So, kid, what's your name?"

"I'm older than you, so watch calling me a child," he shouted.


"My name is Byakuri Obenio."

Kagami laughed.

"How come a royal is out here in the sticks," he said.

"Shut up, damn it," Byakuri shouted.

"How old are you anyway?"

"That's none of your goddamn business damn it," he shouted.

"I say because of your mental state, you're probably, 1500 years old, which equals 15 years old in human years. Little teenager, why did you have blood deficiency," he asked.

"Geh, shut up. Wait, how did you know about my condition," he asked.

"I'm an expert with the conditions of other races."

"Could you release me," he asked.

"Well, are you going to attack me?"

"No, maybe," Byakuri said.

Kagami snapped his fingers, and fire appeared around Byakuri.

"I'm sorry I won't attack you, don't kill me, please," Byakuri shouted.

Kagami sighed as he released his magic.

"So what are you doing out here in the human territory, your majesty," he asked.

"I'm exploring, but I didn't drink any human blood. I was going to visit a friend, but apparently, someone took him out after he went out of control."

"You're talking about him, right, Akane Mitsumadi, the ancient dragon?"

"Yeah, someone already beat him," he said.

"I'm the one who defeated him."

"Huh, but they said the royal hero defeated him?"

"Well, the royal hero did, according to what I told them to say to everyone," Kagami said.

"So, that means," Byakuri said while crying.

Byakuri became furious.

"You killed Akane," he shouted as his mana level increased.

"I didn't kill him; I sealed him; only the Sakurai family will be able to have access to him. Only those with pure hearts as well," Kagami said while smirking.

"Akane is sealed, but he's still alive, right," Byakuri shouted.

"Yeah, and you should stop lying about why you're here."

"Shut up, stop using your magic to read me," he shouted.

"Sorry that your so readable, such a predictable little vampire," Kagami said.

Byakuri sighed.

"I give up talking to you," he said as he calmed down.

Kagami smirked a bit.

"Thanks for saving me."

"Oh, you finally thanked me," Kagami said.

Byakuri glared at him but sighed.

"You're the royal Magician, right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"So, why haven't I heard about you?"

"Well, I don't like my name out there too much; I would rather be hidden in plain sight. That's why my actual title is apostle of the saint. I was raised by the spirits and learned magic from them. Because of this, my Grimoire will hold great knowledge when I perish. I will be able to pass that on to a future generation, someone whose heart is pure and full of hope. My spirit will keep this power inside. The apostle of the saint's last hope onto the world."

"What if someone seals the book so no one may receive it?"

"Someone curious enough will look for it; I just know it."

"Well, good luck with that," Byakuri said.

"Yeah, thanks, hey, you might meet them, who knows."

"What if a child possesses your power?"

"That child will be the nation's hope," Kagami said.

"The hope of the nation?"

"Also, if you see anyone with white hair and red eyes, they are my successor," Kagami said with a smirk.

"Well, that is pretty rare," Byakuri thought.

"Byakuri, if you happen to see them, I wouldn't confront them if I were you."

"Why is that?"

"Throughout your battle, their magic would continue to increase."

"Continue to increase. Don't tell me you plan on creating a monster."

"Because of my power, I can give whoever reads it a magic blessing. Their magic will never be consumed."

"Kagami, you're creating a god. Are you crazy?"

"They'll be closer to a demigod if anything," Kagami said.

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