
Cheating gamer in Pokémon world

An unfortunate or fortunate? Soul died from mysterious meteor falling across earth yet before his consciousness could dissipate he was swept into Pokémon verse by the literal gods of that universe. What was the mysterious meteor? It’s cause? effect? What would happen now that the soul was before the very gods in a rather dubious state? Read on To satiate curiosity To soothe boredom To experience a fantastical adventure And discover the ever familiar yet unfamiliar world!

Silentfairy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Gamers system: game start!!

The reincarnated soul from earth finally opened his eyes as he took in the view of his surroundings filled with lush forests of ancient trees. He could make out a hill in the distance where blurred silhouettes moved around. However the pressing matter on hand now was to finally assess himself.

"Status!" Yelled the boy of little stature with hair as dark as a darkrai and eyes with sparkling soft sky blue pupils with white skin looking like an exceptionally cute 5 year old.

[Name: Aeron shine

Age: 5(17)

Gamer traits: stat physiology, gamers protection,

Skill tree.

Talent : Aura(rank10),psychic(rank10),

(All) basic element (rank10)

Rank: 0

Tier: 0

Hit points: 50

Stamina points: 50

Physique: 5

Dexterity: 5

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 5

Soul power: 8 ]


1) super space(level 1)]

[skill points: 0]

[attribute points: 0]

Looking at the status aeron was honestly disappointed.

"Gamer system, is this all your capabilities? Aside from the status all you gave me is three traits.honestly recalling how op systems are from novels I expected more."

"[ gamers system is your ability thus is part of you. It is advised that host advances to evolve the system further.]"

hearing the Al's response left aeron speechless.

"Isn't it just insulting me as weak?"

Shaking his head to get that thought out , Aeron proceeded to enquire about his other questions.

"Let's start from the beginning. What was that meteorite? What are mystic abilities? And why did it manifest as a system?"

"[ the meteorite is unknown to me as well however it surely was an universal treasure to be able to awaken mystic ability.mystic abilities are abilities that form from one's soul origin. However even the beings of highest level cannot come into contact with soul origin thus it is a fortune of gigantic proportion.mystic ability is one's origin thus advancing it will promote oneself.likewise advancing oneself promotes mystic abilities.it is an infinite loop of growth.however as miraculous as mystic ability is even highly advanced life forms fear it for messing ones origin has mostly disastrous effects.among all the meteorite that fell on earth people every single soul but yours was erased from existence the moment they come in contact with it and even you who could absorb the treasure had but a fraction of a second lifetime but the gods of this world saved you from an untimely demise.To answer your last question mystic ability can manifest as anything from as simple as growing one's hair to time traveling. The system admires your luck!]".

"I must have used the luck of my seven generations to come out of that alive." Even thinking back now causes goosebumps to raise in his body.

"Let's not dwell on what has come to pass. So is this really the world of Pokémon I know or does it just resemble it?"

"[the host must find that on his own. A.l does not have any knowledge on anything other than the system or information gained from host.]"

"It is unfortunate although I expected such." Sighed aeron as he finally decided to check himself and take inventory of things the Pokémon trio gave him.

"Hmm~ so giratina made me a body of five years old. Although inconvenient, the pros outweigh the cons."

Looking at himself and wanting to check his appearance, suddenly his picture in 3d appeared on the side of the status panel.

"Huhh?!!" "Did this what the A.L meant by advancing my ability.I don't feel any difference nor are there any changes in my status but the changes in my ability wasn't much either."

Focusing on his appearance he had to admit giratina did a fine job. He had the making of a handsome man. If there was a charm stat,that stat would have been his highest stat.

"So charm wasn't added. A.l is it possible to add other stats that are not here? Like charm,wisdom that are often listed in those game or system novels?

"[negative. The status shows a comprehensive value of all your capabilities. For example charm is actually part of physique. The more numerical value shows the more 'perfect' you are physically. On the other hand if you gain additional capability such as wielding aura it would be added to your status.]"

"Got it. Let's see everything else those three gave me." Saying so, Aeron took off his bag pack that was on his back and opened it to take inventory of everything.

Inside the bag, the first thing that was more noticeable than anything else was a beautiful green white egg the size of a little more than a football.

Seeing the egg aeron smiled for the first time in this life as he slowly caressed it.

"So you will be my first Pokémon. Giratina is specially said to take care of you and keep you safe. If a god Pokémon said that you must be a special Pokémon. I looked forward to having you by my side."

Saying so for the first time he used his super space as he tried to stored the egg there for the moment.

The usage of this skill was so natural like the space was a part of him. It was like how eating comes so naturally to open the mouth and….

Looking at the egg he didn't finished that thought and silently stored the egg.

Looking at the other things inside, there was only a crystal that held his promised knowledge that he stored in his space. as for things such as food and water the dragons said that had been arranged. "I wonder what they mean…."

Looking around his surroundings again he noticed something coming towards him.

The Pokémon that arrived before him had four arms,muscular body,a mouth wide beaklike appendage and blue skin tone.

Guess who's the mysterious Pokémon?

"Machamp!!!" Yelled inner aeron inside himself as jumped in excitement seeing the first Pokémon after coming to this world. The legendary dragon trio doesn't count since that encounter had been in outer space.

"It's not because they are giant terror inducing dragons unlike their cute little anime counterparts. Absolutely not!ha..ha..haahaa…"

But he tried not to make fool of himself. And a 5 year old kid getting excited watching a big Pokémon isn't unusual.

"Maachamp maaa…" said the pokemon as he overlooked the kid's sparkling eyes as he first pointed to himself then aeron and lastly to the distant hills.

Seeing the gestures, Aeron immediately understood that this was the legendary trio's arrangement.

Afterall he was not born as a baby here.he didn't have anyone to rely upon here.nothing of sustenance, nothing of value nor anyone familiar more than anything else he did not have a background. If it's like that he wouldn't be able to operate in human society much less becoming a pokemon trainer.

"So mixing among pokemon is an opportunity for me to integrate into this world. Besides the Pokémon in front of me is machamp. The Machop line of Pokémon are exceptional even among fighting type Pokémon and because of their human-like physiology this is the best opportunity for me to train.and when the opportunity arrives he could play the sympathy card of being abandoned in the forest growing with the pokemon on naive trainers to integrate in human society.besides,I won't be missing much because I can gain all the knowledge I need from the knowledge crystal. So spending a few years here will be beneficial and I'm just five.time is the least I'm lacking."

Following the machamp We arrived at the hill in just half an hour. However the view left Aeron breathless because this was no 'hill' but a large community littered with all kinds of fighting type Pokémon and currently there were groups of fighting type Pokémon crowding around the entrance of the hill with more coming from the outside.

Judging from the situation they were searching for me in the vicinity and from their reaction it feels like I'm their prince or young master.

"Oh well, good for me. The legendary trio's made my life a lot easier."

I began to look around, recognizing most of the pokemons there were machop line,mankey line, tyrogue and its three evolution hitmonlee,hitmonchan and hitmontop.

There are even other gen pokemon here though I guess gen isn't a thing here.

There are common ones like makuhita and it's evolution hariyama, heracross,breloom,lopunny etc.

Then there are rare ones like hoen starter combusken and blaziken, sinnoh starter monferno and infernape. I even saw a riolu peeking from a corner.

This is a fighting type paradise!!

Suddenly, the crowd parted as a pokemon with calm and wise temperament slowly came toward me appraising me from head to toe.

However i was anything but calm because the pokemon is a Mega medicham just walking peacefully without a trainer or key-mega stone around.

"This really isn't the pokemon world i know."