
Chapter 8: Theater Battle

Word Count: 2441

'I still can't figure out why it won't work…' I had been racking my brain for the last five days as I trained, all my attempts on making my own Innate Technique failed.

I needed inspiration, to be pushed to my very limit, but it seemed that opportunity wouldn't come true any time soon.

Chat Group communication has been very limited these days, with only a few messages exchanged in the past five days.

Meanwhile, here, I had taught Junpei a variety of ways to apply his cursed energy, that also reminds me, while I was struggling, Junpei unlocked his Cursed Technique right away, but it didn't fall into the category of Innate Technique, and instead Shikigami.

He had his very own Unique Jellyfish Shikigami, Moon Dregs, it's what he was nicknamed after in the Chat Group, I also had a chance to meet his Mother, Nagi Yoshino, she was quite happy Junpei had made a friend.

'Hah… It seems I still lack the skill and talent to create my own Innate Technique' I disdainfully thought as I lazed around as I was still a little fatigued from training.

But as I looked up, Junpei seemed to be getting ready to leave somewhere, "Junpei, are you going to watch Human Earthworm 3 again?"

"Yeah, even after watching it the last two times, I'm still trying to figure out what's good about it, unlike Human Earthworm 2, it was super boring!"

Hearing this I stopped lazing around, and got up "Ah, I guess I have no choice to accompany you." Mahito hadn't appeared the last two times, but I wanted to take care of him before he unlocked his Domain Expansion, at that point he would be an even bigger pain to deal with.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." Junpei replied as If I didn't actually want to go, and was just doing so as courtesy, which… was wrong!

"I'm already too invested in this, if you're going to find out what's good about the movie, than I am too!" it genuinely wasn't an excuse just to fight Mahito, I was a committed fellow, I would find out if Human Earthworm 3 was a good movie!

Junpei sweat dropped at how passionate I was, but agreed to let me come, "Alright let's go then."


It was starting to seem like it was going to be a regular watching of Human Earthworm 3 again, except for the three loud people in front of us, which Junpei seemed visibly angry at.

"Those annoying bastards, If this viewing wasn't free I would've shut them up with forc-" Junpei's eye's widened, and he quickly shut me up by placing his hand over my mouth.

"I can sense something, It's ominous…" Junpei whispered to me, 'Mahito? But if that's the case…'

"Hey guys~, let's mind our manners, okay?" With a sadistic tone, a loud scream rang out, "AGHHH-" and with the sudden cut-off of the scream, blood splattered everywhere, before he turned away, leaving three heavily deformed bodies.

∘Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist∘

Multiple hits connected in a split second, to the oblivious Mahito who had his back turn.


Mahito was sent flying into the projector screen.

Mahito coughed up a mouthful of blood, "Kugh, Pugh...", spitting the rest out at the end.

As he Wiped the blood away from his mouth he revealed a wicked grin as he got up, the bleeding of his chest had stopped, "Kahahaha, how unlucky for me to run into a jujutsu sorcerer in all places~" he taunted with a sadisticness in his voice.

Although his chest healed, his soul still took damage from the cursed energy in my attack.

This was because of his Cursed Technique, Idol Transfiguration, it allows Mahito to reshape souls on his whim, changing his own form, or others, along with moving his soul around to prevent cursed energy from harming it.

Turning over to Junpei who had also gotten up from his seat, I gave him advice on what to do, "Junpei, cover your soul in Cursed Energy, Poison won't work on him so save your Shikigami for later, and whatever you do, don't let him touch you."

"Ah, My Technique was seen through so easily~, what a shame, but that won't be a problem~" Mahito taunted as both legs turned into that of a deer, and he dashed forward!

'Fast!' Mahito was really intent on landing a hit with Idol Transfiguration!

But if he could do me in just by relying on his Cursed Technique, I wouldn't have had the confidence to come here in the first place!

As he came into my attack range, I grabbed his wrist, before punching him square in the face, but as I did, his neck stretched disgustingly like rubber.

Sweeping his feet his balance was destroyed, and as I quickly released his wrist, spikes attempted to pierce my hand.

Dodging backwards, he turned shaped himself into something that looked like a sea urchin, as dozens large spikes protruded from his entire body.


The spikes were incredibly sharp, they managed to pierce the floor and ceiling with ease, a hit from that would be fatal.

Keeping my distance, Mahito changed back to his regular form, as Junpei was preparing a sneak attack from behind.

But it seemed Mahito was having fun, as he started to let out sadistic laughter, "Kehehehe, you're strong! What grade are you?!"

"I'm just a simple sorcerer." I replied trying to by time for Junpei who was looking for an opportunity.

"How boring~!" Mahito shouted as he charged again at me.

'Perfect!' facing Mahito's attack, I knew countering it would create the perfect opportunity for Junpei.

Mahito's hand changed into that of a blade, as he swung it, I ducked narrowly as It devastated the theater seats behind me.

Jumping back, I made a small bit of room for myself, it was now the perfect time.

"Junpei now!" sending the confirmation to Junpei, he sprung out from behind the seats aiming a blow toward's Mahito's face.

'What?!' reacting barely, Mahito saw Junpei's fist about to connect to his face, but as he moved his soul to avoid being hurt, Junpei's fist changed course and follwed his soul.


The sheer force of the punch Junpei threw, created a hole directly through Mahito's chest, and into the theater wall!

(E/N Kakoyin!)

"KUGH, Kaff, Kah!" Mahito was spitting up blood more violently than before, as the force of the punch was on a different level of Itadori's due to Junpei's Heavenly Restriction.

As Mahito pulled himself up from the ground, didn't bother wiping the blood away from his mouth this time, and instead only carried a creepy smile on his face.

Seeing him get up, I was thinking he was the embodiment of a cockroach, "He's still alive, be on guard!"

Junpei sent a nod as a confirmation, before Mahito decided to make his move.

Mahito shaped his hand into a massive drill bit before it started rotating crazily, and sent it flying at Junpei as his arm streched out behind it, which was still attached to him.

Seeing this his attack I yelled words of warning to Junpei, "Watch out!"

"I know!" Junpei showed confidencde as cursed energy flowed from his back summoning Moon Dregs, who Junpei drapped over himself taking the hit for him.


Jumping up, I sliced off the remnant of Mahito's arm with a swift movement of my hand, but it didn't do anything as he had quickly regrown it, though from the blow Junpei dealt, I could see he was hurting.

"Here's a surprise for you~!" Mahito devilishly said as he tossed dozen's of small idol's that he carried, he was heading for the ceiling vent!

But it seemed like the idols weren't supposed to stall us in a fight, because as they started to transform they grew many times there size forming a large sudo wall!

'Shit, I won't let him get away.' as I thought about having Junpei smash through the wall, I suddenly had a better idea!

"Junpei , quick, give me a boost!"

"Got it!" Junpei extending his hands forming a platform for my right foot.

Extending my thumb, index, and middle finger in a clawed fashion, the light blue aura of my fist changed to a noticeable pinkish-red color.


Jumping with my left foot that was still on the ground, Junpei boosted my right foot sending my flying into the air.

As my fists spun around, a whirlwind of razor sharp blades was formed!

∘Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist∘


Massive ring's were cut into the ceiling, and were sent onto the roof, but as I landed "safely", I could feel the torn muscles of my arms and right leg, but they could be ignored, because I had noticed something worse.

The cover for the vent on top of the roof was dented and thrown to the side, it was obvious that he got away!

The anger on my face was obviously noticeable, and I couldn't help but to yell in anger, "Damn it!", I couldn't even pursue him, as in public, innocent people make get caught up in it, he had gotten away.

But as Junpei jumped up on to the ceiling to meet me, it looked like he already knew due to my shout.

Junpei seemed frustrated not being able to stop him, but he also reminded me of something important, "We should probably get out of here." although the theater rooms were soundproof as they played the movie volume extremely high, I don't think it could stop the sound of a massive hole being ripped through their roof

"Before hand lets take care of the Idol wall."

Jumping back down I decided to use Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist to destory it, although it would injury the muscles in my arms again, haste was of upmost importance.

(A:N Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, can effect the Idol wall, because the Idol's Mahito uses are transfigured humans, he still can't use Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist with Cursed Energy.)

As I looked at the sad looking faces on the wall crying out in pain, I felt bad the only thing I could do is put them out of the misery.

But as soon as I finished destorying the wall, something peciular happened.



You Have Leveled Up!


'I feel dirty, leveling up by killing a bunch of innocent transfigured humans...'

"Come on lets go!" Junpei shouted down from the roof top.

Hearing Junpei's shout I snapped out of my thinking and jumped back up, "Coming!"


Sitting on the steps to the river bank, we had successfully escaped, and I couldn't help let out a breath of relief, "Hah…"

But as I turned to Junpei it looked like there was something on his mind, "Is everything okay Junpei?"

"Chara… I knew those people who died, although I didn't like them, it was like my body just couldn't move to stop that spirit."

Hearing his answer, I couldn't help but feel bad, but I knew it wasn't his fault "Not even the Strongest Sorcerer can save everyone, it's not your fault, what we fought today was a Special-Grade Spirit, just one mistake... and I'm not sure we could of survived it, although, we couldn't save those three, there are many more who will need saving in the future."

"But what about Curse User's?, I don't want to kill anyone..." Junpei was obviously conflicted.

"I don't want to either, but sometimes fate has other plans, you'll cross that path when you get there, and with your Shikigami, restraining them will always be an option."

Junpei seemed to come to a conclusion for himself, "If killing someone means tainting my soul… then I just can't do it."

Seeing Junpei so determined on something other than movies put a smile on my face. "Good, I wouldn't take anything else as an answer, come on, let's head home, I'm starving."

But Junpei had something else on his mind, "But what about all that commotion we just caused, I don't think I'll ever be allowed back, and won't the police be after us, I'm too young for jai-!"

seeing Junpei freak out, I continued to walk casually as I replied, "Calm down, the police won't come for us... Jujutsu Sorcerer's will."

Junpei was speechless

Junpei seemed speechless, "Isn't that worse?!"


"Hah... Hah... Hah..." Mahito was breathing heavily, he had escaped from the movie theater and escaped directly to his sewer hide-out, but after that fight he couldn't help but to chuckle to himself!

"Hmm, you seem worn out, but in good spirits none the less." a voice creeped out from the shadows, as the man showed himself.

"Hahaha! Geto, you won't believe what happend!" Mahito seemed to be in an even better mood seeing his friend.

Seeing the interest on Geto's face, Mahito started explaining with a crazed expresion, "While I was searching for a new toy, I had run into a couple of sorcerer's, but they weren't like those weaklings before!"

Geto seeing the injuried state Mahito was in, he couldn't help but be curious on who they were "They seemed to did a number on you, did you recognize them?"

Mahito, seemed to think for a second before replying, "No, but the one with the brown hair, he completely overwhelmed me in hand-to-hand combat, while the black haired one, he was my natural enemy~!"

"Heh, that narrows it down." Geto said sarcastically, sometimes Mahito was to childish for him.

Mahito seemed to catch on to Geto's dissapointment, and replied, "Don't worry, I have a feeling that we'll meet again."

Geto seemed to already understand this, and reminded Mahito of his plans, "Let's just focus on letting Tokyo Jutsu High retrive the remaining fingers in our custody."

"Yeah, I know, I'll guess I'll just have to play with them another time." Mahito said somewhat disappointedly.

"if you understand, I'll take my leave now." Geto replied as he wandered into the darkness disappearing.

. End Chapter .

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed today's chapter, leave a power stone to support me.

My Thoughts:

It was actually my first time writing a fight scene, so that's why there wasn't a post yesterday, I wanted to take time to learn how to write a good one, and I think it turned out pretty well, I also thought I was taking it to fast with Chara's progression in stregenth, so I decided to slow it down, anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the fight scene, and chapter.

Editor: Orvar

Orvar Quote: "Kakyoin!" as featured in E/N.

Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed today's chapter, leave a power stone to support me.

OsloTheUnkowncreators' thoughts
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