
Chat Group: Hate

Arriving in Purgatory, Yuuma got the key to escape through pure luck, but to get out, he has to activate a chat group?! ~~~ Bonus Tags: #Slow Pace #Average Writing #NoHarem

OsloTheUnkown · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6: Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist.

Word Count: 1855

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Embarrassed." Junpei spoke, of course he was, he was laying down covered in sweat on a pile of towels, to 'prevent his bed getting ruined.' at first he didn't understand, but due to the pain of being bound, he was sweating heavily, he had to drink a lot of water just to stop dehydration from occurring.

"That's not what I meant, has the pain stopped?"

"Ugh, yeah, my body is really sore." Junpei replied as he started to move off the bed of towels I made for him.

"You're still covered in sweat, go take a shower you smell, I'll be in the living room." I said as I covered my nose, I would complete my Taijutsu quest in the meantime.

"Alright." with a nod Junpei entered the bathroom, while I left and made a break for the kotatsu in the living room.

And as I sat there alone, I finally searched up the Taijutsu Style I was interested in.


Current Exchange Points: 5000

Taijutsu: Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist - 2300 [Buy]

Overview: leading enemies around the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river, the perfect blend of offense and defense.


'Hmm, It's cheaper than I thought, this gives me an idea…'


Current Exchange Points: 5000

Taijutsu: Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist - 5000 [Buy]

Overview: by using Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist in one's left hand and Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist in their right, the shockwaves unleashed from this technique are strong enough to turn even debris into powder within the vicinity.


'Could my body handle such a technique?' I wasn't completely sure, perhaps my body would be torn to shreds before I unleash even one attack, but in the end, It was a combination of techniques that created this style, I could use them individually until I was strong enough.

So I had made by decision.

You have successfully purchased [Taijutsu: Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist]

I stood there not feeling anything different, but as I was about to say something, the strange feeling of being lightheaded hit me.

I feel to the ground, and laid down breathing heavily, I felt like I was going to pass out, as I laid on the floor for what felt like forever.

But as the feeling stopped, I rolled over on to my back before contemplating something…

"These memories, they're not real." I exclaimed, after nearly fainting, I could now recall a set of memories, I was in an empty field where I had practiced all three styles, but they were obviously not real, I had been sitting here the entire time, something like that wouldn't fool me.

But at the same time, I could feel it, the experience I gained was definitely real, I could recall the muscle memory and the knowledge of each move.

But at the end of the day it was all fake!

It wasn't earned by me! It felt like I walked into a store and bought a gun, this wasn't the kind of strength I wanted!

But sadly there was nothing I could do about it now since I already had learned it, next time I wanted to learn something, I would just buy the written version of the technique, it would probably save me points too.

Stopping my complaints, I got up from the cold ground and walked out into Junpei's backyard to test out my new style.

Getting into stance blue aura spread around both hands, I would test out Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, it was noted as the 'Ultimate Defensive Art' in the world of One Punch Man.

I moved my fists around me in different motions, which created several afterimages with the blue aura, each resembling a flowing river.

Moving my right fist forward I hit the air with my attack.

The attack was effective, as the aired rumbled loudly and a small shockwave was created, blasting dirt and dust off the ground, and scaring off the birds.

But I didn't have time to be surprised about the power of my attack, as I held my right arm in pain.

"Ugh…" I exclaimed in pain lowly as I bit my lip to stifle the pain, I couldn't tell what injury my arm attained, but it was obvious I had most likely torn most of the muscles in my arm, as I couldn't move it.

But in just a few moments, a quick burst of warmth hit my arm, and the muscles in my arm were healed, 'It seems I still haven't found the limit of my regeneration…' after trailing off my thoughts were interrupted.



Learn A Taijutsu Style * [F] * Completed

Description: Taijutsu is a basic for combat, even master swordsmen at least knew the basics, 'Learn a Taijutsu Style to keep your self protected.

Task: Learn a Taijutsu Style.

Rewards: 5 Attribute Points.

Accept Rewards?



You have received your Rewards!


(A:N Picking no wouldn't make you lose your rewards it would just close the window, and you could claim it whenever.)

I had already expected that I would complete the quest around now, so I already knew what to spend the points on.


Spirit increased by 5!


Feeling the same warm feeling as when my hand regenerated except it was across my entire body, I felt extremely relaxed for a few moments he was happening.

"Hm, I feel stronger now." I exclaimed, my body felt lighter, and I could sense another energy around me, did just five attribute points creature such a difference?


Status: Healthy

Name: Chara

Title: (None)

[LV: 0]

Cursed Chakra : High Chunin * Full

STR 21* DEX 19* VIT 9129*

INT 23* SPI 8* CON 22*

Attribute Points: 0

Affinities: Lightning.


Kekkai Genkai: Adaption: LV 11^

Stealth: LV 5

Wood Carving: LV 7

Sketching: LV 12


Looking at my stats I was confused, I had just checked them before I used the five attribute points, but along with Spirit, all my other stats increased, even my stupidly high Vitality increased, but that wasn't the craziest thing!

Cursed Chakra?!

'I don't even have Cursed Energy, so how did both energies somehow mix?' I thought still confused, until I had realized the culprit…

Adaption… I hadn't realized it up until now, I hadn't expected both energies to merge, let alone boost my stats, but that was only a theory.

Perhaps It's because I put points in Spirit, I couldn't be 100% sure, but a similar boost happened last time my body adapted to Chakra, there was a good possibility that Adaption was indeed the culprit.

'Ugh… this is too confusing.' I spoke to myself inwardly as I let out a large sigh and walked back inside, I would practice my Taijutsu again later, with the increase in my Strength and Constitution perhaps I could handle it the strain.

Entering through Junpei's sliding glass door, I decided to laze around until he appeared, which he eventually did several minutes later.

"Sorry it took me a while."

"Don't sweat it, so… do you feel stronger now?" I asked as I inspected him a little more closely, he wasn't thin anymore, his muscles were clearly defined, it even seemed like he was a little taller.

"Uh, a little too strong, I accidentally broke a few things, and I'm pretty sure I need some new clothes." Junpei emitted slightly embarrassed as he directed my attention to the 'baggy pants' and 'large hoodie' he was wearing, it seemed his regular wardrobe wouldn't fit him anymore.

"I see, well, we can make time later, but right now I want to show you something follow me." I said before getting up and having him follow me into his backyard.

Walking into the center of the yard I turned around to face Junpei, "I'll be showing you how to flow your Cursed Energy, so pay attention" Junpei's curiosity was piqued, and gave a nod of confirmation.

Sitting down in the Lotus position, I started explaining, "there is a world of difference between being able to sense jujutsu and being able to use it, control over cursed energy requires innate skill and vigorous training, a calm mind is key when you're manipulating your energy."

"So all I have to do is keep a calm mind while flowing my energy?" Junpei asked while noting the information down in his mind.

"Yes, once you get the hang of manipulating your energy, you'll be able to move on to applying your cursed energy, although you'll have to be careful during this process, or you might start using the Divergent Fist Technique." I explained, Junpei with his new extreme Psychical Powers might flow his energy with a delay similar to Itadori.

"Divergent Fist?" Junpei asked curiously about the Technique.

"It's when you flow your cursed energy with a delay, it creates two separate impacts, one psychical and the other created by the cursed energy after the psychical hit, although it's useful, it'll stop you from performing the Black Flash in the future, so it's best you get used to applying your Cursed Energy right as you hit lands." I said finishing answering Junpei's question.

But it seemed he had another one.

"Um, sorry for all the question's what is a Black Flash?" Junpei questioned once again, but it was understandable as my explanation did raise the question after all.

"A Black Flash occurs when you apply cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit, the distortion causes cursed energy to flash black, multiplying the destructive power of a normal hit, here is no sorcerer who can use it at will, but those who have unleashed Black Flash gain an advanced understanding of cursed energy far beyond those who have not."

"I-I see…" Junpei seemed a little overwhelmed by all the information, but I consider him ready to begin.

"Alright, sit in the Lotus position like I am, and attempt to flow your energy at the same time keeping your emotions calm, once you get the hang of it, we'll move on to a harder version.

"Got it." Junpei seemed a bit excited, but after sitting down, he cleared his mind, and began manipulating his Cursed Energy.

I would also practice the same exercise as he did, after all, I had the same experience with manipulating energy as he did, but it seemed I had innate talent due to not being born with Cursed Energy or Chakra, I was a lot more sensitive!

Or, so I think, perhaps I was just stroking my own Ego...

. End Chapter .

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My Thoughts.

Orginally I was just going to have Chara buy Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, but after reading the One Punch Man manga, I've decided to give him Cross Fang Dragon Slayer Fist, although he isn't able to perform it just yet, as he gets stronger, he'll be able to use it freely.

Editor: Orvar


Orvar's Quote's While Editing.

"Why don't you give him Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist?"



If you enjoyed today's chapter consider leaving a power stone.

OsloTheUnkowncreators' thoughts