
Chapter Seven: Goldens POV: The Reminder

Song Recommended: Carry you By Ruelle, Fleurie

The streets weren't as deserted as last night, the living moved with purpose in the bright morning as they hurried to their cars and past each other on the pavements. Some greeted through the rush, others blatantly ignored each other yet they moved.

He watched her despite the crowded streets. Wanting to make sure that he didn't lose her through the rush or even allow her to interact with the living. He was sure that her mind was still trying to understand everything that was in front of her and he wouldn't blame her for that.

After all, sooner or later, this would become her life and he wouldn't be here to help her forever. He wasn't even sure why he was helping her as is. He could see the excitement and curiosity in her eyes as they moved and she took in the sight. He noticed what she approved of and what made her dislike something within a few moments of paying attention.

He could see how her face glowed when she caught sight of mothers or fathers holding their children's hands. When she caught sight of friendly exchanges and how some people complemented each other. How partners greeted and walked past with their hands held.

The innocent gestures.

The little things mattered most to her.

Woman …

"How much further?" she asked as they stopped by the sidewalk. He pulled out his phone, waiting for the uber to arrive as he had requested it. "Two minutes for the car, fifteen minutes to the place and then we will see what will happen from there," he said, and right then he saw the car they were waiting for.

"Let's go." He said as he opened the door and gestured for her to enter. After entering the car, he shut the door and rounded the car to enter on the other side. "Good morning, straight to your destination?" the driver asked.

"Yes please, if you could make it quick, we would really appreciate it," he responded as he locked eyes with the driver on the rearview mirror. "Got it. Not a problem."

"Where are we going?" she asked as she stared out the window, taking in the view as the car moved. He could see how she gripped onto the edges of the pants. It was clear that she was trying not to overreact and honestly, he wouldn't blame her. Here she was on earth without the slightest clue of what had happened to her.

Now she had to just move without really asking questions and without even knowing if she could trust him or not. He didn't know how to be kind to her or even know how to help her fully. He was already afraid that his mother would find out that he was close to an angel.

He wasn't supposed to be next to the beings. He was taught to hide from them for a reason. Yet he always tried to see them without being close to them, now look, he was helping one of them. And if one of his mother's spies, informed her about this, she would not be pleased.

Not one bit.

The car suddenly came to a harsh halt, causing him to jolt out his thoughts. He looked towards the angel and she looked slightly shaken by how the car had stopped. He turned to the driver with and looked with at him with irritation and noticed why he had stopped so suddenly. Different cars had begun to turn from the front and go back in the direction they had come.

The place was finally discovered.

"We'll be getting off right here, it's fine." He said as he pulled out his wallet and paid the driver. "Are you sure? I'm sure there's another way to get up there," he said. "No, no, no don't worry. We will be alright. Thank you." He said as he opened the door and gestured for her to follow him.

Taking a different path so that they wouldn't have to be blocked off by the authorities. He directed her onto a passage that was barely known and just as they turned, the view came into view. The gaping hole was as huge as he remembered, yet now with the sun out, it looked more disterous.

This would definitely bring unwanted attention to the earth and many creatures would be crawling around to figure out what heaven had done this time. Looking around he tried to see if there were any cameras or officers around that would block him from bringing her closer to the scene.

To the very scene where she had laid in.

Once sure that there was no one to block him, he gestured at her to follow him and she did yet he noticed her slow down. She seemed confused about why he had brought her to such a place and he wouldn't blame her.

A hole?

Why would he lead her to such a place? The road was destroyed, it was clear to see that something had ruined it with force. The figure within the hole was also the very thing that made him more curious. It was a human figure but the closer she got to it, the more she noticed the little details.

He watched her crunch down and run her fingers on the details of the humanly figure. Specifically on the part where her wings should have been. She could see how it was and he knew that it was only a matter of time before she discovered the truth.

"Lay on your back." He advised her. She looked up at him with a confused gaze but then began to lay down.

Perfect fit.

She didn't want to react, she didn't want to cry but the pain she felt from just laying on that ground was unbearable. It felt as though it was stuck in her throat and she wasn't ready to let it out. Her eyes could only look up, the sun was bright and it slightly caused her eyes to burn.

But then she felt it, she felt the shake of the ground, felt the pain on her back where her wings were. The daylight was gone and she was suddenly on her knees. Crying and begging for Him to change his mind and give her mercy. Hoping that her father would try and speak on behalf of her.

Yet he didn't.

They cut off her wings and they made her a mere mortal. They cast her out of heaven and made her a fallen angel for doing the right thing. She could feel her tears slip from her eyes. Feel how they burned her.

"Where do I go from here?" she whispered, feeling fear sink in as she felt utterly alone. "There's a thing humans do, even in the toughest situations. They could be homeless or suffer from the most horrible disease. They carry on and trust that later it will become better." He said

"What do they trust in?"

"Usually … themselves."

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